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sorry for. In addition to a good supply of monthly roses and geraniums, he had the Amaryllis Formosissima, Jacob's lily, (class 6th, order 1st,) towering up with its splendid red petals, which seemed, when turned to the light, to be sprinkled with powdered diamonds; abundance of hyacinths of various colors, (Hyacinthus, class 6th, order 2d ;) the cheerful little Auricula, (class 5th, order 1st.) He had also the Camellia Japonica, Japan rose, (class 16th, order 6th.) He remarked that the plant from which these specimens were taken had flowered rather late in his green-house this year: it is usually in bloom through the winter, and furnishes the city belles with a most beautiful ornament for their evening dress through the fashionable visiting season. The children were surprised to learn, from their friend the doctor, that the tea which is brought from China, and is in so much use for an afternoon beverage, belongs to this family of plants.

It was named in honor of George Camellus, a Catholic priest, and the author of some learned works. The Bohea tea is called Camellia Bohea; the Green, Camellia Viridis. These are both evergreen shrubs, natives of China, growing to a height of about four feet.

The tea districts in China extend from the twenty-seventh to the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude. The third year after planting, the leaves are gathered in three successive crops, in the months of February, April, and June. The first picking forms what the merchants call Imperial Tea, and the second and third, the kinds known under the names of Green, Black, and Bohea Teas.

The Camellia Japonica of the green-houses belongs to this family. In the gardens and groves of Japan, some of its species grow to the size of trees, and, with their polished deep green leaves, their fine forms, and their elegant white or red flowers, double or single, form one of the most splendid objects in the vegetable kingdom.



By degrees, the sun, which had now become much more powerful, melted away the snow, the weather became milder, and April took the place of cold, blustering, chilly March. The farmers began to plough up the ground, preparatory to planting. Mr. Milton's family enjoyed very much the return of spring. The morning dawned brightly; the sun shone out powerfully; the air was soft and sweet as summer; the windows were thrown open, and the children sallied forth. Frank soon ran himself into a great heat, and returned to the house, begging his mother to get out his summer clothes. He was sure it never was such a hot morning before, and never would be cold again. He thought it must be really unhealthy, and he was sure it was too bad for a fellow to be obliged to carry round his thick winter dress in summer time. His mother, who remembered the last April, and those which had gone before, better than he

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