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IN presenting the following report, we must state that the Secretary for the District of Montreal, Dr. Peltier, has afforded us every facility in obtaining the necessary information. The minutes of the October meeting, held in Quebec, have not been laid before our readers because we have been unable to obtain them. They were received in Montreal, we believe, some three weeks ago, but we are forced to decline their publication as the time has passed by.

The semi-annual meeting of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Canada was held on the 8th and 9th of May, at the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal, for the purpose of examining Candidates for License, and Students to the study of medicine, and for general business concerning the profession at large.

The following Governors were present :-Drs. Chamberlin, Sewell, Brigham, Marmette, Smallwood, Tétu, Dufresne, Charbonneau, Badeau, Dubé, Lavoie, Landry, Hamilton, Gilbert, Weilbrenner, Blanchet, Tassé, Robillard, Gibson, Rottot, Michaud, Howard, A. G. Fenwick, Worthington, Boyer, Russell, Ross, Robitaille, Scott, Jackson, Tessier, Boudreau, G. E. Fenwick, and Peltier.

Dr. Chamberlin, the President, at 10 a.m., precisely, took the chair. The Secretary for the District of Montreal was requested to read the minutes of the October meeting, which were duly appproved on motion of Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Jackson.

Dr. Peltier laid before the meeting several subjects concerning the College, amonst which, a petition from the Medical Convention of St. Hyacinthe District, begging for protection against unlicensed practitioners, and the consideration by the Board of a Medical Tariff prepared by them.

It was then proposed by Dr. Sewell, seconded by Dr. Smallwood: That the petition now read be referred to a Committee of five, to consist of Drs. Dufresne, Tassé, Gilbert, Worthington, Lavoie, A. G. Fenwick, with a request to report thereon at the next meeting of the College.

Moved by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Dr. Hamilton: That the Committee to be appointed for the purpose of petitioning the Legislature for extending the powers of the College in reference to the establishment of a Benevolent Fund, for regulating the sale of poisons, and to give the College the power of conferring Fellowships, shall consist of the following gentlemen Drs. Ross, Peltier, Smallwood, Robillard, Tassé, Marsden, and Howard.


Proposed by Dr. Smallwood, seconded by Dr. Scott: That Drs. Marsden, Landry, Russell, Peltier, Rottot, and Robillard, be the Committee for the revision of bye-laws.

Moved by Dr. Blanchet, seconded by Dr. Tessier: That Alfred Gauvreau Belleau, M.D., licentiate of four years' standing, be admitted a member of this College. Both Committees from Montreal, and Quebec, severally named to examine and report on the advisability of a better method of examination, came to the conclusion to postpone the consideration of the question to the October meeting. It was then moved

by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Gilbert: That a Committee, to consist of Drs. Landry, Marsden, and Russell, be requested to prepare a report thereon.

Proposed by Dr. Howard, seconded by Dr. Landry: That in prospect of the not improbable importation of Cholera into this Province, at no remote period, a Committee be named to collect information and facts respecting the circumstances of its appearance, diffusion, progress, extent, mortality, methods of treatment, and upon the several other matters of scientific interest connected with the disease.

That, with that object, a circular containing a series of questions constructed on the model of those issued by the College of Physicians of London in 1849, but modified and extended as may appear wise to the Committee, be distributed amongst the members of the College, and Profession generally, and that all members of the Profession, and especially all Physicians to Hospitals and other Public Institutions who may acquire a large experience of the disease, be respectfully invited to co-operate with the Committee in procuring all reliable information on a subject of such extreme importance to mankind.

Proposed by Dr. Tessier, seconded by Dr. Sewell, that the following be the Committee: Drs. Peltier, Smallwood, and Howard, to prepare the questions; and that Drs. Landry, Von Iffland, and Marsden, cooperate with the above gentlemen in collecting the information.

The college then resolved itself into committees for examination.

