Imágenes de páginas


Fences Cleared of "Snipe" Posters and Vacant Lots Cleared of Refuse Resulting from the Slovenly Work of Poster Men-Navy Removes Its Recruiting Posters

The Merchants' Association, through the property. The other way is to ar- without the written consent of the propits Anti-Litter Bureau, during the past rest anyone found posting material erty owner.


Photograph number one is of a triangular fence located on Lafayette and Pearl Streets, Manhattan, owned by the Edison Company. About eight months ago this fence was a billposters' paradise. It was completely covered with advertising material of various kinds. Many of the bills were torn and hanging in shreds. The fence presented a sight which was not at all beautifying to the City. A letter was addressed to the President of the Edison Company, calling his attention to the fence and suggesting that the advertising material be removed, the fence painted and "POST NO BILLS UNDER PENALTY OF THE LAW" signs placed or painted on the fence in various places. This suggestion met with approval and was carried out with the result that there has not ap



peared on the fence from that time to, of this nature are sent direct to the| A special meeting was held in the of the present a poster of any kind.

Vacant Lot Before and After

Photographs two and three are of vacant lots located on Wadsworth Avenue between 178th and 179th Streets. They were taken in April, 1920, and show a fence greatly abused by billposters, a fire hazard and a very untidy vacant lot in which children play.

Photograph number four shows these lots as they appeared on January 26th, 1921. The fence has been removed, thus relieving the community of an unsightly condition and depriving the billposters of a "snipe" location. A fire hazard has been eliminated. The lots have been thoroughly cleaned and the children will have a more healthful place in which to spend their recreation periods.

proper city departments. Often, prop- fices of The Merchants' Association, aterty owners, although they object to tended by Colonel L. J. Magill, of the having their property rights infringed United States Marine Corps; Mr. William


on by violators of the law, do not know, Fellowes Morgan, President of The Merhow to stop the violators, billposters chants' Association; Mr. S. C. Mead, Secparticularly. The violator, on the other retary of The Association, and Mr. hand, is more or less defiant and needs C. A. Copson, Manager of the Antithe hand of the law to show him that Litter Bureau of The Merchants' AsTo bring about this improvement the he is in the wrong. Photograph number sociation; to discuss this matter. Colonel Magill issued orders that all United States Marine posters, posted without the written consent of the property owner, must be removed by January 31, 1921, and that in the future no advertising material would be posted on private property until written permission is received. The United States Navy will also refrain from posting bills on private property unless permission is given by the owner.



Manager of the Anti-Litter Bureau adop- | five will serve to illustrate the point in
ted the shortest route to get results. mind. This shows a wall located on City
Complaints were sent direct to the Po- property, controlled by the New York
lice Department instead of appealing to Consolidated Railroad Company.
the owners of the property. The law All the persons whose advertising ma-
requires a property owner to keep his terial appears on this wall, together with
property free from refuse. City authori- the United States Marine Corps, were
ties can, if after a given time the prop-notified that these bills had been posted
erty owner refuses to remove refuse in violation of the law. Some of the
from premises, have it removed and violators have been notified several
charge the expenses of removal to the


With the Marines, Navy, several theatrical managers and The Billposters' Union No. 1 expressing a willingness to cooperate in the effort to stop unlawful billposting, little difficulty should be encountered in bringing about the desired result. If all will cooperate in this campaign by removing all advertising material from their property and have vacant lots cleaned and insist that their rights be respected, hundreds of untidy conditions will be cleaned up, the City will present a more pleasing appearance and will be a healthier place in which to live.

CHICAGO MOTOR DEATH LIST The total number of deaths in Chicago resulting from automobile accidents in 1920 was 559. That figure represents an increase of approximately 25 per cent times, but continue to indulge in the over the automobile deaths of 1919. In practice and will, no doubt, continue to 1919, 420 persons met death in motor do so until the New York Consolidated crashes. In 1918 the number of fataliRailroad Company has the material re- ties resulting from automobile accidents moved and prohibitive signs posted. The was 374. In the year 5,757 Coroner's blank spaces on the wall indicate places cases were presented. Of that number, where the United States Marine Corps physicians issued 2,144 death certifihas removed its material by request of cates. Of the remaining 3,613 cases oneseventh were automobile deaths.

