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labor, and to forfeit five dollars of his monthly pay for one month: confinement to date from the promulgation of this sentence.

XXXVII. Private HARMON BALDWIN, of Company F, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers.


"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline."

SPECIFICATION 1st-In this: that Private Harmon Baldwin, of Company F, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, did publicly and loudly declare that he "wished every God damned officer on board this ship might be hung," meaning thereby the U. S. transport ship E. Wilder Farley, on board which was the 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers and its officers. This on board the U. S. transport ship E. Wilder Farley, at Ship Island, Miss., the 3d day of April, 1862.

SPECIFICATION 2d--In this: that he, Private Harmon Baldwin, of Company F, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, did continue to use similar insulting and insubordinate language concerning the officers of his regiment, addressing himself specially to Capt. J. W. DeForest, of Company I, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, at that time acting as officer of the day. This on board the U. S. transport ship E. Wilder Farley, at Ship Island, Miss., on the 3d day of April, 1862.

To which charge and specifications the prisoner pleaded Guilty.


After mature consideration, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Harmon Baldwin, of Company F, 12th Regiment Connecticut .Volunteers, to forfeit ten dollars of his pay for one month, and to be confined twenty days from date of original confinement, at hard labor, in charge of the guard.

XXXVIII. Private THOMAS ELLIS, of Company A, 9th Regiment Connecticut Vol unteers.


"Disobedience of Orders."

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private Thomas Ellis, of Company A, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, entered the officers' sink of the 12th Maine Regiment, on or about the 5th day of April, and refused to come out when ordered to do so by the sentinel, at the same time using reproachful and threatening language to the sentinel then on duty, in violation of the 24th Article of War; also, that the said Thomas Ellis, of Company A, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, did offer resistance to the officer of the guard in arresting him, and made use of violent and disrespectful language against him; also, that the said Ellis drew his knife and endeavored to make his escape from the guard tent by cutting a hole in the canvas, and at the same time threatening to stab the guard over him.

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Thomas Ellis, of Company A, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, to forfeit to the United States all pay and allowances now due or that may hereafter become due to him, except the present just dues of the laundress and sutler, to be confined one year at hard lahor, in charge of the guard, on this island or at the next military post, and then be dishonorably discharged from the service.

XXXIX. Private JOHN CARLIN, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Vol



"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline.”

SPECIFICATION 1st-In this: that Private John Carlan, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, did publicly, loudly and insolently defy the authority of Capt. J. W. DeForest, of Company I, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, while the latter was acting as officer of the day, on board the U. S transport E. W. Farley, at Ship Island, Miss., on the 3d day of April, 1862.

SPECIFICATION 2d-In this: that he, Private John Carlan, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, while the said Capt. J. W. DeForest was acting officer of the day, did defy him to confine Sergeant E. S. Lathrop, for the offense of purloining commissary stores belonging to the 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, saying, in an insolent manner, " You will have a God-damned pretty time in doing it; try it on," and making use of other similar disorderly and insubordinate language. This on board the U. S. transport E. Wilder Farley, at Ship Island, Miss., on the 3d day of April, 1862.

To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private John Carlan, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, to forfeit to the United States ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for three months, and that he be confined, in charge of the guard, for two months, at hard labor.

XL. Private FRANK WHEELER, of Company K, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers,


"Disobedience of Orders."

SPECIFICATION 1st--In this: that Private Frank Wheeler, of Company K, 30th

Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, on or obout the 4th day of April, 1862, at the camp of said regiment, at Ship Island, Miss.. having been ordered by Sergeant Dudley G. Adams, to clean up in and about his quarters, did positively refuse to obey the order.

SPECIFICATION 2d-In this: that he, the said Private Frank Wheeler, of Company K, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, having been ordered by Capt. John R. Cook, the commanding officer of Company K, on or about the 4th day of April, 1862, at the camp of said regiment, at Ship Island, to clean up in and about his quarters, did refuse to obey said order.

