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"Conduct to the prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline.” SPECIFICATION 1st-" In this, that the said Cardinal H. Conant, late Provost Marshal of the Parishes of St. Bernard and Plaquemines, having been placed under arrest by Brigadier General Bowen, Provost Marshal General, in obedience to orders from Department Headquarters, and the city of New Orleans having been assigned as the limits of his arrest, did violate and break said arrest by proceeding without permission to Baton Rouge, Louisiana-this though he had applied to the Provost Marshal General for such permission, and been refused. All this on or about the 20th day of March, 1863."

SPECIFICATION 2d" In this, that the said Cardinal H. Conant, having been placed under arrest as aforesaid, did, without permission, visit in person the Headquarters of the Major General Commanding. All this at the city of New Orleans, on or about the 23d day of March, 1863."



"Breach of Arrest."

SPECIFICATION—“ That said Cardinal H. Conant, while under arrest in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, by order of Major General Banks, did, on or about the 25th day of May last, without permission from the proper authorities, leave said city by steamer for New York, and when called for trial, could not be found within this Department."

To all of which charges and specifications, except the specification to the 2d supplementary charge, the accused pleaded "Not Guilty."

To the specification to the 2d supplemental charge-"Guilty."

The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the accused as follows:

Of the specification to the 1st charge-" Not Guilty."

Of the 1st charge-"Not Guilty."

Of the 1st specification to the 2d charge-" Guilty."

Of the 2d specification to the 2d charge-" Not Guilty."

Of the 2d charge--" Guilty.”

Of the 1st specification to the 3d charge-" Guilty."

Of the 2d specification to the 3d charge-" Guilty, except as to the words and figures, amounting in the aggregate to $1,020.'"

Of the 3d charge--" Guilty."

Of the specification to the 4th charge--" Guilty."

Of the 4th charge--" Guilty."

1st Supplementary Charges:

Of the 1st specification to the 1st charge--" Guilty."

Of the 2d specification to the 1st charge--" Guilty."
Of the 1st charge-" Guilty."

Of the 1st specification to the 2d charge-" Guilty."
Of the 2d specification to the 2 charge--"Guilty."
Of the 2d charge--" Guilty."

2d Supplementary Charge:

Of the specification-" Guilty, except as to the words and figures, May 25th 1863.'"

Of the charge-" Guilty."

And does therefore sentence him, the said Cardinal H. Conant, " to be cashiered, and to be imprisoned at hard labor for the term of three years, in any fortification of the Government of the United States, to be designated by the Commanding General of the Department of the Gulf."

III. Before a General Court Martial convened at New Orleans, Louisiana, pursuant to General Orders No. 28, of July 22, 1863, from the Headquarters, Defences of New Orleans, and of which Colonel T. W. CAHILL, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and tried :

Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry.


"Conduct unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman."

SPECIFICATION 1st—“ In this, that the said Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, of Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry, was on the Levee, at the foot of Canal street, in the vicinity of where the steamer Continental was lying, loaded with sick and wounded Confederate prisoners, purporting to be there on duty; and when asked by Captain C. W. Killborn, Provost Marshal of New Orleans, by whose order he was there, said Second Lieutenant Radesky refused to tell Captain Killborn; and said Second Lieutenant Radesky did himself go on board the steamer Continental, and while on board said steamer, did make use of violent and insulting language, swearing, etc., in the presence of ladies and gentlemen, and men of the army of the United States, and of the so-called Confederate States. This on or about the 3d day of August, 1863."

SPECIFICATION 2d-" In this, that the said Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, of Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry, did call his superior officer, Captain C. W. Killborn, Provost Marshal of New Orleans, a "damn long red hair'd son of a bitch," or words to that effect. This while said Captain Killborn was in performance of duties pertaining to his office, on or about the 3d day of August, 1863.”

SPECIFICATION 3d-" In this, that the said Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, of Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry, when asked by Captain C. W. Killborn, Provost

Marshal of New Orleans, whose orders he was acting under, or who had ordered him there with his men, replied, “ mine,” or “my own;" and when told by Captain Killborn that he had not ordered any guard, and that he did not need any, and that he might take his men away, did refuse to do so, and did say that "he was down there to see that those God damn rebels did not get things aboard, and that he should not go away until he got ready." This on or about the 3d day of August, 1863.”


"Disobedience of Orders."

SPECIFICATION" In this, that the said Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, of Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry, did go to the Levee, where the steamer Continental was lying, loaded with sick and wounded Confederate prisoners, with a portion of his company, purporting to have been ordered there for guard duty; and when told by Captain C. W. Killborn, Provost Marshal of New Orleans, that he and his guard were not needed, and ordered away, did positively refuse by words to go, and did not go, in obedience to the order. This on or about the 3d day of August, 1863."


"Conduct prejudicial to Good Order and Military Discipline.”

SPECIFICATION" In this, that the said Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, of Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry, did engage in personal altercation with citizens, and did snatch from a citizen a bundle of shirts, and did strike said citizen, all the time using language disgraceful to any officer in the service of the United States, and did order his men to charge on the crowd. This on the Levee, at or near the foot of Canal street, on or about the 3d day of August, 1863."

