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ble arrangement with Colonel Treadwell, the commander. On his way home he was waylaid and shot, his body being fairly riddled with bullet holes.

This news so enraged the people of Lawrence, that on the 12th they attacked the pro-slavery post at Franklin. The enemy was strongly fortified in a block-house, and had one brass six-pounder. This battle lasted three hours, and was conducted with great spirit on both sides. The free-state men, at length, drew a wagon load of hay against the house, and were about to set it on fire when the inmates cried for quarter. They then threw down their arms and fled. In this engagement the free-state men had one killed and six wounded. The other side had four severely wounded, one of them mortally. The cannon taken was one that had been used to batter down the walls of the Lawrence hotel.


A general panic seized the Missouri and other southern intruders on learning these repeated free-state successes. the 15th the Georgian camp at Washington Creek broke up in great confusion, its occupants flying in hot haste as the Lawrence forces approached. This fort was entered without resistance; large quantities of provisions and goods taken at Lawrence were recovered; the building was set on fire and entirely consumed.

The next blow was struck at Colonel Titus's fortified house, near Lecompton. This was one of the boldest strokes of the Kansas war. Lecompton was the stronghold of the pro-slavery party. It was the capital of the territory, the headquarters of Governor Shannon, and within two miles of the house of Titus a large force of United States dragoons was encamped. Captain Samuel Walker, a Pennsylvanian, and as brave a man as ever lived, commanded the attacking army. With about four hundred men and one brass six-pounder, he took up a position upon an elevated piece of ground near the house soon after sunrise on the morning of the 16th of August. The fight, which was a spirited one, immediately commenced, and resulted in the capture of Titus, Captain William Donaldson, (who also had rendered himself notorious at the sacking of Lawrence and elsewhere), and of eighteen others. Five prisoners, previously taken by Titus's party, were released, one of whom had been sentenced to be shot that very day. One of his men was killed in this engagement and several others wounded. Titus was shot in the shoulder and hand. Walker's cannon was loaded with slugs and balls cast from the type of the

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Herald of Freedom, fished out of the Kansas River, where it had been thrown on the day that Lawrence was sacked. Walker set fire to the house of Titus, which was completely destroyed, and carried his prisoners to Lawrence.

The time occupied by this battle was greatly magnified by Titus in his account of the affair, as he maintains that he held out for six hours, and did not surrender until a wagon load of hay was brought up to burn the building. He says that he came out to capitulate with Walker when he received his wounds. On the other hand, Walker thinks the action lasted short of half an hour, which was also the opinion of Woodson, whose house was but half a mile distant, and of Major Sedgwick, of the United States dragoons, who hastened to the rescue as soon as he heard the firing, but did not reach the scene of action until the assailants had retired. Walker also states that Titus was found hid under the floor when his party surrendered.

Nothing could exceed the consternation that prevailed in Lecompton during this engagement. A universal stampede succeeded the firing of the first gun. The stoutest and most noisy boasters of the town rushed to the river, some on foot and others on horseback, and in their fright and hurry jumped into the water to swim across. Governor Shannon, when Major Sedgwick arrived, was sought for, and after considerable difficulty was found concealed in the bushes on the river bank. He was prevailed upon to accompany the dragoons in pursuit of Walker, and after proceeding a few miles, he saw him and his army leisurely crossing the prairies. Major Sedgwick asked for orders to make an attack and rescue the prisoners. But the governor, looking at the formidable force before him, thought it better not to venture an engagement, and gave orders for an immediate return to Lecompton.

He thence proceeded to the house of General George W. Clarke, a short distance from the capital, to ascertain whether that had also suffered damage. He found that the general had rapidly fled with his family, not taking time to remove an article or even to fasten or close his doors. Ever since the murder of Barber, Clarke has evinced an almost painful nervousness. He is exceedingly restless, and terribly alarmed at the slightest appearance of danger. Is it the ghost of the murdered man haunting the guilty soul? His house was fortified, a large number of arms collected there, and guards stationed during the nights. He was in everlasting fear of an

attack from some unknown source. On one occasion, his wife had sent for a party of neighbors to protect them from some imaginary danger. It was dark when they arrived. Clarke hearing them coming, rushed out of the back door with a loaded gun, fired it at the party, and lodged its contents in the leg of one of his own friends. This is his statement of the affair. Others assert that he accidentally wounded his friend in an attempt to shoot a free-state man.

Titus had been one of the most active of the assailants in the sacking of Lawrence. On that occasion he rode through the town, giving his orders in a loud voice, and urging on his men to the work of destruction. When Walker brought him into that town, a wounded prisoner, he compelled Titus to sit up in the wagon and look around him, and as he carried him past the ruined buildings, would stop and ask him to contemplate his work. At length, when they reached the spot where the hotel had stood, Titus was informed that they intended to put him to death, when no man ever supplicated more pitifully to be spared. After being sufficiently tormented, he was conveyed to a place of confinement and attention given to his wounds. Captain Shombre, of the free-state party, was wounded in the attack upon Titus, and died on the evening of the 17th of August.

