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affection of all who were so happy as to Sultan to make large concessions to his have him for an associate. Upon the Jewish subjects. Dr. Hodgkin was perpetration of the cruelties and mas-one of the founders of the Aborigines sacres on the coloured people in Jamaica, Protection and the Ethnological Sociealthough Governor Eyre was his per- ties, an honorary secretary of the Geosonal friend, he at once espoused their graphical Society, a member of the He favoured the writer of this Senatus of the University of London, brief and imperfect notice with a con- and intimately connected with many sultation extending over more than an other scientific bodies. He died in his hour, and rising superior to all sectarian sixty-eighth year. None more deeply prejudices declared his entire approval deplore his loss than the officers and of the course taken by the British and committee of the British and Foreign Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society, in Freed-men's Aid Society. We desire relation to Jamaica. Warmly attached, to express our sincere condolence with as without doubt he was, to that generous the bereaved family. and truly christian body, the Society of Friends, he was ever ready to ally himself with all true workers for human progress and human happiness. Α lover of his country and a devoted member of the church to which he belonged, his heart and his sympathies embraced the whole race of man, whilst his piety was of that divine type that made it his happiness and his very joy tidings of the sudden removal, by death, of its to co-operate with all good men. In honoured and beloved fellow-labourer in the an interview, a few days before he left cause of the coloured man, Dr. Thomas our shores to die in a foreign land, we Hodgkin. This Committee desires to place were charmed with his calm and kindly on record its obligations to the departed for the numerous and valuable services rendered manner, and with the brightness and to this Society by their late excellent friend almost youthful appearance of his coun- and co-worker. Dr. Hodgkin's large-hearted tenance. It was the blush of a setting benevolence and hospitality, his valuable sun on a serene and cloudless atmo- counsel and ready pen, his undeviating atsphere. "In Jesu obdormivit." And-tachment to the British and Foreign Freed

Now is the stately column broke,
The beacon fire is quenched in smoke,
The trumpet's silvery tongue is still,
The warder silent on the hill.

Dr. Hodgkin had proceeded to the
East with Sir Moses Montefiore, on a
philanthropic mission. Only a few
months ago they visited Morocco to-
gether, and succeeded in inducing the

AT a Meeting of the Committee of the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society, held at 102, Fleet Street, on Monday, April 16th, 1866, Lord Alfred Spencer Churchill, F.B.G.S., in the chair, the following resolution," upon the motion of the Rev. John Waddington, D.D., seconded by Frederick Tomkins, M.A., D.C.L., Barrister-at-Law, was unani:-"That this Society has mously adopted: received with feelings of the deepest sorrow,

men's Aid Society, and his courteous and christian temper can never be forgotten by the members of this committee whose happiness it has been to be associated with so gentle and good a man. This Committee would further express its unfeigned and deep sympa. thy with the bereaved widow and family, and instructs the Secretaries to forward a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Hodgkin with the fullest assurance of its affectionate regard and condolence."

BRITISH AND FOREIGN FREED-MEN'S for there had been no less than twenty-eight


disturbances, all occurring whilst the negroes
were in slavery, and caused by the tyranny
The chairman then
of hard task-masters.
drew attention to the cause of the last outbreak,
stating that there had evidently been a mal-
administration of justice. There had also been,
he said, a great cry among the negroes for
what are called "back lands"-lands situated

A meeting in furtherance of the objects of this invaluable society was held on Thursday evening, April 12, at the Lecture Hall, Ipswich, the President of the society-Lord Alfred S. Churchill occupying the chair. There were also present-F. Tomkins, Esq. M.A., D.C.L., (one of the secretaries), the Rev. John Gay, the Rev. E. Jones, W. D. Sims, Esq., F. Alex-behind the great plantations of the planters. ander, Esq., the Rev. J. Cox, &c.

The Chairman briefly expressed his pleasure in being called upon to attend that meeting. He said there was no subject which created more interest in this country than the question of the freed negroes. He commenced by referring to the civil war in America, which lasted four years, and was occasioned by disputes as to the slave question, the result of which, he was glad to say, was the triumph of the northern over the southern cause. There are, he said, some four millions of freed negroes who have been suffering slavery, in order to cultivate the grounds of the southern states, and the people of England might be considered, to a certain extent, to have promoted the system, through the extraordinary demands for their produce, which evidently tended to stimulate the development of slavery. Therefore they must consider that they had a great duty to perform in making some return to this unfortunate people. There had been a Freed-Men's Aid Society formed in the northern states by some philanthropic individuals, and the assistance this country could afford might be either pecuniary or by forwarding clothing for those who needed them. He reminded the meeting of the liberality of the Americans in sending over provisions for the Lancashire operatives during the cotton famine. [Hear, hear.] That was one reason why they should endeavour to make a return for their kindness. Another reason was the noble gift made to the poor of London by Mr. Peabody, amounting to upwards of £250,000. [Applause.] The chairman then briefly alluded to the good work done by the society during its three years of existence. Referring to the recent outbreak in Jamaica-which island had belonged to this country for upwards of 200 years-he said this was not the first,

Dr. Underhill, he contended, had done right in forwarding his letter to Mr. Cardwell, and the charges made by Mr. Eyre against him for creating the outbreak had no foundation in fact. There appeared to be no evidence whatever to show that the outbreak had been instigated by Mr. Gordon; but on the contrary, there had been 1,000 houses burnt down belonging to these unfortunate people, the value of which would amount to about £1,000, exclusive of furniture. The chairman then said the purpose for which the subscriptions would be applied, would be in providing such institutions as an orphans' asylum, or some permanent school, which would enable them to teach these people. The noble chairman, after some further remarks, moved the following resolution :

"That this meeting, having in view the interests of the coloured population of Jamaica, has considered the new constitution for the better government of that colony, as provided by Act of Parliament, and while giving a general concurrence to its main provisions, it desires to express a hope that the governor's council may be composed, as far as possible, of those who are believed to be unprejudiced against the negroes, and that if necessary the members of the new executive government may be sent direct from this country.

