Imágenes de páginas

-We publish in this number the first of a series of articles on Map Drawing, by Prof. S. T. Pendleton. It is a system which has been arranged by Prof. Pendleton, and has been in successful use in the Richmond schools for a number of years. The work done according to this method has been excellent. It combines more valuable features than any system known to us. We commend it to our readers in full confi. dence that if they will give it a thorough examination and carefully carry out in their schools the directions given for its use, they will secure very satisfactory results.

-We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement, which we publish elsewhere, of the New York Times. It is one of the great newspapers for which New York is so justly celebrated. It utilizes the vast facilities at its disposal to present each day to its readers an immense volume of news from all parts of the world. In politics it is Independent Republican.

-The next meeting of the National Educational Association will be held at Saratoga, July 14-18.

The Board of Education of that city together with other citizens will arrange and organize committees to perfect all local arrangements. They have extended the heartiest welcome to the Association. Railroad fares as well as hotel rates will be greatly reduced, and a thousand boarding-places in the city at about a dollar a day are to be secured. It is hoped that the meeting will be largely attended.

Book Notices.

JOHNSON'S NEW UNIVERSAL CYCLOPÆDIA. A Scientific and Popular Treasury of Useful Knowledge. Illustrated with Maps, Plans and Engravings. Editors-in-Chief, F. A. P. Barnard, S. T. D., LL.D., &c., Pres. Columbia College, New York, and Arnold Guyot, Ph. D., LL.D., &c., Prof. Geology and Physical Geography, College of N. J., with a full staff of Associate Editors. Complete in four volumes, including appendix. New York: A. J. Johnson & Co., 1884.

This work originated in the need of a book for busy and practical men-active workers--who wanted facts and principles stated clearly, succinctly and accurately, with little of discussion or of critical opinion. It was undertaken at the suggestion of Horace Greeley whose experience as the editor of a large and influential newspaper made him thoroughly acquainted with the needs, in this direction, of a busy man, and well-qualified him to indicate how they might be met. His suggestions embodied three principal ideas. The busy man's cyclopædia should be, first of all, a table book; secondly, it should be preeminently a book of facts; and, thirdly, it should be severely and uniformly accurate and brought up to the actual state of knowledge at the date of publication. The editorial staff was organized with Pres. Barnard and Prof. Guyot as editors-in-chief; thirty-one associate editors, each specially distinguished in the department over which he presided; and a large number of eminent writers of special articles. Great pains have been taken to produce the original ideal. Each article undergoes the inspection and criticism of the department editor, who modifies it as his judgment dictates. We have examined a number of the articles and find that the subjects are treated clearly and briefly, yet comprehensively enough to give the reader a distinct and correct idea of the matter in hand. The important points are

seized upon to the exclusion of minute details. The publishers propose to keep the work abreast of the advance of knowledge by issuing biennial Supplements which are furnished to regular subscribers at actual cost. Its intrinsic value and its comparative cheapness ought to commend it to those needing such a work. Full particulars in reference to it may be obtained from the Publishers, 11 G. Jones Street, New York, or A. H. Dooley, Gen. Manager, Cor. 10th and Main Sts., Richmond, Va.

THE BOOK OF TRAVELS OF A DOCTOR OF PHYSIC. Containing his Ob servations Made in Certain Portions of the Two Continents. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1871. Price, in paper binding, 50 cents.

In December, 1868, the author, a physician of this city, set out on his travels as medical adviser and companion to an invalid friend who proposed visiting Florida, Cuba and Southern Europe, in the hope that the mild climate of these regions might restore his enfeebled health. The book records the observations of a well-read man, of active mind, accurate observation, great industry in acquiring information, and of overflowing humor. He recalls, as he passes through the historic countries of the Old World, the fine pictures of their palmy days, notes their deadness to all progress, and compares them with the keenly progressive spirit of the United States. His narrative is full of a delightful humor which, though sometimes a little broad, shows the pleasant side of everything, even his own discomforts; which enlivens his narrative and makes the reader feel that he is himself a participant in the events described. If our readers desire entertainment of this sort, they need not seek it in the Mark Twains and Artemus Wards of some distant State, but can find in this volume-a home product-equal enjoyment, and no less profit.

For sale by West, Johnston & Co., 911 Main street.

THE THREE PRONUNCIATIONS OF LATIN. The Claims of each Presented, and Special Reasons given for the Use of the English Mode. By M. M. Fisher, D. D., LL.D., Prof. of Latin, in the Univ. of Mo. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1885.

