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To Fight Crime

Not so,


Do restrictive anti-gun laws deter crime?
AMERICA, in a strongly-worded resolution published in the
February 1963 issue of Guns magazine, 8150 N. Central Park,
Skokie, Illinois.

Positive Values Stressed

The Police group strongly denounces "restrictive anti-gun laws", and emphasizes positive values such as firearms safety, the promotion of health, the need for weapons training as essential to national defense, and the need for an armed citizenry to assist "in the daily fight against crime." The Association strongly declares the right of American citizens legally to "purchase, without restriction, a handgun, rifle, air rifle, shotgun, or a like item."


WHEREAS: The beginning history of our nation was writ ten and our sovereignty assured by the heroic sacrifice of volunteer riflemen, adept in their use and armed by their own personal weapons, and

WHEREAS: The professional military forces of our country have through the conflicts of the past relied upon trained citizen soldiers who were capable in the use of hrearms, and

WHEREAS: It is reasonable to believe that a capable and well armed citizenry, as a potential backup to our regular forces, could well deter an aggressor from our shores, and effectively assist in interdicting the enemy's progress, should he effect a bridgehead, and WHEREAS: Restrictive anti-gun laws have never been, and never will be a successful deterrent to crime, organized or otherwise, and

WHEREAS: Restrictive anti-gun laws do not succeed in disarming the criminal, but do disarm the law abiding citizen, thus denying the law abiding citizen effective self-defense, as well as jeopardizing his opportunities for training in the use of firearms, and discouraging his hunting and gun sports afield. We, the undersigned, make the following statements for and in behalf of the National Police Officers Association of America and National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. in the best interests of all law abiding citizens of the United States of America:

Proper training in the safe and effective use of firearms is as important to the health and security of our Nation now as it was in the early days of our National History, when the "Minutemen" with their rifles and their knowledge of musketry rallied so gallantly to our cause. The shooting sports, consisting largely of wholesome activity in the great outdoors, hunting the game of field and marsh, or participating in the competitive gun sports, contributes importantly to our nation's health and physical fitness.

Gun laws today, as they all too often exist at the Federal, State, and local levels of government, frequently resolve into a conglomeration of contradictory mandates that are difficult if not impossible to effectively and impartially enforce. When such inept gun laws do appear they disarm or severely restrict the law abiding citizen in legiti mately owning a firearm, thereby depriving such citizen of his rightful heritage to own, become proficient in, and to use a firearm in competition and recreational activities. The person of criminal intent could not be less interested in vague, unenforceable gun laws. Only the law respect

ing citizen will bow to obey, thus forfeiting his precious common law right of self protection in his castle; in addition depriving himself of healthful pursuits of shooting sports afield; and thus is lost beyond recall his revered heritage of the "Minutemen of Lexington and Concord."

Ill-planned, restrictive gun laws consistently disarm and bind the law respecting citizen, eliminating any possi bility of his assisting in the daily fight against crime, by placing him in a passive pose wherein he is unable to protect himself, family or premises.

BE IT RESOLVED THEREFORE: That we, the undersigned, do urgently recommend in the light of the aforesaid, that all gun laws now existing within the Federal Government, and the several States be codified within the clear intent of the United States Constitution and that all inactments in consonance with this subject be care fully forged so as to protect the rightful heritage of the law abiding American citizen to have and to hold firearms in lawful pursuits of gun sports, for his self protection, and in the light of the armed citizen's importance in our National defense.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That we now commend the prosecutors of the Federal Government and the various States for the vigorous action taken on their part in the prosecution of criminals committing felonies while armed with a firearm. And, further, strongly recom mend to the courts a continuance of the policy of strict enforcement of the penalties prescribed wherein a crime is aggravated by the use of a firearm.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That we believe that an American citizen of voting age or a member of the United States Armed Forces, of what ever age, should have the right to legally purchase, without restriction, a handgun, rifle, air rifle, shotgun, or a like item, excepting fully automatic firearms.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That we believe in the value of the National Rifle Association sponsored Hunter Safety Program, and recommend its adoption by all States of the United States as a qualification precedent to the issuing of hunting licenses.

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FORT LAUDERDALE NEWS, Monday, July 6 1961


NEW YORK. UPD A 27-year-old New York University secretary complained today she was "treated just like a criminal after she thwarted rape by a sailor by stabbing him with a small switchblade knife she carried in her purse for protection.

