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The first meeting of the Dental Society for this year was held Monday evening, Oct. 11, in the dental amphitheater. After the usual routine of business the society elected the following officers for the ensuing semester: President, C. J. Lyons; Vice-president, Miss Bessie Hutchinson; Secretary, J. W. Minerd; Treasurer, C. B. Roe; Executive Committee, Miss Bessie Hutchinson, R. J. Roper and L. S. Flemming; Membership Committee, O. W. White, A. W. Cook, F. E. Morse, L. S. Treat and A. O. Wright.

The election of officers of THE DENTAL JOURNAL resulted as follows: Editor-in-Chief, J. W. Minerd, '98; Alumni Editor, Dr. F. E. Logan, '96; Department editor, G. N. Kimball, '98; Business Manager, H. W. Harvey, '99; Assistant Business Manager, P. F. Hines, '99.

The report of R. N. Forbes, the retiring business manager of THE DENTAL JOURNAL, was very encouraging and shows the publication to be on a sound financial basis. Mr. Forbes has displayed great ability in the management of its business affairs and the society has the highest appreciation of his services.

We were pleased to note a good attendance at the meeting, and trust that throughout the year the membership of the department will keep the welfare of the society in mind, and by their attendance and aid contribute to its success.

On Nov. 1, Monday evening, was held the second meeting of the Dental Society. A program that had been prepared by the committee was carried out after a short business session. The exercises were opened with music by the "Amphion Trio," composed of J. R. Davis, first mandolin; C. F. Steinbauer, second mandolin; and F. B. Fenton, guitar. To those who have ever had the pleasure of hearing this aggregation of musical talent it is needless to state that each number received a hearty encore.

An interesting paper was read by W. A. Chamberlain, '98, entitled "The Care of the Deciduous Teeth." Mr. Chamberlain

treated the subject in a very able manner, and the article displayed evidence of much thought and research. Discussion followed, opened by A. O. Wright, who showed a thorough knowledge of the subject. Remarks by Mr. Harvey and Mr. Sweet were right to the point and were well received.

The meeting was a success in every respect, while the large and appreciative audience indicated a lively interest in the welfare of the society.

The third meeting of the Dental Society convened Monday evening, Nov. 15. R. N. Forbes, '98, read an interesting paper on "Impression Material." The subject was discussed by A. W. Cook, Chas. Lord and others. We are pleased to note the enthusiasm, which is manifested in the discussions, and anticia successful year for the society.

The fourth meeting of the society was held Monday evening, December 6. The program for the evening was a debate between the Seniors and Juniors. Question: Resolved, That the first molar should be extracted before the twelfth year. Affirmative, R. J. Roper, '98, and J. M. Rich, '98; negative, L. S. Flemming, '99, and H. A. Stites, '99. The discussion was vigorous and hotly contested, both sides quoting eminent authors to substantiate their arguments. There is tenable ground on either side, which was quite satisfactorially demonstrated by numerous. illustrations and instances, but the preponderance of evidence seemed to influence the decision of the judges in favor of the negative.

In justice to the affirmative we would state that on account of the sudden illness of Mr. Roper, his place was taken, at the last moment, by C. J. Lyons, who had not given the subject any special thought.

Dr. Wattling will give his annual "Snap-Shots" lecture before the Dental Society, Monday evening, January 10, 1898. This will be of general interest to all the classes. We should be pleased to see a full attendance.


When Chunee, the celebrated Indian elephant, fell sick, it was decided he was suffering from constipation, and after thirty-two hours of coaxing he was induced to swallow the first dose which consisted of 24 pounds of salts, 24 pounds of treacle, 6 drachms of calomel, 14 drachms of tartar emetic, 6 ounces of powdered gamboge and a bottle of croton oil. This produced no more appreciable effect than an ordinary bun would have done. Six pounds of marrow beef with 4 drachms of calomel was then administered, but absolutely without result, and Chunee became so violent that it was decided to destroy him. But all attempts to get him to take the dose consisting of 40 drachms of arsenic with drachm of corrosive sublimate and a lot of strychnine were unavailing, and the aid of expert marksmen, and finally of the military, had to be called before he could be disposed of. It took 260 rifle balls to kill him, and behold! at the autopsy it was discovered that Chunee had been driven mad with a toothache. One of his enormous tusks was extensively decayed, and the diseased tooth is preserved with the skeleton of the beast at the South Kensington museum.— The Dental Headlight.


Dr. S. K. Scharlotte, '97, is located at Marietta, Ohio. G. E. Kuhl, D. D. S., '97, is practicing at Saline, Michigan. K. McKay, D. D. S., 97, is located at Midland, Michigan. Dr. F. D. Loomis, '97, is practicing at Battle Creek, Michigan.

