Imágenes de páginas

Insane Persons-Attorney and Client, 353; Con-
veyance, 17; Next of Kin, 200; Notice, 438;
Pauper, 146; Tender, 317.


Insurance-Acceptance of Risk, 290; Accident,
93, 110, 237, 290, 310, 435, 457; Actual Loss,
290; Amendment to By-laws, 200; Applica-
tion, 200, 201, 457; Appraisement, 237; As-
sessments, 420; Bad Faith, 74; Beneficiary,
420, 457; Benefit Society, 74, 237; Breach of
Condition, 128: Breach of Warranty, 74; Bur-
den of Proof, 218, 329; Burglary, 56, 237, 273,
420, 438: By-laws, 56, 93; Cancellation, 182,
290; Changing Beneficiary, 17, 36; Classifica-
tion, 272, 401; Collateral Security, 438; Con-
current Insurance, 17; Constitution and By-
laws, 110: Construction of Policy, 146;
Continuing Representation, 383; Contract,
to Injury, 290: Cus-
tom, 457; Damages, 182: Depreciated
Value. 17; Description of Property, 17; Di-
rect Loss, 457; Estoppel, 110, 146, 182, 235,
383; Execution of Contract, 164; Executory
Contract, 438; Expiration, 310; Explosion,
383; Evidence, 36, 129; Evidence Aliunde,
182; False Representation, 237, 255; Fatal
Disability, 129; Fidelity of Employes, 146;
Fidelity Bond, 182; Fidelity Contract, 255;
Foreign Corporations, 36, 420; Forfeiture,
218; Fraternal Society, 17, 74, 420; Fraud,
237; Ignorance of Law, 36; Incontestability,
420; Indemnity Policy, 56, 74, 129, 329, 347;
Insolvency, 383; Insurable Interest. 56. 347.
364: Intentional Injury, 311; Intentional
74: Iron Safe
Killing, 93; Interpleader,

Clause, 183, 329, 438; Liability Policy, 36;
Material Representations, 146: Malpractice,
420; Medical Services, 401: Notice of Loss.
183, 201, 311, 457; Open Policy, 421; Oral
Contract, 311; Payment of Premium. 110;
Permanent Loss, 56; Place of Contract, 364;
Pledge, 36: Preliminary Expenses, 290:
Proofs of Death. 237: Proofs of Loss, 383;
Public Policy, 457: Receivership. 110; Re-
covery, 164; Reinsurance, 74: Relief Asso-
ciation, 364; Renewal of Policy, 273: Re-
striction on Liability. 401: Salary of Agent.
17: Sick Benefit. 36 Special Agent, 129. 183:
Statutory Construction. 329: Subordinate
Lodge, 290: Subrogation. 273: Suicide. 218.
457: Sunstroke.
Suspension of
Policy. 237: Theft, 255: Total Disability, 183,
291, 421; Unearned Premium. 255; Vested
Interest, 311: Violation of Law. 57; Waiver.
110, 147, 183. 218. 237. 273. 121, 457; War-
ranty in Application, 273.

Interest-Computation. 383: Partial Payment,
218; Partnership Accounting, 57.

Internal Revenue-Alimony, 36; Stock Dividend,

International Law-De Facto Government, 347:
Recognition, 347.

Intoxicating Liquors-Bone Dry Law, 401; Bur-

den of Proof, 93; Criminal Law. 111. 164;
Illegal Sale, 17; Indictment and Informa-
tion, 74, 273; Intent, 129; Interstate Trans-
action, 421; Instructions, 201; Jurisdiction.
237; License, 347; Local Option, 36. 219;
Police Power, 237; Prohibition District. 401;
Residence District, 421; Statutory Construc-
tion, 74; Taxation, 438; Transportation, 457.
Joint Adventures-Abandonment, 93; Account-
ing, 165; Contribution, 457; Termination,

Judgment-Counterclaim, 439; Foreign Judg-
ment, 36.

