Ottawa county, and create joint district No. 29, of Cloud and Ottawa counties. House bill No. 418, An act to disorganize school district number 64 in Haskell county, Kansas, and attach the same to school district number 12 in said county. House bill No. 422, An act to vacate certain parts of original town sites of the city of Sedgwick, Harvey county, state of Kansas. Judiciary: House bill No. 400, An act entitled "An act to repeal chapter 185 of the session laws of 1891." House bill No. 413, An act for the appointment of a deputy coroner in counties with a population of 40,000 or over. House bill No. 417, An act to amend the provisions of the code of civil procedure, being chapter eighty of the general statutes of 1868, relating to revivor, and to repeal certain sections of said chapter. Hygiene and Public Health: House bill No. 402, An act relating to proprietary medicines and to regulate the sale and barter thereof, and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions hereof. Ways and Means: House bill No. 403, An act appropriating certain moneys, and instructing the superintendent of insurance to pay the same to fire departments of the state qualify ing under this act. House bill No. 408, An act granting a pension, and making appropriation to Thomas W. Reed, of Marion County, Kansas. House bill No. 416, An act granting a pension to O. S. Fulton, of Sedgwick county, Kansas. Fees and Salaries: House bill No. 404, An act regulating the fees and saiaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, probate judge, register of deeds, clerk of the district court, county superintendent of public instruction and sheriff of Cowley county, Kansas, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. House bill No. 419, An act regulating the fees and salaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, probate judge, register of deeds, clerk of the district court, county superintendent of public instruction. and sheriff of Cowley county, Kansas, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. State Affairs: House bill No. 406, An act to remove the political disabilities of S. T. Caldwell and restoring him to citizenship. Education: House bill No. 407, An act providing for the education of children who are inmates of poor asylums in this state. Agriculture: House bill No. 411, An act relating to burning fire guard, and amendatory of sections 6 and 7, chapter 263, session laws of 1895. House bill No. 412, An act relating to the herd law, and amendatory of paragraph 6785, section 21, of the general statutes of 1889. House bill No. 420. An act relating to the rebuilding and repairing of division fences, and amending sections. 3070 and 3072 of the general statutes of 1889, and to repeal such original sections. Charitable Institutions: House bill No. 414, An act to prevent abandonment, pauperism and abuse of children. House bill No. 415, An act to indemnify the state of Kansas from loss by the misdemeanors or prosecution and punishment of children imported into the state by persons or corporations from without the state, and to provide for placing the children in the state institutions into carefully selected family homes. Printing: House bill No. 421, An act to provide for an official county paper, its selection and compensation. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. MR. SPEAKER: I am directed by the Senate to inform the House that the Senate has passed Senate concurrent resolution No. 12, Relating to a joint session of the Senate and the House of Representatives for the election of a United States senator, and the resolution is transmitted herewith. M. WATSON, Secretary. Senate concurrent resolution No. 12 was read, and is as follows: Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring therein, That a joint session of the two houses be held in Represenative hall on Wednesday, January 27, A. D. 1897, at 12 o'clock M., for the election of a United States senator. The resolution was adopted. House concurrent resolution No. 10 was read. Mr. Fitzgerald moved that the resolution be amended by inserting the words “ ways and means," and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, which motion prevailed. The resolution was adopted as amended. THIRD READING OF BILLS. Substitute for House bill No. 222, An act making appropriations to the state normal school for current expenses for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1897, June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899, was read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 91, nays 