Arlene Del Fava was ar


justifiable self-defense

rested early yesterday on a
charge of carrying a con-
cealed weapon. then was
paroled in her own custody
for a July 14 hearing.

"I was told not to worry."
said Miss Del Fava. "The
police said it was just a
technicality, but I still was
treated just like a criminal.

Girl Arrested

1 was charged, arraigned
and paroled."

Miss Del Fava said she
hegan carrying a three-inch
switchblade knife after the
savage March 13 rape-mur
der of Kitty Genovese, whose
screams were heard and i
nored by 38 New York neigh-

Miss Del Fava said a car

After Knifing came along and she ran into
Her Attacker

(Continued from Page One) and started to walk the last several well-lit blocks home alone.

"Suddenly a man grabbed me around the legs and tried to drag me into the shadows. I reached into my purse and got the knife. I fell over him and pressed the button.

"Then he suddenly let go. I looked at my hand and there was blood on it. I thought it was my own blood. I didn't realize I had stabbed him."

the street and flagged it. The
driver took her home.

Police investigated and ar-
rested Harold Model, 20, a
Navy fireman apprentice, at
a hospital where he had gone
for treatment of stab wounds
in the back and left side.
Model, reported in good con-
dition, was charged with
felonious assault and at-
tempted rape.

The incident took place while Regina Marshall of neighboring Brooklyn was dying in the hallway of ber home, the knife of an unknown assailant in her heart. She had just left two friends after returning from a gay evening at Coney Island.

"I didn't want to be another Kitty Genovese, she said. "I didn't know it was against the law to carry a knife. It made me feel a lot more secure. a lot safer"

Miss De Fava said she went to the World's Fair with a girl friend Saturday night and they walked back to their homes in Forest Hills. She said goodnight to her friend (Continued on Page 10A. Col, 5)


WHERE WERE THE POLICE when this beautiful girl was being criminally attacked? Sensible police officials know that the police carot be at every place to stop crime, and that the lawabiding citizens need arms for self defense.

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This Store is Closed

PICKED CLEAN-The store behind this sign has surrendered to thieves. The branch of Imperial Cleaners which formerly occupied the building in Toledo, Ohio. was the object of three burglaries, two armed robberies and a sneak theft since 1962. The last robbery Feb. 10 was too much.

(AP Wirephoto)

FORT LAUDERDALE NEWS, Wed., April 22, 1964



Rescues Abducted Wife

State Senator
Kills Terrorist

LAKE PLACID. State blasted the Negro when he re Sen. Hayward H. Davis killed turned to the home with Mrs. an unidentified armed Negro Davis to pick up her driver's with two shotgun blasts last license, Barringer said.

night after the man had terror

ized the family for four hours, ed the case:
As investigators reconstruct-
the Highlands County sheriff's
office reported.

Mrs. Davis and her children

Deputy Sheriff Bob Barringer were alone in their home, 30 said the intruder had abducted miles west of Lake Okeecho Davis' wife, Carol, in the fam-bee in South Central Florida ily auto, leaving Davis bound yesterday afternoon when the and gagged in a closet. Negro knocked and asked to see Davis, 35, worked free, armed her husband. He said he had himself with a shotgun and car trouble and needed help. He left when Mrs. Davis told him her husband was away and she could not help him.




She took the children shopping and returned home. They! got into swim suits and went to a nearby lake for a swim. When they returned to the house, they found the man awaiting them.

The assailant held them captive at gunpoint until Davis arrived. He, too, was taken cap tive.

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The ARMED CITIZEN can often make arrests or prevent crimes which require Some crimes are never solved. onths or years of police effort to solve.

Thus, citizens are protected and the cost of law enforcement and the tax burden are reduced.

Dues are

The following examples are taken from "The American Rifleman" magazine, published by the National Rifle Association, 1600 Rhode Island Ave., NW, Washington, 6, D. C., which helps educate the public on gun laws. $5.00 per year. In the following cases the criminals attacked with knife, razor, handle, as well as with guns. One used a stolen automobile. Stolen guns are often used. These armed citizens are more fortunate than many unarmed victims who are often killed, kidnaped, maimed, or tortured by fiends.

