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urging upon the Government for adoption. Dr. Marsden's experience during the various epidemics which have visited this country has been very extensive, and his opinions are, therefore, entitled to weight, which will, doubtless, be accorded to them. The plan is evidently based upon the theory of the contagiousness of the disease-a question which is still unsettled-and the arrangements to prevent non-intercourse of persons suffering from the affection in its various forms, mild and severe, are very complete. Whether the disease be contagious or not, it cannot possibly be a fault to err in the belief that it is, and take all precautions. Those, therefore, who may disagree with Dr. Marsden in his belief on the contagiousness of the disease, can but admit he errs—if at all-on the safe side. More particularly, however, we believe Dr. Marsden's plan would be an immense service in an epidemic of typhus fever, and other wellknown contagious maladies. While our authorities are reflecting upon this plan, or, perhaps, resolved to make no change in the quarantine at Grosse Isle, the New York Board of Health have adopted the plan of Dr. Marsden, and state that a Bill will shortly be presented to Congress, with the intention of making the system complete and universal along the entire American Atlantic coast. To our friend this must be satisfactory; and, should our own Government pass his suggestions by unheeded, it would be but another illustration of the old but true proverb, "A man has no honour in his own country."

A meeting of the medical profession of Montreal, called to consider the expediency of adopting such measures as might be deemed advisable in view of the possible appearance of cholera, was held in the Mechanics' Hall on the evening of the 2nd instant. Dr. George W. Campbell was called to the chair, and Dr. J. L. Leprohon was appointed Secretary. Considerable discussion ensued, and it seemed to be the unanimous opinion of all present that the Council was the proper body to take action in the matter, and as they had already exhibited considerable zeal in proposing various measures-it was not advisable for the profession to interfere.

The appointment of a Health Officer, as suggested by the Health Committee, was highly approved, and after passing the following resolution, the meeting adjourned.

Moved by Dr. Hingston, seconded by Dr. D. C. MacCallum, that the appointment of an efficient Health Officer, with all the powers properly belonging to such office relieves the members of the profession from the necessity of present action in the matter.

We have to thank our readers for the response they have made to our appeal for literary aid, and trust they will continue to forward to us such communications as they may deem of interest. But we must insist upon communications being prepared solely for our journal. In future we will positively decline papers forwarded simultaneously to several journals.


Dr. J. W. Moorman, of Hardinsburg, Ky., recommends in the Ameriacn Journal of Med. Sciences the use of oleum erigerontis canadensis in the treatment of hæmorrhage, diarrhoea, and dysentery. Several favourable cases are related. The usual dose according to the U. S. Dispensatory is from five to ten drops, but Dr. Moorman has given it with benefit in much larger doses-from 3 ss. to 3j. "It may," he says, "be given in a little water, to which a small quantity of sugar may be added. In cases of hæmoptysis, 10 or 15 drops may be placed on a handerchief and inhaled at the same time it is taken internally. The same method will answer in epistaxis. In diarrhoea 15 drops every 4 hours until it is relieved, will in most cases be sufficient." Although in dysentery Dr. Moorman has not obtained the gratifying results claimed by some, more or less advantage has in every case been derived from its use. He concludes: "In heemorrhage and diarrhoea of debility I know of no better remedy, and I trust the profession will give it a trial, and let us know the results."


Dr. Carnochan performed two severe surgical operations on Saturday last, at Ward's Island Emigrant Hospital, while the patients were under the influence of nitrous oxide gas, administered by Dr. Colton. The operations in both consisted in the amputation of the leg above the ankle. The patients said that they knew nothing of what had taken place, while one declared, on waking, that he had not been asleep, and the operation had not been performed! Dr. Carnochan and several surgeons who were present, expressed themselves well pleased with the effects of the gas. It required less than one minute to put the patient asleep, and after the operation was completed, and the gas removed, the patient recovered entire consciousness in about twenty seconds. There was no vomiting or sickness attending or following the operation, and the patient awoke as fresh as from a natural sleep.-Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter.




The Ilypodermic Administration of Morphia. By JAMES ROSS, M.D., Toronto.

Permit me to avail myself of space in the columns of your valuable journal, to direct the attention of the medical profession to the administration of morphia, hypodermically, in various forms of disease to which the human family are very liable.

Every practitioner is fully aware of the good effect of morphia over pain in almost all painful diseases when it can be readily taken into the system by the absorbents; but when the prima vice are so deranged as to prevent the morphia from passing into the circulation, every one will admit the inutility of the medicine; hence in cholera, or in acute gastritis, opium, morphia, and many other medicines may be given in enormous quantities, without producing their characteristic effects; and in many instances those diseases have proved fatal, because the system could not be brought under their powerful soothing influences in time to counteract the powerful morbific influence. But when medicine is applied hypodermically, my experience teaches me, that a given quantity put into the blood produces a positive effect, as the following cases will prove:

Case 1.-Feb. 1860. A lady, aged thirty-five years, had suffered under hemicrania of the right side for four or five months of a periodical character, recurring in severity every evening, who had tried all the usual remedies, both anodyne, and anti-periodic, such as opium, morphia, aconite, arsenic, quinine, iron, &c., but with only temporary relief.