For The Merchants' Association to attempt to locate property owners, many of whom do not reside in the City, and communicate with them in an effort to bring about the desired results would prove to be a great task and loss of time. This is why, in many cases, complaints The Merchants' Association.


Analyses Made by the Legislative Service Bureau Give the Substance of the Measures of Chief Commercial Importance Now Pending in the State Capital

The Legislative Service Bureau of The ized to issue policies in this State re- other bonds secured thereby and shall Merchants' Association is equipped to aid insures any marine risks with a corpo- not be subject to any prior interest members of The Association with informa- ration incorporated outside of the United therein; that the trust mortgage in tion concerning legislation affecting them. Each week it will prepare abstracts of bills pending in the State Legislature, and new laws, which will be printed in "Greater New York."

Extends Anti-Monopoly Law

States, but admitted to transact busi ness in this State, other than through its attorney, manager or agent in the United States, under a contract which provides that losses thereunder shall not be collectible out of, nor chargeable against, the assets of said corporation in the United States, the ceding insurer, as to the portion of such marine risks so ceded, shall be charged with unearned Section 340 is amended by extending premium liability, and shall report and the provisions against monopoly to in- pay taxes thereon, but the insurer to clude monopolies in the manufacture, which the business is ceded shall not production or sale in this State of any be charged with unearned premium liaarticle or product used in the conduct bility nor required to report or pay of trade, commerce or manufacture.

(Sen. Int. No. 562, by Mr. Meyer) To amend the General Business Law in relation to contracts for monopoly.

Also adds new Section 341-A, providing the right to sue and have injunctive relief against threatened loss or damage arising from violation of Section 340.

The purpose of these amendments is to bring within the purview of the antitrust act price-fixing combines among building material men. The present law prohibiting monopoly contracts applies only to articles or commodities of com

mon use.

taxes on account of such marine risks.

Blue-Sky Law

(Assem. Int. No. 789, by Mr. Borkowski)

To amend the Banking Law in relation to the prevention of fraud in the sale of stocks, bonds and other securities.

Adds new Article 6-A, creating the New York Securities Commission, consisting of Superintendent of Banks, the State Treasurer and the Attorney General, which is empowered to pass upon all stocks, bonds and other securities of

which any fiduciary may invest funds shall be recorded and shall run to a resident of the State of New York, and shall, together with the insurance policies and evidences of title be held within the State for the equal benefit of all bondholders by the trustee under such trust mortgage; and providing further, that the provisions hereof shall not apply to the bonds of a corporation subject to taxation on a special franchise.

Under existing law, the investment of trust funds in parts of mortgages is restricted to mortgage participating certificates issued by title insurance and trust companies. These amendments would permit the investment of such funds in first mortgage bonds subject to restriction as to value of the mort

gage security, thereby releasing for building construction purposes a large

volume of funds not now available.

Inspection of Boilers and

(Assem. Int. No. 854, by Mr. Jesse)

To amend the Greater New York

Would Remove Nuisances from fered for sale by every investment com- Charter in relation to the inspection of

Riverside Drive

(Sen. Int. No. 456, by Mr. Straus.)

elevators and boilers.

Adds new Section 411-A, to read as follows:

When an elevator or boiler in any building

in the City of New York is insured by any der the supervision of the Insurance Departtendent of Buildings, and Commissioner of Po

casualty insurance company doing business unment of the State of New York, the Superin

as the case may be, of said City shall accept said insurance company's annual certifto such effect in lieu of the inspections