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A man entered Walter A. Watkins' Columbus, Ga., package store, dered a bottle of whisky, and then pulled a cal. 38 pistol and announced a boldup. Watkins took his own pistol from under the counter and fired once, killing the holdup man. (LedgerEnquirer)

In the hospital awaiting removal of a bullet, a youth with an extensive police record admitted having twice previously held up the Wilmington, Del., combination grocery store-service sta tion where he had been shot by the operator, Mr. Thelma Lance, during his third attempt. (Evening Journal)

Alarmed by the sound of a car stopping suddenly outside his Arundel, Quebec, branch bank, manager Charles Curtis Farran looked from his office window to see armed, hooded men piling from a pickup truck outside. Parran ran up the back stairs to his apartment over the bank as the robbers fired at him. As Farran was loading his shotgun the bandits had lined up customers and tellers downstairs and demanded the safe be opened. Told that only the manager had the combination. they scooped the cash from the tellers' drawers and fled-but Farran was waiting. As the thieves climbed into their truck, he fired 3 shots. The truck then sped away. Shortly after, police found the stolen truck abandoned, with a dead hoodlum aside police identified as having been killed by Farran. (Monireal Star)

MEMBERS - Please send all such wspaper clippings to: Editor, THE AMERICAN RIFLEMAN

2nd ed. Feb. 63

September 1962

and axe

The Armed Citizen

Law-enforcement officers cannot at all times be where they are needed to protect life or property in danger of serious violation. In many such instances the citizen has no choice but to defend himself with a gun. Below are accounts of recent instances digested from newspaper clippings sent in by NRA Members.

When he arrived at the Napa, Calif., tavern where he is employed, bartender Wally Frost noticed that the janitor was not at work as usual. Before entering, he took a .38 pistol from his car. Inside he found the janitor bound and gagged and 2 masked men at work. Frost shot one burglar to death on the spot. The other ran but was picked up by police nearby. (UPI)

One of 2 masked gunmen was shot and both were in custody in Tulsa, Okla., after they tried to force their way into the home of Clarence F. Kamp and rob him. One of the bandits ran from the house after being disarmed by Kamp. The second tried to escape, but the 61-year-old Tulsan felled him with a pistol shot. (Tulsa Daily World)

While his father struggled with 2 thugs who were trying to hold up the family's food store in Wilsonville, Oreg., 18-year-old Terry W. Lowrie waited for an opening and, when he got it, shot one of the bandits in the head, injuring him fatally. The other hoodlum fled in a waiting car, but young Lowrie pumped 5 shots into the vehicle, possibly causing it to go out of control and crash into a power pole. The 2 men inside got away on foot. (Portland Oregonian)

An El Monte, Calif., osteopath, Dr. Ralph G. Gaytan, heard noises in his office, armed himself with a .38 revolver, and surprised a burglar ransacking medical cabinets-apparently searching for narcotics. The intruder had a sawed-off shotgun, but he put it down and lunged at Dr. Gaytan. Dur ing a struggle, the osteopath fired twice, one shot hitting the burglar in the head and killing him. (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner)

Alerted by his wife when she heard noises outside their bedroom, Joha Daniel of Dallas, Tex., picked up a pistol and slipped out to the front yard. There he spied a youth rolling a tire, removed from Daniel's car, across a neighbor's yard. Daniel, a retired police captain once in charge of the auto theft bureau, fired a bullet into the ground. The young vandal and an accomplice who was still kneeling beside the car promptly surrendered. (Dallas Morning News)

Duane K. Bocksted was sleeping in a room over his service station in Tuc On, Ariz. He board cer drive up and saw 2 youths get out and break into a vending machine. Becksted called the police and got his .38 revolver, but before he could get downstairs, one of the burglars ran away. The other heeded Becksted's order to stand still and remained until police arrived. (Aris zona Daily Star)

While closing his candy store in Detroit, John Jakubiak was attacked by 2 men. He broke away and got an axe handle with which to defend himself, but his assailants took that away from him and beat him with it. As one of the thugs was hitting him, the other tried to get at Jakubiak's wallet. Again the store owner broke away and this time got a 32 automatic pistol from the cash register and began firing. One of the attackers fell dead, the other was seriously wounded in the face, neck, and back. (Detroit Free Press)

While trying to evade the charge of a knife-wielding attacker, Dr. J. C. W. Rhodes, & Shreveport, L, veterinarian, called to an assistant to get a gun. The assistant got a .38 and passed it to Dr. Rhodes who then ordered his assailant to halt. When the order went unheeded, the veterinarian fired. He hit his man, but the attacker continued, so Dr. Rhodes fired again. The attacker fell dead. (Shreveport Times)

Hearing a scream for help from a woman who had just left his stationery store in New York City, Albert E. Canton grabbed his 38 revolver and ran to the woman. She told him ber purse had been snatched and pointed to a fleeing man. Canton took off after the yegg. trapped him in a building 2 blocks away, and marched him to the nearest police station. (New York Daily News)

