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beg leave to move, Sir, for a copy of a letter from the First Commissioners of Woods, &c. to the late Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the subject of warming, ventilating and securing from fire the new Houses of Parliament.

516 degree of confidence from the House which | upon the constitution of the new Governwill enable her Majesty's Government to ment that time should be afforded them give the subject their most serious con- to weigh maturely the ineasures they may sideration. With respect to other measures think it their duty to submit, connected of permanent operation and important with the permanent, financial and comcharacter, I must make the same ap-mercial arrangements of the country. I peal to the confidence of the House. It is quite true that, for some days past, I and my colleagues have been in possession of the Government of the country, but I dare say the House will readily believe that the arrangements which it has been my duty to make for the constitution of the Government, and other arrangements connected with it, have not placed me in a much better situation to pronounce a positive opinion on measures of such immense and paramount importance, than I was before. I do assure the House that it is not from any neglect of public duty that I forbear from immediate legislation on matters of such importance. I can assure the House that I forbear, not on account of the advanced period of the year, not on account of the probably deficient attendance of Members, not on account of the temptations of other avocations to withdraw attention from Parliamentary duties for I am of opinion that all such considerations ought to be sacrificed to the principle of public duty, and ought not to interfere in the slightest degree with the consideration of measures affecting the public interests; the grounds on which I forbear from calling the attention of Parliament to measures of that important character rest in the peculiar circumstances connected with the formation of the Government. I thought I might infer from the general expression of opinion, and, as it appears, the just and liberal expression of opinion which took place before the late elections, that there was a general desire on the part of those who would probably be the warmest opponents of her Majesty's Government to give them a fair opportunity of considering the measures which it might be their duty to submit to the Legislature. I firmly believe it is for the public good that that opportunity should be given, and that on the earliest possible occasion after the time that Parliament ordinarily meets, the opinions of her Majesty's Government on those important subjects should be stated to Parliament; but in the mean time I trust there will not be any misconstruction of what appears the general feeling, that on the whole it is advisable

The motion having been seconded, Lord John Russell said Sir, with respect to the immediate purposes for which the right hon. Gentleman has moved for these papers, I am certainly not likely to differ from any measures which may be proposed in accordance with them. I have entire confidence in the course which I conceive the right hon. Baronet may think fit to adopt on that score, and I think we have all of us experienced the benefit of the plans which these papers suggest and recommend. With respect to any expense that may be required for the purpose of carrying out the end aimed at, I have no doubt that the Treasury and the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will use every requisite expedition in attending to it. With respect to the estimates, to the framing of which I was myself, well as the other Members of the late Government, a party, I can, of course, only say that I shall offer no opposition to their being granted, and I shall consider it my duty to give my support to any of them, the necessity for which shall be questioned. But with regard to the other questions to which the right hon. Gentleman has referred, I shall take an opportunity, before the House goes into a committee of supply to-morrow, of stating the course which I think ought to be pursued with reference to the present state of public affairs. I do not think it would be convenient that I should enter now into these considerations. I am of opinion that the course I propose to adopt-that of making the observations I wish to address to the House before going into supply to-morrow-more consistent with the practice of the House. I can only say, on the present occasion, that I heard with great concern the intention of the right hon. Gentleman not to propose any measures of importance in the present Session of Parliament. I will not say, that during the last few days in which the right

which would be of great advantage, namely, that, from time to time, or periodically, the changes made in the commercial relations between this and other countries should be reported to the House.

Mr. Gladstone said, that, in June last, the late President of the Board of Trade informed the House that one of the secretaries of that board had taken great pains in obtaining information upon the subject of the commercial tariffs of foreign countries, and had stated, that when his report should be prepared in the proper form, he would lay it upon the Table of the House. The noble Lord (Lord Ripon) at the head of the Board of Trade, entirely approved of that intention of his predecessor, and Mr. M'Gregor had received instructions to proceed with the preparation of that information. The House must be aware that this was a work of very considerable difficulty, and one requiring great accu

