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This is a mystery of thy compassion which my own feeble reason can scarcely fathom; but my heart experiences its holy power and efficacy. Now know I, that I shall not be cast away, but have obtained everlasting life. I now know, that thou Almighty, the most Highest, will be my Father, and receive me as thy child. To obtain for me this mercy, to secure it to me, to establish me in it for this did Jesus Christ live, suffer, and die. He is ordained by thee to be to me wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and salvation.

In him I have a perfect Mediator, an infallible teacher and guide, a glorious captain and master. O my Lord, let me never forget what it cost to redeem me. Pour into my soul the most devout feelings of thankfulness, love, and truth, in following the example he has left me for imitation. Am I so highly blessed through him? O let me, through him, be made

holy and righteous. May his Spirit work in me all good, that shall be acceptable with thee. Whether I eat or drink, labour or rest, speak or think, sorrow or rejoice, in advancement or dishonour, all, all that I do, must be done to thy honour, and in the name of the Lord Jesus, according to his blessed will and commandment. For his will is thy will. Let me then walk this day in all things as a Christian; and cause me, Lord, to advance in all Christian perfection; apportion out to me thy grace, in time and in eternity.



“Io, I am with you even unto the end of the world." -MATTHEW Xxviii. 20.

O THOU great and eternal God, who art from everlasting, and to everlasting, and whose perfect state of blessedness knows no change, or shadow of variableness; with praise and prayer I come unto thy presence this morning, on which I commence a new day and a new month.

Here I consider thy goodness to me in prolonging my days, and giving me still a place in this world, when so many of my fellow-mortals, to the right and left, are

torn away by death. O Lord, teach me to reflect well for what purpose thou hast lengthened my life; that I may rejoice in thy mercy and goodness, that I may learn to know thee and myself better; that I may turn from darkness to thee, the true light; that I may be more seriously occupied in the great work of my salvation; improve the talents tnou hast committed to me, and employ myself usefully in the society where thou hast placed me. That which thou hast appointed for me to do, I must accomplish, ere the night come, in which no man can work; and in this my short day, prepare for eternity. And this I must seek to do, as He whom thou hast sent, the Lord Jesus Christ, has shown and taught by his doctrine, by his example, by his Spirit! This is my calling, this my avocation!-the work is great, the time shortmy strength is perfect weakness-but with


thy aid I shall succeed. For what can I do without thee? O my gracious Lord, and Father, stay by me through the rest of my days! Grant me, this new month, to become a new creature, in heart, mind, and conduct! May it be said of me, old things are passed away, behold, all is new! the old man must ever more and more die in me, the new man be strengthened in life and energy. Help me to become more holy, more true, more humble, more pure, and heavenly-minded, that my every step towards eternity may display becoming actions, and the spirit of a Christian. May this new month be blest to me by growth in true wisdom! I know not what is to meet me on my way; a wise hand has drawn a veil across my path, that dangers should not intimidate my spirit, or joys, which thy tender mercy may have prepared for me, lead me to self-confidence and rashness! Now thy hand guides me!

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