Landlord and Tenant-Abandonment, 364; Can-

cellation of Lease, 273; Common Courts, 401:
Constructive Evidence, 183; Damages, 183.
457; Estoppel, 36, 57, 93, 147, 201; Eviction,
183, 255; Evidence, 219; Harvesting Ice, 93:
Holding Over, 147; Implied Invitation, 291:
Improvements, 401; Invitee. 17; Lease, 129,
183, 273; Negligence, 439: Option to Renew,
36: Oral Agreement, 93; Permissive Use. 237:
Priority, 364: Property Leased. 57; Recoup-
ment. 237: Renewal, 147: Repairs. 129:
Respondeat Superior, 74: Seed Sown on
Land, 311; Sublease, 329; Terms of Years,

439; Termination of Tenancy, 457; Trade
Fixtures, 74; Waiver, 129, 165.
Larceny-Asportation, 457; Bailee, 74; Intent,


Libel and Slander-Candidate for Office, 147;
Charging Crime, 17; Constitutional Law,
401; Epithets, 147; Evidence, 219; Exposure
to Public Hatred, 237; Importing Felony,
329; Injury to Business, 165, 201; Injurious
Publication, 383; Innuendo, 255; Instruc-
tions, 93, 165, 291; Libel Per Se, 17, 57, 111,
147, 439; Malice, 183: Misconduct in Office.
75; Mitigation, 57; Pleading, 219; Posting
as Libelous, 347; Privileged Communication,
57, 93; Slander Per Se, 219; Special Dam-
ages, 439; Words Imparting Crime, 201.
Licenses-Delegation of Power, 255; Classifica-

tion, 255; Constitutional Law, 75; Monopoly.
347; Notice, 75; Occupation Tax, 421; Occu-
pations, 421: Regulation, 421; Taxation, 439;
Trading Stamps, 36; Uniform Taxation, 347.
Liens Priority, 349.


129; Remainder-

man, 383; Rentals, 383.
Limitation of Actions-Federal Employers Lia-
bility Act, 364.

Literary Property-Addressee of Letter, 75; In-
terpolations, 291; Unfair Competition, 347.
Livery Stable and Garage Keepers-Damages,
153, 311; Garage Defined, 255; Mechanics'
Lien, 57; Principal and Agent, 219.

Logs and Logging-Common Law Lien, 75.
Lost Instruments-Notice, 273.

Malicious Mischief-Criminal Law, 383.
Malicious Prosecution-Advice of Counsel, 57:
Preliminary Hearing. 201; Probable Cause,
291. 421; Evidence, 237.

[blocks in formation]

Master and Servant-Accident, 75, 129, 201, 291,
364; Admissions, 111; Agency, 383; "Arising
Out of Employment." 17; Assumption of
Risk. 37, 129, 273, 291, 311, 383, 457; Burden
of Proof, 75, 129; Casual Employment, 93,
311, 439, 457; Child Labor Act, 421; Com-
merce. 93; Compensation, 365; Contracts, 57;
Contributory Negligence, 129. 347, 439:
Course of Business, 111, 421; Course of Em-
ployment, 17, 37. 57, 129, 147, 165, 237, 255;
Course of Employment, 291, 329, 347, 421.
439. 457; Defective Appliances, 365: De-
pendency, 129, 165, 365; Direction of Verdict,
273: Discharge of Employe, 57, 347; Emer-
gency, 165; Employe, 147; Employer De-
fined, 237; Employment, 201, 219: Employers
Liability Act, 57, 219, 347, 365, 3S3, 457;
Evidence, 93, 111. 165, 201; Experienced Ser-
vant, 201; Expression of Opinion, 311; Fellow
Servant, 17, 93, 165; Fortuitous Death, 457;
Friendly Aliens, 365: Hazardous Employ-
ment. 57. 93. 165, 255, 311, 348, 365, 401;
Hours of Service, 93, 129: Implied Agree-
ment, 201; Imputed Knowledge. 111; Im-
putable Negligence, 291; Independent Con-
tractor, 75, 237, 255, 311. 101. 421, 439:
Infancy, 201; Injury by Third Person, 237:
Insanity, 329; Inspection, 348; Instructions,
219; Insurance Fund, 201: Interstate Com-
merce. 57; Interstate Employment, 329; In-
toxication. 311; Invitee, 348; Involuntary
Servant, 183: Joinder as Defendants. 37:
Jury Question, 75: Limitation of Actions,

