CUSTOMS. (T. D. 34034.) Values of foreign coins. [Circular No. 1.] TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 1, 1914. In pursuance of the provisions of section 25 of the act of August 27, 1894, I hereby proclaim the following estimate by the Director of the Mint of the values of foreign coins to be the values of such coins in terms of the money of account of the United States, to be followed in estimating the value of all foreign merchandise exported to the United States during the quarter beginning January 1, 1914, expressed in any such metallic currencies. Entries of merchandise liquidated upon the values proclaimed herein will be subject to reliquidation upon the order of the Secretary of the Treasury whenever satisfactory evidence shall be produced to him showing that the values in United States currency of the foreign money specified in the invoices were at the date of certification at least 10 per cent more or less than the values herein proclaimed. W. G. MCADOO, Secretary. Estimate by Director of the Mint of the values of foreign coins. 12 bolivianos-1 pound sterling. Currency: Government paper, convertible at $0.3242 to the milreis. Bolivia. Gold.. Boliviano. .389 Brazil.. do. Milreis.. .546 British colonies in Pound sterling.... 4.8665 Australasia and Africa. Canada.. Dollar. 1.000 Central American States: Costa Rica. Colon... .465 British Honduras .do. Dollar..... 1.000 Nicaragua. do. Cordova 1.000 Guatemala. Honduras.. Silver.. Peso...... Chile....... Gold do... (Guatemala: Currency, inconvertible paper, exchange rate 16 to 18 pesos $1. Honduras: Currency, bank notes, exchange rate Mar. 20, 1912, $0.415. Salvador: Currency, convertible into silver on demand. Currency: Inconvertible paper; exchange rate, approximately, $0.2061. 1 The exchange rates shown under this heading are recent quotations and given as an indication of the values of currencies which are fluctuating in their relation to the legal standard. They are not to take the place of the consular certificate where it is available. 27778-VOL 26-14-1 .434 .365 Estimate by Director of the Mint of the values of foreign coins-Continued. Uruguay. do Peso... 1.034 Venezuela. Bolivar. .193 Valuation is for the gold peseta; currency is silver circulating above its metallic value; exchange value, approximately, $0.1794. Member of Latin Union; gold is the actual standard. 100 piasters equal to the Turkish £. (T. D. 34035.) Chemicals Medicinal compounds-Articles in packages of 24 pounds or less. All articles provided for in the dutiable schedule of the tariff act of 1913 which in fact consist of chemical or medicinal compounds, or combinations or articles similar thereto, are dutiable at not less than 20 per cent ad valorem under paragraph 17. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 2, 1914. SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of November 20 last, relative to the classification of ink, oil of sweet almond, oil of lemon, oil of orange, and other articles provided for eo nomine in the tariff act of October 3, 1913, when contained in packages of less than 24 pounds gross weight, in view of the specific provision in paragraph 17 of the tariff act that chemical and medicinal compounds, combinations, and all similar articles dutiable under the tariff act, except soap, whether actually provided for or not, put up in individual packages of 24 pounds or less, gross weight, shall be dutiable at a rate of not less than 20 per cent ad valorem. It will be observed that this provision, which is a new one, does not impose a minimum rate of 20 per cent ad valorem upon all dutiable articles imported in packages of 24 pounds or less, but does impose such minimum rate upon articles which are chemical or medicinal compounds or combinations or articles similar thereto when imported in such packages. The department is accordingly of the opinion that all the articles provided for in Schedule A, whether eo nomine or otherwise, except soap and sponges, are dutiable at not less than 20 per cent ad valorem when imported in packages of less than 24 pounds, gross weight. The department is further of the opinion that all articles provided for in the dutiable schedules of the tariff act elsewhere than in Schedule A, which in fact consist of chemical or medicinal compounds or combinations or articles similar thereto, are also subject to such minimum rate of duty when put up in such packages. It does not, however, consider bath brick, cement, manufactured pumice stone, fullers' earth, and like articles as similar to chemical or medicinal compounds or combinations. You will be governed accordingly. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, New York. CHARLES S. HAMLIN, Assistant Secretary. (T. D. 34036.) Dockets for hearings by the Board of General Appraisers. Dockets for the hearing of cases by the Board of United States General Appraisers, at ports other than the port of New York for the calendar year 1914. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 3, 1914. To officers of the customs and others concerned: The appended dockets, prepared by the president of the Board of United States General Appraisers, are published for your information. (34583.) JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Dockets for the hearings of cases by the Board of United States General Appraisers and individual general appraisers at ports other than the port of New York, 1914. OFFICE OF BOARD OF UNITED STATES GENERAL APPRAISERS, 641 Washington Street, New York, December 23, 1913. Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by the customs administrative act of 1890, as amended by the act of August 5, 1909, reenacted in the tariff act of October 3, 1913, and for the purpose of hearing appeals in both classification and reappraisement cases at ports other than the port of New York, the following dockets therefor are hereby promulgated: Whenever it shall appear to the president of the Board of General Appraisers that there are not pending at any port in the schedule herein a sufficient number of cases to warrant the visit of a general appraiser, or for other sufficient cause, he will, after due notice, extend the time appointed for such docket to a future day. Whenever a docket day herein fixed falls upon a holiday, such docket will be called upon the day following. Said dockets and each of them will be called at the hour designated in the notice of hearing of the day appointed in the above schedule and all pending cases be heard or set for trial as the general appraiser in attendance may direct. Upon transmittal of records from ports other than New York to the Board of General Appraisers in cases in which local hearings are to be had the sample will, after |