Imágenes de páginas

Paragraph, act of 1922.



Rates of duty.

Act of 1922.

Act of 1909.

Act of 1913.



Articles consisting of vegetable or
mineral objects 36 immersed or
placed in, or saturated with,
alcohol, except perfumery and
spirit varnishes:

Containing 20 per cent or less of

Containing more than 20 per cent
and not more than 50 per cent of

Containing more than 50 per cent
of alcohol.

Chemical elements,37 and chemical
and medicinal compounds,
preparations, mixtures, and

Containing 20 per cent or less of

Containing more than 20 per cent
and not more than 50 per cent
of alcohol.

Containing more than 50 per cent
of alcohol.

Distilled or essential oils, expressed

or extracted oils, animal oils and
greases, ethers and esters, flav-
oring and other extracts, and nat-
ural or synthetic fruit flavors,
fruit esters, oils and essences, all
the foregoing and their combina-

Containing 20 per cent or less of

Containing more than 20 per cent
and not more than 50 per cent
of alcohol.

Containing more than 50 per cent
of alcohol.


Refined or advanced in value by
drying, straining, or any process
or treatment beyond that essen-
tial to proper packing.

[blocks in formation]

26 Chloral hydrate..

35 per cent.

25 per cent.

Glycerophosphoric acid.

35 per cent.

Salts and compounds of.

35 per cent.

25 per cent
25 per cent.21

25 per cent.

25 per cent.

Terpin hydrate.

35 per cent.

25 per cent (n. e.)..

25 per cent.


35 per cent.

25 per cent (n.e.).

25 per cent.


35 per cent.

25 per cent (n. e.)..

25 per cent.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

11 Chemical compounds, mixtures, and salts, n. s. p. 1.

86 Animal" included in 1909 act.
37" Chemical elements" added in act of 1922.

88 But none shall pay less than 25 per cent.

89 * * * based upon the American selling price (as defined in subdivision (f) of section 402, Title IV), of any similar competitive article manufactured or produced in the United States. *** If there is no similar competitive article manufactured or produced in the United States, then the ad valorem rate shall be based upon the United States value as defined in subdivision (d) of section 402, Title IV. For the purposes of this paragraph any coal-tar product provided for in this act shall be considered similar to or competitive with any imported coal-tar product which accomplishes results substantially equal to those accomplished by the domestic product when used in substantially the same manner: Provided, That no duty imposed under this paragraph shall be increased under the provisions of section 315.

40 Provided, That for a period of two years beginning on the day following the passage of this act the ad valorem rate of duty shall be 55 per cent instead of 40 per cent.



Benzoic acid not suitable for me-
dicinal use.

Phenol, phthalic acid, metacresol
having a purity of 90 per cent
or more, naphthalene which
after removal of all water present
has a solidifying point of 79° C. or
above, orthocresol having a pur-
ity of 90 per cent or more, para-
cresol having a purity of 90 per
cent or more.

39 See footnote 39 on p. 5.

40 See footnote 40 on p. 5.

41 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, n. s. p. f. 42 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes, n. s. p. f.

Paragraph, act of 1922.



Rates of duty.

Act of 1922.

Act of 1909.

Act of 1913.

[blocks in formation]

Salicylic acid not suitable for me-
dicinal use.

All the foregoing products in this
paragraph whether obtained, de-
rived, or manufactured from coal
tar or other source.

Distillates of coal tar, blast-fur-
nace tar, oil-gas tar, and water-
gas tar, which on being subjected
to distillation yield in the portion
distilling below 190° C. a quan-
tity of tar acids equal to or more
than 5 per cent of the original
distillate or which on being sub-
jected to distillation yield in the
portion distilling below 215° C.
a quantity of tar acids equal to
or more than 75 per cent of the
original distillate.
Mixtures, including solutions, con-
sisting in whole or in part of any
of the products provided for in
this paragraph, except sheep dip
and medicinal soaps.
Similar products by whatever
name known, which are ob-
tained, derived, or manufac-
tured in whole or in part from
any of the products provided for
in this paragraph, or from any
of the products provided for
in paragraph 1549.

39 See footnote 39 on p. 5.

40 See footnote 40 on p. 5.

40 per cent 39 and
7 cents per lb.
55 per cent 40 and
7 cents per lb.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

41 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, n. s. p. f. 42 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes, n. s. p. f.

43 Coal-tar distillates, n. s. p. f.

ACT OF 1916.


