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An Ellustrated Magazine for Sunday and General Reading.

Monthly, 6d.; Weekly, 1d.; and Yearly Volumes, 7s. 6d.

Commencement of a New Volume.-New Subscribers have now a favourable opportunity of obtaining a supply of this Popular Magazine-the Editions of past Numbers of which have been frequently exhausted.

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THE QUIVER.-"This has always been an Illustrated Magazine or Sunday Reading,' and we can say unhesitatingly that we never had before us a better specimen than the NOVEMBER NUMBER, In variety it exceeds any Magazine of the same class, and its Engravings are of a superior character. 'HIS BY RIGHT' is an excellent Story, beautifully and appropriately Illustrated; andABOUT NELLIE' is another Tale-both, of course, of a religious character that conveys in the form of fiction many needful helps, encouragements, sympathies, and comforts. It would be invidious where all is so good to do other than select one or two of the chief Serial Papers; but we can assure our readers that a richer variety of really good matter we do not find anywhere."-Bolton Guardian.

CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London; Paris, and New York.


The great success which has attended the production of THE CHILD'S BIBLE in its full-size QUARTO FORM of 800 Pages, with 220 large Illustrations (published at ONE GUINEA), coupled with the testimonies received from high dignitaries in the Church, has led the Publishers to issue under the above title a work of a corresponding character, to be published as a small PORTABLE VOLUME, at a price which, it is believed, will bring it into universal use. See particulars below.

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THE CHILD'S BIBLE NARRATIVE. Being a Selection from the Holy Bible, in the Words of the Authorized Version. 464 pages, square crown 8vo, with 24 full-page Illustrations by GUSTAVE DORÉ, cloth, bevelled boards, gilt edges, 5s.

THE CHILD'S BIBLE NARRATIVE, in addition to its being published in One Volume at 5s., is issued in Two SEPARATE VOLUMES, the one consisting of

THE OLD TESTAMENT NARRATIVE, cloth limp, price 2s. 6d. ; and the other consisting of THE NEW TESTAMENT NARRATIVE, cloth Emp, price is. 6d.

N.B.-THE CHILD'S BIBLE, in its original quarto form, has been recently reprinted, and can now again be obtained Complete in One Volume, price, cloth gilt, git edges, One Guinea; leather, giit edges, £1 10s.; best morocce, elegant, £2 25.

CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London; Paris, and New York.



Weekly, 1d.; Monthly, 6d.; Half-Yearly Volumes, 3s.

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CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London; Paris, and New York.




A charming Collection of the old Favourite Nursery Rhymes & Short Tales. Illustrated with Eight Coloured Plates, from Designs by WALTER CRANE, and 100 smaller Illustrations by ERNEST GRISET, F. BARNARD, and others. Now ready, cloth gilt, gilt edges, price 35. 6d.

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THE MERRIE HEART is the New Volume of CASSELL'S CHILDREN'S LIBRARY, which consists of "The Children's Album," "The Children's Sunday Album," "Story of Robin Hood," "The True Robinson Crusoes," "Off to Sea," "Peggy, and other Tales," "Old Burchell's Pocket," "Mince-Pie Island," "Cloudland and Shadowland,' Queen of the Tournament," "Lily and Nannie at School," "The Magic of Kindness," "On a Coral Reef," "Crocker the Clown," "King Gab's Story Bag," "Hours of Sunshine," "Playing Trades." ONE SYLLABLE SERIES:"Esop's Fables," "Sandford and Merton," Reynard the Fox," "Pilgrim's Progress," "Swiss Family Robinson,' Evenings at Home." All published at 3s. 6d.

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CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London; Paris, and New York.




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CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, Ludgate Hill, London; Paris, and New York.

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