The following gentlemen, bearers of diplomas of McGill University, duly received their license:

Drs. Emery, F. Allard, James O'Leary, Edmond C. Walsh, William Wakeham, Charles S. Parke, Edmond Longley, Henry A. Mignault, J. Clarke Irvine, also J. Leman, L.R.C.S.E., R. C. Clarke, L.R.C.S.I., and David Green, L.R.C.S.I.

The following gentlemen, students from the School of Medicine and Surgery, Montreal, and Laval University, Quebec, after examination duly received the license of the college, viz :

Messrs. Constant Loiseau, Marcellin Perras, Alcidas Archambault, H. Ladouceur, G. Leroux, J. Montmarquet, A. Laviolette, A. Thibeault, G. J. Roy, F. X. Bernier, A. Gervais, E. A. Caron, L. Lafontain, Ed. Hetu, L. Lafard, G. Grenier, A. Artois, P. B. Lahaye, C. Sampson, A. Dechamps.

The following gentlemen were after examination duly licensed as druggists, viz:

Messrs. J. Aitken Harte, J. T. Tuck, R. Spencer, J. Pridham, J. E. Davignon, J. Bowen, W. H. Laroche.

The following gentlemen were admitted to the study of Medicine: Messrs. A. F. Dame; J. B. Commeault, L. Mitigny, A. Duval, G. Madore, J. B. Laporte, W. Dick, J. B. Bosseau, C. Gingras, A. Robitaille, L. N. Levasseur, F. Davignon, L. Guest Labarre, S. Martineau, L. Corbeil, H. Héroux, E. Gauvreau, E. Laterrier, Ignace Chauret, Ant. Deslages, Onesime Giasson, Noah Pratt, W. Dignan, J. Bergeron, J. B. Quimet, W. Murphy, H. Russell, and E. H. Rouleau.

The following gentlemen were admitted to the study of Pharmacy, viz: Messrs Serafino Giraldi, and W. B. V. Thompson.

The meeting then adjourned at seven o'clock p.m., until the following morning.

May 9th, 1866. The meeting assembled at 9 a.m., for the purpose of continuing the examinations, as several of the gentlemen above named had not been examined the previous day, time not permitting. Several accounts were submitted and ordered to be paid, amongst which Lelievere and Angers for legal advice. Drs. Scott and Smallwood were appointed auditors of accounts. The business of the college being concluded, the President ordered the names of those governors present to be taken. They were as follows:

Drs. Chamberlin, Landry, Russell, A. G. Fenwick, G. E. Fenwick, Dubé, Robillard, Charbonneau, Boudreau, Dufresne, Blanchet, Tessier. Gilbert, Howard, Smallwood. Rottot, Tetu, Boyer, Worthington, Weilbrenner, Lavoie, Scott, and Peltier.

Errata in our last.-The concluding paragraph on the treatment of Hypermetropia, on page 448 should read as follows: ****"if a patient has a total hypermetropia equal to, and a manifest hypermetropia of , his latent hypermetropia (3) would equal; one fourth of is; this added to (3) equals. We would therefore prescribe at first, 20 inch convex spectacles, which we would afterwards change successively for +18, +16, &c., &c.

The Editors of the Dublin Medical Press and Circular will please accept our apologies for not giving them credit for two articles which appeared in our February number. It was an omission which we regret, and which we will in future do our best to guard against. We are firm believers in giving credit to every journal for whatever we may select from their pages; and thank the Medical Press and Circular for drawing our attention to the fact.


Dr. Paton, Bowmanville. If he wishes his paper to appear in our columns, it will have to be sent to us, postage paid. We do not pay for original communications, as we receive barely sufficient to pay the printer. Twelve copies of the Journal containing the paper sent, are allowed to subscribers who forward a communication. In case the person sending a paper for publication not being a subscriber, he is not entitled to receive extra copies unless paid for at the usual rate. Dr. Paton's paper can be read before the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Montreal by his sending it to the secretary.

If "Medicus" will forward us his name we will with pleasure insert his communication.