"That a copy of the foregoing resolution be presented to the Secretary of State for the colonies."

Fred. Alexander, Esq., hoped that that meeting would be of a somewhat practical character and having expressed his thanks to Lord Alfred Churchill for attending the meeting, stated his willingness to start a subscription by put ting his name down for £10. [Applause.]

W. D. Sims, Esq., had great pleasure in

seconding the resolution brought forward by ticulary the Times, though he did not blame the noble lord, which was put to the meeting the Times so severely; because the Times and carried unanimously. avowed that it wrote to please its readers.

or the prejudice of the passing hour. Its rule was like that of the Lesbian architect which was made of lead and bent to the occasion. In conclusion he begged to say there was one lady in Ipswich-Mrs. Alexander-who had promised to give £50 to their society, on condition that £200 could be raised. He acknowledged the sum of £5 from Mr. Harwood, who he said was prevented attending.

The Rev. J. Cox, next made a few appropriate remarks.

The Rev. E. Jones proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman, which was seconded by Mr. W. D. Sims, and warmly carried.

The Chairman returned thanks.
A collection was made at the doors.


Dr. Fred. Tomkins then addressed the It did not profess to give "the truth, the Meeting at considerable length. He said he whole truth, and nothing but the truth." It rose to speak with feelings of the most pun-was not the corrupt tone of the lie that marked gent regret, for he had not long since learned the Times. It was simply devoid of any moral that they had lost a valued and excellent aim. It suited itself to the whim, the caprice friend of the Society in the late Dr. Thomas Hodgkin, so suddenly removed from their midst. He regretted the unfortunate outbreak in Jamaica, and the sad loss of life, both of whites and blacks. There was no justifying outrage and murder, by whomsoever perpetrated. All right-minded men must regret the gloomy termination of the career of Governor Eyre. But the Society he represented had nothing to do with political questions. The poor people for whom he pleaded were in circumstances of the greatest possible want, and suffering, and ignorance. The emancipated slaves claimed protection at the hands of christian England, and they needed social, mental, moral and religious culture. Their case was that of the poor and the weak appealing for help to the well-to-do and the powerful. England had never turned a deaf ear to such a cry. There had been, he said, quoting an American account, no less than 50,000 black people in America educated in reading, writing, &c., by the benevolent efforts of the people of this country. There was, however, one question relative to the education of the negro, namely-Can you, with all your efforts, make a man of him? Has he the progressive improvement and the power that characterize the white man ? The speaker proved that it was possible, and gave illustrations of what he had witnessed, in relation to the negro, in different parts of the world. He had no doubt but that the negro possessed just the same feelings and love for improvement as the white man. All that he asked for them was that they should be helped in their present distress, and then have " fair field and no favour." People complained that they had so little information, and for this they were themselves to blame. When they desired full information, the press would supply it. He criticized certain articles which had appeared in some of the newspapers, par


ABERDEEN-1st Subscription List.

George Thompson, jun.
William Adamson
Francis Edmond
William Henderson
Neil Smith, jun.
James Aiken, jun.
Henry Adamson
Alex. Nicol
R. B. Horne
James Buyers
John T. Rennie

John Blaikie
F. G. Cochran
D. Rose & Co.
A. Brand
John Cook
Joseph Wood
J. B. Adam



David Aiken
John Sheed
J. B. M'Combie
Andrew Murray
Alex. Pirie

James Hall
William Hall

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List of Articles sent from Stoke Newington to Levi Coffin, per Johnson, Johnson & Co.

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Printed by ARLISS ANDREWS, of No. 7, Duke Street, Bloomsbury, W.C., in the Parish of St.

George, Bloomsbury, in the County of Middlesex.



Ar the Anniversary Meeting of the Baptist Missionary Society, held in Exeter Hall on Thursday, April 26th, the Rev. John Aldis said: "The only light in which I wish to view these sad transactions in Jamaica is in the light of the text, All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.' First, let us learn that if we devote ourselves to God's work, though man for a time may shut the door, yet God will ultimately open it for us. I have been asked again and again how it happens that, when there are so many native Baptists in Morant Bay and the neighbourhood, who have from the first welcomed our missionaries and furnished a large number of converts, we have no stations in that particular region. I have looked into the matter, and find that two-and-thirty years ago our now sainted brother, Burton, went to Morant Bay, preached the Word, gathered a congregation, and started the whole enterprise under the most hopeful and promising circumstances. Subsequent to the outbreak in 1832, he was arrested and thrown into prison. A lady of whom he had hired premises was also arrested and punished, and a gentleman passing by the name of Rector Cook was one of the most active of those who insisted that our brother should there and then depart. We have waited four-and-thirty years; the sons of this gentleman and himself have recently appeared upon the stage; one was unhappily immolated; the gentleman himself was indebted for his life to the care and supervision of a poor black man; and now we are in circumstances most favourable and promising, the brethren of different societies inviting us, promises of different kinds offering, and those in authority suggesting that we should undertake the work we are about to enter into. Another lesson is, that we should appreciate more highly than I fear we have done the immense preference of deep personal religion to intellectual culture. Men of culture have proclaimed that the whole negro population is but the development of the ape, and evidently sigh for the time when all the sons of Ham shall be reduced to a state of bondage. By their fruits ye shall know them.' These men have demonstrated to us that infidelity is essentially a tyrannical thing and a cruel thing, as far from rever

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