Imágenes de páginas

No. 151.


To incorporate the Saint Joseph's hospital.

WHEREAS, The superior and inestimable advantages resulting from institutions for the sick, under the supervision of ladies of a religious order, have been manifested alike in Europe and this country, in the several hospitals placed under their care:

And whereas, A number of citizens of the commonwealth of Pennylvania, have associated themselves together, under the name, style and title of The Saint Joseph hospital," for the purpose of establishing an hospital to be placed under the immediate supervision of ladies of a religious order of the Roman Catholic church; the benefits and advantages of which institution shall be extended to the sick without reference to creed, country, or color; therefore,

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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representalives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly me, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Bishop Kenrick, F. J. Barbelin. George W. Edwards, William E. Corporators. Borner, Robert Ewing, Michael M'Gill, John Devereux, Patrick Starp, M. Divine, Robert F. Walsh, Joseph Diamond, John Savage, James M. Smith, Thomas Quigg, John Murray, Joseph Geisz, John 1. Meaney, J. C. Kirkpatrick, B. M'Neil, William Alexander Steel, Patrick Fitzpatrick, William V. Keating, Amable J. Brazier, James M'Camin, Richard F. Darragh, John Gegan, Walter Patterson their sociates and successors, be and they are hereby made a body poliand corporate in law, under the name, style and title of "The Style. Sant Joseph's hospital," and by that name shall be able and capable Privileges. w to have and use a common seal, to sue and be sued, to plead

ad be impleaded, and to do all such other things as are incident to a orporation.

SECTION 2. That the above named persons shall be managers of the

aid Saint Joseph's hospital; the said corporation shall have power Managers.
time to time to make such by-laws, rules and regulations relative Powers.
the addition and admission of corporators and members, election, du-
times of service, and number of managers and their successors,
the appointment of suitable officers, excepting the president, who
all be the Roman Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia, or other ecclesi-
cal superior exercising Episcopal jurisdiction for the time being: the
nagers of the said hospital for the time being, shall have power to
rect the manner and terms of receiving and discharging of patients,
d to make such rules and regulations from time to time for the fur-
shing, support, use and service of the said hospital, and for the pro-
government thereof, as they may deem necessary.

SECTION 3. The said corporation shall be able and capable in law to May purchase,
rchase, improve, and hold such real estate as may be necessary for hold and convey
e purposes of this incorporation, and to sell and dispose of the same, lands, &c.
to them it may seem expedient, and to take, receive and hold all and
manner of lands, tenements, annuities, franchises and hereditaments,

d any sum and sums of money, and any manner and portion of goods

[blocks in formation]

and chattels given and bequeathed to this corporation, to be employed and disposed of according to the object, provisions and conditions of this act, the articles and by-laws of this corporation, and the will and intention of the donors: Provided, The yearly income thereof does not exceed ten thousand dollars.

SECTION 4. That the estate and property of said hospital shall be exempt from taxation, except for state purposes, so long as the same shall be used, conducted, and employed as an hospital for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The twelfth day of March, A. D. one thousand eigh hundred and forty-nine.


No. 152.


To reinstate the capital and extend the charter of the Farmers' and Mechani
Bank of Philadelphia.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assemb met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Th Charter extended the charter of the Farmers' and Mechanics's Bank of Philadelphia, sha for fifteen years. be and the same is hereby extended and continued, for the purpose




Total liabilities

exclusive of capi

tal stock not to exceed, &c.

transacting the business of banking, for the term of fifteen years fro the expiration of the present charter: Provided, That the directors and they are hereby empowered to reinstate, without subscription, 1 capital stock of said bank, to the sum authorized by law prior to passage of an act, entitled "An Act to re-charter the Farmers' a Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia," approved on the eighteenth day April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three: that is to say, the sum of twelve hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, T the par value of the shares shall not exceed fifty dollars each : A provided further, That said re-instating or restoration of the origi capital of such bank, shall not take place until authorized by a meet of the stockholders, to be called for that purpose, subject to the pro sions imposed by this act, and to the provisions now imposed up the said bank, by existing laws of this commonwealth, and to such ther provisions as the legislature may hereafter enact for the gene regulation of banks in this commonwealth.

SECTION 2. The total liabilities of the said bank, exclusive of cap stock, shall not at any time exceed three times the amount of its e ital stock paid in; nor shall the debts of every kind due and to beco

due to the said bank, ever amount to more than four times its capital stock paid in; and the said bank shall neither loan nor discount when its circulation shall be equal, for thirty consecutive days, to three times the amount of specie, and notes of specie paying banks in its possession belonging to said bank, and any balances standing to the credit thereof, in specie paying bank, convertible into specie at the pleasure of the said bank.