The author, the professor of Latin in the University of Missouri, gives in this volume the results of his study and meditation on the subject of the pronunciation of Latin for the past fifteen years. The Continental is dismissed with a brief discussion as being a fiction, there being no settled mode to which the name could be rightfully applied. His discussion of the Roman method is full and minute, and while it is always safe to learn the arguments for any position from its friends, it is impossible to deny the author's effort to state them fairly. He is, himself, distinctly in favor of the English method, and this fact is apparent through the whole discussion. Perhaps no more able presentation of that side of the question has been published. The arguments are presented with fulness, force and clearness. To those interested the book is one of much value, not only for the direct treatment, but for the collateral information conveyed.

LUDLOW'S CONCENTRIC CHART OF HISTORY, Giving at a Glance the Separate and Contemporaneous History of each Century of the United States, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Russia, Turks, Greece (ancient), Greece (modern), India, Egypt (ancient), Egypt (modern), Lydia, Phoenicia; also the Jews, the Popes, the Church, Modern Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Literateurs, etc.; also the Roman

Republic, Roman Empire, Ancient Arts, Ancient Literature, etc., etc., etc. Invented and Compiled by James M. Ludlow, D. D. Price, $2.00.

Each chart consists of 30 segments. These segments, turning on a common centre, can be closed so as to show only one segment; or two or more (any two) can be brought to view, and as the century circles on each are the same, by tracing one circle around several segments, the contemporaneous history of each of the countries so exposed, is at once brought before the eye. The device will thus serve as an important aid in comparing and remembering historical events.

A valuable feature of the chart is that it is so bound together that it can receive additions, either as prepared by the author or such as may be arranged from the student's own note-book, Funk & Wagnalls, Publishers, 10 and 12 Dey street, New York.

ADVANCED COURSE OF COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC. A Series of Practical Lessons on the English Language, Punctuation, Criticism, Figures, Style, &c. By G. P. Quackenbos, LL.D. Revised and Corrected by John D. Quackenbos, A. M., M. D., Adj. Prof. of Rhetoric and English Literature, Columbia College. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1885.

A book that has been in successful use in the schools for thirty years proclaims in the statement of that fact its highest commendation. Yet in that time philology has greatly advanced, the standards of taste have undergone some change, and the views of critics have altered. To meet these advances this old and popular work has been thoroughly revised, and by the addition of new matter and needed changes in the old has been made to represent the results of the latest scholarship. Our teachers of English will find it a valuable aid.

Publishers' Notes.

-The Companion to the Revised Old Testament. Showing what changes were made by the Revisers, and the reasons for making them. By Talbot W. Chambers, D. D., a member of the Old Testament Revision Committee.

The preparation of this useful and well-nigh indispensable work, in connection with the appearance of the long expected Revised Old Testament, could not have fallen into better hands. Dr. Chambers was a most valued member of the Revision Committee, and is, besides, a ripe and accomplished scholar and Biblical critic. Moreover, he is thoroughly trustworthy, conscientious and painstaking in all his literary work.

"The Companion to the Revised Old Testament" will be about the size of Robert's Companion to the New Testament, possibly a little larger. It will discuss the need of a revision, and the method of making it; then consider the original text of the Old Testament and follow this with a mention of the changes made and the reasons for making them, from Genesis to Malachi, concluding with a list of the Old Testament Revisers, British and American, and their Bibliography.

The work will be timely and welcome to all who purchase and desire to understand and appreciate the merits of the Old Testament Revision.

This book will be issued simultaneously with the Revised Old Testament which will appear, approximately, May 15. Those desiring the work should notify imme

diately, by postal, the publishers, Messrs. Funk & Wagnalls, 10 and 12, Dey street, New York. Price, $1.00.

-The Diaphragm and its Functions: considered specially in its relations to respiration and the production of voice. By J. M. W. Kitchen, M. D. The Voice first prize essay. Edgar S. Werner, Publisher, Albany, N. Y. Flexible cloth, $1 net, postpaid.

To this treatise was awarded the first prize offered by The Voice, competition being open to all writers, foreign as well as American. Without doubt it is the best work on this organ in any language. The anatomical division of the subject treats of the diaphragm's location, general shape, gross composite parts, origin, openings, tendon and muscular fibres, minute anatomy, blood-supply, lymphatic and nervous supply, relations, embryology and history of development, comparative anatomy and important co-operative structures. The physiological part discusses the function of respiration generally, the movements and varieties of respiration, the action of the respiratory muscles, respiratory action and change of shape and respiratory rhythm of the diaphragm, control of the diaphragm's action, incidental functions of the diaphragm, change of shape in the trunk during respiration, differences in male and female breathing, certain natural phenomena that occur synchronously with the action of the diaphragm, relation of the circulation of the blood to the action of the diaphragm, actions of the diaphragm resulting from extraordinary causes, the comparative physiology of the diaphragm, and functional development of the organ. Under the hygienic heading is considered the diseased conditions to which the diaphragm is subject, the conditions essential to its nurture and healthy action, corset and waist-constriction, special exercise of the diaphragm, how to breathe, &c. An appendix, written a year subsequent to the essay itself, gives practical conclusions and advice. The book is valuable both for the medical and vocal professions.

