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The three sections or departments above described shall be designated and known as,—

1. The Hospital Department.

2. The Primary Quarantine Department.

3. The Final Quarantine Department.


1. All vessels coming from infected ports, and having, or having had, cholera cases on board, shall be brought to anchor abreast of the central or Primary Quarantine Department or Station.

2. All vessels coming from ports known to be infected by cholera or not, and not having, or having had, any case or cases of cholera on board, shall be brought to anchor abreast of the healthy or Final Quarantine Department or Station, where and when they shall be boarded by the medical officer of that department, and he shall have power either to discharge them from quarantine forthwith, or detain them, if he finds sufficient cause for so doing.


a. The landing of passengers and their effects shall take place at the Primary Quarantine Department only.

b. The re embarking of passengers and their effects shall take place from the Final Quarantine Department only.

No communication shall take place with the Hospital Department excepting through the central or Primary Quarantine Department, for which purpose a passage, unfrequented by the persons undergoing quarantine, shall be set apart and reserved.

1. On the landing of passengers from on board ship at the Primary Quarantine Station, the siek shall be forthwith removed to the Hospital Department, and the healthy to the place assigned to them in the Primary Quarantine Department.

2. The sick shall be borne upon litters, and placed within the neutral limits, about mid-way between the Primary Quarantine and the Hospital Departments, by the persons who bring them ashore, and who shall then retire to the Primary Quarantine Department, (unless they be seamen belonging to the vessel, in which case they shall return aboard ship.) whereupon persons from the Hospital Department shall enter the neutral ground, and remove them to the proper hospital.

3. There shall be in the Hospital Department, at a reasonable distance from the Cholera Hospital, a shed or building for cholera convalescents,

where they shall remain at least for four days previous to being removed to the Primary Quarantine Department, and where a quarantine of four more days shall be performed after cleansing, washing, and purifying, previous to removal to the Final Quarantine Department, where two more days of quarantine only, instead of six, shall be performed, making in all ten clear days after leaving the Cholera Hospital, when, if the patient continues healthy, he, or she, shall be discharged.

4. Persons having completed their period of quarantine, shall be removed at once from the Quarantine Station by steamers chartered for the purpose, and shall proceed directly on their journey.

5. Provisions, stores, clothing, bedding, and all other necessaries or supplies for the Hospital Department, shall be conveyed within the Hospital limits under the same regulations and restrictions as persons.

6. All physicians, orderlies, servants, nurses, and attendants, &c., connected with the Cholera Quarantine Station, as also all persons performing quarantine, shall remain and be kept constantly in the department or section to which they have respectively been assigned, and none of them shall, under any pretext whatever, be permitted to have any communication or intercourse whatever, directly or indirectly, with persons from another department or section, excepting in due course of quaran tine.

7. Any employé, nurse, or orderly belonging to the Quarantine Station who may be found violating the above rule, shall be liable to suspension from office, with forfeiture of salary and emoluments, or dismissal from office, at the discretion of the medical officer in charge, or of the superintendent, besides being obliged to undergo such quarantine as the nature of the contact or exposure may warrant.

8. Any person violating the above rule by going from the Final Quarantine Department to the Primary Quarantine Department, or from either of these to the Hospital Department, shall, on detection, be detained in the department they have gone into in violation of the law, and shall undergo quarantine there anew.

9. All persons suffering the approach of persons from another department, excepting in due course of quarantine, will render themselves liable, at the discretion of the medical officer, to be sent back to the department to which the person so approaching them belonged and shall undergo quarantine anew.

10. The three Quarantine Sections or Departments shall be separated from each other, and bounded by a cordon or piece of neutral ground of at least one hundred feet in width, and shall be surrounded by a strong fence of at least seven feet high.

11. Between the Final Quarantine and Hospital Departments, at the extreme end of the Primary Quarantine Department, there shall be a cordon, or passage, or portion of ground, of at least thirty feet wide, with a close fence of seven feet high, to be used exclusively as a passage from the Final to the Hospital Department, for the return of patients to the Hospital Department if necessary.

12. Each of the sub-divisions in the Hospital Department shall be surrounded by an open fence of seven feet high.

13. Each of the sub-divisions in the other departments, and especially in the Primary Quarantine Department, shall be surrounded by a close fence of seven feet high.

14. Each of the before-mentioned departments may and shall be subdivided in such manner as circumstances may require, and as near as practicable in accordance with the accompanying plan.

15. The place of landing in the Primary Quarantine Department shall be as near the Hospital Department as convenient, and as far removed as possible from the place of departure or re-embarkation in the Final Quarantine Department.

16. There shall be telegraphic communication between each of the departments, with a telegraph operator attached to each.