At last, I determined to try the effect of morphia, hypodermically applied, and injected half a grain into the areolar tissue of the posterior aspect of the arm, which in ten minutes produced a peculiar sensation of

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dizziness in the head, and within an hour the pain had entirely subsided and she fell asleep. I repeated the operation every evening for ten days, and then every second evening for ten days more, always anticipating the attack, when the pain showed very slight disposition to return, and was completely routed by giving her three drops of tincture of aconite with thirty drops of the Syrup Ferri Iodide three times a day for a few days. I have seen her repeatedly since, but she has had no return of the pains, and now enjoys good health.

Case 2.-Feb., 1860. A man about thirty summers afflicted with a violent pain in the back of his neck, evidently of a neuralgic character, that had tormented him for several weeks, and had entirely incapacitated him to perform his duty as a labourer in the gas works.

I injected into the posterior part of his arm half a grain of morphia, which gave him relief in about fifteen minutes, and in less than half an hour he felt disposed to sleep. I saw him next day; he had passed a comfortable night, but the pain had slightly returned. I repeated the injection of the same strength, and two days afterwards, I again repeated it, each repetitition being followed by additional relief. I followed up the treatment with three drops of tincture of aconite, and thirty drops of Syrup Ferri Iodide three times a day, and the patient was soon able to resume his occupation. I saw him two months after in good health, when he expressed himself very thankful for the relief he had obtained.

Case 3.-Feb., 1860. A woman, aged thirty, suffering under a vio lent attack of puerperal mania, who had become so uncontrollable as to cause her friends to call in three policemen, who, when I arrived, were in the act of holding her down upon the bed.

Her pupils were dilated; she was talking incoherently, and severely struggling beneath the iron grasp of her guardians in blue.

Believing morphia would be more conducive towards quieting her troubled mind than the straight jacket, I was induced to insert half a grain beneath the skin of her arm, and at the end of twenty minutes she became quite passive, not requiring to be held, but did not sleep; and two days after I sent her to the asylum, where she subsequently, ten days after, died.

Case 4.-Feb., 1860. A young lady, suffering under an attack of acute inflammation of the left ear, accompanied by intolerable pain, which had been greatly aggravated by pouring chloroform into the ear, by order of some would-be doctor.

I injected into the right arm half a grain of morphia. In ten minutes she began to feel relief, and in half an hour the pain was entirely gone, and the patient slept. I saw her the next day, she had slept nearly all

night, and appeared much refreshed, but had a slight return of the pain. I directed that a warm poultice, as ordered the previous night, should be continued over the ear, and repeated the injection the same strength.

The following day she appeared to be almost well, and expressed herself thankful in the kindest manner for so sudden and unexpected transition to health.

Case 5.-Later in the year, I was called upon to visit a man of middle age, who was suffering under an attack of delirium tremens. He was very restless, and required constant watching. His stomach was very much disturbed, his pulse feeble, and his pupils much dilated. In such cases, morphia or opium will generally act kindly, and I therefore injected half a grain of morphia into his arm, and left him for the night. Next day I was told that he had slept nearly all that night, and was still inclined to sleep. I ordered him to have small doses of morphia by the stomach, occasionally, to keep up the effect, and he made a rapid recovery without further treatment.

Case 6.-Jany. 23rd., 1861. Mrs. D., a young lady aged twentyfour, during the seventh month of utero-gestation of her third child, was seized with an attack of acute gastritis, produced by indiscretion in dieting and over exertion. Her stomach was very irritable, she was vomiting incessantly, her tongue was furred, unquenchable thirst, severe pain in the epigastrium, increased by pressure, and bowels were constipated.

After cleansing the stomach and bowels by warm water drinks and enemata, I administered the whole catalogue of remedies deemed appropriate for such cases, both inwardly and outwardly, which appeared only to palliate the symptoms, not to cure the disease. Consequently upon the 27th, the fourth day of the disease, finding her much prostrated, and unable to retain a spoonful of cold water upon her stomach, I determined to try morphia hypodermically, and injected half a grain into her left arm. At the end of fifteen minutes she closed her eyes in sleep. I saw her again at the end of half an hour, when she was sleeping calmly. The anxiety and distress, that had dwelt upon her countenance for the past four days, had now given place to a calm and happy expression. The next day, at nine A.M., she was still inclined to sleep; had slept five or six hours during the night without intermission, and had not vomited since the application of the needle. In the evening she was still better, but complained of slight pain in the stomach, had taken some gruel, and had had no return of the vomiting. I again injected half a grain into the arm, and left her for the night.

Jan 29. Had slept considerably during the night, felt comfortable

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