OF JOHN C. CALHOUN, DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, AND IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. EDITED BY RICHARD K. CRALLÉ. NEW-YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 200 BROADWAY. M. DCCC.LIIL 7386,20 A 4.5.5003,5 A ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, by ANDREW P. CALHOUN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the District of South Carolina. ADVERTISEMENT. THE collection of the Speeches of Mr. Calhoun, here offered to the public, includes, it is believed, all delivered by him in Congress of any general interest—or rather, all, of which any reliable reports have been preserved. Many, no doubt, especially during the war of 1812, through carelessness and the want of competent reporters in the House of Representatives, have been lost-a fact the more to be regretted, as the period was marked by events of much moment to the country. For the comparatively few which have been preserved, the public is chiefly indebted to the Hon. Mr. Simkins, at that time a member of the House from South Carolina, who, for his own gratification, took notes and drew out the sketches (for they are by no means full reports) which appear in this collection. For the use of these, the Editor is indebted to the kindness of the Hon. Francis W. Pickens-to whom he takes this occasion to return his acknowledgments. Others, belonging to the same period, have been copied from manuscripts found among the papers of Mr. Calhoun, though not in his handwriting. Of the Speeches delivered in the Senate, between the years 1833 and 1850, a much larger number has been preserved. They are, for the most part, better reported; and not a few were published in pamphlet form at the time, under his own inspection. Still, so constant and pressing were his engagements-so incessant the demands on his |