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The Secretary of State to President Coolidge

WASHINGTON, July 9, 1928. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: You will remember I informed you that the Chilean and Peruvian delegations at Habana 25 had in a very friendly spirit discussed the question of a settlement of the TacnaArica matter.26 They had concluded that the first step was for the two countries to renew diplomatic relations. These delegations agreed that when they returned home they would talk with their respective governments and prepare to press for such a movement. I waited several months to make sure that there had been created a proper sentiment for such a step. I then inquired definitely of the Chilean and Peruvian Governments if they would be willing to renew diplomatic relations and exchange ministers. I received prompt assurance from President Leguia that he would be willing to exchange ministers if I proposed it but did not care to take the initiative. I also received positive assurances from the Chilean Government, through its Ambassador. I then concluded to send a note to each Government suggesting the renewal of diplomatic relations and the exchange of ministers. I enclose you a copy of one of the notes.27

In several conversations which President Leguia has had with Ambassador Moore and with Mr. Hanna, the Chargé d'Affaires before Ambassador Moore's arrival, Leguia has shown a much greater disposition to settle the Tacna-Arica difficulty than ever before. In fact, he suggested to me a proposition which I have not yet taken up with Chile and which is an advance over anything that he has heretofore agreed upon. I have also had reports from the Chilean Ambassador here that indicate a greater disposition in Chile to adjust the matter than ever before. If we can get them to exchange ministers I shall then take up again the question of settlement and I hope very much that settlement can be arranged before I go out of office.

I am sending this on for your information. I did not suppose you would care to be bothered about the details.

Faithfully yours,


25 See "Sixth International Conference of American States," etc., pp. 527 ff. * See pp. 660 ff.

"See telegram No. 44 to the Ambassador in Chile, infra.

701.2325/7c: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Collier)


WASHINGTON, July 9, 1928—1 p. m.

44. Please present the following note to the Foreign Minister. I am sending this note because of the assurances which I have received from the Chilean Ambassador in the United States that Chile would be willing to accredit a diplomatic representative to the Government of Peru, and because of the Peruvian President's assurances that he would be willing to accredit a diplomatic representative to the Government of Chile. At the same time, I am sending a note in exactly the same form to the Foreign Minister of Peru. These communications will not be made public until replies have been received from both Governments.

Please present this note in person to the Foreign Minister, and impress upon him, and, if the opportunity arises, also upon the President, the importance of an unconditional and friendly acceptance of this suggestion, and particularly that the answer should carefully avoid the reopening of discussions in regard to the Tacna-Arica question or the inclusion of any matter of a controversial nature. The same representations are being made to the Government of Peru.28


During the last few months I have been most gratified to observe the mutual growth of a more friendly feeling between Chile and Peru which is a tribute to the high-minded statesmanship of both Governments and an evidence of the desire of the people of both countries to establish a basis of cordial and permanent understanding.

I am sure that Your Excellency understands that I have given the most careful consideration to find a way that my Government and I may be of the greatest service to these Governments. After long and careful deliberation I have now come to the conclusion that an accommodation of mutual interests would be promoted should the Governments of Chile and Peru reestablish diplomatic relations through the appointment of diplomatic representatives at Lima and at Santiago. I feel confident that such a reestablishment of diplomatic relations is consistent with the highest interests of the two great nations and presents an opportunity for the respective representatives to interpret not only the high ideals which I have been happy to find animating both Governments but also the basic good will which I am convinced exists in each country towards the other, and that it would also afford a favorable means for facilitating the definite removal of all existing misunderstandings and hence lead to permanent readjustment of the relations between the two countries mutually satisfactory to both. I firmly believe that such a generous action would appeal to the sentiment of the peoples of the respective countries and be applauded by 28 Quoted portion not paraphrased.

all the nations of the Western Hemisphere as a step in the interest of permanent peace and good will.

I am fully aware of Your Excellency's earnest desire to establish better relations among the countries of this hemisphere and I have therefore the honor to suggest in full confidence that it will meet with your approval and acceptance, that your Government signify its readiness to reestablish diplomatic relations with the Peruvian Government and indicate your willingness to appoint a diplomatic representative near the Peruvian Government at an early mutually convenient date.

A similar inquiry is being made to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

(Signed) Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State of the United States of America.

His Excellency Señor Don Conrado Rios Gallardo, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Chile, Santiago, Chile."


