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ART. 555.

FORM NO. 37.

Form of certificate of record and pedigree to be used for imported animals.

(In filling up this blank give registry number of each recorded animal, or, in case there is no number, the volume and page of register where the animal is recorded. All blanks must be filled. In the case of sheep registered by flocks the volume and page of the flock book in which flock is registered must be given as provided in the regulations.)

[blocks in formation]

I hereby certify that the above is a correct pedigree of No. --; that this animal is pure bred and has been duly registered in the which is the book of record controlled breed of

by this association for the

[ocr errors]

Dated at

Secretary of the


1897, ¶ 474.

ART. 556. To entitle to free entry teams of animals, in- R. S., 1999. cluding their harness, and the wagons or other vehicles drawn by such teams, and the customary articles used in connection therewith, when brought into the United States by bona fide immigrants, the immigrant must make decla- Act July 24, ration before the United States consular officer or the collector stating the number and kind of animals and arti-,,T. D. cles, that they are owned by the affiant and are being used for the purpose of immigration and are not intended for sale, and that the same have been in actual use by him abroad.

11281, 18571.


1897, 474, T. D.

T. D. 11178.

ART. 557. The team of an unmarried immigrant used Act July 24, in conveying personal effects and tools of trade from a 3666, 7562, 7805. foreign country to the United States may be admitted free of duty. Horses intended for use in the United States for racing purposes can not be admitted to free entry as the team of an immigrant, although used by an immigrant in the act of immigration. Horses of immigrants used for the transportation of themselves and luggage to a railway station, and thence shipped to the United States, where they are again used by the immigrants to reach their destination, are to be considered as in actual use for the purpose of immigration.

Act July 24, 1897, ¶ 474.

The free entry of an immigrant's team must be made at the time of entry of his household and personal effects and can not be made later.

ART. 558. Animals brought temporarily into the United States, for the purpose of exhibition or competition for prizes offered by an agricultural or racing association, T. D. 8627, 10814. may be admitted free on bond securing their exportation within six months after arrival, or in default thereof the payment of duty upon their appraised value.

Act July 24, 1897, 474.

T. D. 10305.

T. D. 16889.

T. D. 4828.

ART. 559. Wild animals, imported solely for exhibition in zoological collections for scientific and educational purposes, are entitled to free entry upon the production to the collector of the affidavits of one or more officers of an institution giving such exhibitions that such animals are specially imported as the permanent property of the institution and not for sale or profit. When such animals are imported for menageries, circuses, and like institutions, or by individuals for sale, they are subject to duty.


ART. 560. The following regulations will hereafter govern the importation of theatrical scenery, properties, and apparel, under paragraph 645, act of July 24, 1897:

The invoice filed with the entry of the articles must describe them in such manner as to insure their identification at the time of export, and the values thereof must be duly set forth. Entries of such merchandise will be made under the general provisions of article 565 of these regulations, with the necessary modifications to meet the


The exportation of the merchandise shall be on regular withdrawal and under customs supervision.

The bond account of such transactions shall be kept separate and distinct from the ordinary warehouse ac


At the expiration of the bond it shall be sent to the district attorney for collection, unless the required proofs of exportation shall have been furnished by the importer or consignee.


ART. 561. Collectors will cause a daily record to be kept of the receipt and delivery of all articles of no mercantile value, imported as samples not for sale, nor subject to duty or to formal entry.

Edgings, textile fabrics, samples of piece goods, cards of buttons, single gloves or stockings, intended for use in selling the class of goods they represent, are free of duty. Samples imported in quantities and intended to be sold by jobbers are dutiable.

Where tea is put up in packages of not over one ounce T. D. 19810. in weight, and the fact is established that they are samples for distribution, or for use in soliciting orders, and not for sale, duty thereon will not be imposed under the act of June 13, 1898, or examination made under the act of March 2, 1897.

All tea in packages weighing over one ounce imported T. D. 19989. as samples may be admitted without examination under the act of March 2, 1897, upon payment of duty, but officers of the customs must satisfy themselves that such tea is actually imported as samples.

The samples must be examined at the appraiser's store, T. D. 10886. where a record thereof will be kept in Form Cat. No. 597, to be examined daily by the appraiser, and all packages reported by him as "samples of no mercantile value" will be delivered to the importer by the officer in charge, on a general permit to be signed by the collector and naval officer, and issued for each vessel.

The officer in charge of the sample office will make daily report to the storekeeper, stating what goods have been received and delivered as samples and what transferred to the appraiser's store as merchandise for appraisement.



T.D.9424, 10289.

T.D. 11147.

ART. 562. When entry is made free of duty, under para- T. D. 19112. graphs 503, 638, 649, 701, and 702 of the act of July 24, 1897, the oath or declaration required of the importer or consignee must be actually made at the time of entry, and no bond for the production of the same will be accepted in lieu thereof. The oath or declaration must be made by an authorized executive officer of the institution, society, or association for which the articles are intended, and not by any dealer as agent or attorney. Associations of a private character are inhibited from the privileges of paragraph 702. If a transportation company be the consignee, T. D. 8206, 9009. the oath of the actual owner must be produced before the declaration of the consignee shall be received. The collector may require a copy of the charter and any other attainable evidence of the character of an incorporated society making free entry.

1897, 701, 702.

Act July 24, ART. 563. When the importation is made under paragraph 701, a bond will be required in a penal sum equal to double the duty securing the payment of duties in case the articles are not exported within 6 months. This bond is subject to extension by the Secretary of the Treasury for a further period of six months.

T. D. 21988.

Act June 10, 1890, sec. 4.

Act June 10, 1890, sec. 4.

T. D. 18111.

Act July 24, 1897.

Importations under paragraph 702 may be entered free of duty on satisfactory evidence that the articles are the permanent property of the institution for which they are imported. A bond will be required under a penalty equal to double the ordinary duties for payment of duty on any articles used in any manner contrary to the purpose declared on entry.

ART. 564. For the importation by incorporated institutions of serial publications one declaration may be made to cover the whole series, and, in the same manner, one declaration may be made to include a list of books expected to arrive in installments. Records must be kept by collectors of all the books covered by any one declaration and the successive arrivals thereof duly noted.

A separate order and declaration should be filed with each entry of books, except serial publications, as to which the order is to be filed with the entry of the first numbers of the publication, and the subsequent numbers may be admitted free upon affidavit of the importer that they are included in the list already filed.

ART. 565. Entries of articles admitted free on bond for temporary exhibition, including theatrical scenery, properties, and apparel, will be made on the ordinary warehouse forms, modified to meet the special conditions of the case, and a ledger account will be kept of such bonds, showing the dates of expiration and cancellation of gach bond. ART. 566. For the free entry of articles imported for the use of colleges, etc., affidavit must be made within 7 days T. D. 9424,9607, before their arrival by the secretary, treasurer, or other 10289,10683,11607. responsible officer of the institution, under its corporate seal, that such articles have been imported by the order and for the sole use of said institution and not for sale or distribution. A copy of the charter, constitution, and bylaws should also be required in proper cases.

9804, 10117, 10153,

T. D. 16137.

When importations for colleges or other institutions are made by dealers in the articles imported, oaths shall be presented as prescribed in Cat. No. 612.

ART. 567. The original of any order given by a society or institution to an importing agent for the free importa tion of any article, under the provisions of paragraph 649

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