Comparison of Tariff Acts of 1909, 1913, and 1922. (Rev. to June 1, 1924).: With IndexU.S. Government Printing Office, 1924 - 287 páginas |
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... Papers and books . Schedule 14. - Sundries .... TITLE II . - Free list . Schedule 15 .. Page . V 2 2 21 29 52 54 56 57 68 71 83 89 96 103 109 125 125 145 161 163 183 183 184 187 210 212 218 223 III Items more specifically provided for ...
... Papers and books . Schedule 14. - Sundries .... TITLE II . - Free list . Schedule 15 .. Page . V 2 2 21 29 52 54 56 57 68 71 83 89 96 103 109 125 125 145 161 163 183 183 184 187 210 212 218 223 III Items more specifically provided for ...
Página 18
... paper maker's use . 30 Containing less than 10 per cent of methyl alcohol of the total alcohol contained therein . 81 Not containing lead . 32 Not containing more than 5 per cent of lead . 83 Pigments containing lead n . s . p . f . 84 ...
... paper maker's use . 30 Containing less than 10 per cent of methyl alcohol of the total alcohol contained therein . 81 Not containing lead . 32 Not containing more than 5 per cent of lead . 83 Pigments containing lead n . s . p . f . 84 ...
Página 22
... paper makers ' use . 15 Provided , That the weight of the casks or other containers shall be included in the dutiable weight . 16 In cases or casks suitable for the manufacture of crucibles and glass - melting pots or tank blocks . 17 ...
... paper makers ' use . 15 Provided , That the weight of the casks or other containers shall be included in the dutiable weight . 16 In cases or casks suitable for the manufacture of crucibles and glass - melting pots or tank blocks . 17 ...
Página 28
... paper or other material . 233 Articles composed wholly or in chief value of agate , rock crystal , or other semiprecious stone , except such as are cut into shapes and forms fitting them expressly for use in the construction of jewelry ...
... paper or other material . 233 Articles composed wholly or in chief value of agate , rock crystal , or other semiprecious stone , except such as are cut into shapes and forms fitting them expressly for use in the construction of jewelry ...
Página 35
... paper , compound , or other material , with or with- out metal covering.57 Wire composed of iron , steel , or other metal , n . s . p . f . ( except gold , silver , or platinum ) .58 Wire heddles and healds .. Wire of iron , steel , or ...
... paper , compound , or other material , with or with- out metal covering.57 Wire composed of iron , steel , or other metal , n . s . p . f . ( except gold , silver , or platinum ) .58 Wire heddles and healds .. Wire of iron , steel , or ...
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Términos y frases comunes
15 cents 25 per cent 50 cents acid added by act added in act alcohol appraiser Articles or wares bonded warehouse cent 39 cent n. e. cents per 100 cents per doz cents per gross cents per lb cents per pound cents per square centum chandise Chemical compounds chief value Classification coal tar collector colored component material composed wholly consignee containing corresponding provisions cotton crude customs laws dozen dutiable entry exceed exceeding exportation foregoing foreign country forfeiture graph imported merchandise imposed indoxyl invoice iron or steel less MANUFACTURES OF-Continued material of chief metal otherwise owner packages paid paper paragraph person Philippine Islands plates port production Provided further Rates of duty regulations SCHEDULE Secretary silk square inch square yard subdivision of government therein thereof threads tion Treasury may prescribe United vegetable fiber vessel or vehicle wholly or partly wire wood pulp wool yarns
Pasajes populares
Página 178 - ... to appear before the commission, or to produce documentary evidence if so ordered, or to give evidence touching the matter in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof.
Página 168 - All goods, wares, articles, and merchandise mined, produced or manufactured wholly or in part in any foreign country by convict labor or/and forced labor or/and indentured labor under penal sanctions shall not be entitled to entry at any of the ports of the United States, and the importation thereof is hereby prohibited, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement of this provision.
Página 166 - Act, then upon the importation of any such article or merchandise into the United States, whether the same shall be imported directly from the country of production or otherwise, and whether such article or merchandise is imported in the same condition as when exported from the country of production or has been changed in condition by remanufacture or otherwise, there shall be levied and paid, in all such cases, in addition to the duties otherwise Imposed by this Act, an additional duty equal to...
Página 170 - ... under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, in order to be so manufactured and exported be made and manufactured in bonded warehouses similar to those known and designated in Treasury Regulations as bonded warehouses, class six: Provided, That the manufacturer of such articles shall first give satisfactory bonds for the faithful observance of all the provisions of law and of such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided...
Página 124 - And if any non-enumerated article equally resembles two or more enumerated articles, on which different rates of duty are chargeable, there shall be levied, collected and paid on such nonenumerated article the same rate of duty as is chargeable on the article which it resembles paying the highest duty...
Página 179 - That no goods, wares, or merchandise, unless in cases provided for by treaty, shall be imported into the United States from any foreign port or place, except in vessels of the United States, or in such foreign vessels as truly and wholly belong to the citizens or subjects of that country of which the goods are the growth, production, or manufacture, or from which such goods, wares, or merchandise can only be, or most usually are, first shipped for transportation.
Página 213 - States is or may be deprived of the lawful duties or any portion thereof accruing upon the merchandise or any portion thereof, embraced or referred to in such invoice, declaration, affidavit, letter, paper, or statement...
Página 163 - That there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles coming into the United States from the Philippine Islands the rates of duty which are required to be levied, collected, and paid upon like articles imported from foreign countries...
Página 44 - Philosophical and scientific apparatus, utensils, instruments, and preparations, including bottles and boxes containing the same, specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society or institution incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States...
Página 220 - All Acts of limitation, whether applicable to civil causes and proceedings or to the prosecution of offenses or for the recovery of penalties or forfeitures embraced in or modified, changed, or repealed by this Act...