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No. 11.

Ship Island, April 14, 1862.

At the General Court Martial, which convened at Ship Island, Miss., pursuant to Special Orders No. 15, of March 29, 1862, from these Headquarters, and of which Col. N. A. M. DUDLEY, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, is President, were arraigned and tried :

I. Capt. M. B. FESSENDEN, of Company I, 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers.


“Drunkenness while on duty, in violation of the 45th Article of War." SPECIFICATION--In this: that Capt. M. B. Fessenden, of Company I, 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers, was, on the 1st day of March, 1862, detailed as regimental officer of the day, and between the hours of 5 o'clock and 8 o'clock P. M., of that date, was found to be so much intoxicated as to render him unfit for duty. This at Ship Island, the 1st day of March, 1862.

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows:

To the specification--Not Guilty.

To the charge-Not Guilty.


The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the accused, as follows:

Of the specification--Guilty.

Of the charge-Guilty.


And the Court does therefore sentence him, Capt. M. B. Fessenden, of Company I, 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers, to be dismissed from the service of the United States, from the date of the promulgation of these proceedings.

II. Private JOHN DOWNEY, of Company A, Massachusetts Independent Volunteer Cavalry.


"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military discipline.”

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private John Downey, of Company A, Massachusetts Independent Volunteer Cavalry, did strike his superior officer, Lieut. Edward E. H. Sturtevant, of Company C, Massachusetts Independent Volunteer Cavalry,

knocking him down, and at the same time kicking him. This while in the discharge of his duty as officer of the day, at Ship Island, Miss., on or about the 10th day of March, 1862.

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Not Guilty.


After mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, the Court, finds the prisoner as follows:

Of the specification-Guilty.

Of the charge-Guilty.


And the Court does therefore sentence him, Private John Downey, of Company A, Massachusetts Independent Volunteer Cavalry, to forfeit all pay and allowances that are now, or may become due him, for six months, except the present just dues of the sutler; to wear a ball weighing eighteen pounds attached to his left leg by a chain four feet long, and to be confined, in charge of the guard, at hard labor, for the same period, on this island, or at the next military post; and at the expiration of the sentence, to be drummed out of the service.

III. Private PETER SMITH, of Company E, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers.



SPECIFICATION 1st-In this: that Private Peter Smith, of Company E, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, on or about the 15th day of March, 1862, stole a knife belonging to Michael Walsh, of Company E, of said regiment. This at Ship Island, Miss., at or about the time specified.

SPECIFICATION 2d--In this: that Private Peter Smith, of Company E, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, on or about the 16th March, 1862, stole a coathook, the property of Lieut. Wm. II. Gardner, of Company E, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. This at Ship Island, on or about March 16th, 1862.

To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded Not Guitly.


The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the prisoner as follows:

Of the first specification--Not Guilty.

Of the second specification--Not Guilty.

Of the charge--Not Guilty.

And the Court does therefore acquit him.

IV. Private GEORGE YOUNKS, of Company E, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers.


"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline.”

SPECIFICATION--In this: that Private George Younks, of Company E, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, when upon a fatigue party, ordered by the Colonel of the regiment, did use language against said Colonel of a violent, abusive and revengeful character. This at Ship Island, on or about March 26th, 1862.

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private George Younks, of Company E, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, to forfeit ten dollars of his monthly pay for one month.

V. Private JOSHUA BARKER, of Company B, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers.


"Violation of the 46th Article of War."

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private Joshua Barker, of Company B, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, on or about the 19th day of December, 1861, while posted as a sentinel, did quit his post and go to sleep. This at Ship Island, Miss. To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Not Guilty.


After mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, the Court finds the prisoner as follows:

Of the specification-Not Guilty.

Of the charge--Not Guilty.

The Court does therefore acquit him.

VI. Private ALBERT WOODWARD, of Company E, 4th Regiment Wisconsin Volun




•Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline." SPECIFICATION 1st-In this: that Private Albert Woodward, of Company E, 4th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, did, while on duty, in the ranks of his company, talk and laugh.

SPECIFICATION 2d-In this: that Corporal L. W. Hillyar, of said company, having commanded Private Albert Woodward, of Company E, 4th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, while on duty, to hold his peace, said Private Albert Woodward

returned answer in the words following, to wit: "Mind your business-I was not talking to you," or words to that effect; and also used obscene and disrespectful All this at Ship Island, Miss., on or about March

language, not proper to report.

21st, 1862.

To which charge and specification the prisoner pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Albert Woodward, of Company E. 4th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, to forfeit ten dollars of his monthly pay for one month, and to be confined, in charge of the guard, at hard labor, for the same period, to date from the date of his confinement.

VII. Private ELEAZER POTTER, of Company C, 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers.


"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline."

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private Eleazer Potter, of Company C, 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers, did use insulting language to, and did refuse to obey the orders of his superior officer. This at Ship Island, Miss., on or about the 25th day of March, 1862.

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Eleazer Potter, of Company C, 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers, to forfeit five dollars of his monthly pay for one month, and to be confined, in charge of the guard, ten days, at hard labor, confinement to date from the original confinement. The Court is thus lenient on account of the previous good character of the prisoner, as proved by his company commander.

VIII. Private RICHARD M. GOODSEL, of Company B, 12th Regiment Connecticut Vol. unteers.


"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline."

SPECIFICATION--In this: that Private Richard M. Goodsel, of Company B, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, acted in an insubordinate and unsoldierlike manner in his tent, and upon being ordered by Corporal George M. Benton to quit, did fail to do so, and at the same time did use profane and insulting language to said Corporal George M. Benton. All this at Ship Island, Miss., on or about the 20th day of March, 1862,

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Guilty.

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