0; absent or not voting, 31. Gentlemen voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Armstrong. Barkley. Basgall, Bean, Bennett, Bradley, Brooke, Brown of Cowley, Brown of Greeley. Brown of Pratt, Burkholder, Burtis, Carr, Cassin. Clark. Crosby, Dalton, Davis, De Witt, Dingus, Doyle, Epperson. Ernst, Farrell, Feighner, Finney, Fitzgerald, Foley, Fouts. Gates, Geissler, Gillespie, Goodno, Gray, Grimes, Hackbusch, Harbaugh, Haywood, Heckman, Heminger, Hibner, Ingle, Irwin, Jackson of Comanche. Jackson of Harvey. Jamieson, Jaquins, Johnson of Chase, Johnson of Labette, Johnson of Nemaha, Jones. Keddie, Keefer, Kelson, Larimer, Lawson, Lewis, Lobdell, Longley. Loomis, Marks, Marty, McCarthy, Merrill. Metzler, Moore, Muenzenmayer, Palenske. Patton, Perry, Polson. Ravenscraft. Reed, Richards, Russell, Rutledge, Seaton, Shouse. Singleton, Smith of Sherman, Stevens, Stoner, Trueblood, Turner. Ury, Vogelgesang. Ward, Wehrle, Weilep. Wright, and Mr. Speaker Street. Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Aker. Bacon, Barker, Botkin, Buell, Conger, Cubbison, Fairchild, Fell, Fulton, Graves, Hackney, Harvey, Henley, Hollembeak, Lambert of Lincoln, Lambert of Lyon, Malin, Maxwell. McGrath, McKeever. Mott, Outcalt, Rothweiler, Seaver, Simmons, Smith of Brown, Stuart, Tapscott, Taylor. Wallace, Walters, Williams, Wilson. A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. Substitute for House bill No. 307, An act making an appropriation to pay for postage, expressage and freight. on the tenth biennial report of the state board of agricul ture, was read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 91, nays 0: absent or not voting, 34. Gentlemen voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Armstrong, Barkley, Basgall, Bean, Bennett, Bradley, Brooke, Brown of Cowley, Brown of Greeley, Brown of Pratt. Buell, Burkholder. Burtis, Carr, Cassin, Clark, Crosby, Dalton. Davis, DeWitt. Dingus. Doyle. Ernst. Farrell, Feighner. Finney, Fitzgerald. Foley, Fouts. Gates. Giessler. Gillespie, Goodno. Gray, Grimes. Hackbusch. Harbaugh. Haywood. Heckman. Heminger, Hibner, Hollembeak, Ingle, Irwin. Jackson of Comanche, Jackson of Harvey, Jamieson, Jaquins, Johnson of Chase, Johnson of Labette. Johnson of Nemaha, Jones, Keddie, Keefer, Kelson. Larimer. Lawson, Lobdell. Longley, Loomis. Marks, Marty, McCarthy, McGrath, Merrill, Metzler, Moore, Muenzenmayer, Palenske, Perry, Polson, Ravenscraft. Reed. Richards, Russell, Rutledge, Seaton. Shouse, Singleton, Smith of Sherman, Stevens, Stoner. Trueblood, Turner, Vogelgesang, Wallace, Ward, Wehrle, Weilep. Wright, and Mr. Speaker Street. Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Aker, Bacon, Barker, Botkin, Conger, Cubbison, Epperson, Fairchild, Fell, Fulton, Graves, Hackney, Harvey, Henley, Lambert of Lincoln, Lambert of Lyon. Lewis, Malin, Maxwell, McKeever, Mott, Outcalt, Patton, Rothweiler, Seaver, Simmons, Smith of Brown, Stuart, Tapscott, Taylor, Ury, Walters, Williams, Wilson. A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. House bill No. 223, An act making an appropriation of certain money for the support of the state normal school, was read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 89, nays 0; absent or not voting, 36. Gentlemen voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Armstrong, Barkley, Basgall, Bean, Bennett, Bradley. Brown of Cowley, Brown of Greeley, Brown of Pratt. Buell, Burkholder. Burtis, Carr. Cassin, Clark, Crosby, Davis, DeWitt. Dingus. Doyle, Epperson, Ernst, Farrell, Feighner, Finney, Fitzgerald, Foley, Fouts, Gates, Gillespie, Goodno, Gray, Hackbusch, Harbaugh, Haywood, Heckman, Heminger, Hibner, Hollembeak. Ingle, Irwin, Jackson of Comanche, Jackson of Harvey, Jamieson, Jaquins, Johnson of Chase, Johnson of Labette. Johnson of Nemaha. Jones. Keddie, Keefer, Kelson. Larimer, Lawson, Lobdell, Longley. Loomis, McCarthy, Marks. Marty. McGrath, Merrill, Metzler, Moore, Muenzenmayer, Palenske, Patton. Perry, Polson, Ravenscraft. Reed. Richards, Rutledge. Seaton. Shouse. Singleton. Smith of Sherman, Stevens, Stoner, Trueblood, Turner. Vogelgesang, Wallace, Walters. Ward, Wehrle, Weilep. Wright, and Mr. Speaker Street. Gentlemen absent or not voting were: Messrs. Aker, Bacon, Barker, Botkin, Brooke, Cubbison, Conger, Dalt n, Fairchild, Fell, Fulton. Giessler, Graves, Grimes, Hackney, Harvey. Henley, Lambert of Lincoln, Lambert of Lyon, Lewis, Maxwell, Malin, McKeever, Mott, Outcalt, Rothweiler, Russell, Seaver, Simmons, Smith of Brown, Stuart, Tapscott, Taylor, Ury, Williams, and Wilson. |