Experience among some of the Wounded who fell at the Battle of Lime- . stone Ridge, June 2nd. By WILLIAM CANIFF, M.D., &c.

Believing that the medical profession of Canada, in common with every other class of the community, has regarded with patriotic eagerness the events connected with the Fenian invasion, I have thought it might prove interesting, if not instructive, to supply to the Canada Medical Journal such facts relating to the wounded as came under my notice, especially those with which I had to do. Others who acted a more prominent part in treating the wounded I trust will furnish their experience, so that what I may say will prove valuable as a connecting link.

Actuated by a feeling which I doubt not many of my professional brethren experienced, to do something in the common cause, I, as soon as aware that fighting had commenced, set out for the scene of action. Leaving Belleville, on Saturday the 2nd inst., the day of the battle of Limestone Ridge, I proceeded to Toronto, which place I reached Sunday morning between four and five o'clock. Learning that a military train would leave at ten for the front, I arranged to go thereby, and through the kindness of Col. Mountain I was enabled to reach Hamilton at about mid-day. I there joined a company of Hamilton physicians who were about to leave by a special train, carrying provisions and necessaries, to render any service that circumstances might require. Shortly after passing St. Catherines, we crossed a train bearing some fifteen of the wounded from Port Colborne. They were to be taken to St. Catherines, where an hospital was being hastily prepared for their reception. Our train reached Port Colborne about four in the afternoon. The place was thronged with the military and civilians. Already an hospital had been established here under the care of Surgeon Ryal of the 13th Battalion, and everything

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was being done that could possibly be in the way of nursing, comforts, &c. Dr. Beaumont of Toronto, was in constant attendance in consultation with Dr. Ryal. There were nearly twenty then in hospital. I did not examine many of the wounded. Indeed there seemed a serious danger that the crowd of medical men who had arrived, would prove to be deleterious to the wounded who so badly required repose. I casually glanced at a few, two of whom were Fenians. One of these had been at work in Hamilton until a few days before the invasion. One of them had received a scalp wound, and the other a cutaneous wound near the groin. Towards night, a boat arrived from Fort Erie with a few wounded under the care of Dr. Elliott, who had been active during the engagements, and who had found it necessary to amputate at the thigh one of the unfortunate men. At Dr. Elliott's request, I examined this patient immediately upon his arrival, and found that notwithstanding the shock incident to battle, and the subsequent operation, and then the removal, he was doing very well. Dr. Elliott had him conveyed to the hospital and placed under the care of Dr. Ryal, and then returned to his post at Fort Erie.

The following morning I was requested by Dr. Ryal to proceed to the battle field and take charge of the wounded yet remaining there. Mr. Routh of Hamilton, specially desired me to take charge of his brother, Lieutenant Routh, who was very severely wounded. Taking such medicines and comforts as were available, I at once started by an impressed carriage. I reached Ridgeway, distant from Port Colborne twelve miles, at eleven o'clock. The battle field lies somewhat to the north of Ridgeway and something over a mile. I was told at Ridgeway village that the wounded were at the "Smuggler's Home," and a small house close by it. Upon my arrival, I found Dr. Billings of Hamilton in charge of the wounded, also Dr. Allen of Brantford, a homeopathic physician who had been early upon the field. Dr. Billings wished to return immediately to Hamilton, and after explaining to me the nature of the wounds and what had been done, took his departure. During the time he had been there he had done much to make the wounded comfortable. Finding them lying in the clothes in which they had fallen in the field, he had assisted to place them in comfortable beds, and in other respects had contributed to their comfort. There were two of the wounded in a small house, Lieutant Routh of Hamilton, and Private White of Toronto. A third, Private Lugsten, of Toronto, was at the Smuggler's Home, a tavern, which was not far off. The small house had been inhabited by a German, and was by no means cleanly. It consisted of two rooms, a patient lying in each. Lieut. Routh was in the kitchen part, the cooking stove being

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