No. 36056. - WEARING APPAREL OF COTTON OR SILK. -Protests 704704, etc., of No. 36057. SPUN SILK YARN ON BOBBINS. - Protest 638127 of O. G. Hempstead & Spun silk yarn wound upon cylindrical paper tubes about 64 inches in length and having a uniform diameter of about 14 inches, was claimed not to be "on bobbins," as classified, but "in skeins, warps, or cops" under paragraph 397, tariff act of 1909, Protest overruled. G. A. 7312 (T. D. 32123) followed. No. 36058.- MANUFACTURES OF SILK-SUFFICIENCY OF PROTEST. - Protest 625904 of Libbey & Ryker (New York). Opinion by Howell, G. A. A woven fabric of silk and cotton classified as silk chief value under paragraph 399, tariff act of 1909, imported in pieces 1 meter in length, used in the manufacture of hats, was held dutiable as a manufacture of silk. Protest describing the merchandise as silk hats held sufficient. Hensel v. United States (160 Fed., 219; T. D. 28637) followed. No. 36059.-TRIMMED STRAW HATS. -Protest 707905 of Jordan-Marsh Co. (Boston), protests 692968, etc., of Wm. Hengerer Co. et al. (Buffalo), protests 706034, etc., of L. A. Consmiller, protests 707264, etc., of E. H. Fielding & Co., and protest 726584 of J. & H. Rosenberg (New York). Opinions by Howell, G. A. United States v. Lord & Taylor (4) Ct. Cust. Appls., 322; T. D. 33521) followed as to trimmed straw hats. Protests sustained in part. No. 36060.- PROTESTS OVERRULED.-Protest 729438 of Maurice B. Carlin (Baltimore), and protest 726472 of Jordan-Marsh Co. (Boston). Opinions by Howell, G. A. Protests unsupported; overruled. No. 36061.-PROTESTS ABANDONED.-Protests 207593, etc., of Hunken, Neale & Forbes et al. (New York). Protests abandoned. BEFORE BOARD 3, JUNE 30, 1914. No. 36062.-LEAKAGE OF SAKE. - Protests 104121, etc., of Y. Y. Hirose et al. (Honolulu). Opinion by Waite, G. A. Protests sustained claiming an allowance for leakage of sake imported under the act of 1897. No. 36063.-BEANS-PEASE. - Protests 700534, etc., of Hamano Shoten et al. (Honolulu), and protests 681012, etc., of Okada & Ichida Co. et al. (San Francisco). Opinions by Waite, G. A. Merchandise classified as beans under paragraph 249, tariff act of 1909, was claimed dutiable as pease (par. 262). Protests overruled. Abstract 34469 (T. D. 34069) cited. No. 36064.-PAPER-FAVORED NATIONS. - Protests 662617, etc., of Cornelius Kahlen (New York). Opinion by Somerville, G. A. Bertuch v. United States (4) Ct. Cust. Appls., 146; T. D. 33434) followed as to paper produced in Germany from wood the product of Germany. No. 36065.-PROTESTS ABANDONED.-Protests 545553, etc., of L. Fried & Son et al. (New York). Protests abandoned. Acetosalicylid; medicinal preparation (Abstract 35676). 34468 Acting collectors pending appointment of new collector; salaries, etc. 34391 Additional duty (Abstract 34750). 34165 Adhesive felt: Surface-coated boxes (Abstract 35296). 34355 Aeroplanes, Moisant International Aviators, New York, drawback on. 34502 Affidavits (Abstracts 35691 and 35701). 34468 Agate button blanks (Abstract 34844). 34201 Agate, cut; precious stones (Abstract 34493). 34069 Agricultural implements (Abstract 34872). 34219 Agriculture, Department of, laboratory districts, list of; T. D. 31251 amended.. 34536 Aigrettes: Abstract 35872. 34571 Artificial..... Glass (Abstract 35220). Horsehair; glass aigrettes (Abstract 34520). Made of bristles (Abstract 35453) Ajinomoto; prepared vegetables (Abstract 35698). Alaska Pacific Steamship Co., bond of, as common carrier. Albor gum; dyestuffs (Abstract 34560)... Alcoholic compound; chemical mixture containing alcohol.... Algin; articles used in dyeing (Abstract 34752).. Alizarin (Abstract 35383)....... Allowance for- Decay; fruit.... Losses of liquor.. Almonds, shelled; clear almonds (Abstract 34952). Abstract 34737. Kitchen spoons. Wire rods, United States Aluminum Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., draw- back on.... 34105 Children's embroidery sets, Abstract 34400 (T. D. 34033). 