LELAND STANFORD JR INAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY — GIFT OF MES D. PHELAN OMPANY roadway Engravers and Printers OF BONDS AND STOCK CERTIFICATES, FOREIGN BANK NOTES And All Documents Requiring Security. Engraving and Printing from Steel Plates Exclusively, with every Safeguard Against Counterfeiting and Alterations. All Work Guaranteed Standard and Acceptable on the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. This Company is an Independent Corporation, and 1 COMMERCIAL CUBA. A BOOK FOR BUSINESS MEN. By WILLIAM J. CLARK. With 8 Maps, 7 Plans of Cities, and 40 Full-page Illustrations, and a Commercial Directory of Cuba. "THE LARGE 8V0, 514 pp., $4.00. HIS is easily the best book on Cuba which has so far been published. It is not a mere compilation of other men's. ideas, but an entirely original work by a man of great ability."Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. "A THOROUGHLY good and useful book. We should not know where to find within another pair of covers so much and so carefully sifted information bearing on this subject. His painstaking account of the railway and telegraph systems; of highways and harbors; of rivers and water-supplies, and light houses; of sugar and tobacco growing; and his detailed description of each province and of every city of size, together with a 'business directory' for the whole island, make his book one of great value for reference as well as for practical guidance. Its accuracy is certainly of a high order."-New York Evening Post. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153-157 Fifth Ave, N. Y JAMES STILLMAN, President. G. S. WHITSON, Cashier. THE EQUIPMENT OF THE FOURTH STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OF The National Exchange Bank NEW YORK CORNER NASSAU AND PINE STREETS -- IS ESPECIALLY AR RANGED FOR HANDLING MERCANTILE ACCOUNTS. THE OF MILWAUKEE At the close of business, October 5, 1897. CHASE NATIONAL BANK, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CLEARING HOUSE BUILDING, CHARLES H. FANCHER, President. OF MILWAUKEE. COMES F. MATTLAGE, V.-Pres. JAMES DENNISON, Cashier. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, JOHN R. WATERS, 2d Vice-Pres. BENJ. F. WERNER, A. C'r. IRVING NATIONAL BANK, GREENWICH ST., COR. WARREN, N. Y. Capital, $500,000. Surplus, $350,000. JAMES H. ECKELS, President. D. VERNON, 2d Vice-Pres. Business and Personal Accounts Invited. LELAND STANFORD JR INAL — GIFT OF MES D. PHELAN OMPANY roadway Engravers and Printers OF BONDS AND STOCK CERTIFICATES, And All Documents Requiring Security. Engraving and Printing from Steel Plates Exclusively, with every Safeguard Against Counterfeiting and Alterations. All Work Guaranteed Standard and Acceptable on the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. This Company is an Independent Corporation, and has no any Combinations. |