CONTENTS OPENING STATEMENTS Abourezk, Hon. James, a U.S. Senator from the State of South Dakota__ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Page 6 1 Abraham, Prof. Henry, Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, 66 Bachrach, Prof. Peter, Department of Political Science, Temple University, Berg, Prof. Larry, Department of Political Science, University of Southern Dent, Edward, Washington, D.C.. Diamond, Roger, J., legal counsel, People's Lobby, Los Angeles, Calif Fish, Peter G., associate professor, political science, Duke University, 112 18 130 Jones, Hon. James R., a Representative in Congress from the State of Koupal, Joyce, People's Lobby, Los Angeles, Calif Telschow, Roger, codirector, Initiative America, accompanied by John Thomson, Ken, director, Citizens for Participation in Political Action.. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES 90 73 124 85 102 Jones, Hon. James R., a Representative in Congress from the State of 18 Fauntroy, Hon. Walter E., a Delegate in Congress from the District of 34 Berg, Prof. Larry, Department of Political Science, University of Southern 47 Bachrach, Prof. Peter, Department of Political Science, Temple University, 59 Abraham, Prof. Henry, Department of Government and Foreign Affairs, 66 Telschow, Roger, codirector, Initiative America, accompanied by John Forster, codirector, Initiative America, and Bill Harrington, legislative coordinator, Initiative America____ 73 WEDNESDAY, December 14, 1977 Ward, Baxter, supervisor, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. 85 90 Whiting, Don, election supervisor, State of Washington__ 102 Fish, Peter G., associate professor, political science, Duke University, 112 Dent, Edward, Washington, D.C.. LIST OF EXHIBITS 1. Letter to Sen. James O. Eastland, chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, from Patricia M. Wald, assistant attorney general, Department of Justice... 2. Letter to Alice Rivlin, director, Congressional Budget Office, from 3. Letter to Senator Bayh from Alice Rivlin, February 27, 1978... 5. Introductory statement from the Congressional Record, Monday, 6. Public opinion survey conducted by Cambridge Survey Research on the voter initiative constitutional amendment.. 7. Prepared statement of Hon. Michael J. Harrington, a Representative in Congress from the State of Massachusetts.. 8. Prepared statement of Hon. Guy Vander Jagt, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan... 9. H.J. Res. 544, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to give citizens of the United States the right to enact and repeal laws by voting on legislation in a national election___. 10. Prepared statement of Hon. Harold S. Sawyer, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan. 11. H.J. Res. 658, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to give citizens of the United States the right to enact and repeal laws by voting on legislation in a national election___. 12. "The Initiative in Washington: 1914-74", by Hugh A. Bone, professor of political science, University of Washington.. 106 13. Editorial from the Lynchburg Virginia News, "An Intriguing Proposal," January 2, 1978... 121 14. Letter to James Murdock, Lynchburg News, editorial page editor, from Peter G. Fish, associate professor, Duke University. 122 15. Prepared statement by the People's Lobby.. 146 APPENDIX PART 1.-CORRESPONDENCE AND STATEMENTS FROM STATE OFFICIALS 153 154 154 154 155 157 157 Prepared statement by Hon. Paul Guzzi, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.. 158 PART 2.-CORRESPONDENCE AND STATEMENTS FROM LAW SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES University of Utah, Robert C. Benedict, assistant professor, department Page of political science, November 17, 1977. 159 George Washington University, Arthur S. Miller, professor of law November 23, 1977... 161 Antioch School of Law, Institute for Alternative Futures, Clement Bezold, 163 Western Illinois University, college of arts and sciences, John S. Shockley, 172 University of Washington, Prof. Hugh A. Bone, department of political science, December 2, 1977_ 189 University of Southern California, Prof. Harlan Hahn, department of political science, December 6, 1977. 189 Rutgers University, Prof, Benjamin R. Barber, professor of political science, January 12, 1978___ 192 California Polytechnic State University, Marvin J. Whalls, head natural resources management department, January 19, 1978__. 196 University of Toronto, Prof. Walter Berns, professor of political science, 197 East Carolina University, Prof. John P. East, Ph.D., LL.B., department of political science_-_ 197 PART 3.-CORRESPONDENCE AND STATEMENTS FROM ORGANIZATIONS Americans for Initiative-Referendum, Milwaukee, Wis, James A. Sigl, director. American Referendum Association, Inc., New York, N. Y., Matt Shermer, Illinois Coalition for Political Honesty, Patrick Quinn, secretary-treasurer__ Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing Michigan, Thomas L. 198 198 202 203 204 Montanans for Safe Power, Billings, Mont., Edward M. Dobson, cochair man_. 