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wish to reproduce the evidence given by Messrs Hamilton, Massue, Painchaud and Lemoine, as touching the cubic space of the Beauport Asylum. The paper is already before the country, and can be examined by all who take an interest in that institution. We go upon the broad principle of right or wrong; and if the Government continue the policy of allowing things to remain as at present, we with others cry out, shame-an opinion which has been expressed in the Imperial paper on Colonial Hospitals and Asylums before alluded to.

Quebec Lunatic Asylum, 20th July, 1865. GENTLEMEN, I do not complain that the Quebec Lunatic Asylum, like all other public institutions, should be subject to public comment; but I have reason to complain that any public print should be made a "Ductus communis choledochus."

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The object of your article, headed a A Lunatic Asylum," seems to urge the necessity of one in Montreal. Few who know anything of the Statistics of Insanity in this section of the Province will differ with you in this opinion.

You say, you have given this subject your attention for years. Now, are you aware that when in 1845, the Asylum in Quebec was first established, the Government endeavoured to have one established in Montreal on a similar plan? Dr. Mount, and some other medical gentlemen, accepted the proposal, but after considerable delay abandoned the scheme as attended with too great risk of loss, and the patients from Montreal were consequently sent down to Quebec.

"Are you aware, that when eight years ago the buildings of Quebec Lunatic Asylum were insufficient to meet the increasing demand for accommodation-the proprietors, instead of enlarging them, recommended to Government the erection of another asylum in Montreal? This being declined, (I suppose on the principle that he who sits easy, should sit still,) the proprietors enlarged their buildings. Are you aware that, two years ago, the demand for increased accommodation being urgent, application was again made to Government for an asylum in the District of Montreal? Government (in my opinion) very wisely declined to adopt the views of those who thought that private or college buildings could be turned into Lunatic Asylums, and induced the proprietors of Quebec Lunatic Asylum to erect a new separate building, capable of affording accommodation and ample cubic space to three hundred patients and their attendants. The two buildings will now afford room for seven hundred and fifty patients; even this, in a very few years, will be found insufficient for the wants of the Lower Province; and I think now, as I have always done, that an asylum should be erected in the district of Montreal. Besides the cubic space, there are many other matters connected with the Quebee Lunatic Asylum with which, notwithstanding your assertion to the contrary, you are profoundly ignorant, and of which you ought in my opinion to lose no time in obtaining reliable information; in this, however, you will do as you deem fit. There is one matter parti

cularly personal to you and to me, and to which I can lose no time in calling your particular attention. You have thought fit to hold me up to the public as a wholesale murderer, for the basest and the most unworthy motives. I leave out of the question Drs. Morrin and Fremont, who are no more, and Dr. Landry who is at this time absent. Now, Gentlemen, you know as little of me and of my character as you do of the Quebec Lunatic Asylum, if you imagine for one moment that I will allow you or any one to charge either them or me with anything disgraceful or unworthy of gentlemen and Christian men. I therefore call upon you

to give up the name of the person to whom you are indebted for your information, so that I may deal with him as is proper.

In other matters connected with Quebec Lunatic Asylum, permit me to urge you to visit it for the purpose of obtaining a personal knowledge of its conduct and management.

Drs. Fenwick and Campbell,

&c. &c.

Yours truly,



Frequently since the commencement of our Journal, we have written strongly and urgently upon the necessity which has long existed for a thorough cleansing of our city, which, as a rule, is, we unhesitatingly affirm, in a condition of filth, which is simply disgraceful. We have also stated our opinion that the appointment of a health officer was emphatically demanded; and we proved to the satisfaction of every one who took the pains to think, that our mortality was far larger than it would be were that attention paid to sanitary arrangements which the appointment of a responsible health officer would, we believe, entail. But our words fell unheeded upon the ears of the authorities, especially the Health Committee, who have had the unenviable notoriety of not having a legal meeting for a time, which twelve months would not cover. Months have passed away, and now we hear that Cholera is travelling the course which it has in times past, and that ere a great while, in all probability, it will be in our midst spreading death and desolation on every side. At last the Health Committee, after great exertion by its ener getic chairman-aroused by a sense of the impending danger-has met, and taken the advice of our medical men; but strange to say, we yet do not find anything like that activity which the position of affairs demand. On every side of us, filth and abomination abound; and not later than the 12th of this month, in one of our streets through which passes probably as much traffic as any in the city, in the midst of a dense population, there exists on one side of the street, a narrow pool of foul water covered with a thick yellow scum-a pool that would do credit to the finest