701.2325/7d: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Moore)


WASHINGTON, July 9, 1928-1 p. m. 52. Placing reliance upon the positive assurance of President Leguia that he would accept my suggestion to exchange diplomatic representatives with the Republic of Chile, I am sending concurrently with this telegram a communication to the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Chile in exactly the same form as the following note which you are instructed to deliver to the Foreign Minister of Peru. It is suggested that you present this to him in person and impress upon him and the President the importance of a friendly and unconditional acceptance of this suggestion, and more especially that the answer should carefully avoid the reopening of discussions in regard to the Tacna-Arica question or the inclusion of any matter of a controversial nature. The same representations are being made to the Government of Chile. The Chilean Ambassador has assured me that Chile will accept my invitation to exchange Ministers with Peru. I feel certain that this action will redound to the honor and credit of Peru, and will be regarded as a liberal and broad-minded step. These communications will not be made public until replies have been received from both Governments.

[Here follows the text of the note, the same, mutatis mutandis, as that contained in the Department's telegram No. 44, of the same date, to the Ambassador in Chile, printed supra.]



The Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs (Rios) to the Secretary

of State 29


SANTIAGO, July 11, 1928.

EXCELLENCY: I have experienced great pleasure in acquainting myself with the communication dated the ninth instant, in which Your Excellency is pleased to let me know that you have been most gratified to observe the mutual growth of a more friendly feeling between Chile and Peru, which Your Excellency deems to be a tribute to the well-marked public spirit of both Governments and an evidence of the desire to establish a basis of cordial and permanent understanding between the two peoples.

Your Excellency lays stress on the great and careful attention with which you have selected the means by which the Government of the United States and Your Excellency will be able to assist the two countries and state that after long and careful deliberation Your Excellency has come to the conclusion that an accommodation of their mutual interests would be promoted thanks to the reestablishment of diplomatic relations through the reciprocal appointment of their respective agents. Your Excellency believes that such a course is consistent with the highest interests of Chile and Peru, and would present to their representatives an opportunity to interpret not only the ideals of their Governments, but also the basis of good will which, as Your Excellency is convinced, exists between the two nations; and that it would also afford a favorable means for facilitating the definite removal of all misunderstandings which exist between them and lead them to a permanent reestablishment of the relations between the two Republics in a satisfactory manner. Your Excellency believes that the resumption of diplomatic relations would appeal to the sentiment of the peoples of Chile and Peru and would, in addition, be applauded by all the nations of the Continent as a step in the interest of peace and conciliation. Your Excellency especially mentions the desire of my Government to contribute towards bringing closer the ties between the American peoples and, on that ground, you see fit to suggest, in full confidence that it will be accepted and approved, that Chile signify its readiness to reestablish diplomatic relations with the Peruvian Government and indicate its willingness to appoint its representative in this country at an early mutually convenient date. Your Excellency ends with the statement that a similar invitation is being made to His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru.

"Transmitted to the Secretary of State by the Chilean Ambassador in a covering note of July 12.

I must first express to Your Excellency the earnest thanks of my Government for your very cordial initiative and the friendly interest prompted by it, affording favorable means for facilitating the definite removal of the difficulties pending between Chile and Peru. The inspirations of invariable harmony and concord which have always guided the international policy of Chile being well known to Your Excellency, Your Excellency had reason to feel assured that this invitation was bound to be received by us in a frankly favorable spirit.

The honor, therefore, devolves upon me to inform Your Excellency of our full acceptance, feeling assured that we are thus responding not only to the desire for peace which guided the thoughts of my Government but also the broad spirit of conciliation which animates our people as a reflex of their profound faith in the progress and welfare of all the countries of America under the protection of an atmosphere of international tranquillity and trust.

Harboring the flattering hope that this initiative and the open way in which it is met by Chile, will soon yield the results sought by Your Excellency's high purposes for a better realization of the ideals of union and fraternity in which all the peoples of America join, it affords me satisfaction to say that my Government is ready to arrange the measures that may be necessary for a resumption of its diplomatic relations with Peru in the manner suggested by Your Excellency.

I avail myself [etc.]


701.2325/14: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Moore) to the Secretary of State

LIMA, July 12, 1928—4 p. m.
[Received 10:10 p. m.]

73. My 72.30 The following note addressed to you has just been handed me by the Minister for Foreign Affairs:

"Lima, July 11, 1928.

Mr. Secretary: Through His Excellency the Ambassador of the United States in Lima I have had the honor to receive the important communication of Your Excellency dated yesterday in which, referring to the growth of more friendly feeling between Peru and Chile and to the conviction which Your Excellency entertains that beneficial results for both countries will be obtained from the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between their respective Governments, Your Excellency suggests that the Government of Peru signify whether it is disposed to reestablish those relations and is willing to appoint a representative in Santiago at an early mutually convenient date.

30 Not printed.

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