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Washington, D. C., November 13, 1899.

The following regulations are established for the information and guidance of officers of customs:

This volume is to be cited as the "Customs Regulations of 1899," and references thereto in official correspondence should be made to the articles by their numbers, and not by chapter and page.

In its preparation the laws and decisions up to date have been considered, with the object of furnishing such information to customs officers as will relieve the Department from applications for special instructions regarding matters of ordinary procedure.

The chief customs officers are instructed to set apart at each customs office one copy of this work, which is to be corrected by the addition thereto of all amendatory matter, and such copy is to be regarded as the standard authority for reference.

The reference to synoptical numbers has been changed to accord with the new title, "Treasury Decisions," the initials "T. D." being substituted for the initial "S." heretofore used. The forms designated by catalogue numbers are furnished to customs officers by the Department.

L. J. GAGE, Secretary of the Treasury.


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