hon. Gentleman has been occupied, agree- 1 same time he would suggest a regulation ably with the instructions given him by her Majesty, in the formation and construction of the Government, he can have given any very great share of his attention to the measures which he may wish to introduce; but, considering the great length of time which has elapsed since the proposal of important measures by the late Administration, and considering the present state of the country, I must say that, in my opinion, the Government, as now constituted, ought at once, or in the course of the present autumn to lay before Parliament the measures it intends to propose. I inferred from the statement of the right hon. Gentleman that it is his intention, having obtained the necessary supplies-having made temporary provision for the public credit, and having renewed the Poor-law and some other expiring acts for a few months-not to call the House of Commons together again until the ordinary period of assembling-racy, but as soon as it could be prepared at the commencment of the next year. Now, Sir, I do not consider that course to be advisable in the present state of the country, and particularly as the right hon. Gentleman has himself said, that the House of Commons ought not to attend to questions of personal convenience when matters of great political importance require our attention. I will not now, however, enter further into these matters than to say that I will take the opportunity to which I have referred of stating my opinion upon them to-morrow; and I may be permitted to add that in so doing I am not actuated by any desire to offer any embarrassing opposition to any course which the right hon. Gentleman may think proper to adopt, but merely wish to state that, which, in my own opinion, is the course, which, under the existing circumstances of the country, ought to be pursued.

Motion agreed to.

FOREIGN TARIFFS.] Dr. Bowring said, that he had given notice of his intention to move for certain returns relative to the commercial regulations of other countries with respect to our own; but, as he understood that some progress had been made in preparing those returns, if the right hon. Gentleman the Vice-President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Gladstone) would inform him that they should be presented to the House, he should be glad to leave the matter in his hands. At the

it should be laid on the Table of the House. He also agreed that provision should be made with British agents abroad, to supply the Government at home with regular information of changes made by foreign countries in their commercial regulations.

COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS.] Lord J. Russell inquired at what hour to-morrow it was the intention of the right hon. Baronet to commence the public business of the House?

Sir R. Peel said, that he thought it would be convenient to the House if it was generally understood that in future public business should commence at an earlier hour. He would propose, therefore, that petitions should continue to be presented till five o'clock, but that if there were no petitions they should commence public business at half-past four.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Protheroe said, he must protest at once against this bill, and would give it all the opposition in his power. That opposition had nothing of a party character, because the Government of the right hon. Baronet was not responsible for the measure, which had originated with their predecessors; and he would have opposed it as earnestly if it had been introduced by the noble Lord (Lord John Russell) below him as by the right hon. Baronet. He hoped that his hon. Friend would reconsider the course which he proposed to adopt. At the moment when measures were in progress in the formation of additional Royal parks and public walks, and places of recreation for the people, it was manifestly absurd to give away a large portion of Kensington Gardens for such a purpose as was proposed. He wished his hon. Friend had taken a walk with him that morning into Kensington Gardens, and had seen the ground in question, for he was sure he would agree with him as to the convenience of adding it to the Park to which it was immediately contiguous. He thought, whether they regarded the convenience of the Sovereign, or of the inhabitants of Kensington, or of the public generally, nothing could be more injudicious than to build on that spot. Villas were not wanted, and specu

Royal gardens, and to enable the said Commissioners, on behalf of her Majesty, to purchase lands of copyhold or customary tenure. The hon. Gentleman said that these measures had received the sanction of the late government, and were approved by the present Government; in fact, he was only carrying out measures which he had found in a state of great forwardness. The reason he had brought them forward this Session was, that he found delay would be a great inconvenience, and that it was desirable that no time should be lost in the formation of a kitchen garden. The first measure was to annex Frogmore to the Crown so as to make it a part of the demesne of Windsor Castle. At present it belonged to their Royal Highnesses the Princess Sophia and the Duchess of Gloucester, though their life interests had been purchased by the Crown, and had reverted to the Commissioners of Woods and Forests. The use of those gardens was connected with the establishment at Windsor, and it would be a matter of great inconvenience to her Majesty if that property were let to mere casual tenants. It had been considered, therefore, that it would be advisable that those gardens should be made part of the demesne of the Crown at Windsor, and therefore it was, that the present act was introduced. With regard to the other partlations on the part of the Government of the property, that would remain in the were not always well managed or profitable. hands of the commissioners. With re- Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens conspect to the other bill, much inconvenience stituted no longer the commencement of had been felt for some years in conse- the country in that direction, but they quence of the insufficient supply of fruits were surrounded by a dense town populaand vegetables for her Majesty and the tion, and would soon be as much in the Royal household from the various kitchen interior of the metropolis as Lincoln's Inngardens, of which there were six, all cul- fields. He trusted Government would use tivated at great expense, and yet not the opportunity of throwing open this yielding an adequate supply. By the pre- place to the public, and apply to the sent bill it was proposed to remedy this House for the sum of money necessary for defect. By the arrangement proposed to the convenience of the Crown in consolibe adopted by the present bill, no addi-dating the kitchen gardens. At a further tional charge would be imposed upon the public. He believed with respect to the first of those measures it would be necessary previous to its introduction to go into a committee of the whole House. With respect to the second bill, he should propose its introduction at once; and as to the other, he should propose that the House should go into committee on the subject. The right hon. Gentleman moved for leave to bring in a bill to authorize the Commissioners of Woods to grant building leases of the Royal kitchen gardens at Kensington, &c.