57; Look and Listen, 312; Measure of Dam-
ages, 201; Minimum Wage, 312; Negligence,
17, 93, 401, 421; Notice, 165; Obvious Danger,
147; Ordinary Care, 383; Parent and Child,
401; Partial Loss, 329, 348; Permanent Loss,
365; Pleading and Practice, 237, 421; Pre-
sumption of Agency, 273; Prima Facie Neg-
ligence, 401; Protection of Employes, 383;
Proximate Cause, 165, 291, 401; Public Offi-
cer, 75; Quantum Meruit, 312; Relief Asso-
ciation, 401; Renewal of Employment, 18;
Res Ipsa Loquitur, 37, 57, 237, 383; Re-
spondeat Superior, 37, 57, 58, 75, 201, 291,
329, 365, 383: Respondeat Superior, 401, 421,
439. 457; Safety Appliance, 37, 238; Safe
Place to Work, 129, 147, 183. 238, 255, 401.
421; Scope of Employment, 165, 183, 273, 312:
Simple Tool, 18, 291; Statutory Construction,
58, 383; Suitable Appliances, 165; Unsafe
Appliance, 273; Venue. 255; Volunteer, 75.
329, 365; War Conditions, 255; Warning, 37,
147, 183, 273, 329; Workmen's Compensation
Act, 18. 37, 58. 75, 93, 111, 129, 130, 147, 165.
183, 201, 238, 291. 312. 329, 365, 401, 421, 439,
457, 458; Wrongful Discharge, 111, 219.
Mechanics' Liens-Contract, 255; Default, 383;
Destruction of Building. 147: Intervening
F'etition, 329; Materialman, 273; Statutory
Authority, 238; Statutory Compliance, 255.
Mines and Minerals-Cancellation, 439; Coal in
Place, 183; Contract, 219; Forfeiture, 458;
Interest in Land, 311; Lease, 18, 37; Mineral
Land, 255; Option, 291; Quiet Enjoyment, 75;
Waiver, 201.

Monopolies-Abstract Business, 458; Board of
Trade, 348; Exclusive Rights, 201.
Mortgages-Advertisement of Sale, 75; Assump-
tion of Debt, 311; Consideration, 348; Cut-
ting Timber, 439; Estoppel, 348; Evidence,
273; Foreclosure, 401, 421; Future Advances.
165; Improvements, 147: Junior Mortgage.
238; Mechanics' Liens, 384; Multiplicity of
Suits, 365; Parties to Action, 255; Payment,
238; Priority, 75; Recitals, 439; Record Title,
18: Redemption, 18, 75; Relation Back, 94;
Substituted Trustee, 402; Surrender Clause,