-Messrs. Funk & Wagnalls, of New York, will publish, early in May, a book by Dr. Schaff, under the title "The Oldest Church Manual," called "TEACHING OF THE APOSTLES," with Illustrations and Fac-similes of the Jerusalem MS., and cognate documents; with full discussion of the subject.

This will be the latest and fullest work on this remarkable book recently discovered by Bryennios, the Metropolitan of Nicomedia. It will give the text of the "Teaching" in Greek and English, with a Commentary, and all the cognate documents (the Apostolic Church Order, the Coptic Canons, the Seventh Book of the Apostolic Constitutions), with translations, and a number of Chapters of Discussions connected with the subject. These chapters will give an account of the manuscript and its discovery, a sketch of Dr. Bryennios, an analysis of the contents, an estimate of its theology and general value. They inquire into the age and authorship, and its relation to similar documents of the first and second centuries. The questions of the primitive mode of baptism, and the administration of the Lord's Supper and Agape receive large attention. So also the primitive officers of the Church mentioned in the Didache, as Apostles, Prophets, Bishops and Deacons. The book is an important contribution to the history of the post-Apostolic Age.

-A souvenir of Reunion Day, Nov. 4, 1884. "Reunion Medley" is the taking title of an Instrumental composition, arranged by J. A. Bates, for Piano or Par

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lor Organ, and inscribed "to Grover Cleveland, the people's choice" whose honest face graces the Elegant Lithographic Title-Page. The piece is a musical reminiscence of Union, Disunion and Reunion, showing "Uncle Sam's Happy Family Many Years Ago," "Family troubles, 1860," "A difference of opinion," Katy did," "Katy didn't," "The first Gun," "A regular fracas, 1861-65," "Off to the Field," "The Boys in Gray," "The Boys in Blue," "The Harvest of Death," "Mourning Homes," "Appomattox," "Reconstruction's Dark Night," "Light at Last," "The Day of Jubilee, Nov. 4, '84. The Red, White and Blue, Dixie, Yankee Doodle, Bonnie Blue Flag, Vacant Chair, Conquered Banner, Hard Times, America, and other popular War and Home Melodies are introduced.

This musical novelty must please immensely. Every Democrat, North and South, who voted for Cleveland and Reform, will want it. Published by Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. Price, 50 cents; mailed, postpaid, for only 25 cents.

-NOTE FROM THE CENTURY Co.-A NEW DAY OF ISSUE FOR "THE CENTURY." The editions of The Century Magazine are now so large that it has become necessary either to go to press at an earlier date or to postpone the day of issue. The latter alternative has been accepted. The April number, the edition of which was 225,000, was delayed until the 25th of March. The May number-edition 250,000-will be issued on the 1st day of May, thus inaugurating with the first number of the thirtieth volume a change which has long been considered desirable by the publishers, and which it is believed will be heartily commended by the public. Future numbers of The Century Magazine will be issued on the 1st day of the month of which each bears date.

-A second edition of 4,000 copies of "Quincy Methods," on heavier paper is nearly ready, The first edition was exhausted within four weeks of publication.

-J. G. FITCH'S Lectures on Teaching will be published about June 1, in a very neat and handy form and bound both in paper and cloth covers. This book has been a standard work on teaching in England for several years. E. L. Kellogg & Co., N. Y., publishers.

-E. L. KELLOGG & Co., of New York, will publish during the summer, "Tate's Philosphy of Education," revised and annotated by Dr. Edward E. Sheib, Principal of the Louisiana State Normal School.

-MR. E. C. GARDNER, the eminent architectural writer, is engaged in preparing a volume on "School Architecture." The work will be fully up to the times. The designs will be artistic and practical, and include many buildings of moderate price. E. L. Kellogg & Co., of New York are to publish it.

-LATINE.-The English supplement of the Latin monthly, LATINE, is a very valuable feature of that unique periodical, and interests not only teachers but all wide-awake readers.

-We should think every student of Latin would be interested in the profusely

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