frog pond in the country. And we feel sure it will astonish our readers when we state, that it has existed for upwards of a week under the very nose of the athorities. Spasmodic fits of sanitary arrangement are useless. What we want is, the adoption of arrangements which in other cities have proved beneficial, and succeeded in reducing their mortality fully ten per cent. No time should be lost; Montreal cannot be cleansed in a week, and our City Council will occupy a most unenviable position if they neglect to do their duty-for their duty it certainly is. We would ask our readers in every section of Canada to bring under the notice of the proper authorities the sanitary condition of their localities-so that, when cholera does come, as come we believe it certainly will-Canada may be found in such a condition, that it will pass us by almost scathless.

THREE RIVERS, 12th July, 1865.
In conformity with a resolution, passed at the last triennial meeting,
held at Melbourne, C. E., on the 9th July, 1862, the present triennial
meeting was held this day, at the Court House, in the town of Three
Rivers, when were present: Drs. Marsden, A. Fenwick, G. E. Fenwick,
Blanchet, Russell, Howard, Boyer, Gilbert, Scott, Hingston. Jackson,
Landry, Smallwood, Chamberlin, Tassé, Foster, Weilbrenner, Robillard,
Wolff, Marmette, Munro, Dubé, Robitaille, Rinfret, Tétu, Dufresne, F.
W. Campbell, Gibson, Ross, Garneau, O'Leary, Trestler, Brigham,
Tessier, Lavoie, Badeau, Hamilton. Erskine, and Peltier. Dr. Marsden,
the President of the College, took the chair.

Dr. Peltier, one of the secretaries, read the minutes of the last triennial meeting, which were, on motion of Dr. Jackson, seconded by Dr. A. Fenwick, approved.

Dr. Marsden read a minute, elaborate, and most interesting report of the proceedings of the College during the past three years, which, on motion by Dr. Smallwood, and seconded by Dr. Trestler, was unanimously adopted and recommended to be published.

A letter from Dr. Sewell, of Quebec, was read, bearing upon the licensing, without examination, of a Dr Anderson, of Quebec, who presented to the Board simply a diploma of the College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Dr. Sewell's object was only to call the attention of the College to the fact of its having done what it had no right to do, for otherwise he knew nobody more worthy of any professional honour than Dr. Anderson. Before proceeding further with the general business of the College, all candidates for membership were severally called, ballotted for, and the following gentlemen were unanimously clected members of the College: Dr. T. Robitaille, M.P.P., of Bonaventure, proposed, by Drs. Russell and Landry, Dr. P. Beaubien, of Montreal, proposed by Drs. Peltier and Boyer; Dr. L. E. Landry, of B cancour, proposed by Drs. Smith and Badeau; Dr. J. Charbonneau, of St. Paul l'Ermite, proposed by Drs. Peltier and Boyer; Dr. J. P. Rottot, of Montreal, proposed by Drs.

Peltier and Bibaud; Dr. L. E. Bardy, of Quebec, proposed by Drs. Tessier and Blanchet; Dr. P. Cadieux, of Sorel, proposed by Drs. Robillard and Trestler; Dr. R. M. Mignault, of Yamaska, proposed by Drs. Robillard and Dufresne; Dr. P. Giroux, of Three Rivers, proposed by Drs. Badeau and O'Leary.

It was then moved by Dr. Russell, seconded by Dr. Smallwood, and carried, "That the question of the bearers of diplomas from British Colleges or Universities be referred to the October meeeting of the Board, and to be then finally decided upon."