Municipal Corporations-Abutting Owner,




291, 311. 402: Appointment to Office, 37; As-
sessment, 75; Authority of Officer, 75; Auto-
mobile, 238; Barriers in Streets, 94; Bonded
Indebtedness, 76; Bond of Officer, 384; Build-
ing Regulations, 111, 311; City Park, 402;
Civil Service Law, 421: Collision, 111; Con-
stitutional Law, 94, 458; Contract, 457: Con-
tributory Negligence, 37, 76, 201, 219, 273,
384, 102, 422, 439; Culpable Negligence, 147:
De Facto Officer, 330; Discretion, 130; Dis-
criminating Ordinance, 201; Drainage, 311;
Due Care, 348; Electric Lighting Plant, 311;
Emergency, 183; Estoppel, 255; Evidence,
111, 255, 365; Excessive Speed. 311; Exten-
sion of Boundaries, 365; Franchise,
Governmental Powers, 291, 384, 402; Imputa-
ble Negligence, 318; Independent Contrac-
tor, 384; Instructions, 37, 422; Intoxication,
130; Joy Riding. 256; Last Clear Chance,
273; Licensee, 130; Nuisance, 130; License
for Jitney, 291; Materialman's Lien.
Motor Vehicles, 422; Negligence, 37, 76, 111.
166. 291, 311. 402, 458; Non-user, 402:
Nuisance, 58, 76, 111, 311; Ordinance, 18, 37,
58, 111, 166, 330; Ordinary Care. 311; Pav-
ing Contract. 94; Plats, 94: Pollution of
Water, 256; Proximate Cause, 58, 111, 147;
Public Officer, 311;
Public Highway, 422:
Public Use, 76, 348; Punitive Damages. 147:
Registration of Motor Vehicles, 130: Repair
of Streets. 58: Res Gestae, 18; Resulting
Damage, 422; Right of Way, 273; Sidewalks,
130: Special Assessment, 111: Speed Regula-
tions, 94. 147; Statutory Construction, 94;
Street Assessment, 94, 147. 348; Street Grad-
ing. 130: Street Obstructions. 201. 348:
Streets and Highways. 238; Streets and Side-
walks. 202; Traffic Ordinance, 147, 402: Trees
Bordering Sewer. 147; Unguarded Sidewalk,
365: Vacating Alley, 58; Workmen's Com-
pensation Act, 458.

Names-Change of, 76; Idem Sonans, 94; Pre-
sumption, 422; Variance, 330.

Navigable Waters-Interstate Boundary, 348;
Land Under Water, 273; Marshes, 18; Soil
in, 37; Submerged Land, 330.
Negligence-Accident, 18; Anticipating Injury,
94; Attractive Lures, 439; Burden of Froof,
202; Common Agency, 312; Dangerous Posi-
tion, 365; Duty of Master, 166; Employers'
Liability Act, 183; Evidence, 235; Gratuitous
Service, 365, 458; Implied Invitation, 76; Im-
putability, 18, 37; Intervening Cause, 365;
Invitee, 166, 365; Jury, 402; Licensee, 166,
402; Mitigating Damages, 166; Notice of
Defect. 58; Presumption of Death, 348:
Proximate Cause, 312, 422; Rescue, 219;
Pes Insa Loquitur, 365; Statutory Construc-
tion, 147.

Nuisance Injunction, 111; Similar Business,

Parent and Child-Automobile, 402; Custody,
111; Custody of Estate, 166; Emancipation,
330: Failure to Provide, 330; Irrevocable
Contract, 166; Necessaries, 112; Step-
daughter, 439.

Parties-Joinder of, 94; Joint Duty, 202.
Partition-Action for, 130.

Partnership-Accounting, 58; Contract, 184; Non-
trading Firm, 37; Profits, 219; Ratification,
219; Successorship, 219.

Payment-Duress, 112; Implied Warranty, 402;
Presumption, 384; Voluntary, 291.

Perjury-Good Faith, 37.

Perpetuities-Rule Against, 202, 274.
Physicians and Surgeons-Aggravation of In-
jury, 112; Negligence, 384; Practicing Medi-
cine, 184.

