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112 Washington Street, Boston.

BRITISH POETS. - A Complete Collection

of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth; embracing the whole Works of the most distinguished Authors, with selections from the Minor Poets; acccompanied with Biographical, Historical, and Critical Notices. Edited by F. J. Child, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Harvard College.

The size and style of the volumes are those of PICKERING'S ALDINE POETS, and such of the works of that edition as fall entirely within the plan of the present collection will be embodied in it. Each separate work is sold by itself, and the price of each volume, bound in the Aldine style, or in black cloth, gilt lettered, is 75 cents. -The following volumes are now


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"It is by far the best edition of these poets that has ever been issued in this country; fully equal to the English, of which they are an exact reprint, and at just one half the cost."


- Boston

"We cannot too warmly commend the series to our readers."-Southern Literary Gazette.

"We do not know any other edition of the English Poets which combine so many excellencies.".

Bibliotheca Sacra.


"The literary institutions will of course embrace the opportunity to secure so complete a series of the British Poets, and our High Schools should be supplied with it.” Ohio State Journal.

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"The uniform and beautiful style in which the series is published, so far as paper and print are concerned, is excellent, and but one opinion exists as to the great merits of the enterprise." Hunt's Magazine.

"The finest and best edition of the British Poets ever issued in this country."- Hingham Journal.

"This edition should grace every library, public and private, and he that may own it may not have cause to envy any one the possession of any other edition.". - Louisville Journal.

"We warmly commend it, and wish it a success proportioned to its merits." Brownson's Review.


"We cannot speak too highly in praise of this edition the only one that deserves the name of complete '- of the British Poets. The paper, printing, and binding are of unexceptionable elegance, and the editorial charge is in faithful and capable hands."-Daily Advertiser.

HUME'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. From the latest London trade-edition, reprinted on large type to correspond with the London edition of Macaulay's History. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. $9.

HUME'S PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. - The Philosophical Writings of David Hume. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. $10.

ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA. Eighth edition, revised, enlarged, and brought up to the present time. Edited by Thomas Stewart Traill, M. D., F. R. S. E., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the University of Edinburgh. With upwards of five hundred engravings on steel, and many thousands on wood. To be comprised in 21 vols. 4to. Vols. I. to V. now ready. Cloth. $5.50 per volume.

*This edition has undergone careful revision and extensive alterations, so as to accommodate it to the improved taste and advanced intelligence of the times. The editor has secured the co-operation of the most eminent living authors, who have contributed treatises in the various departments of Science, Literature, the Arts, Manufactures, Commerce, Statistics, and General Knowledge, to supersede those now rendered obsolete by the progress of discovery, improvements in the arts, or the general advancement of society.

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