SECTION 3. The auditor general may at any time require the cashier Auditor general of the said bank, to state and return on his oath, the amount of the may at any time circulation of said bank for any consecutive period of thirty days in the require statement, current year, which he may designate; and also for the same period, the amount of specie, and notes of specie paying banks, in its possession, belonging to the said bank, and the balance standing to its credit in specie paying banks, convertible into specie at the pleasure of the bank; and also the whole amount of its liabilities and debts due, and to become due; and if, upon the return so made, it shall appear that any of the provisions of the second section of this act have been violated, within the said period of thirty days so designated by the auditor general, he shall give notice thereof to the governor, who shall thereupon issue his proclamation, declaring the charter of the said bank to be forfeited.

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SECTION 4. If the charter of the said bank shall be forfeited, in man- In case of forfeiner provided in the preceding section, after proclamation made by the ture of charter, governor, then the directors of said bank shall forthwith make and exe an assignment to cute an assignment, in the manner provided in the act of twelfth March, be made. one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, entitled "An Act to provide for the resumption of specie payments, and for other purposes, and it shall thereupon be proceeded in the manner provided in that act: if the directors of the said bank shall neglect, or refuse to make the assignment provided for in this act, each and every one of the directors so neglecting or refusing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction, in any criminal court in the commonwealth, be imprisoned in the jail of the proper county, for any period not exceeding two years, at the discretion of the court.

SECTION 5. If any president, cashier, or any other officer or clerk of Embezzlement, the said bank, shall fraudulently embezzle, or appropriate to his own how punished. use, or to the use of any other person or persons, any money or other property belonging to said institution, or left with the same as a special deposit, or otherwise, he or they, upon conviction of such offence, shall be fined in any amount less than the sum so appropriated or embezzled, and sentenced to undergo imprisonment in one of the state penitentiaries, as the case may be, to be kept in separate and solitary confinement, at labor, for any term not exceeding five years: Provided, Proviso. That this shall not prevent any person or persons aggrieved from pursuing his, her or their civil remedy against such person or persons.


SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the auditor general to require the said bank, on some discount day to be designated by him, in every Duty of auditor quarter of the then current year, one of which shall be in the month of general. November, to make and return to him the exhibits hereinafter provided for; which exhibits the auditor general shall prepare in tabular form, and communicate the same to both branches of the legislature, within ten days after their meeting: Provided, That the first section of the act Proviso. approved the first April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, entitled An Act requiring the banks of this commonwealth to make quarterly statements to the auditor general," shall not be made applicable to this bank.

Exhibit to be

made out by cashier, upon requisition of the auditor general. Exhibit.

SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of the cashier of the said bank. for the time being, to prepare, upon the requisition of the auditor general, a just and full exhibit of the affairs and condition of the said bank, on at least four different discount days of the current year, to be designated by the auditor general, one of which shall be in the month of November, so as to exhibit the entire amount of the assets of the bank, and every item thereof under separate heads; and also the entire amount of the indebtedness and liabilities of the said bank, and every item thereof under separate heads, setting forth on the one side, particularly, so as to give a full and proper view of all the assets belonging to the said bank: first, the amount of gold and silver in the vaults of the bank; the amount of current notes, checks, and bills of other banks; the amount of uncurrent notes, checks, and bills of other banks; the amount of any other obligations of other banks; the amount of bills and notes discounted, designating the amount under protest; the amount of the mortgages of the bank, and the assessed value, for the preceding year, of the real estate bound by such mortgages; the amount of prior mortgages, judgments and other liens; the amount of judgments held by the bank, and the assessed value for the preceding year. of the real estate bound by such judgments; the amount of prior judgments, mortgages and other liens; the amount of the real estate held and owned by the bank, and the assessed value, for the preceding year, of each separate piece or parcel of real estate owned by the bank, and its location; the amount due from other banks that are solvent, giving the name of each bank from which the same is due, together with the amount so due by each one of said banks; the amount due from insolvent banks, the names of such banks and the amount due from each one; the amount of public and corporate stocks and loans, the nature and kind of loans and stocks. designating particularly in what companies or corporations the stocks or loans are held, and the amount of stocks or loans of each company or corporation so held; the amount of bonds held, designating particularly the nature and character of the bonds held; the amount of treasury notes; the amount of claims against individuals or corporations that are disputed or in controversy; the amount of all other debts and claims, either due or to become due, and the value of any other property of the bank, as the same stands charged on the books or otherwise; which said exhibit shall also set forth on the other side, the debts and liabilities of the bank on the discount days designated by the auditor general, specifying separately, under distinct heads, the various kinds of liability and indebtedness; the amount of capital stock actually paid in; the amount of the circulation; the amount of deposits, certificates of deposits, the amount due the commonwealth, the amount due to corporations, the amount due to banks, the amount due to individuals, and the amount of claims against the bank, remaining in controversy, and any other items of indebtedness or liability not embraced in the foregoing speciñcations.

