That on and after the day when this Act shall go into effect all goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered without payment of duty and under bond for warehousing,... Treasury Decisions Under Customs and Other Laws - Página 660por United States. Department of the Treasury - 1914Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1908 - 1118 páginas
...goods, wares and merchandise previously Imported, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered this act and to no other duty, upon the entry or withdrawal thereof." The act was approved and went into effect 'July 24, 1897. The board of general... | |
 | 1906 - 2090 páginas
...goods, wares, and merchandise previously ini]x>rted, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered without...duties imposed by this act and to no other duty, upon tinentry or the withdrawal thereof: Provided, that when duties are based upon the weight of merchandise... | |
 | 1898 - 2046 páginas
...been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered without payment of duty and tinder bond for warehousing, transportation, or any other...other duty, upon the entry or the withdrawal thereof." Section 34 repeals sections 1 to 21, both inclusive, of the tariff act of August 28, 1804, and "all... | |
 | 1896 - 2118 páginas
...goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported, for which no entry lias been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered the importer or his agent has been issued, shall bo subjected to no other duty upon the entry or the withdrawal thereof than if the same were imported... | |
 | 1903 - 1112 páginas
...Ed. 23; Hylton v. US, 3 Dall. 173, i L. Ed. 556. The duty imposed by the Foraker act on "all goods, wares and merchandise previously entered without to the importer or his agent has been issued," is a uniform tax or duty, for the same duty is imposed upon all goods answering that description, no... | |
 | 1911 - 442 páginas
...previously imported but for which no entry had been made and articles previously entered without the payment of duty and under bond for warehousing, transportation,...permit < of delivery to the importer, or his agent, had been issued, are subject to the provisions of the said section. . 4. In order to be entitled to... | |
 | United States, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1890 - 202 páginas
...fermentation of the grape-juice and that obtained from the added distilled spirits. New matter. dise previously entered without payment of duty and under...or his agent has been issued, shall be subjected to no other duty upon the entry or the withdrawal thereof than if the same were imported respectively... | |
 | United States - 1890 - 520 páginas
...goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered permit of delivery to the importer or his agent lias been issued, shall be subjected to no other duty upon the entry or the withdrawal thereof than... | |
 | United States - 1890 - 142 páginas
...goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered without...transportation, or any other purpose, for which no Eermit of delivery to the importer or his agent has been issued, shall e subjected to no other duty... | |
 | 1891 - 966 páginas
...goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and merchandise previously entered without...or his agent has been issued, shall be subjected to no other duty upon the entry or tho withdrawal thereof than if the same were imported respectively... | |
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