Claims and Accounts: House bill No. 262, An act for the relief of W. C. Crawford. House bill No. 268, An act to appropriate $320 for the relief of N. I. Sturdivant for certain reasons given within. Congressional Apportionment: House bill No. 260, An act redistricting the state into eight congressional districts. State Affairs: House bill No. 270, An act creating a state road commission, and prescribing the duties, compensation thereof, and establishing a system of state and county roads, and for the relief of unemployed labor. Roads and Highways: House bill No. 276, An act providing for the improvement of public highways. Horticulture and Forestry: House bill No. 277, An act defining the duties of the state horticultural society, making appropriations for salary of secretary, salary of clerk, and for the expenses of the said society. Hygiene and Public Health: House bill No. 279, An act to promote medical science, and repealing sections 3758, 3759 and 3760 of the general statutes of 1889. Education: House bill No. 280, An act to compel attendance at school, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Cities of the First Class: House bill No 282, An act to amend an act entitled "An act relating to sidewalks in cities of the first class, providing for the building and repairing the same," and to repeal chapter 245, session laws 1895, and all acts in conflict therewith. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Mr. Cassin, chairman of the Committee on Mines and Mining, submitted the following report: MR. SPEAKER: Your Committee on Mines and Mining, to whom was referred House bill No. 2, An act relating to the penitentiary coal mine at Lansing, Kas., have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed as amended. Also, House bill No. 13, An act requiring the assessment of mineral reserves, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report the bill back to the House with the recommendation that it be passed as amended. JAMES CASSIN, Chairman. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS OFFERED ON THE PREVIOUS DAY. House resolution No. 44 was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That bills relating to removing political disabilities be by the committee to which they are referred incorporated in one act. The resolution was adopted. House resolution No. 45 was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That all bills relating to changing names be by the committee to which they are referred incorporated in one act. The resolution was adopted. House resolution No. 46 was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That all bills relating to vacating town sites and additions thereto be by the committee to which they are referred incorporated in one act. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Crosby introduced House resolution No. 48, which was read, and laid over under the rules. Mr. Cassin moved that Senate concurrent resolution No. 9 be reconsidered, which motion prevailed. Senate concurrent resolution No. 9 was read, and is as follows: Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Kansas, the House of Representatives concurring therein, That the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House be instructed to appoint a committee of seven persons, not necessarily members of the legislature, to arrange a suitable celebration of Kansas day, to be held in Representative hall or some other suitable place. The resolution was adopted. House resolution No. 50, introduced by Mr. Fairchild, was read, and is as follows: Resolved, That the secretary of state be requested to at once transmit to the House all papers filed with him pertaining to contests of election of members of the House of Representatives. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Brown of Cowley introduced House resolution No. 51, which was read, and laid over under the rules. Mr. Taylor introduced House resolution No. 52, which was read, and laid over under the rules. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ENROLLED BILLS. Mr. Harbaugh, chairman of the Committee on Enrolled Bills, submitted the following report : MR. SPEAKER: Your Committee on Enrolled Bills, to whom was referred House bill No. 198, An act making appropriations for legislative purposes, have compared the engrossed copy with the enrolled' bill, and I am directed to report to the House that the same is correctly enrolled, that it has been properly signed by the president and secretary of the Senate and the speaker and chief clerk of the House, and was presented to the governor for his signature, this 21st day of January, A. D. 1897. H. F. HARBAUGH, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Jackson of Harvey, the House adjourned until January 22, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. M. NINTH DAY. MORNING SESSION. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Topeka, Kas., January 22, 1897-10 o'clock A. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment; the speaker in the chair. The roll was called; 118 members present, being a quorum of the House. Absent: Messrs. Conger, Hackbusch, Heckman, Maxwell, Patten, Ward, and Wilson. Mr. Conger was excused for the day. Mr. Feighner was excused for the day. READING OF THE JOURNAL. The journal was being read. Mr. Barkley moved that the rules be suspended, and that the reading of the journal be dispensed with until Tuesday, January 26, 1897, at 3 o'clock P. M., which motion prevailed. By Mr. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. : Petition No. 6, To secure depositors in banks against loss; petition referred to Committee on Banks and Banking. By J. H. Hibner: Petition No. 7, Petition relating to the powers of cities of the second class and the schools of said cities, referred to Cities of the Second Class. FIRST READING OF BILLS. The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Mr. Keefer: House bill No. 311, An act relating to railroads, conferring additional powers and duties on the board of railroad commissioners, and regulating proceed ings by and before said board, and to provide for the due enforcement of its orders and requisitions. By Mr. Brown of Cowley: House bill No. 312, An act concerning municipal courts. Also, House bill No. 313, An act concerning justices of the peace. Also, House bill No. 314, An act relating to the election of county superintendents of public instruction. Also, House bill No. 315, An act in relation to the time for the commencement of civil action. Also, House bill No. 316, An act to prevent the removal of journal bearings and other attachments and waste of packing from journal boxes of railroad engines, tenders and cars, and to provide punishment therefor. Also (by request), House bill No. 317, An act for the protection of certain property and to define certain offenses against such property, and providing punishment therefor. Also, House bill No. 318, An act concerning railroads and other common carriers, and to repeal an act entitled "An act concerning railroads and other common carriers," approved March 6, 1883, and acts amendatory thereof. By Mr. DeWitt: House bill No. 319, An act to amend paragraph 517 of general statutes of 1889. Also, House bill No. 320, An act for the protection of ash within the state of Kansas, providing officers for that purpose, and providing penalties for violation of its provisions, and repealing chapter 150 of session laws of 1895 and acts in conflict herewith. By Mr. Trueblood: House bill No. 321, An act to vacate certain blocks, streets and alleys in Fair View addition to the city of Osage City, Osage county, Kansas. By Mr. Gates: House bill No. 322, An act establishing a uniformity of text-books in the public schools of Kansas, and providing for the creation of a board for this purpose, and defining duties thereof. By Mr. Rutledge: House bill No. 323, An act to prohibit the appropriation of the waters of the Arkansas |