pany, domestic or foreign. Securities of the United States, of any foreign govTo amend Section 9 of Chapter 152 ernment, of a State or Territory, county of the Laws of 1894, by providing that or municipality, of public service corpoafter August 1, 1921, no slaughter rations, of State or national banks, and house, soap, candle, varnish, vitriol, of certain classes of domestic corporaglue, ink, turpentine or bone factory, or tions, also unsecured commercial paper, new stock issued to lice, manufactory of gunpowder, or any bone- mortgages and If the Com-cate boiling establishment, or factory for stockholders are exempt. tanning, dressing or preparing, skins, mission finds that the proposed plan o required by the code of ordinances of the City hides or leather, or crematory, dump or business of a company or its securities receptacle for the deposit of garbage, are fraudulent, it shall not issue a certificate. ashes, or refuse of any kind, Without such certificate, sale other noxious, dangerous or offensive of securities is prohibited. purpose or establishment whatsoever shall be erected or established, main- Investment of Trust Funds in First

or any

tained or operated by or within the two parcels of land set apart as and for commercial or dock purposes adjacent to Riverside Park.

Liens on Property

(Assem. Int. No. 822, by Mr. Cheney)

of New York.

Taxes Real Estate Brokers and

(Sen. Int. No. 336, by Mr. Gibbs.) (Assem. Int. No. 545, by Mr. McWhinney.) To amend the Real Property Law in relation to the licensing and regulation of real estate brokers and salesmen. To amend Section 111 of the DecedAdds new article 12-A, providing that ent Estate Law, and Section 21 of the on and after October 1, 1921, persons, Personal Property Law, by providing firms and corporations engaged in busithat fiduciaries may invest trust funds ness as real estate brokers or salesmen in bonds secured by trust mortgage on must be licensed by the Secretary of unencumbered real property in the State State. The annual license fee in New To amend Section 22 of the Insur- worth fifty per centum more than the York City is $25 for brokers and $5 for ance Law in relation to re-insurance, by amount loaned thereon; that any such salesmen. Where an additional license providing that when an insurer author- bonds shall not be subordinate to any is desired by an officer of a corporation

Marine Re-insurance (Sen. Int. No. 552, by Mr. Towner) (Assem. Int. No. 803, by Mr. Gardner)


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or a member of a copartnership the an- | completion of a test of an applicant's of this section, in a form to be prenual fee shall be one-half of that for the ability to operate a motor vehicle the pared or approved by the Superintenoriginal license. Fifty per cent of such examiner or other person conducting dent of Insurance, shall be incorporated fees collected in New York City are to such test shall require the applicant to in the standard form of fire insurance be paid over to the City. make an unblurred imprint of the policy to be used for every contract of The Secretary of State is empowered thumb and finger tips of his right hand, fire insurance. to suspend or revoke licenses in case of in ink, upon his application for a license, fraud or fraudulent practices, or where at a place thereon which shall be desiglicensee has demonstrated untrust-nated by the Secretary of State. worthiness or incompetency to act as a The Secretary of State is empowered real estate broker or salesman. in his discretion to revoke or suspend Receivers, referees, fiduciaries, law- any certificate of registration or license yers and real estate brokers licensed un-issued, after hearing, upon ten days der the laws of another State are ex-notice; also to subpoena witnesses and occupations on the first day of the week empt from the requirements of this bill. take testimony when investigating matters pertaining to certificates of registration or licenses to operators or chauffeurs.

Would Reduce Thefts of Motor


(Sen. Int. No. 534, by Mr. Lowman.)

To amend subdivision 8 of Section 282

Permits Sunday Selling.—To add new Section 2147-a to the Penal Law, authorizing the pursuit of their businesses and in New York City by persons whose religious faith requires them to observe as Sabbath any other day of the week than Sunday and who actually refrain from business and labor on such other day. (Sen. Int. No. 460, by Mr. Katlin.) Earlier Tax Payments.-To amend Section 914 of the Greater New York Charter, by requiring that the second half of

Provides also that Magistrates and officers before whom operators and of the Highway Law in relation to the chauffeurs are convicted of any violatransfer of used motor vehicles, by re- tion of Highway Law must within ten quiring the seller of a registered vehi- days after such conviction certify to taxes on real estate must be paid on or cle to transfer to the buyer the certifi- the Secretary of State all facts con- before July 1, instead of November 1, cate of registration indorsed to show cerning the conviction including the as at present. (Sen. Int. No. 511, by name of buyer and date of delivery; judgment of the court and the sentence Mr. Downing.) also to deliver to the buyer a statement imposed.

of transfer of ownership, which statement must be executed by the buyer and filed with the Secretary of State within ten days.