SEC. 500. That on and after the day following the passage of this Act, except as otherwise specially provided for in this title, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon the articles named in this section when imported from any foreign country into the United States or into any of its possessions, except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila, the rates of duties which are prescribed in this title, namely: Group I.*

** quinolin *** [Free].

Group II. Amidonaphthol, amidophenol, amidosalicylic acid, anilin oil, anilin salts, anthracene having a purity of twenty-five per centum or more, anthraquinone, benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, benzylchloride, benzidin, binitrobenzol, binitrochlorobenzol, binitronaphthalene, binitrotoluol, carbazol having a purity of twenty-five per centum or more, chlorophthalic acid, cumidin, dimethylanilin, dianisidin, dioxynaphthalene, diphenylamin, metacresol having a purity of ninety per centum or more, methylanthraquinone, metanilic acid, naphthalene having a solidifying point of seventy-nine degrees centigrade or above, naphthylamin, naphthol, naphthylenediamin, nitrobenzol, nitrotoluol, nitronaphthalene, nitranilin, nitrophenylenediamin, nitrotoluylenediamin, orthocresol having a purity of ninety per centum or more, paracresol having a purity of ninety per centum or more, phenol, phthalic acid, phthalic anhydride, phenylenediamin, phenylnaphthylamin, resorcin, salicylic acid, sulphanilic acid, toluidin, tolidin, toluylenediamin, xylidin, or any sulphoacid or sulphoacid salt of any of the foregoing, all similar products obtained, derived, or manufactured in whole or in part from the products provided for in Group I, and all distillates which on being subjected to distillation yield in the portion distilling below two hundred degrees centigrade a quantity of tar acids equal to or more than five per centum of the original distillate, all the foregoing not colors, dyes, or stains, photographic chemicals, medicinals, flavors, or explosives, and not otherwise provided for in this title, and provided for in the paragraphs of the Act of October third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, which are hereinafter specifically repealed by section five hundred and two, fifteen per centum ad valorem.

SEC. 501. That on and after the day following the passage of this Act, in addition to the duties provided in section five hundred, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all articles contained in Group II a special duty of 2 cents per pound, ***.

During the period of five years beginning five years after the passage of this Act such special duties shall be annually reduced by twenty per centum of the rate imposed by this section, so that at the end of such period such special duties shall no longer be assessed, levied, or collected; but if, at the expiration of five years from the date of the passage of this Act, the President finds that there is not being manufactured


or produced within the United States as much as sixty per centum in value of the domestic consumption of the articles mentioned in Group II *** of section five hundred, he shall by proclamation so declare, whereupon the special duties imposed by this section on such articles shall no longer be assessed, levied, or collected.

SEC. 502. That paragraphs * ** twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-three and the words "salicylic acid" in paragraph one of Schedule A of section one of an Act entitled "An act to reduce tariff duties and to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes," approved October third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, and paragraphs * **four hundred and fifty-two, *** and the words "carbolic" and "phthalic," in paragraph three hundred and eighty-seven of the "free list" of section one of said Act, and so much of said Act or any existing law or parts of law as may be inconsistent with this title, are hereby repealed.

ACT OF 1921.


SEC. 501. (a) That on and after the day following the enactment of this Act, for the period of three months, no sodium nitrate, no dyes or dyestuffs, including crudes and intermediates, no product or prodducts derived directly or indirectly from coal tar (including crudes, intermediates, finished or partly finished products, and mixtures and compounds of such coal-tar products), and no synthetic organic drugs or synthetic organic chemicals,a shall be admitted to entry or delivered from customs custody in the United States or in any of its possessions unless the Secretary determines that such article or a satisfactory substitute therefor is not obtainable in the United States or in any of its possessions in sufficient quantities and on reasonable terms as to quality, price and delivery, and that such article in the quantity to be admitted is required for consumption by an actual consumer in the United States or in any of its possessions within six months after receipt of the merchandise.

(b) Upon the day following the enactment of this Act the War Trade Board Section of the Department of State shall cease to exist; all clerks and employees of such War Trade Board Section shall be transferred to and become clerks and employees of the Treasury Department and all books, documents, and other records relating to such dye and chemical import control of such War Trade Board Section shall become books, documents and records of the Treasury Department. All individual licenses issued by such War Trade Board Section prior to the enactment of this Act shall remain in effect during the period of their validity, and the importations under such licenses shall be permitted. All unexpended funds and appropriations for the use and maintenance of such War Trade Board Section shall become funds and appropriations available to be expended by the Secretary in the exercise of the power and authority conferred upon him by this section. SEC. 502. That this title may be cited as the "Dye and Chemical Control Act, 1921." Approved, May 27, 1921.

