streets and alleys of part of the city of Hartland, Kearny county, Kansas, and certain additions thereto herein named; also of C. O. Chapman's addition to the city of Larkin, in same county, and attaching them to the township in which they are located. House bill No. 335, An act vacating Grand View addition to Cottonwood Falls, Chase county, Kansas, except certain portions herein named, and vacating Hazel street, in North Cottonwood Falls, Chase county, Kansas. House bill No. 337, An act authorizing the county superintendent of public instruction of Pawnee county to abolish school district No. 26 and attach the territory of said school district to the adjoining school districts and to divide the funds and property of said district No. 26. House bill No. 341, An act granting to the superintendent of Logan county, Kansas, the power to disorganize partially depopulated school districts and attach the same to adjoining district or districts for school purposes. House bill No. 345, An act vacating all that part of the Kansas City addition to the city of Olathe which lies north of the north line of Lulu street. House bill No. 346, An act authorizing the city of Hutchinson, Kas., to fund its floating indebtedness by issuing funding bonds. House bill 351, An act authorizing the township board of Bazine township, in the county of Ness, to purchase a building and site for township and other purposes. House bill No. 352, An act to vacate the town site of Hatfield, Finney county, Kansas, and the streets and alleys. thereof. House bill No. 358, An act to disorganize school district No. 85, in Saiine county, Kansas, and to attach the same to district No. 18 in said county for school purposes. Senate bill No. 30, An act to amend section 48 of chapter 110 of the general statutes of Kansas, entitled "An act relating to townships and township officers," approved February 29, 1868. Irrigation: House bill No. 323, An act to prohibit the appropriation of the waters of the Arkansas river in the state of Kansas, and repealing all laws in conflict with the same. Insurance: House bill No. 324, An act relating to mutual fire-insurance companies and amendatory of sections 3425, 3436 and 3438 of the general statutes of 1889. Assessment and Taxation: House bill No. 329, An act providing for the subdivision of real estate and numbering of such subdivisions for the purpose of taxation. House bill No. 342, An act relating to taxation and redemption and amendatory of sections 2, 3, and 5, of chapter 110, of the session laws of 1893 of the state of Kansas, which chapter was amendatory of sections 6940, 6976, 6981, 6988 and 6996 of the general statutes of 1889. Roads and Highways: House bill No. 330, An act relating to roads and highways and parking along the same. House bill No. 357, An act to authorize landowners to use culverts and bridges for the passage of stock across roads, highways and railroads. Municipal Corporations: House bill No. 339, An act to regulate the demand or collection by owners, operators, managers or agents of water, telephone, gas or electric light plants, and to prescribe the penalty for the violation thereof. Cities of the Second Class: House bill No. 340, An act relating to elections in cities of the second and third class. Hygiene and Public Health: House bill No. 344, An act in relation to crimes and punishments, and to provide for the castration of persons who shall be convicted of certain offenses herein named. Temperance: House bill No. 353, An act entitled "An act to provide medical treatment for inebriates. Labor: House bill No. 354, An act in relation to garnishment and attachment of wages. Cities of the First Class: House bill No. 355, An act relating to public improvements in cities of the first class and repealing all acts in conflict therewith. House bill No. 355, An act to authorize cities of the first class having a population of forty thousand inhabitants and over to provide and secure for the inhabitants thereof, by purchase, appropriation, or condemnation, land and property for public parks, parkways, streets and boulevards, and to possess, manage, improve and control and improve public streets and highways leading to and from public parks and boulevards and to pay for the improvement thereof, and providing for making and the collection of special assessments and special taxes on contiguous property of such highways, streets or boulevards, within or adacent to the corporate limits of said city, and authorizing such park commissioners to receive by gift, devise or conveyance, land and property for the purposes declared in this act. Ways and Means: House bill No. 359, An act for the relief of Margaret Armstrong. Fees and Salaries: Senate bill No. 12, An act to amend section 7 of fees and salaries of the county treasurer, county clerk, county attorney, register of deeds, clerk of the district court, sheriff, probate judge and county surveyor of Sumner county, and said section 7 being chapter 149 of session laws of 1895. Printing: Senate bill No. 31, An act regulating the fees to be charged by publishers of newspapers for legal notices and county printing. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. Trueblood, chairman of Committee on Ways and Means, submitted the following reports: MR. SPEAKER: Your Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was referred House bill No. 217, An act making appropriations for instruction and current expenses at the Kansas state agricultural college for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1898 and June 30, 1899, have had the same under consideration and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that the accompanying substitute be adopted, and when adopted it be passed. Also, House bill No. 165, An act making appropriations for the sundry current expenses of the Kansas state agricultural college for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that the accompanying substitute be adopted, and when adopted it be passed. Also, House bill No. 121, An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the university of Kansas, and for the erection and equipment of certain buildings for said university, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be amended as follows: That section two be amended so as to read: SEC. 2. The following sums are hereby appropriated for the current expenses of the university of Kansas out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1898, eighty thousand dollars ($80,000); and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, eighty thousand dollars ($80,000). Also, that sections three and four be stricken out; also, that section five be numbered section three, and section six be numbered section four: also that the title be amended so as to read: An act for the appropriation of certain money for the support of the university of Kansas. And that as so amended it be passed. Also, House bill No. 216, An act making appropriations for buildings, improvements, and apparatus of the Kansas state agricultural college for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that the accompanying substitute be adopted, and when adopted it be passed. W. P. TRUEBLOOD, Chairman. Mr. Seaton was excused until to-morrow. Mr. Fairchild, chairman of the Committee on Elections, submitted the following reports: MR. SPEAKER: Your Committee on Elections, to whom was referred House joint resolution No. 4, Providing certain amendments to the constitution of the state, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the resolution back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed as amended. Also, House bill No 186, relating to city elections and officers elected thereat, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed as amended. C. W. FAIRCHILD, Chairman. Mr. Brown of Cowley, chairman of the Committee on Judiciary Local, submitted the following reports: MR. SPEAKER: Your Committee on Judiciary Local, to whom was referred House bill No. 135, An act requiring annual settlement to be made by township treasurers with township boards, and prescribing certain official duties to be performed by township treasurers and township trustees, and prescribing punishment for violations of this act, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be not passed. Also, House bill No. 147, An act to vacate the townsite of Hodge man Center, in Hodgeman county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 33, An act to vacate the townsite of Safford's addition to Garden City, and the streets and alleys thereof, and in struct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommend ation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 72, An act to disorganize school districts Nos. 15, 24, 43, and 54, in Haskell county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 98, An act to authorize Osage township, in Allen county, Kansas, to lease or purchase land, not to exceed one half acre, and erect buildings thereon, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be not passed, as a general bill covering same subject matter is recommended for passage. Also, House bill No. 140, An act to change the name of Frank Miller to Frank Sproat, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be not passed. Also, House bill No. 9, An act to change the names of persons therein named, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be not passed. Also, House bill No. 117, An act to change school districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 23, and joint district No. 21, in Seward county, Kansas, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 116, An act to change the boundary lines of the city of Caldwell and to vacate the parts of Nickerson addition and first additions to Moore's park to said city, together with the streets and alleys therein described, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed. Also, House bill No. 119, An act to vacate certain town sites |