1782, elected to the Legislature in 1784, to the United States Senate in 1791, and to the Vice-Presidency in 1800. Electoral Vote. - Third Administration, 1st Term.Sixteen States voting. Whole number of Electors, 188. Thomas Jefferson, Va., DEMOCRAT, and Aaron Burr, N Y., DEMOCRAT, each having received 73; John Adams, Mass., FEDERAL 65; Charles C. Pinckney, S. C., 64; John Jay, N. Y., 1. No choice was made by the people, and consequently the House of Representatives proceeded to the choice of Fresident according to the provisions of the Constitution, and upon the 36th ballot Thomas Jefferson, of Va., DEMOCRAT, was elected Pres. Aaron Burr, of N. Y., DEMOCRAT, was elected Vice-Pres. Electoral Vote. - Third Administration, 2d Term.Seventeen States voting, Ohio having been admitted during the previous term. Whole number of Electors, 176. Thomas Jefferson, of Va., DEMOCRAT, for President, received 162 votes, and was declared elected. George Clinton, of N. Y., DEMOCRAT, for Vice-President, received 162 votes, and was declared elected. Charles C. Pinckney, S. C., FEDERAL, for President, 14; Rufus King, N. Y., FEDERAL, for Vice-Pres., 14. Important Events of the 3d Administration. 1801 March 4. Thomas Jefferson inaugurated President. The internal revenue law repealed; its enforcement led to the "Whiskey Rebellion" in Pa. in 1794. June 10. Tripoli declares war against the United States, by demanding of Capt. Baiubridge the use of U. S. frigate Geo. Washington to convey an ambassador to Constantinople, he was obliged to comply or submit to destruction from the Castle guns of the harbor. 1802 Νον. 29. Ohio admitted as a State. - West Poiut Military Academy founded. 1803 April 30. Louisiana purchased of France for $15, Ο00,000. - Com. Preble and his fleet sent to demand restitution from Algiers and Tripoli for piracies. 1804 July 11. Hamilton killed in a duel with Burr. The ifficulty grew out of a political quarrel. 1805 June 3. Peace declared between Tripoli and U. S. 1806 Aaron Burr charged with treason in attempting to Set up an Empire west of the Alleghanies. He Was tried and acquitted of conspiracy. England persists in searching American vessels for Suspected deserters from the British navy, and thus impressing American seamen. These repeated outrages led to the second war with England. 1807 Robert Fulton makes first trip to Albany in the Steamboat "Clermont." Dec. 22. Congress decrees an embargo on all ves 1808 The African Slave-trade abolished by Congress, CABINET OFFICERS, 3D ADMINISTRATION-1801-1809. Secretary of State. James Madison, Va. prohibiting the importation of slaves into the U. S. Secretaries of the Treasury. Samuel Dexter, Mass.; Albert Gallatine, Penn. Secretary of War. Henry Dearborn, Mass. Secretaries of the Navy. Benjamin Stoddert, Md.; Robert Smith, Md.; Jacob Crowninshield, Mass. Postmasters-General. Joseph Habersham, Ga.; Gideon Granger, Conn. Attorneys-General. Theophilus Parsons, Mass.; Levi Lincoln, Mass.; Robert Smith, Md.; John Breckenridge, Ky.; Cæsar A. Rodney, Del. NATIONAL EXPENSES AND DEBT, 3D ADM. 1 J.B.POWER. N.Y. JAMES MADISON, Fourth President of the United States, was born at King George, Virginia, on the 16th of March, 1751. He entered Princeton College, New Jersey, 1769, and graduated, in advance of his class, in 1771. Having impaired his health by too close application to study, he remained in Princeton for a time to recruit his shattered health, and also still further to enrich his mind. He was one of the first to comprehend the peril of the Colonists, and gave his cheerful co-operation to the patriots in resisting the encroachments of Great Britain. He was a member of the first Legislative Assembly, and would doubtless have been a member of the next, it is said, had it not been for his conscientious refusal to follow the prevalent custom of treating the electors. In 1780, he became a member of the National Congress, and greatly assisted its deliberations by his sagacious counsels. He represented his State in the Legislature from 1784 to 1786, and was very active in promoting the financial and com mercial interests of the State. In 1794, he married Mrs. Todd, of Philadelphia, a lady possessing great amiability and vivacity of mind. Having finished his Congressional career, he retired from public life, to enjoy the companionship of his books and home, but was soon called to share the conflicts of the hour. He discharged the duties of the office of Secretary of State, promptly and acceptably, under the administration of Jefferson. He was elected to the office of President in 1809. Exciting discussions, complications with foreign powers, and war with England, were the distinguishing events of his administration. He died at his home, in Montpelier, June 28, 1836, at the age of eighty-five years. GEORGE CLINTON, Vice-President, was born in Ulster Co., N. Y., July 26, 1739. Died at Washington, April 20, 1812. He was elected to the Continental Congress in 1775, voted for the Declaration of Independence, was Brigadier-General in 1777; Governor of N. Y. in 1801, and Vice-President in 1804, and a prominent candidate for President in the campaign of 1808. |