34152 Cork waste (G. A. 7541).. Copper matte; regulus of copper, Abstract 35013 (T. D. 34279).. 34316 34369 Discount on goods imported in American vessels (G. Α. 7540)... 34271 Drayage charges, rges, Abstract 34860 (T. D. 34201).. 34309 Electric-light bulbs, Abstract 35162 (T. D. 34307). 34422 Jurisdiction of board (G. A. 7512). 34114 Lubricating oil, Abstract 34756 (T. D. 34186). 34367 Merchandise in transit entered for consumption, Abstract 34568 (T. D. 34090). 34269 Olive oil in tins (G. A. 7534). Placards or show cards, Abstract 35500 (T. D. 34425). Rattan reeds, Abstract 35066 (T. D. 34279). Reconstructed rubies, Abstract 35123 (T. D. 34307). 34259 34576 34460 34387 Rhinestone or paste buttons (G. A. 7539)... 34299 Sewing-machine parts, Abstract 35048 (T. D. 34279). 34343 Subject. Appeals from decisions of Board of General Appraisers-Continued. Dept. G.A. 34423 Spar prisms; rock crystals, Abstract 35307 (T. D. 34355). Wood pulp from Germany (G. A. 7532). Woven fabrics of asbestos, Abstract 34310 (T. D. 34026). Appliquéd articles; wearing apparel (Abstract 35765). Appliquéd cotton wearing apparel (Abstract 35886). Appliquéd silk (Abstract 34676).. Appliquéd silk fabrics (Abstract 35734). Appliquéd wearing apparel. Abstracts 35798, 35824, and 35855. Appeal from G. A. 7525.. Baby kimonas (Abstract 35754). Appraisement. Legality of. (See Legality of appraisement.) Notice of. (See Notice of appraisement.) Zinc in ore. Aprons and bibs in the piece. Aprons, E. B. Kursheedt Apron Co., New York, drawback on. Argentine Republic; wheat and wheat products. Arms and munitions of war to Mexico.. Arrow point embroidered leather gloves (Abstract 35604). pounds. 34184 Articles of personal adornment: Evidence (Abstract 34864).. 34219 Jewelry (Abstracts 34791 and 34813). 34201 Articles plated with gold or silver. 34182 Artificial aigrettes...... Artificial flower stems: Artificial silk cords and loops, B. Ulman & Co., New York, draw back on... 34365 Artificial silk fabrics (Abstract 35762). 34521 Artificial silk hats and scarfs (Abstract 34621). 34127 Artificial silk trimmings: Abstract 35587. 34459 Abstracts 34587 and 34591.. 34127 Arnold Kamps, New York, drawback on... 34462 Artificial teeth, Dentists' Supply Co., New York, drawback on...... 34505 Artistic antiquities: Abstract 35594. 34459 Attorney General, opinion of: Window glass, boxes containing more than 50 square feet of..... 34388 Automobile cloth; dress goods.. 34303 7544 34350 Automobile parts, Columbia Castings Co., Detroit, Mich., drawback on... 34267 Automobile starting and lighting equipments, Bijur Motor Lighting Co., Hoboken, N. J., drawback on...... Automobile wind shields, Rands Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich., drawback on... 34083 34037 Automobiles and parts, drawback on.. 34227 Automobiles and engines, Hupp Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich., drawback on.... 34222 Automobiles: 34153 Benz Auto Import Co., New York, drawback on.... Healy & Co., New York, drawback on..... Hupp Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich., drawback on.... Avocado or alligator pear and seeds thereof; plant quarantine act.... 34261 Azuki; beans (Abstract 34470)... B. 34069 Babbitt metal, Frictionless Metal Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, drawback on..... Baby carriages; personal effects. Baby kimonos; appliquéd wearing apparel (Abstract 35754). Baggage in bond from Quebec. Bagging, old jute, free of duty. Baling wire; cotton ties.... Balloons, toy (Abstract 35163). Bar hoists; rock drills; steam engines. Bar-le-duc jelly: Appeal from Abstract 34779 (T. D. 34186). Baskets: Duty on, under act of 1913...... Wood (Abstract 35573).. 34230 34282 34496 34405 34297 34055 34307 34458 7566 34359 34186 34555 34118 34459 |