To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Frank Wheeler, of Company K, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, to forfeit to the United States ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for three months, and be confined at hard labor, in charge of the guard, for the term of thirty days from the date of his arrest.

XLI. Sergeant E. S. LATHROP, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volun



"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline."

SPECIFICATION 1st-In this that Sergeant E. S. Lathrop, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, did take part in purloining commissary stores belonging to the 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers. This on board the U. S. transport ship E. Wilder Farley, at Ship Island, Miss., on the 3d day of April, 1862.

SPECIFICATION 2d-In this: that Sergeant E. S. Lathrop, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, when ordered by Capt. J. W. DeForest, of Company I, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, at that time acting as officer of the day, to desist from purloining said commissary stores, did respond with insolent language, and did make use of threatening gestures towards the said Capt. J. W. DeForest. This on board the transport E. Wilder Farley, at Ship Island, Miss., on the 3d day of April, 1862.

To which charge and specifications the prisoner pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Sergeant E. S. Lathrop, of Company A, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, to forfeit to the United States ten dollars per month of his monthly pay for three months, to be reduced to the grade of a private

soldier, to be reprimanded in written orders, and to have his chevrons cut off in the presence of his regiment, on the promulgation of this sentence.

XLII. Private ROGER KAIN, of 6th Massachusetts Volunteer Battery.


"Disobedience of Orders."

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private Roger Kain, of the 6th Massachusetts Volunteer Battery of Light Artillery, having been ordered by Lieut. Dorr, his commanding officer, to assist in securing and tying a prisoner, did positively and decidedly refuse to perform said duty. All this on board the transport steamer Matanzas, on or about the morning of the 5th of April, 1862.

To which charge and specification the prisoner pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Roger Kain, of the 6th Massacusetts Battery of Light Artillery, to forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his monthly pay for one month, and that he be confined, in charge of the guard, at hard labor, until this sentence be published.

XLIII. Private FRANCIS W. ROGERS, of Company D. 12th Regiment Connecticut



"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline."

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private Francis W. Rogers, of Company D, 12th Regiment Connecticnt Volunteers, when directed by Capt. George W. Lewis, of Company A, to go below, and not obstruct the gangway on board the steam-tug Anna, when disembarking from the transport E. W. Farley, refused to do so, and told Capt. George W. Lewis, of Company A, to "Go to hell, and mind his God-damned business." This at Ship Island, Miss., on the 4th day of April, 1862.

To which charge and specifications the prisoner pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court confirms the plea of the prisoner.


And the Court does sentence him, Private Francis W. Rogers, of Company D, 12th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, to forfeit to the United States five dollars of his monthly pay for one month, and be confined, in charge of the guard, at bard labor, until this sentence be published.

XLIV. Private MICHAEL HARRINGTON, of Company G, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers.


"Violation of the 46th Article of War."

SPECIFICATION-In this: that Private Michael Harrington, of Company H, 30th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, did, on or about the morning of the 9th of April, 1862, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock, leave his post, he being a member of the guard then on duty, regularly posted by the Corporal, without being released. This at Ship Island, Miss., on or about the said day.

To which charge and specification the accused pleaded Guilty.


After mature deliberation, the Court finds the prisoner as follows:

Of the specification-Guilty of the facts set forth; and

Of the charge--Guilty, but under the circumstances of the case attaches no criminality thereto, and the Court does therefore acquit him.


The proceedings of the General Court Martial in the foregoing cases have been transmitted to the General commanding the Department of the Gulf, and are by him approved.

Capt. M. B. Fessenden, of the 12th Regiment Maine Volunteers, ceases to be an officer of the army from this date.

The Commanding General commutes the sentence in the case of Private Martin Gabbett, Company B, 6th Regiment Michigan Volunteers, to confinement and forfeiture of pay for three months, and remits the confinement of Private George Ingerson, Company F, 26th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, and the fine of Private John Brooks, Company H, 26th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. With these modifications, the sentences will be duly carried into effect.


The General Court Martial, of which Col. N. A. M. DUDLEY is President, is dissolved.



Assistant Adjutant General

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