Requires Signs in Taxicabs to
Show Ownership

Voting Corporate Stock

Deposits for Gas and Electricity.—To amend Section 63 of the Transportation Corporations Law, by authorizing a gas or electric corporation to require a deTo amend the Stock Corporation Law posit for gas or electric current equal to

(Sen. Int. No. 551, by Mr. Pitcher)

in relation to consent of stockholders.
Adds new Section 70-A, to read as

estimated price of such current for two months. Also providing that such deposits in case of insolvency or volunWhenever under the provisions of this chapter tary or involuntary liquidation of the the consent of the stockholders or of a proporTo amend the Highway Law in rela- tion of the stockholders is authorized or re- corporation shall be entitled to priority quired, such consent shall not be deemed to of payment. tion to motor vehicles.

(Assem. Int. No. 733, by Mr. Bloch)

Adds new Section 287-b, to read as follows.

mean the consent of stockholders of stock issued
under a classification, which does not entitle Mr. Fenner.)
the holders thereof to vote at meetings of
the stockholders of such corporation.

CERTAIN MOTOR VEHICLES ΤΟ HAVE Cancellation of Fire Policies for

SIGNS SHOWING OWNERSHIP. In every motor vehicle used in hacking, or otherwise used for hire, in any city of the State there shall be placed and kept by the owner thereof while such motor vehicle is so used, a sign stating the name of the owner of such motor vehicle. Such sign

shall be of such size, with such lettering and in such position in the interior of such motor vehicles as to be conveniently read by passengers

therein. Violation of this section shall be a

Would Curb Reckless Motor

(Sen. Int. No. 161, by Mr. Meyer.)

Non-payment of Premium

(Assem. Int. No. 525, by

Ripper Bill.To add new Section 44-a to the Greater New York Charter providing that upon prior recommendation of the Board of Estimate and Apportion(Assem. Int. No. 805, by Mr. Crowley.) ment the Board of Aldermen shall have To amend the Insurance Law in re- power to consolidate, abolish and translation to cancellation of fire insurance fer existing powers and duties of New policies for default in payment of York City boards, bodies, commissions, premiums. officers and employees. (Sen. Int. No. Adds new Section 121-A, providing 591, by Mr. Donohue.) that the failure of the insured, his Foreign Exchange.-To add new Secagents or representatives to pay any tion 1522 to the Penal Law, in relapremium on a policy of fire insurance tion to transmission of money to and To amend Sections 289, 290-a, and within sixty days after it shall have from foreign countries. Provides that 290-b, of the Highway Law in relation become due shall operate to cancel the the exact amount must be expressed in to operators and chauffeurs of motor policy at the expiration of such period, instrument, in standard of unit of curvehicles, by providing that before an unless the time for making such pay- rency of country, which payee is entitled operator's or chauffeur's license is ment shall have been extended, before to receive. No brokerage fee shall be granted, the applicant shall pass such the expiration of such period, by the charged other than the regularly adverexamination as to his qualifications as insurer, or his or its agent, in writing; tised rate. (Assem. Int. No. 549, by Mr. the Secretary of State shall require, in which case a failure to pay the prem- Dickstein.) which shall in every case include an ium within the period of such an exactual and thorough test of the appli- tension, or of a written renewal thereof, Keep your file of "Greater New York" cant's ability to operate a motor vehicle shall operate to cancel the policy. It complete. You can get a special cover for under normal traffic conditions. Upon is further provided that the substance it on application-price sixty-five cents.



New Members Elected to This
Association by the Executive
Committee on Monday

man Cohen, 198 Canal Street-Manurac- CONVENTION LIST

turers, Boys' Clothing.

Universal Braid Works, Mr. Israel
Grabelsky, 108 West Eleventh Street-
Manufacturers Braids and Silk Yarns.