Pleading and Practice-Power of Attorney, 76.
Pledges-Bona Fide Purchaser, 458; Commercial
Paper, 271; General Title, 112.
Principal Agent-Architect,
Attorney and
Client, 238, 422; Breach of Contract, 58;
Change of Employment, 384; Counterclaim,
18; Evidence. 130, 365, 440, 458; Imputability,
274, 330; Master and Servant, 76; Misrepre-
sentation, 291; Mutual Mistake, 184; Notice,
166, 34S; Novation, 292: Power of Attorney,
365; Proof of Agency, 130; Ratification, 184;
Scope of Agency, 112. 130, 202, 274, 345;
Sub-agents, 37; Traveling Salesman, 422.
Principal and Surety-Accommodation, 312; Bond
on Condition, 440; Extension of Time, 458;
Release, 292; Signatures, 94.
Process-Usual Place of Abode, 94.
Public Lands-Mortgage, 458.

Public Service Commission-Rates, 312.
Railroads-Acceptance of Charter, 256; Closing

Street, 422; Consolidation, 184; Contributory
Negligence, 37, 202, 292, 365; Crossing, 130,
166, 366, 422; Crossing Accident, 184, 219.
366; Discovered Peril, 274; Evidence, 148,
274; Guarding Crossing, 366; Injunction. 274.
292; Interstate Train, 440; Last Clear
Chance, 112. 330; Licensees, 94, 274, 402;
Look and Listen. 18.
330, 366,
chanics' Lien, 112; Negligence, 274; Nui-
sance, 330; Obstructing View, 312; Ordinary
Care, 274, 366; Proximate Cause, 238, 256,
402, 422; Public Policy, 312; Right of Way,
112, 202; Setting Out Fire, 440: Spur Tracks,
219; Stoppage of Trains, 348: Switching Op-
eration. 166; Trespasser, 202, 238; Wanton
Destruction, 94.

Receivers Appointment of. 94, 274: Attorney at
Law. 184: Auditing Accounts, 422; Landlord
and Tenant, 440; Priority, 366.

Receiving Stolen Goods-Guilty Knowledge, 256.
Reference-Prima Facie Evidence, 312.

Reformation of Instruments Accommodation
Note, 348; Evidence, 312; Laches, 18; Obvious
Mistake, 184.
Release-Avoidance of, 458; Consideration, 292;
Construction of, 38, 256, 274; Fraud, 274;
Inadequate Consideration, 348; Joint Tort-
feasor, 202; Misrepresentation, 256.
Religious Societies-Trust Impressed, 38.
Removal of Causes-Diversity of Citizenship,
256; Filing Petition, 148, 166; Separable Con-
troversy, 366.

Replevin-Tender, 112.

Robbery-Variance, 112.

Sales-Acceptance, 38; Breach of Contract, 184,
219, 274, 348, 366, 402; Breach of Warranty,
166, 312; Completion of Sale, 330; Considera-
tion, 202; Consummation, 76; Contract, 38,
274, 292, 440; Counterclaim, 112; Counter-
manding Order, 384; Damages, 220, 440; De-
livery. 148; Description of Property, 256,
422; Duty of Acceptance, 112; Evidence, 184,
274; Express Warranty, 112, 402; Failure of
Consideration, 58; False Representations,
292; Fictitious Purchaser, 348; Fixtures, 38;
Fraud, 18, 402: Fraudulent Statement, 130;
Future Shipment, 366; Gift, 292; Guaranty,
18: Identifying Property, 184; Illegality,
402; Implied Warranty, 440; Instructions,
166, 202; Manufactured Goods, 76; Meeting
of Minds. 112; Minimizing Loss. 202: Mu-
tuality. 422; Notice of Delivery, 220; Notify
Bill of Lading. 18: Passing Title. 220;
Perishable Goods, 148: Redelivery. 292; Re-
moval After Rejection. 38: Rescission, 38,
202: Peservation of Title. 38, 148: Specula-
tive Contract, 18; Speculative Damages. 184;
Stipulations, 166: Tender, 440; Time of Es-
sence. 220: Transfer of Title, 440; Indis-
closed Principal. 220; Variance. 402: Vendor
and Purchaser, 220; Waiver, 76; Warranty,
220, 256, 440.

Set-off and Counter Claim-Money Had and Re-
ceived, 94.