Dr. J. F. Cook, '91, of Toledo, Ohio, visited college in October.

Dr. S. S. Greeley, '97, has opened an office at 1341 Dorr St., Toledo, Ohio.

Dr. George Burke, '96, Detroit, Michigan, visited his friends on Sunday, November 21.

Dr. J. A. Cook, '93, of Marion, Ohio, visited Ann Arbor, on Saturday, October 23, '97.

C. E. Beistle, D. D. S., '97, has purchased the practice of Dr. Meyer, at South Bend, Indiana.

Dr. C. H. Bailey, '96, of Detroit, was in the city on November 19, visiting his many friends.

H. C. Fiebig, D. D. S., '97, is employed in Dr. Temple's office at Grand Rapids, Michigan.

F. H. Hood, D. D. S., '97, has purchased Dr. W. G. Stevenson's practice at Morenci, Michigan.

Dr. R. D. McBride, '93, has given up his office at Detroit, Michigan and accepted a position in Dresden, Germany.

Dr. S. W. Honey, '97, is practicing at Howell, Michigan, where he has purchased the practice of Dr. J. C. Walton.

Dr. Frank T. McNamara, '97, is located at St. Paul, Minnesota, with Dr. E. C. Holden, Cor. Sixth and Robert Sts.

R. S. Mitchell, D. D. S., '97, is practicing at Detroit, Michigan. He occupies the rooms vacated by Dr. McBride, '93, Cor. Adams and Woodward.

T. E. Carmody, D. D. S., '97, has returned to complete his studies for the degree of M. D. He is occasionally seen in the operating room demonstrating to the Seniors; "the sticky side. of the gold."

D. N. Swift, D. D. S., '94, called at the college on Monday December 6, '97. Dr. Swift has disposed of his practice at Buchanan, Michigan to Dr. F. H. Miller, of Chicago, and now intends to locate at Ridgeway, Pa.

It is with pleasure we announce the marriage of Dr. Hector Hillman, '96, of Charlotte, Mich., to Miss Eva Ettie Henderson, in All Soul's Church, Grand Rapids, Mich., on Wednesday, Oct. 27, '97. May happiness ever be theirs is the wish of the Journal.

Dr. A. W. Haidle, '92, who has been demonstrator of Dental Mechanism in the college for the past four and a half years severed his association with the University on November 1, '97, having handed in his resignation. Dr. Haidle will now devote his entire time to his practice.

Dr. Dessie B. Robertson, '97, is taking a special scientific work in the medical department this year. Miss Robertson had the pleasure of a visit with her class mate, Dr. June Burr, last summer, at Bangor, Maine, and reports that Miss Burr is nicely located, but as yet has not taken a partner.

Dr. J. W. Lyons, '96, of Jackson visited college and city. friends on Friday, October 29, '97. He reports that he is well pleased with his practice.

Dr. S. W. Hussey, '97, of Spencerville, Ohio and Dr. A. J. Wildanger, '97, of Flint, Michigan, were the guests of the Xi Psi Phi, fraternity, October 16 and 17.


Dr. Logan is quizzing the Freshmen class in Osteology. E. J. Tower spends the holidays with friends in Detroit. Mr. C. E. Pease was in the city Tuesday, November 16, and visited the college.

Dr. Dorrance has divided the Senior class into two sections for prosthetic clinics.

E. J. Anderson, '98, has been appointed an assistant to Dr. Dorrance and Dr. Hoff.

Mr. J. Glass of Cadillac, visited his son Percy R. Glass, '98, on Saturday, October 23.

Section I of the Junior class finished work in the Histological laboratory on Dec. 15.

J. R. Davis, '98, was a successful candidate for the 'Varsity Banjo and Mandolin Club.

C. C. Goodes, '98, enjoyed a very pleasant visit from his father, Wednesday, October 20.

F. C. Castell '97, was seriously ill during the latter part of October, with an attack of fever.

Dr. Watling says that no excuse from his clinics will be accepted only in case of marriage or sickness.

Wm. C. Macy, last year's Freshman editor, will continue his course in dentistry, in the Pennsylvania College.

Chalmers J. Lyons, '98, has been appointed to the position of quizmaster for the Junior class in Physiology.

H. P. Binzel is making an extended holiday visit with relatives in Maysville, Kentucky, and will return about Jan. 11.

Section I of the Junior class, began work promptly on mechanical technic and regulating, under the instruction of Dr. Hoff. Section II takes up the course in practical anatomy.

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