Imágenes de páginas

Presented by

Smith, Alexander M., author, his "Ariadne in Naxos," 4°, 1872...

Stevens, B. F., "Argument of Mr. Evarts before the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva, in August, 1872," 8°, 1872...

1 pam.

1 vol.

Snider, D. J., author, his "Clarence, a Drama," 8°, St.
Louis, 1872....

1 pam.

Turin Royal Academy of Sciences, "Atlante di Carte Celesti
Contenenti Catalogo delle Stelle "

1 vol.

Turin Royal Academy of Sciences, "Bolletino Meteorologico
ed Astronomico," for 1871 and 1872....
Turin Royal Academy of Sciences, "Atti della Reale Aca-
demia delle Scienze," vol. VI, 1871, vol. VII (7 numbers),

2 vols.

2 vols.

Turin Royal Academy of Sciences, "Memorie della Reale Academia delle Scienze." Tom. XXV and XXVI, 4°, 1871....

2 vols.

Toner, J. M., M. D., "Facts of Vital Statistics in the
United States," with tables and diagrams, 1872........
Tyler, A. W., “Historia Religionis Veterum Persarum,'
4o, Oxoniæ, 1700

1 pam.

[ocr errors]

1 vol.

Tyler, A. W., "Brockett's Commercial Traveler's Guide
Book," 12°, New York, 1871.....

1 vol.

Tyler, A. W., "The Broadway Tabernacle Church and its
Retiring Pastor, Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Thompson," 8°, New
York, 1871.

1 pam.

Todd, Hon. A., Librarian of the Canadian Parliament, Abbé L'Averdier's and Casgrain's "Journal des Jesuites," 4°, 1871...

Todd, Hon. A., "Tables of the Trade and Navigation of
Canada," for 1871.....

1 vol.

2 vols.

Todd, Hon. A., Public Accounts of Canada for 1871..... Todd, Hon. A., Report of Inland Revenues of Canada for 1871.

2 vols.

2 vols.

Todd, Hon. A., "Report of Hon. H. L. Longevin, Minister of Public Works of Canada," 1872...

1 vol.

Todd, Hon. A., "General Report of the Minister of Public

Works," 1871.

1 vol.

Presented by

Todd, Hon. A., "Report of the Postmaster-General of

Canada for 1871"...

1 vol.

Todd, Hon. A., "Report of the State of the Militia of
Canada for 1871"...

1 vol.

Todd, Hon. A., "Le Canada sous l'Union," par L. P. Turcotte, 12°, Quebec, 1871.....

2 vols.

Todd, Hon. A., Clarke's "Criminal Law of Canada," 8°,
Toronto, 1872.....

1 vol.

Todd, Hon. A., "The Resources of the Ottawa District," 8°, Ottawa, 1872....

1 pam.

Todd, Hon. A., "Post-office Gazetteer of Canada," by
William White, 8°, Montreal, 1872,...
Todd, Hon. A., "History of Canada," by H. H. Miles, 12°,
Montreal, 1872

1 vol.

1 vol.

Todd, Hon. A., "The Climates, Productions and Resources of Canada," by J. B. Hurlbert, 8°, Montreal, 1872...... 1 pam. Todd, Hon. A., "The Statutes of Canada, 35th Victoria," 8°, Ottawa, 1872.....

1 vol.

Todd, Hon. A., "Annual Report of the Department of
Marine and Fisheries for 1871," 8°
United States Department of the Interior, Public Docu-
ments of the first and second sessions of the Forty-first


1 vol.

... 47 vols.


United States Department of the Interior, Public Documents of the third session of the Forty-first Congress 28 vols. Upham, R. F., " Annual Report of the Young Men's Christian Association," in Worcester, Mass., for 1871..... Vegetarian Society, Manchester, England, "Dietetic Reformer," 1870–72.....

1 pam.

4 vols.

Vanx, Richard, his "Brief Sketch of the Origin and History
of the State Penitentiary of Philadelphia, 8°, 1872...... 1 vol.
Vermont State Library, "Transactions of the Vermont
Dairymen's Association for 1870–71,” 8°...
Vermont State Library, through Mr. Charles Reed, State
Librarian, "Governor's Message for 1872"....

1 vol.

1 pam.

Vermont State Library, "Thirteenth and Fourteenth
Registration Reports," for 1869 and 1870..

2 vols.

Vermont State Library, "Catalogue of the Vermont State
Library for 1872"

[merged small][ocr errors]

Presented by

[ocr errors]

Vermont State Library, through Mr. Charles Reed, "Ver-
mont Legislative Directory for 1872-73," 12°.
Victoria, Australia, Registrar-General William H. Archer,
"Index of Patents and Patentees for 1869," vol. IV, 4°,
Melbourne, 1871....
Victoria, Australia, Registrar-General William H. Archer,
"Abstracts and Specifications of Patents. Metals. Part
I," 4°, Melbourne, 1872 ....

[ocr errors]

Walker, Gen. Francis A., Superintendent of the United
States Census, "Statistics of Wealth and Indebtedness,'

Walker, Gen. Francis A., "Statistics of Agriculture of the
Ninth Census,"

Wilmington, Del., Institute, their "Fifteenth Annual Re-
port," 8°, 1871 ...

Whiting, William, author, his "Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whiting, and of his wife, Elizabeth St. John," 8°, Boston, 1872...

Wines, Rev. E. C., his "Preliminary Report of the International Congress for the Repression of Crime," 8°, Washington, 1872.

1 vol.

1 vol.

1 vol.

1 pam.

1 vol.

1 pam.

1 vol.

1 vol.

Winterburn, Charlotte V., author, her "Musical Education," 8°, New York, 1872....

1 pam.

Winthrop, Hon. Robert C., "Proceedings of the Trustees

of the Peabody Education Fund, at the Annual Meeting, 1872"

1 pam.

1872 ....

1 pam.

Willcox, E. S., "Catalogue of the Peoria, Ill., Mercantile
Library," 8°, 1872
Woodman, Cyrus, "Records of the Proprietors of Narragan-
set Township," by W. F. Goodwin, 8°, 1871..
Wisconsin State Historical Society, their "Reports and
Collections," for the years 1869, '70, '71 and '72, vol. VI,
8°, Madison, 1872..

1 vol.

1 vol.

Witherspoon, W. W., "New England Weekly Journal,"
No. 55, of April 8, 1728 ...

1 sheet.

Wyman, J., "Fifth Annual Report of the Peabody Museum," at Boston, for 1871-72, 8°

1 pam.

Walker, Col. J. T., R. E., F. R. S., "The Great Trigono1870....

metrical Survey of India," vol. I, 4°, 1870 ...

1 vol.

Presented by

[ocr errors]

1 vol.

Wilson, Gen. James Grant, "Les Pseaumes de David en
Vers," 36°, Berlin, 1740
Warren, G. Washington, "Proceedings of the Bunker Hill
Monument Association, in June, 1872," 8°, 1872....... 1 pam.
Yale College, "Address at the Inauguration of President
Noah Porter, D. D., LL. D.," 1871..

Yandell, D. W., his Address before the American Medical
Association. P. 8°, 1872 ...

1 vol.

1 pam.


TABLE showing the number of Books read in the halls of the Library in 1872.

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