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1176. Subsistence stores for the army, unless in particular and urgent cases the Secretary of War shall otherwise direct, shall be procured by contract, to be made by the Commissary-General on public notice, to be delivered on inspection in the bulk, and at such places as shall be stipulated; the inspector to give duplicate inspection certificates (see Form 15), and to be a legal inspector where there is such officer.

1177. Purchases, to supply such corps and posts as by reason of their position, the climate, or for other sufficient cause the Secretary of War may specially direct to be supplied in that way, will be made in open market, on public notice, from the lowest bidder who produces the proper article.

1178. And whenever a deficiency of subsistence stores makes it necessary to buy them, the commissary, where they are needed, will make a requisition for that purpose on the proper purchasing commissary, or buy them himself of good quality corresponding with the contract.

1179. When subsistence is received under contract, the commissary will receipt for it on the inspection certificates (see Form 15). He will deliver one of these to the contractor, and forward the other to the Commissary-General, with a report on the quality of the provisions and the condition of the packages.

1180. Whenever subsistence stores are purchased, the advertisements and bids, and a copy of the bill of purchase, with a statement of the cause of purchase, will be forwarded by the purchasing officer to the Commissary-General. This rule does not apply to the ordinary purchase of hospital supplies. Pork, salt beef, and flour must be inspected before purchase by a legal inspector where there is such officer. Duplicate certificates of inspection (see Form 15) will be taken as sub-vouchers to the vouchers for the payment.

1181. Fresh beef, when it can be procured, shall be furnished as often as the commanding officer may order, at least twice a week: to be procured by the commissary, when practicable, by contract. (For form of contract and bond, see Forms 20 and 21.) When it can be provided at not more than six and a quarter cents per pound, net weight, or at not more than an equivalent proportion of salt pork, it will be issued to the troops five times per week. When beef is taken on the hoof, it will be accounted for on the provision return by the number of cattle and their estimated weight. When the pasture is insufficient, hay, corn, and other forage will be procured for public cattle.

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1182. When circumstances are favorable, and it can be done with advantage to the government, the Subsistence Department will keep beef cattle to supply the issues.

1183. Good and sufficient store-room for the subsistence stores will be procured by the commissary from the quartermaster. Care shall be taken to keep the store-rooms dry and ventilated. Packages shall be so stored as to allow circulation of air among and beneath them. The flour should occasionally be rolled out into the air.

1184. Before submitting damaged commissary stores to boards of survey, the commissary shall separate and repack sound parts.

1185. Wastage on issues, or from evaporation or leakage, will be ascertained quarterly, or when it can be, most conveniently; and the actual wastage thus found will be charged on the monthly return. Loss, from whatever cause, exceeding ordinary waste, must be accounted for by the certificate of an officer, or other satisfactory evidence. Ordinary waste on issues should not exceed, say 3 per cent. on pork, bacon, sugar, vinegar, and soap; and 1 per cent. on hard bread, beans, rice, coffee, and salt. 1186. No wastage is admitted on issues of fresh beef furnished the company, detachment, or regiment directly from the butcher. But in beef on the hoof, errors in estimated weight, and losses on cattle strayed, stolen, or which have died, will be accounted for by the certificate of an officer, or other satisfactory evidence. When cattle are transferred, they should be appraised, and loss in weight reported as wastage by the officer delivering them. Fair wastage in transportation of stores is accounted for by the receiving officer.

1187. When practicable, cattle presented for acceptance must be weighed upon the scales. From the live weight of a steer, thus ascertained, his net weight shall be determined by deducting forty-five per centum when his gross weight exceeds thirteen hundred (1300) pounds, and fifty per centum when it is less than that and not under eight hundred (800) pounds.

1188. When it is impracticable to weigh upon the scales, one or more average steers must be selected, killed, and dressed in the usual manner. The average net weight of these (necks and shanks excluded) will be accepted as the average net weight of the herd.

1189. In all written instruments for the delivery of cattle on the hoof, the manner prescribed above for ascertaining net weight must, in express terms, be inserted; in verbal agreements, it must be understood and accepted by the party delivering the cattle.

1190. Vouchers for the payment of cattle will state the method observed in determining their net weight, except where payment is made on the certificate of an officer, when it must be stated in the certificate.

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1191. The ration is three-fourths of a pound of pork or bacon, or one and a fourth pound of fresh or salt beef; eighteen ounces of bread or flour, or twelve ounces of hard bread, or one and a fourth pound corn meal; and at the rate, to one hundred rations, of eight quarts of beans, or, in lieu thereof, ten pounds of rice, or, in lieu thereof, twice per week, one hundred and fifty ounces of desiccated potatoes, and one hundred ounces of mixed vegetables; ten pounds of coffee, or, in lieu thereof, one and one-half pound of tea; fifteen pounds of sugar; four quarts of vinegar; one pound of sperm candles, or one and one-fourth pound of adamantine candles, or one and one-half pound of tallow candles; four pounds of soap, and two quarts of salt.