To which charges and specifications the accused pleaded as follows:

To the 1st specification, 1st charge-" Not Guilty."

To the 2d specification, 1st charge--" Not Guilty.”

To the 3d specification, 1st charge--" Not Guilty, except that part which specifies that he said he was down there to see that no things were got aboard.'"

To the 1st charge-" Not Guilty."

To the specification, 2d charge-"Not Guilty."

To the 2d charge--" Not Guilty."

To the specification, 3d charge-"Not Guilty."

To the 3d charge--" Not Guilty.

The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the accused as follows:

Of the 1st specification, 1st charge-" Not Guilty, except of using vulgar language."

Of the 2d specification, Ist charge--" Not Guilty, except of using improper language."

Of the 3d specification, 1st charge-" Guilty, but no criminality attached."
Of the 1st charge--" Guilty."

Of the specification, 2d charge- "Not Guilty."
Of the 2d charge-" Not Guilty."

Of the specification, 3d charge--" Guilty."

Of the 3d charge-" Not Guilty."

And does therefore sentence him, Second Lieutenant G. H. Radesky, of Company B, 1st Texas Cavalry, "to be dismissed the service of the United States."

IV. Before a General Court Martial assembled at New Orleans, Louisiana, pursuant to General Crders No. 32, from the Headquarters, Defences of New Orleans, of August 10th, 1863, and of which Colonel T. W. CAHILL, 9th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and tried :

First Lieutenant E. K. Prouty, 2d Regiment of Infantry, Corps d'Afrique.


"Conduct unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman."

SPECIFICATION 1st-"In this, that he, C. K. Prouty, First Lieutenant 2d Regiment of Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, did grossly insult an officer of the Navy, Lieutenant Commander A. D. Perkins, by calling him a “damned fool," and saying to him, " you are riding with a damned whore," or words to that effect, while he (the said LieuTenant Commander A. D. Perkins) was driving out in company with a lady, the wife of Lieutenant Commander A. P. Cooke, U. S. Navy, on the public road. All this near New Orleans, on or about the 7th day of August, 1863."

SPECIFICATION 2d-" In this, that he, the said First Lieutenant E. K. Prouty, 2d Regiment of Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, while driving in company with Colonel Daniels, of the same regiment, did use abusive language towards an officer of the Navy, Lieutenant Commander Perkins, while driving in company with a lady, the wife of Lieutenant Commander Cooke, U. S. Navy, on the same road-the words used by said Lieutenant Prouty being as follows, to wit: "You say you are riding with a lady, but I say you are riding with a damned whore, and you are a damned and I room at 122 St. Charles Hotel, and will repeat the same thing to-morrow morning." or words to that effect. All this near New Orleans, on or about the 7th day of August, 1863."

To which charge and specifications the accused pleaded as follows:

To the 1st specification--" Guilty."

To the 2d specification--" Guilty, except to having said he would 'repeat the same to-morrow." "

To the charge--" Guilty."

The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the accused as follows:

Of the 1st specification--" Guilty."

Of the 2d specification--“ Guilty.”

Of the charge--" Guilty."

And does therefore sentence him, First Lieutenant E. K. Prouty, 2d Regiment of Infantry, Corps d'Afrique," to be dismissed from the service of the United States."

V. Before a General Court Martial convened on board the steamer Tecumseh, at Port Hudson, Louisiana, pursuant to Special Orders No. 28, of July 30, 1863, from the Headquarters, Herron's Division, and of which Lieutenant Colonel J. B. LEAKE, 20th Regiment Iowa Volunteers, is President, were arraigned and tried :

1. Captain Byron W. Telfair, 20th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers.


"Conduct unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman.”

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SPECIFICATION" In this, that the said Captain Byron W. Telfair, of Company B. 20th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, Infantry, on the 29th day of July, 1863, at the Parish of Point Coupée, in the State of Louisiana, did enter the dwelling house of Francis Bouligny, and take therefrom and appropriate to his own use, without the consent of the owner, the following property, belonging to Franeis Bouligny, namely: Eight hundred and fifty dollars in United States legal tender notes, consisting of six notes of the denomination of one hundred dollars each, and twelve notes of the denomination of twenty dollars each, and one note of the denomination of ten dollars; also, twenty-five dollars in silver coin, of the value of twenty-five dollars; and also, twelve hundred and sixty-five dollars in various denominations of notes issued and purporting to be issued by the so-called Confederate States, of the value of two hundred dollars--a more particular description of which property is unknown, and cannot be ascertained.”

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SPECIFICATION" In this, that the said Captain Byron W. Telfair, of Company B. 20th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, Infantry, on the 29th day of July, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (1863), at the Parish of Point Coupée, in the State of Louisiana, did enter the dwelling house then and there being, of Francis Bouligny, and did then and there, violently, forcibly and feloniously, steal, take. and carry away, the following property, belonging to the said Francis Bouligny, namely: Eight hundred and fifty dollars in legal tender Treasury notes of the United States of America, consisting of six notes of the denomination of one hundred dollars each, twelve notes of the denomination of twenty dollars each and one note of the denomination of ten dollars, all of the value of eight hundred and

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