| United States - 1796 - 576 páginas
...which the Act has been executed, the moneys, fuis, goods, ice. received, &c. ^ 4. •2. An act to amend an act, entitled " An act to regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to preserve Peace oa the Frontiers." [Senate. 6 May, 1822.] - 51 Licenses to be granted only to citizens, who are to... | |
 | John Wood - 1802 - 522 páginas
...appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine. 35. An act to regulate trade and intercourse with the...Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. 36. An act in addition to an act for the more general promulgation of the laws, ... . 37. An act authorizing... | |
 | John Wood - 1802 - 560 páginas
...the rank and pay of the commanding officer of the corps of marines. 30. An act supplementary to the act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. 31. An act to establish a general stamp-office. 32. An act to alter and to establish sundry post roads.... | |
 | William Graydon - 1803 - 730 páginas
...circuit court for the district of Pennsylvaniashall be holden at York-Town; and for other purposes. SOI An ACT to regulate trade and intercourse with the...Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. 316 An ACT respecting the mint. 319 An ACT in addition to anací, entitled, "An aft supplementary to... | |
 | 1804 - 372 páginas
...as ceded by France to the United States, the Act of Congress, passed on the 30th day of March, 1802, entitled " An Act to regulate trade and intercourse...Indian, tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers," is. hereby extended to the territories erected and established by this Act. And the sum of 15,000 dollars... | |
 | United States - 1804 - 454 páginas
...act to amend an act, entituled " An act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States," 33 An act to regulate trade and intercourse with the...tribes, and to preserve peace on the , frontiers, 37 An act to authorize the President of the United States to convey certain parcels of land therein... | |
 | United States. Congress. House - 1844 - 702 páginas
...the State of New York. Mr. Bowlin gave notice of a motion for leave to introduce a bill to amend the act entitled " An act to regulate trade and intercourse...Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers," approved June 30, 1834. Mr. Bowlin moved the following resolution ; which was read, and laid upon the... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate - 1821 - 448 páginas
...was read a third time. Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be " An act to amend an act, entitled - An act to regulate trade and intercourse...Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers,' approved 30th March, 1802." Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives... | |
 | Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 884 páginas
...occasioned by such presents, shall be kept at the department of war. ACT of March 30th, 1802. 3 Bioren, 460. An act to regulate trade and intercourse with the...Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. 3. SEc. i. The following boundary line, established by treaty between the United States, and various... | |
 | United States - 1826 - 562 páginas
...the business of the. establishment, under the directions of the treasury department.) An act to amend an act, entitled " An act to regulate trade and intercourse...Indian tribes and to preserve peace on the frontiers," . . 401 seventh section of the act of 30th March, 1802, repealed, 401 superintendents and agents to... | |
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