Sheriffs and Constables-Exemptions, 312; Per-
sonal Liability, 440.

Shipping-Breach of Warranty, 402.

Specific Performance-Contract for Will, 130,
292; Enforceability, 458; Equity, 112; Evi-
dence, 38. 422; Fraudulent Intent. 312;
Ground of Recovery. 148; Honest Mistake,
256; Husband and Wife, 292; Mutuality, 384;
Non-suit, 220; Oral Contract, 220; Sale. 440;
Sole of Chattels, 458; Unsigned Memoranda

Statutes-Alterations of, 220; Ambiguities, 256.
Stipulation-Breach of, 384.

Street Railroads-Acquiescence, 384; Collision,
220; Contributory Negligence, 130, 366, 440,
458; Crossing Accident, 18; Estoppel, 38;
Evidence. 202, 274; Franchise Duty, 166;
Last Clear Chance, 38, 148: Look and Lis-
ten, 184: Negligence, 18, 238, 384; Right of
Way, 330.

Subrogation-Foreclosure, 440; Mistake of Fact,

458; Right to, 148; Suerty to Contractor, 202.
Sunday-Contract, 130; Moving Picture Show,
166; Profit on Amusement, 220; Ratification,
202; Statutory Construction. 148; Transac-
tions on, 256; Unlawful Sales, 76.

Surety Company-Estoppel, 330.
Taxation-Burden of Proof, 220; Excise Taxes,
348; Inheritance Tax, 312: Lien, 312; Non-
resident, 38; Tax Sale, 220.

Telegraphs and Telephones-Change in Service,
256: Contracts. 440: Contributory Negli-
gence, 166: Delay, 112. 292; Delivery of Mes-
sage, 238: Elevation of Wires. 148; Evidence.
440: Facilities, 220: Instructions, 148; Lia-
bility. 148: Limitation of Liability. 148: Mis-
take in Transmission, 366; Minimizing Loss,

202; Notification to Sender, 184; Ordinary
Care, 94; Punitive Damages, 220; Rates, 112,
366; Refusal to Pay Charges, 220; Sender
and Sendee, 292; Taxation, 148; Undisclosed
Principal, 166; Unrepeated Message, 238.
Tenancy in Common-Reasonable Time, 292.
'Tender-Place of, 184.

Theaters and Shows-Administrative Tribunal,

Time-Computation, 238; Holiday, 312; Sunday,


Trade Unions-Right to Form, 112.
Trespass-Honest Mistake, 76.

Trover and Conversion-Bond in Replevin, 58;
Damages, 58; Evidence, 202, 238; Pleading,
220; Right of Action, 148; True Owner, 58.
Trusts-Confidential Relation, 292; Direction by
Trustor. 148; Evidence. 166. 274, 330. 402: Ex-
press Trust, 18; Extraordinary Dividend,
274; Implied Trust, 384; Joint Judgment.
292; Laches, 184, 366; Notice, 184; Parol
Evidence, 184; Party in Interest, 76; Per-
petuities, 366; Power of Appointment, 422;
Resulting Trust, 166, 384; Reversion, 220;
Settlor, 220; Tenancy by Entireties, 220;
Termination, 38.


Vendor and Purchaser-Abandonment of Con-
tract, 374; Defense, 94; Deficiency, 274,
Estoppel, 130; Evidence, 18, 202, 256; Ex-
change, 76; Executory Contract, 18,
False Representation, 202; Fraud, 366: Front
Foot, 256; Husband and Wife, 292; Implied
Agreement, 330; Installments. 220; Market-
able Title. 256; Notice of Lien, 184: Option,
422; Parol Agreement, 76; Parol Gift, 292;
Promoter, 330; Rescission, 112, 148, 256. 292;
Reservation in Deed, 112; Tender of Deed,
238; Vendor's Lien, 292.