On that day, it being Sunday, Governor Shannon, Dr. Rodrique and Major Sedgwick, visited Lawrence, as a committee from Lecompton, to make a treaty; when the terms submitted to must have been most humiliating to his excellency. It was agreed that no more arrests should be made of free-state people under the territorial laws; that five free-state men arrested after the attack on Franklin should be set at liberty; and that the howitzer taken by Jones from Lawrence, should be restored; upon which degrading conditions, Titus and his band were released, and permitted to return to Lecompton.




Atenison and Stringfellow call on Missourians for assistance.-Mr. Hoppe and a teamster scalped.-A German murdered at Leavenworth.-Outrages upon a young female.-Shannon removed, and Woodson actinggovernor.-Atchison concentrates an army at Little Santa Fe.-General L. A. Maclean his commissary. He robs the settlers and the United States mails.-Reid attacks Brown at Osawattomie, who retreats and the town is sacked and destroyed.-Murder of Frederick Brown and insanity of his brother John.-Lane drives Atchison into Missouri.Outrages at the Quaker Mission.-Burning of free-state houses.-Lane threatens Lecompton.-Dead bodies found and buried.-Captain Emory murders Philips, and drives free-state residents from Leavenworth.

INFORMATION of the occurrences related in the foregoing chapter, soon reached the prominent leaders of the slavery faction, who lost no time in spreading them out before the people of Missouri, with any amount of exaggeration. On the 16th of August, Atchison and Stringfellow issued a circular at Westport, stating that Lane had entered Kansas at the head of a large army, had taken Lecompton, conquered the dragoons, liberated the treason prisoners, and committed other great and daring deeds; and concluding by calling upon the border ruffians for men and arms to drive the invaders from the territory.

On the 17th, a shocking affair occurred in the neighborhood of Leavenworth. Two ruffians sat at a table in a low groggery, imbibing potations of bad whiskey. One of them, named Fugert, belonging to Atchison's band, bet his companion six dollars against a pair of boots, that he would go out, and in less than two hours bring in the scalp of an abolitionist. He went into the road, and meeting a Mr. Hoppe, who was in his carriage just returning to Leavenworth from a visit to Lawrence, where he had conveyed his wife, Fugert deliberately shot him; then taking out his bowie-knife whilst his victim was still alive, he cut and tore off the scalp from his quivering head. Leaving the body of Hoppe lying in the road, he elevated his bloody trophy upon a pole, and paraded it through the streets of Leavenworth, amid the shouts of the "law and order" militia, and the plaudits of some who are denominated the noblest specimens of "southern chivalry," and regarded as men of respectability. On the same day, a teamster, who

was approaching Leavenworth, was murdered and scalped by another human monster.

A poor German, when the scalp of Hoppe was brought into Leavenworth, was imprudent enough to express his horror of the shocking deed, when he was ordered to run for his life, in attempting which a number of bullets sped after him, and he fell dead in the street. The pro-slavery men aided Fugert to escape from the territory by sending him down the river, and furnishing him with money. He wore, upon his departure, the boots he so nobly won.

On the following day, a young lady of Bloomington was dragged from her home by a party of merciless wretches, and carried a mile or more into the country, when her tongue was pulled as far as possible from her mouth and tied with a cord. Her arms were then securely pinioned, and, despite her violent and convulsive struggles- -but let the reader imagine, if possible, the savage brutality that followed. She had been guilty of the terrible offence of speaking adversely of the institution of slavery.


August 21st.-Governor Shannon receiving official notice of his removal, Secretary Woodson took charge of the ment. This was a signal for great rejoicing among the proslavery people. Woodson was a creature of their own, and they felt assured that they would now be endowed with legal authority to continue the acts of rapine that had previously been committed without the shadow of law. The acting governor came up to all their expectations. He forthwith issued a proclamation, declaring the territory in a state of rebellion and insurrection, and called for help from Missouri, to drive out and exterminate the destroyers of the public peace. Atchison and Stringfellow soon responded to this call, and concentrated an army of eleven hundred men at Little Santa Fe, on the Missouri border.

General L. A. Maclean, chief clerk of Surveyor-General Calhoun, who subsequently served as adjutant-general under Brigadier-General Heiskell in the contemplated attack upon Lawrence, of September 1856, was the commissary of this invading army. He delights to boast of the skilful manner in which he performed his duties.

In the office of Governor Geary, on the morning of February 24th, 1857, Maclean, who was disposed at certain times to be loquacious, was in one of his vaporing moods, and the governor's private secretary, who appeared to be pursuing his usual

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