stage he would offer to the measure every opposition in his power.

Mr. Williams begged to ask if any estimate had been made of the expense of consolidating the kitchen gardens? He approved of the proposed disposal of this piece of ground, but he did not approve of the purpose to which the proceeds were to be applied. He thought that when the working classes were suffering so much distress, and when so much money was expended on palaces, and parks, the proceeds of this piece of ground ought to be

applied to the repairs of the palaces, and relieve the public from so much of the


Sir T. Fremantle said, that the estimated cost of consolidating the kitchen gardens would be reduced, by the conversion of this property, which at a low estimate would let for about 1,000l. per


ministration also in a sanatory sense, and he would entreat the present Government to re-consider the subject under discussion. He might next be permitted to allude, for one moment, to the statement, of the right hon. Baronet with reference to the Poor-law. He thought the time which the right hon. Baronet asked for considering that subject was not unreasonMr. Wakley said, that it appeared that, able. The right hon. Baronet asked that for the paltry sum of one thousand pounds the Poor-law should be continued in its a year the only open space which existed be- present form until the month of July next teen the Palace towards the east and the year. He was bold to say, that the time church in Kensington towards the west was not too long. The subject was one was to be entirely lost to the public. of enormous magnitude-it was one which The hon. Gentleman stated, that the should be approached with so much judgmeasure was one which would have been ment and consideration that he felt it brought forward by the late Administra- would not be unreasonable to allow the tion. It was, indeed, one of the great existing law to be prolonged for six months measures upon which the two Administra- from the present time. He did trust that tions concurred in opinion. It was a bad in the mean time the most sober judgment beginning. He hoped the hon. Gentleman would be applied to the question, for it himself would go down to Kensington and was one of such importance and involving see this place; and as he remembered a good so many great interests that it was imdeal of what the right hon. Baronet had said possible for that House or the other House of late years with respect to the working of Parliament to obtain the slightest reclasses, their recreations and amusements, spect or confidence from the public, unless he entreated the right hon. Gentleman to it was treated with the consideration it visit the ground which it was proposed to deserved. He thought the time asked sacrifice. The people in the neighbour- was not too long, for he had not heard any hood complained loudly on the subject. individual whatever say what he considered They looked upon it as a deplorable evil in the present state of things, ought to be that they should be deprived of such an done with regard to that law-and thereopen space of ground, at a time when the fore no one could consider that the time Government were spending thousands for asked by the right hon. Baronet was too the comfort of the inhabitants of other protracted. He hoped that the interval parts of the metropolis. The ground in would be employed in a calm consideraquestion was excluded, in a great measure, tion of the subject, so as to bring about from public view, but it lay adjacent to a such an arrangement of this most imdensely-peopled neighbourhood, the in-portant question as might be satisfactory habitants of which would be greatly bene- to the commun ty at large. fited by having the space thrown open. It was an advantage which they would greatly prize. He was astonished to find that the late Administration, which professed to be so friendly to the people, should have entertained for a moment the project of building upon the space alluded to; and he would again entreat the Members of the new Government to visit the spot before they came to a definitive resolution on the subject. The right hon. Gentleman himself had commenced their proceedings that night with a motion relating to the health of hon. Members. Now, let them think of the health of the poor as well as of their own. The noble Lord had spoken in the highest terms of Dr. Reid's Administration. Now, he approved of that Ad