Among the further practical details of this plan, the following is most important:

A perpetual stream of water shall be made to flow through all the water-closets, cess-pools, drains, &c., which shall empty themselves at low water mark; and such other disinfectants and deodorizers as science may suggest, and necessity dictate, shall also be used.

Quebec, January, 1866.

Cholera: a few Practical Remarks on its Prevention. By RORERT T. GODFREY, M.D.

(Read before the Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society, January 26th, 1866.) GENTLEMEN,-Having been extensively engaged in the treatment of cholera, during its several visitations, it affords me much pleasure to offer you these few remarks which, I trust, you will find useful in preventing the disease from spreading; and it may not be out of place, to state to you my views of the often asked question, What is Cholera?

I believe the disease to be confined to the blood communicated generally through the alimentary canal-that nature in making an effort to throw off the poison, pours the serum of the blood into the stomach and intestines, in consequence of which, the blood becomes so thick that it

cannot circulate through the smaller blood vessels, causing cramps in the extremities, impeded circulation and death.

Every casual observer must have noticed that cholera travels inland, along the different navigable rivers and canals; for in its several visits to this continent it has always followed this course. First, going up the St. Lawrence and down the Mississippi, next adopting the opposite route, or by whichever channel the stream of emigration travelled. It has also been frequently remarked, that the inhabitants on one side of a river have been decimated, while those on the opposite bank were not visited by the disease. Along some of our canals it has been so fatal, that men could not be obtained to open the locks for the passage of the steamboats.

During its visits to this city it was a remarkable fact, that what might be called one of the healthiest localities, the east end, where the soil is high, well drained and gravelly; also along the banks of the river for several miles down, where the banks are high and free from stagnant water-the mortality was greatest; caused by the fact that the residents drank the water that was taken from the side of the river, below where the shipping was moored and where the drainage entered, in conse quence of the new water-works not having been completed until the disease had left the city. I may mention also, that in 1854, three rafts were moored on this side of the river below the tollgate, and two on the opposite side; while those on this side lost nine men from cholera, those on the opposite shore did not lose a man.

These circumstances, with many others, have convinced me that cholera is propagated and spread principally through water, which has been contaminated by diseased egesta from a cholera patient, and I consider that this choleraic poison, when thrown into water, increases its contagious power so rapidly as to effect a river for miles down.

Should the cholera ever again visit this city, we may safely predict it will not be so fatal as on former occasions, in consequence of the supply of water from the new water works being obtained above the source of contamination. It will be confined almost exclusively to those persons engaged on the river, and who do not use the proper precaution for preventing their being infected by it.

Presuming the disease to be taken from the water, we would naturally ask ourselves the question, What is the most simple and efficacious method of making the water fit for use, and destroying the poison it contains?

I reply, simply by having it boiled.

Every householder should have a jug of water that had been previously

boiled and allowed to cool standing on the side-board, or in some convenient place ready for use, and should be particular that no water is drunk by any individual until it has been thus prepared. Boiling destroys all possibility of any contagion remaining in the water, no matter how infectious the water may have hitherto been. slightest necessity for brandy, whisky, camphor, any other prophylactic put into it.

There will not be the sulphur, charcoal, or

Before closing these remarks, I may add one more hygienic observation that I trust will be found useful.

Where the out-buildings are in close proximity to the back of the dwellings, it will be necessary to have a small chimney or ventilator made of wood, taken below the seat of the water closet and carried a sufficient height above the roof to secure a good draught from the pit. This is a salutary precaution that should be adopted in Canada, whether cholera be present or not.

By observing these two simple precautions, both you and your patients that are not already affected, will be as safe in the midst of cholera, as if there were not a case within a thousand miles.

Gentlemen, should it be agreeable to you, I shall be happy to read, on a future occasion, a few observations on the treatment I have found most successful in this disease.

St. Catherine Street, Montreal, January 26th, 1866.

An Artificial Vagina. By WILLIAM H. HINGSTON, M.D., L.R.C S.E., Surgeon to St. Patrick's department of the Hôtel Dieu, being a paper read before the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Montreal. GENTLEMEN,-A recent number of the Boston Medical Journal furnishes details of a case of congenital absence of the vagina, in a young person of that city, which has justly been deemed of sufficient interest to obtain admission to the columns of the Gazette Medicale. Dr. Collins, of Boston, had been consulted by a young girl, twenty-two years of age, who had never menstruated, and who, on examination, presented no trace of a vagina. The meatus was at the normal place, and a slight depression below it indicated the locale of the os-externum. An examination, per rectum, established the existence of an uterus, and the report concludes thus: "The case was deemed irremediable." In reading the above report which I have here much condensed—it is like that of a case which occurred in my own practice here, with this difference, however, the case was not deemed irremediable; and as the details may interest some of the members of the society as they did me, I shall briefly narrate them :

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