A Canton, Ohio, man was sent to the hospital in serious condition with shotgun wounds in the face after he tried to force his way into the home of Carl L. Myers of the same city. Myers said the intruder had pushed through the door, holding his hand in his pocket as if to conceal a handgun. Myers got a shotgun and told the visitor to leave to no avail. He finally fired at pointblank range as the intruder advanced making threats. (Canton Repository)

When Fred Wayne, a clerk in a St. Louis confectionery store, WAS approached by a stranger who threatened him with a razor and demanded cash, he walked to the cash register, took out a gun, and held the bandit at gunpoint while a woman customer called the police. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

After Alling an order in a liquor store in Ft. Worth, Tex., night attendant W. C. Wilshire turned to find himself facing a gun. He ducked behind a counter, grabbed a .45 pistol, and chased the gunman from the store. (Ft. Worth Star-Telegram)

MEMBERS-Please send all newspaper clippings to: Editor, A AMERICAN RIPLEMAN

4th prts. Jan. 65

HUMAN EVENTS April 6, 1963

Muggings, Assaults, Rapes
Shock Capital Society

"There's a new topic in Washington
drawing rooms and the fact that it is,
is a shocking commentary on the Na-
tion's Capital.

"The subject is bodily attack on women-not women who court disaster by walking unattended in questionable sections of town, but women who move in Washington social circles and who were attacked in their own homes "

So writes Betty Beale, who authors the most widely read column in America on Washington society. It appears in the Washington Evening Star and is syndicated by the Hall Syndicate in 100 other daily newspapers. Miss Beale's column about D. C. crime has been reprinted in scores of additional newspapers. It dramatizes this problem not only in Washington but in nearly all the major metropolitan cities.

Continues Miss Beale:

"This columnist is a native-born
Washingtonian who has been going a-
round socially since her late teens but
never before in her life has she heard
the assault of one's friends discussed
at feminine luncheons where new and

horrifying evidence piles up the minute
the subject is brought up.

"There was the general's wife who
was sitting in her bathtub when a
man slipped in from behind her and
threw a coat over her head so she
couldn't see him. When she tried to
fight him off he injured her, but she
was saved from a worse fate when
he slipped and fell, got rattled and
stepped out of the bathroom. She
quickly locked the door, then screamed
for help out the window until help
came. The meager identification she
could give was enough to apprehend
her assailant in the matter of hours.

"There was the granddaughter of a Washington official who was attacked around noon in her own apartment by two men who broke her nose when she screamed and would have done worse when she was literally saved by the bell. Her front doorbell rang and they bolted, leaving her in a state of shock.

"There was the retired minister's wife who was raped and whose name, like that of the other two women, was withheld from publication.

"And there was little Mrs. Brooks Hays, wife of the Special Assistant to the President, who was sitting in her

bedroom when a man entered, threatened her life and robbed her. There are more, but these are ones that have taken place only in the past month.

"Over a year ago there were nine housebreakings in one small fashionable residence...police were requested by the home owners not to make the complaints public. Perhaps it would be a good thing if more of these crimes got into the papers to give the politicians here a good look at the situation our Capital faces unless some strenuous measures are taken.

"'Isn't it odd,' observed a feminine resident somewhat sarcastically at a luncheon the other day, 'that Washington has become the proving ground for all human rights except the right of law-abiding citizens to be protected in their own homes?"

"Thereafter ensued a serious discussion by some of the more social women in Washington as to the methods of self-protection they should all acquire without further procrastination. One told of tear gas that comes in fountain pen size. Another said she already had one of those little gadgets you can carry in your pocket that goes off like a siren. The American Embassy in Leopoldville wrote back to the States for some of these last year after two of the Embassy women had been assaulted on the streets.

"The sirens are now carried in a fashionable Washington store, along with the tear gas pens.

"And this is the Capital of the United States, not the Congo."


(Pictures omitted for lack of space. For full article see HUMAN EVENTS weekly, 410 First St., S.E., Washington, D.C., April 6, 1963, $9 per year.)

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The tear gas pen, representing a revolution in self-defense and crime deterrence, is an ingenious device. Simple enough for a child to operate and completely safe, it renders a potential attacker or attackers-armed or unarmed-instantly helpless. It sells for $8.95. The hand siren retails for $3.95. In Washington they are sold by Camalier and Buckley.

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