Sir R. Peel: I rise to say a few words with reference to what fell from the hon. Gentleman opposite (Mr. Protheroe), who has stated that he hopes for some success in the opposition he intends to offer to this bill, because the measure was not originally brought forward on the responsibility of the present Government. Now, Sir, I consider that, by now bringing forward this bill, the present Government is assuming to itself the responsibility of the measure, because it is one which we might have abstained from bring forward if we had thought proper. The noble Lord (John Russell) opposite, has confined his confidence to the Administration of Dr. Reid, and has appeared unwilling to extend it to those who have succeeded him in the

Government of the country. I, Sir, am disposed to admit that there was one of the colleagues of the noble Lord whose share of the Administration has entitled him to great confidence, and I must say, that by his exertions in connection with the office of woods, guarding myself, of course, against any expression of approbation as to any more extended measures, Lord Duncannon has rendered himself worthy of great praise. When I heard, therefore, that the present Bill had received the approbation of Lord Duncannon, I must confess that it brought with it an additional recommendation, coming as it did with the sanction of an authority whose improvements in the Parks, and other places, it is impossible to see without approving of his taste and judgment. I think, moreover, that where there are six kitchen gardens there cannot be a question as to the propriety of consolidating them. Such a course is surely desirable in the light of a mere question of economy. To defray the expense of consolidation, a portion of ground is to be let for build ing. This is ground, it is to be observed to which the public now have not access. It is not subject to the Administration of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests. It is ground that has been in private occupation of the Crown-devoted to horticultural purposes, and from which the public has hitherto been excluded. I admit that it is a different thing retaining the grounds as gardens, and applying them to building purposes; but then the public never have had access to them, and the applying the ground to building, is for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the consolidation. It is on the whole, an arrangement that is desirable, and will prevent the necessity of applying to the public to defray the expense necessary, in consequence of the projected change.

Mr. Ewart understood that the persons in the neighbourhood were exceedingly anxious that the ground should be opened to the public, instead of being devoted to building [hear, hear]. He was glad to hear that the opening of the Regent's-park was consummated. He wished to take advantage of the opportunity to call attention to the fact that there was a large park at Kew that was only open two days in the week; and as to Richmond-park, he asked why persons in gigs and carriages should not have the right of driving through it. It would be most desirable to

the middle classes of society if this were done. He also wished to call attention to Bushey-park, where there was a handsome fountain, that he thought it would be well to have restored to the former purpose for which it was intended.

Sir T. Fremantle said, he would give his attention to the subject referred to by the hon. Member.

Leave given, bill brought in and read a first time.

FROGMORE HOUSE AND GARDENS.] Upon the motion of Sir Thomas Fremantle, the House resolved itself into a committee, Sir George Clerk in the Chair, to consider of annexing the main House, Garden, and grounds, at Frogmore, now a part of the land revenue of the Crown, to Windsor Castle. In the committee a resolution was proposed, to the effect that it was expedient Frogmore-house and Gardens should be annexed to Windsor Castle. Resolution agreed to. The House resumed, report to be received on the next day.



Friday, September 17, 1841. MINUTES.] New Member:-A. Cochrane, Esq., Bridport, Bills.

Read first time :-Lunatics; Frogmore Lodge.

Petitions presented. By Mr. Brotherton, from Manchester,

and other places, by Mr. Villiers, from New Mills, and by Mr. Cobden, from Birmingham, and other places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.-By Mr. G. W. Hope, from Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, for Continuance of Protection to their Trade.-By Sir E. Wilmot, from the Committee of the British and Foreign AntiSlavery Society, to Amend the Consolidated Slave-trade Abolition Act of 1824.

R. Peel having moved the Order of the
of Supply,
Day, that the House go into a Committee

Lord J. Russell said:-I shall now, with permission of the House, proceed to make the observations which I yesterday said, I should feel it my duty to make, on the course which the right hon. Baronet proposes to pursue, and on the general aspect of affairs. The motion which the right hon. Baronet has now made, for the House going into a committee of supply, for the purpose of placing some of the public money at the disposal of the present Ministers of the Crown, being the earliest occasion on which the right hon. Gentleman has asked the opinion of the House on the subject, I look upon as the most fitting

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