205 The National Health Federation, Delaware, Ohio, John Yiamouyiannis, 205 Progressive Democratic Club of Kansas City, Mo., David J. West, publicity "The Initiative: A Comparative State Analysis and Reassessment of a "Tendencies of California Direct Legislation", by John Sheldon Rada- PART 5.-LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUMMARY A Compilation of Statewide Initiative Proposals Appearing on Ballots through 1976.. 208 228 245 267 280 353 355 Dent, Edward, Washington, D.C.... Thomson, Ken, director, Citizens for Participation in Political Action-- Diamond, Roger J., legal counsel, People's Lobby, Los Angeles, Calif.... LIST OF EXHIBITS 1. Letter to Sen. James O. Eastland, chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, from Patricia M. Wald, assistant attorney general, Department of Justice__. 2. Letter to Alice Rivlin, director, Congressional Budget Office, from 3. Letter to Senator Bayh from Alice Rivlin, February 27, 1978. 5. Introductory statement from the Congressional Record, Monday, 6. Public opinion survey conducted by Cambridge Survey Research on the voter initiative constitutional amendment.. 7. Prepared statement of Hon. Michael J. Harrington, a Representative in Congress from the State of Massachusetts- 8. Prepared statement of Hon. Guy Vander Jagt, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan... 9. H.J. Res. 544, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to give citizens of the United States the right to enact and repeal laws by voting on legislation in a national election _ _ _ 10. Prepared statement of Hon. Harold S. Sawyer, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan.. 11. H.J. Res. 658, joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to give citizens of the United States the right to enact and repeal laws by voting on legislation in a national election_ 12. "The Initiative in Washington: 1914-74", by Hugh A. Bone, professor of political science, University of Washington.. 106 13. Editorial from the Lynchburg Virginia News, "An Intriguing Proposal," January 2, 1978.. 121 14. Letter to James Murdock, Lynchburg News, editorial page editor, from Peter G. Fish, associate professor, Duke University. 122 15. Prepared statement by the People's Lobby.. 146 APPENDIX PART 1.-CorrespondenCE AND STATEMENTS FROM STATE OFFICIALS Letter from Hon. Tom McCall of Oregon, former Governor, to Senator James Abourezk, November 28, 1977 153 Letter from Hon. J. James Exon, Governor, State of Nebraska, to Senator Prepared statement by Hon. Paul Guzzi, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.. 154 154 154 155 157 157 158 PART 2.-CORRESPONDENCE AND STATEMENTS FROM LAW SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES University of Utah, Robert C. Benedict, assistant professor, department Page of political science, November 17, 1977. 159 George Washington University, Arthur S. Miller, professor of law November 23, 1977___ 161 Antioch School of Law, Institute for Alternative Futures, Clement Bezold, 163 Western Illinois University, college of arts and sciences, John S. Shockley, 172 University of Washington, Prof. Hugh A. Bone, department of political science, December 2, 1977.. 189 University of Southern California, Prof. Harlan Hahn, department of political science, December 6, 1977.. 189 Rutgers University, Prof, Benjamin R. Barber, professor of political science, January 12, 1978. 192 University of Toronto, Prof. Walter Berns, professor of political science, California Polytechnic State University, Marvin J. Whalls, head natural resources management department, January 19, 1978__ 196 197 East Carolina University, Prof. John P. East, Ph.D., LL.B., department of political science___ 197 PART 3.-CORRESPONDENCE AND STATEMENTS FROM ORGANIZATIONS Americans for Initiative-Referendum, Milwaukee, Wis, James A. Sigl, director__ American Referendum Association, Inc., New York, N. Y., Matt Shermer, director_ 198 198 Illinois Coalition for Political Honesty, Patrick Quinn, secretary-treasurer__ 202 203 Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Lansing Michigan, Thomas L. 204 Montanans for Safe Power, Billings, Mont., Edward M. Dobson, cochair man 205 The National Health Federation, Delaware, Ohio, John Yiamouyiannis, 205 Progressive Democratic Club of Kansas City, Mo., David J. West, publicity-- 206 PART 4.-JOURNAL ARTICLES "The Initiative: A Comparative State Analysis and Reassessment of a "Direct Democracy-A Study of the American Referendum," by Penelope "Tendencies of California Direct Legislation", by John Sheldon Rada- PART 5.-LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUMMARY A Compilation of Statewide Initiative Proposals Appearing on Ballots through 1976. 208 228 245 267 280 353 355 |