1192. The table on page 280 shows the quantity of each part of the ration in any number of rations from one to one hundred thousand. 1193. On a campaign, or on marches, or on board of transports, the ration of hard bread is one pound.*


1194. Returns for issues to companies will, when practicable, be consoli. dated for the post or regiment (see Form 14). At the end of the month the issuing commissary will make duplicate abstracts of the issues, which the commanding officer will compare with the original returns, and certify (see Form 2). This abstract is a voucher of the issue for the monthly return. 1195. Issues to the hospital will be on returns by the medical officer, for such provisions only as are actually required for the sick and the attend. ants. The cost of such parts of the ration as are issued will be charged to the hospital at contract or cost prices, and the hospital will be credited by the whole number of complete rations due through the month at contract or cost prices (see note 7, page 248); the balance, constituting the Hospital Fund, or any portion of it, may be expended by the commissary, on the requisition of the medical officer, in the purchase of any article for the subsistence or comfort of the sick, not authorizea to be otherwise

During the rebellion in the Southern States the ration is to be increased as follows: Twenty-two ounces of bread or flour, or one pound of hard bread, instead of the present issue; fresh beef shall be issued as often as the commanding officer of any detachment or regiment shall require it, when practicable, in place of salt meat; beans and rice shall be issued in the same ration in the proportions now provided by the regulation, and one pound of potatoes per man shall be issued at least three times a week, if practicable; and when these articles cannot be issued in these proportions, an equivalent in value shall be issued in some other proper food, and a ration of tea may be substituted for a ration of coffee apon the requisition of the proper officer.

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furnished (see Form 3). At large depôts or general hospitals, this fund may be partly expended for the benefit of dependent posts or detachments, on requisitions approved by the medical director or senior surgeon of the district. On the 1st of January, each year, one-fourth of every hospital fund, if less than $150, and one-half, if more, will be dropped by the commissary from the fund (Form 3), and will be paid over to the treasurer of the Soldiers' Home by the Commissary-General.

1196. The articles purchased for the hospital, as well as those issued from the subsistence store-house, will be included in the surgeon's certificate of issues to the hospital, and borne on the monthly return of provisions received and issued. Vouchers for purchases for the hospital must. either be certified by the surgeon or accompanied by his requisition.

1197. There may be allowed in hospitals, to be provided under such rules as the Surgeon-General of the army, with the approval of the Secretary of War, may prescribe, such quantities of fresh or preserved fruits, milk or butter, and of eggs, as may be necessary for the proper diet of the sick. 1198. Abstracts of the issues to the hospital will be made by the commissary, certified by the surgeon, and countersigned by the commanding officer (see Form 3).

1199. In order that the authorized women of companies may draw their rations while temporarily separated from their companies, the officer commanding the company must make a report to the commanding officer of the post where the women may be left, designating such as are to draw rations as attached to his company. Their rations are not commuted, and they can only draw them at a military post or station where there are supplies.

1200. When provisions can be spared from the military supplies, commanding officers have discretion to order issues to Indians visiting military posts on the frontiers, or in their respective nations, and to order sales of subsistence to Indian agents for issues to Indians. The returns for issues, where there is no Indian agent, will be signed by the commanding officer. The sales will be for cash, at cost, including all expenses; to be entered on the monthly return, and credited on the quarterly account current.

1201. Issues to volunteers and militia, to sailors, to marines, to citizens employed by any of the departments, or to Indians, will be entered on separate abstracts to the monthly return.

1202. An issue (extra) of ten pounds of sperm candles, or twelve pounds of adamantine candles, or fifteen pounds of tallow candles per month, may be made to the principal guard of each camp or garrison, on the order of the commanding officer, and salt, in small quantities, may be issued to public cattle. Occasional issues (extra) of molasses are made of two quarts to one hundred rations. (One gill of whisky is allowed daily, in case of excessive fatigue and exposure.) Troops at sea are

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recommended to draw rice in lieu of beans. Fresh vegetables (potatoes. onions, &c.), pickles, krout, and dried fruits, can only be purchased and paid for out of the hospital fund and issued to the sick.

1203. When men leave their company, the rations they have drawn, and left with it, will be deducted from the next return for the company; a like rule, when men are discharged from the hospital, will govern the hospital return.


1204. When subsistence cannot be issued by the Commissariat to recruiting parties, it will be procured by the officer in charge, on written contracts for complete rations, or wholesome board and lodging. (See Form 19.)

1205. The contractor will send monthly or quarterly, as he may choose, his account for rations issued, to the Commissary-General for payment, vouched by the abstract of issues (Form 17) certified by the officer.

1206. When convenience and economy require that the contract shall be for board and lodging, the officer in charge shall estimate the cost of the ration, for which the contractor shall be paid as before directed, and shall pay the amount due to lodging from the recruiting fund.

1207. At temporary rendezvous, advertising may be dispensed with, and a contract made, conditioned to be terminated at the pleasure of the officer or the Commissary-General.

1208. The recruiting officer will be required, when convenient, to receive and disburse the funds for the subsistence of his party, and to render his accounts quarterly to the Commissary-General.

1209. When a contract cannot be made, the recruiting officer may pay the necessary expenses of subsisting and boarding his party.

1210. The expenses of subsistence at branch rendezvous, and all expenses of advertising for proposals, will be paid by the contractor at the principal station, and included in his accounts.

1211. Issues of provisions will be made on the usual provision returns, and board will be furnished on a return showing the number of the party, the days, and dates.

1212. A ration in kind may be allowed to one laundress at each principal rendezvous.


1213. An officer may draw subsistence stores, paying cash for them at contract or cost prices, without including cost of transportation, on his certificate that they are for his own use and the use of his family. Commanding officers of companies may, in the same way, when authorized by the post commander, purchase subsistence stores for their company mess. These certified lists the commanding officer shall compare with the monthly abstracts of sales, which he shall countersign (see Form 5).

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