Yoakum, Mr. B. F., Chairman of Ex-
ecutive Committee and Board, St.
Louis and San Francisco Railroad Com-
pany, Room 1102, 71 Broadway-Rail-


Youngsters' Novelty Company, Mr. The Merchants' Association has re- Benjamin Rubinsky, 710 Broadwayceived several letters commending the Children's Clothing. service rendered by The Association's Industrial Bureau.

Mr. James L. Madden, Supervisor of


the Industrial Service Bureau of the This Association Supports Brook

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, wrote as follows:

"Recently we had occasion to desire information about the wage situation in a number of New York banks. We took the matter up with Mr. Martin H. Dodge, Acting Manager of the Industrial Bu

reau. We want you to know of our appreciation of the courteous, prompt and efficient manner in which this request was handled. We certainly hope that we may be in a position to reciprocate some time in the near future."

lyn Move for Reorganization
and Retrenchment

At the request of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, The Merchant's Association has endorsed a bill prepared by the Brooklyn Chamber providing for the appointment of a Commission on Reorganization and Retrenchment for the City of New York. It provides for a representative commission to inquire into the local government of the City and the five counties which it includes, New Members Elected to examine the charter and local laws The following individuals, firms and affecting the City, to investigate the corporations were elected members of methods of conducting business in the The Merchants' Association by the various branches of the City governExecutive Committee last Monday: ment and to determine how the elimination of unnecessary brought about. The expenses of the Commission are limited to $50,000. The Merchants' Association will coGillespie, Mr. George J., 20 Vesey operate in securing the passage of the Street-Lawyer.

Baker Brush Company, Incorporated, Mr. Alfred Baker, President, 83 Grand Street-Importers and Manufacturers,


Hotel Manhattan Square, Mr. Jeffrey Harold Frohman, Manager, 50 West Seventy-seventh Street-Hotel.

Kalter-Cerf Mercantile Company, Incorporated, Mr. Max Kalter, President, 591 Broadway-Jobbers and Wholesale Auctioneers, Shoes.


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14-20. Associated Manufacturers of Electriwork may be cal Supplies-March 15.


The Traffic Bureau Has a Copy of
Consolidated Freight Classifi-
cation, Effective April 1

National Association of Men's Straw Hat Manufacturers of America-March 16.

Refractories Manufacturers Association-March 16-18.

Convention of Amateur and Commer-
cial Radio Men-March 16-19.
Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the
U. S. A.-March 22.

Silk Association of America-March 23.

Eastern Commercial Teachers' Association-March 24-26.

Eastern Penmanship Teachers' Association-March 24-26.

National Association of Amateur Billiard Players-March 25.

Master Trucks, Incorporated, Mr. W.
E. Cobb, New York Manager, 227 West
The Traffic Bureau of The Merchants'
Sixty-first Street-Motor Trucks, Sales Association has received Consolidated
and Service.
Freight Classification No. 2 issued by
Pierson, Mr. J. Fred, Pierson and the Consolidated Classification Commit-
Company, Incorporated, 29 Broadway-tee, effective April 1, containing rules
United Order of the Golden Crass,
Iron and Steel.
and regulations governing the accept- Grand Commandery of the State of New
Radus, N., and Sons, Incorporated, ance and delivery of freight shipments, York-March 29.
Mr. Morris Radus, Treasurer, 78 Bowery together with ratings and descriptions Jewelry Crafts Association
-China and Glassware.
upon individual articles.

[blocks in formation]

Railway Business Association-March

League for Industrial Rights-March
Alumni of New York Dental Depart-

Silver, Isaac, and Brothers Company, Numerous changes are made in deMr. Isaac Silver, President, 395 Broad- scriptions and ratings, many of which 31. way-Five and Ten Cent and One Dol- are of interest to members of The Mer

lar Stores.

chants' Association. The new publica

Simons, Mr. Herman F., 438 Broad- tion is on file in the Traffic Bureau, ment, University of Buffalo-March. where it may be examined by interested Specialty Clothing Company, Mr. Lipp-members.

way-Cotton Yarns.

Why not file "Greater New York"?

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