War-Alien, 18. 38; Espionage Act, 112, 440:
Trading with Enemy, 366.
Warehouseman-Burden of Proof, 58.

Waters and Water Courses-Abandonment, 130;
Agency, 366; Ambiguity in Decree. 76; Ap-
propriation, 402; Diversion, 112: Enforcing
Rates, 366; Franchise, 238; Liability for In-
jury, 202; Mandatory Injunction, 148; Op-
tion, 130; Pollution, 238; Private Water
Rights, 330; Public Service Company, 348;
Rates, 330; Reasonable Detention, 458: Ri-
parian Rights, 38, 148, 422; Surface Water,
76; Wrongful Diversion, 38, 312.
Weapons-Unlawful Carrying, 292.
Wills-Ademption, 38; Adopted Child, 312; An-

nulment, 366; Attestation, 402; Bequest, 422;
Burden of Proof, 38; Capacity, 274: Chil-
dren, 366; Child en ventre sa mere. 292;
Codicil, 238; Construction, 58, 148, 166, 274,
330, 366; Contest, 38, 384; Contract, 38, 76;
Corpus and Income, 292; Defeasible Fee, 94;
Description of Property, 440; Devise, 94, 220,
458; Domicile, 330: Estate Tail, 38; Evi-
dence, 202; Expert Testimony, 184: Extrinsic
Documents, 256; Forfeiture of Rights, 202;
Guardian, 112: Homestead, 94; Insanity. 312;
Intent, 38, 130; Issue, 766; Jurisdiction, 220;
Legatees. 440: Life Estate. 38. 130, 458:
Lunacy, 384; Mutual Wills, 58; Pleading and
Practice, 76; Postponed Enjoyment, 202, 256:
Power of Appointment. 312: Presumption of
Insanity. 76; Remainder. 366: Res Judicata,
330; Residuary Estate, 58. 148; Revocation,
166: Spendthrift Trust, 384; Statutory Con-
struction. 384: Testamentary Capacity, 148.
354: Testamentary Character. 256: Trust. 94:
Undue Influence, 166: Unincorporated Asso-
ciation, 130: Voluntary Transfer, 238; Wife's
Estate, 130; Words for Limitation, 458.
Witnesses-Wife, 366.

Work and Labor-Substantial Performance, 58.
Workmen's Compensation Act-Casual Employe,



A list composed of subscribers to the CENTRAL LAW JOURNAL, in good standing, and recommended by us to subscribers for use in the interchange of legal business. We advise that terms and fees for service be arranged by correspondence, as bar association rules in different localities make it impossible to publish a uniform scale of fees. Kindly mention the CENTRAL LAW JOURNAL, when corresponding with attorneys whose names appear in this list.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Robt. J. Woodruff.


Taylor & Jenkins.

T. F. Carmody.
John H. Cassidy.
Chas. G. Root.



Thos. J. Laffey.
John P. Nields.
H. H. Ward.


John S. Barbour.
Octave Bigoness.
R. B. B. Chew, Jr.
John W. Davis.
J. C. Flournoy.
Henry M. Foote
Chas. H. Hemans.
Hon. Edwin A.

Melville Church.
Blaine Coppinger.
Geo. W. Hall,
C. L. Johnson.
Thos. H. Lane.
Chas. H. Le Fevre.
G. Elbert Marshall.
Geo. Shiras, Jr.
Chapin Browne.
Watson E. Coleman.
Geo. C. Gertman.
Thomas M. Henry.
Frank J. Hogan.
Leckie, Cox &

F. S. Paladini.
Robert Proctor.
Hon. Thos. Sterling.
J. C. Robertson.



H. K. Olliphant.



Wm. E. Rivers.


W. F. Phillips.


Gus C. Edwards.

GAINESVILLE. Clark & Clark.

J. C. Cooper, Jr.
E. J. L. Engle.
Cromwell Gibbons.
Miles W. Lewis.
P. H. Odom.

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