Drs. Chamberlin and Smallwood presented their report as auditors, named at a previous meeting of the Board:

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Supplementary report of the undersigned auditors, named to examine and report upon the treasurer's accounts of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Canada"-Beg leave to report that they have examined the whole of the accounts and vouchers, up to the present date, and have found them correct, and, in accordance with a former recommendation, would suggest that, for the future, wo distinct books of accounts be kept, viz., an account of all moneys accruing from candidate's licenses, with the amount paid out for the travelling expenses of members, and another and distinct account showing the amount received from all other sources, with the actual items of expenditure for all purposes, and that these two accounts be kept in as a distinct and separate form as possible. In furtherance of these views, your Committee have, up to the present time, separated these distinct items of amount, as found upon the treasurer's books, and find that there has been received during the past three years, from candidates' licenses alone, the sum of four hundred and twenty pounds (£420), and that there has been paid to members for travelling expenses, the sum of two hundred and twenty pounds (£220), leaving a balance of two hundred pounds (£200). This sum they recommend should now be entered upon a separate book kept for that purpose, as a distinct item destined by the law for a special purpose.

They further beg to report that the amount received from all other sources, and, having examined the various items of expenditure, as per vouchers, for a like period, leave a balance of two hundred and seventyeight pounds, thirteen shillings and eight pence (£278,13,8). This amount your Committee would also recommend should be kept as a separate account, in a book for that purpose.

The bank book shows a sum total in deposit of four hundred and seventy-eight pounds, thirteen shillings, and eight pence (£478 13s, 8d), which your Committee, upon examination, find correct with the above report of the treasurer's accounts.

The whole of which is humbly submitted. (Signed) J. CHAMBERLIN, M.D., CH. SMALLWOOD, M.D., Auditors.

It was then moved by Dr. Brigham, seconded by Dr. G. Fenwick, and carried, "That said auditors report be received and adopted."

The Benevolent Fund question having been brought forward, it was decided that no action should be taken on it, that it should be left to the next Board, as Parliament was not in session.

Dr. Gilbert proposed, seconded by Dr. Brigham, "That Drs. Fenwick

and F.W. Campbell, editors of the 'Canada Medical Journal,' be requested to publish the report of the College in the journal, and that they also have 100 copies printed in pamphlet form, fifty being sent to each of the secretaries for distribution amongst the members of the College, and that they be requested to have it translated into French, and have 100 copies of it printed, the whole to be paid for by the College. This motion was carried.

Dr. Howard read, in English, the report of the commission for the formation of a class of Fellows in the College.

Dr. Robillard read it in French.

The question was discussed, clause by clause, many members taking part in the discussion, expressing their views, so as to come to a final understanding, Drs. Howard, Beaubien, Landry, Munro, Hingston, Gilbert, Trestler, Robillard, being the principal speakers. Some few alterations in the wording were proposed and made accordingly.

It was then moved by Dr. Smallwood, seconded by Dr. Howard, "That the report of the commission upon Fellows, with the amendments made thereto to-day, be received, and that its future consideration be postponed until the next semi-annual meeting of the governors. Motion carried.

The proposed amendments to the by-laws, published already in conformity to the Statutes, were then discussed.

It was proposed by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Russell, and carried, "That the 4th clause in the chapter concerning' members' be amended as follows: "That no member of the College can be eligible as governor or vote for the election of Board of Governors unless he shall have paid all his dues to the College.

On motion of Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Beaubien, it was proposed "That the future president and secretaries be requested to alter the evident contradiction existing between the statutes and by-laws of our college, and the fact of our exacting $15 from candidates for license, when the law seems to fix the sum at $10. After discussion on the matter, Dr. Landry consented to amend his motion so that $5 for parchment be added to the $10-which was carried unanimously.

The amendments to the by-laws, as amended, were then put to the vote, and were unanimously carried, and left to the president for the immediate sanction of His Excellency the Governor General.

On motion of Dr. Russell, seconded by Dr. Blanchet, it was resolved and unanimously carried, "That the next triennial meeting shall be held in the town of Three Rivers."

The general business of the College being gone through, the meeting then proceeded to the election of the new Board of Governors, composed of thirty-six members.

The President called for the proxies, of which a number of members were the bearers, and of which the following is a list :-Drs. G. W. Campbell, Sutherland, Craik, Taylor, Wright, McCallum, Fraser, all of Montreal, by Dr. W. E. Scott. Drs. Trudel, Coderre, of Montreal, Dr. Turcotte, St. Hyacinthe, by Dr. Peltier. Drs. Charest, Beauport, Dr. Michaud, Kamouraska, by Dr. Blanchet. Dr. Bibaud, Montreal, by

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