[blocks in formation]

a Included synthetic organic drugs and chemicals not of coal-tar origin, and natural drugs and chemicals obtained also by synthesis. (T. D. 38799, July 21, 1921.)

39 See footnote 39 on p. 5.

41 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, n. s. p.f. 42 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes, n. s. p. f.

44 Provided, That the specific duty of 7 cents per pound herein provided for on colors, dyes, or stains, whether soluble or not in water, color acids, color bases, color lakes, leuco-compounds, indoxyl, and indoxyl compounds, shall be based on standards of strength which shall be established by the Secretary of the Treasury, and that upon all importations of such articles which exceed such standards of strength the specific duty of 7 cents per pound shall be computed on the weight which the article would have if it were diluted to the standard strength, but in no case shall any such articles of whatever strength pay a specific duty of less than 7 cents per pound: Provided further, That beginning six months after the date of passage of this act it shall be unlawful to import or bring into the United States any such color, dye, stain, color acid, color base, color lake, leuco-compound, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound unless the immediate container and the invoice shall bear a plain, conspicuous, and truly descriptive statement of the identity and percentage, exclusive of diluents, of such color, dye, stain, color acid, color base, color lake, leucocompound, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound contained therein: Provided further, That on and after the passage of this act it shall be unlawful to import or bring into the United States any such color, dye, stain, color acid, color base, color lake, leuco-compound, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound, if the immediate container or the invoice bears any statement, design, or device regarding the article or the ingredients or substances contained therein which is false, fraudulent, or misleading in any particular: Provided further, That in the enforcement of the foregoing provisos in this paragraph the Secretary of the Treasury shall adopt a standard of strength for each dye or other article which shall conform as nearly as practicable to the commercial strength in ordinary use in the United States prior to July 1, 1914; that if a dye or other article has been introduced into commercial use since said date then the standard of strength for such dye or other article shall conform as nearly as practicable to the commercial strength in ordinary use; that if 2 dye or other article was or is ordinarily used in more than one commercial strength, then the lowest commercial strength shall be adopted as the standard of strength for such dye or other article: Provided further, That any article or product which is within the terms of paragraph 1, 5, 38, 40, 61, 68, 84, or 1585, as well as within the terms of paragraph 27, 28, or 1549, shall be assessed for duty or exempted from duty as the case may be under paragraph 27, 28, or 1549. (Act of 1922.)

45 Coal-tar dyes or colors, n. s. p. f.

46 Provided, That for a period of two years beginning on the day following the passage of this act the ad valorem rate of duty shall be 60 per cent instead of 45 per cent.

Paragraph, act of 1922.



Rates of duty.

Act of 1922.

Act of 1909.

Act of 1913.


Coal-tar products-Continued.
Acetanilide suitable for medicinal
use, acetphenetidine, acetylsali-
cylic acid, antipyrine, phe-
nolphthalein, salol."
Artificial musk, benzyl acetate,
benzyl benzoate, coumarin, di-
phenyloxide, methyl anthranil-
ate, methyl salicylate, phenylac-
etaldehyde, phenylethyl alcohol,
and other synthetic odoriferous
or aromatic chemicals, including
flavors, all of these products not
marketable as perfumery, cos-
metics, or toilet preparations,
and not mixed and not com-
pounded, and not containing al-
Benzaldehyde suitable for medici-
nal use, benzoic acid suitable for
medicinal use, beta-naphthol
suitable for medicinal use.

Guaiacol and its derivatives....

Ink powders.....

Photographic chemicals..

Picric acid.

Resorcinol suitable for medicinal



Salicylic acid suitable for medici-
nal use.

Salts of salicylic acid suitable for
medicinal use and other medici-

Sodium benzoate..

Synthetic phenolic resin and all
resinlike products prepared
from phenol, cresol, phthalic an-
hydride, coumarone, indene, or
from any other article or material
provided for in paragraph 27 or
1549, all of these products whether
in a solid, semisolid, or liquid

12 Chemical compounds, n. s. p. f.

39 See footnote 39 on p. 5.

[blocks in formation]

41 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes and not medicinal, n. s. p. f.

42 All other products or preparations of coal tar, not colors or dyes, n. s. p. f.

46 See footnote 46 on p. 8.

47 Medicinal preparations, n. s. p. f.

48 All natural or synthetic odoriferous or aromatic substances, preparations, and mixtures used in the manufacture of, but not marketable as, perfumes or cosmetics, containing alcohol and n. s. p. f.

40 Guaiacol carbonate.

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