SECTION 8. It shall moreover be the duty of the cashier, in preparFurther duty of ing the exhibit required in the preceding section of this act, for the cashier in prepar- month of November preceding the meeting of the legislature, to state ing exhibit. in regard to each item and subdivision of the assets of the bank, what is, in the judgment and ability of the said cashier, the actual marketable cash value of each item of the same, and the amount of current notes of other banks on hand at the time the exhibit is made out; also the amount of uncurrent notes held by the bank.

Exhibit to be

SECTION 9. The exhibit, agreeably to seventh and eighth sections of verified by oath this act, shall be verified and accompanied with the oath or affirmation of the cashier of the said bank, duly attested before some officer au

or affirmation.

thorized by law to administer oaths, to the following effect, namely: that he, the said cashier, has carefully examined the books and muniments of the bank,, and has compared the same with the said exhibit, (so far as is practicable,) and that he verily believes the said exhibit or statement presents a true, fair and full view of the actual condition of the bank; and in addition to the above exhibit made for the discount day in the month of November, preceding the meeting of the legislature, shall be accompanied with the oath or affirmation of the cashier of the said bank, setting forth that he has inspected the several items of assets or the evidence thereof, in the said exhibit referred to, as far as is practicable, and that he has, according to the best of his judgment and ability, valued each of said items of assets, at the absolute cash price which it would produce at the time, and that, in his judgment, the actual assets of the bank are intrinsically worth the amount of the valuation so made by him.

SECTION 10. The president, directors, cashier and other officers of Officers required the said bank, and of every other bank hereafter chartered, shall, before to take an oath they enter on the duties of their several offices and stations, severally before entering take an oath, to be administered by some officer authorized by law to on their duties. administer oaths, to observe faithfully and honestly the provisions of the several acts of assembly, applicable to the bank of which they are directors or officers, or in which they hold stations, and that they, and each of them, during their continuance in office, will not knowingly violate, or sanction, or willingly permit any of the provisions of the law governing their charter to be violated; the said oath so to be taken shall be subscribed, and immediately delivered to the auditor general to be filed in his office.

SECTION 11. If any president, director, cashier, or other officer of the said bank, or of any other bank hereafter chartered, shall, after having taken and subOfficers having taken and subscribed the oath required by this act, wilfully violate any scribed the oath provision of any act of assembly applicable to the bank of which he is required, who an officer, he shall be taken and deemed to have committed wilful and shall violate any corrupt perjury; and upon conviction, in any criminal court in this of the provisions commonwealth, he shall suffer such punishment as is inflicted by the of any act, &c., laws of this commonwealth, on any person guilty of the crime of shall be deemed guilty of perjury. perjury.

SECTION 12. That the said bank shall pay into the treasury of the Bank required to commonwealth, within three months after the passage of this act, two pay into the state per centum upon the whole amount of the capital stock thereof: Pro- treasury certain vided, That should said bank at any time hereafter be made the subject per centum. of taxation, not now provided for by general laws, the per centage so Proviso. paid, shall be credited to said bank on account of said additional taxa


SECTION 13. The said Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, and the sev- Tax on dividends eral banks in this commonwealth, shall pay into the treasury of the state, in the manner now directed by law for the payment of a tax on dividends, on all dividends exceeding eight per cent. per annum, and not exceeding nine per cent., the said bank shall pay a tax of eleven per eent.; and on dividends exceeding nine per cent., and not exceeding ten per cent., the said banks shall pay a tax of twelve per cent.; and on dividends exceeding ten per cent., and not exceeding eleven per cent., the said banks shall pay a tax of thirteen per cent; and on all dividends exceeding eleven per cent., and not exceeding twelve per cent., a tax of fourteen per cent; and on dividends exceeding twelve per cent., the said banks shall pay a tax of fifteen per cent: Provided, Proviso. That nothing in this section contained, shall be so construed, as to release this or any other bank in this commonwealth, from the payment

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