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W. P. 3



THIS Volume, like its predecessors, is designed to assist in the accomplishment of several purposes, the chief of which is to improve the learner's ability to give correct oral expression to the printed or written word, or, more briefly stated, to become an intelligent reader. In his seventh year at school the pupil is supposed to be able to read, with ease and some degree of fluency, anything in the English language that may come to his hand; but, that he may read always with the understanding and in a manner pleasing to his hearers and satisfactory to himself, he must still have daily systematic practice in the rendering of selections not too difficult for comprehension and yet embracing various styles of literary workmanship and illustrating all the different forms of English composition. The contents of this volume have been chosen and arranged to supply-or, where not supplying, to suggest - the materials for this kind of practice. Care has been taken to place before the young reader such selections as will be interesting to him and will inspire him with a desire to read still more upon the same subjects or from the same authors; for it is only by loving books and learning to know them that any one can become a really good reader. Many of the selections are introduced or followed by historical or bibliographical notes designed to assist the learner's understanding, to broaden his knowledge of good books, or to suggest suitable supplementary reading on various topics of interest. The notes on "Authors and Books" near the end of the volume carry out this idea still more fully.

In the supplementary notes beginning on page 225, several brief suggestions are presented with reference to the critical study of the selections in this volume. A few pages also are devoted to definitions and a discussion of the principles of good reading, reference being had to various illustrative passages in the body of the book. The teacher is advised to read these pages at the very start, and to require the class to make constant practical reference to them while preparing for each recitation.

The numerous portraits of authors is an interesting feature, valuable in connection with the biographical notes, because of the closer acquaintance which the learner gains through them with the makers of our literature. The full-page illustrations are reproductions of famous paintings by eminent modern artists; aside from their purpose as illustrations, they have a distinct educative and æsthetic value which will be readily appreciated.

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