Imágenes de páginas


Recommendation of Attorney-

Action of President.

Date of

Fine remitted

Feb. 1

List of pardons granted by the President during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900-Continued.




Date of sen-

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1 year and 1 day in May 4, 1899 Petitioner is undergoing a sentence United States pen

itentiary; fine of
$100 and costs.

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of a year imprisonment for selling
liquor to Indians. His term will
expire March 7, 1900. He is also
subject to a fine of $100, which he
is entirely unable to pay. I ad-
vise that the fine be remitted.

Nov. 10, 1893 Petitioner served out his sentence
in 1894. His petition is to be par-
doned to restore citizenship. I
advise that it be granted

Oct. 25, 1899 Prisoner was sentenced to

Mar. 18, 1887

5 years in New Jer- Nov. 15, 1897 sey State prison and fine of $1,000.

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Aug. 3, 1897

Dec. 20, 1898 | Petitioner has been imprisoned
since Dec. 28, 1898, on conviction
of the crime of selling intoxicants
to Indians. His wife has during
his confinement become insane,
and his family of small children
is left destitute. On
grounds I advise a pardon.
This is a case from Indian Terri-
tory where under the minimum
sentence allowed by law the pris-
oner was committed for a term
of 5 years. Believing such a term
to be excessive under the circum-
stances, I advise that sentence
be commuted to 2 years and 6
months' actual imprisonment.
The petitioner was convicted of
defrauding a national bank and
sentenced to 18 months' imprison
ment on Apr. 13, 1899.

18 months in New Apr. 13, 1899
Jersey State pris-
on; fine of $5,000
and costs.

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Date of action.

List of pardons granted by the President during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900-Continued.

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and report he finds a marked and Pardon granted. Feb. 3
material change for the worse in
the prisoner's condition; that his
case is one of steady degenera-
tion, and that because of the ex-
isting impaired functions of the
vital organs of the heart and kid-
neys he would not be surprised
to hear of his death at any mo-

Under the circumstances I think a
sufficient case of ill health arises
to require, in the exercise of the
humane spirit in which the par-
don laws are enforced, the re-
lease of the prisoner, and I there-
fore advise a pardon. The trial
judge and district attorney con-
cur in this recommendation.
I advise that the petitioner be par-
doned on condition that he pay
the costs of his prosecution.

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Charles Pettijohn....] Indian Territory, Larceny of a horse. 5 years in United | June 2, 1898 northern.

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Edward C. Sizemore. Alabama,northern Illicit distilling..

States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth.

Sentence was 5 years for stealing a
horse. Under the law that is in
force in Indian Territory 5 years
is the least sentence that can be
imposed for this crime. The trial
judge and district attorney ad-
vise that sentence be commuted
to 2 years. I concur.

2 years in United May 11, 1899 Prisoner received a sentence of 2 States penitenti

ary,and fine of $500.

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Robert Lilly.

West Virginia.

6 months in Mercer County jail and $200 fine.

Oct. 24, 1899

Nov. 22, 1899

years' imprisonment for illicit dis-
tilling. The district attorney
says this unusual severity was
supposed to be necessary because
of an impression that prisoner
was a very bad man," which im-
pression he has since found to
have been wrong. I advise that
the sentence be commuted to 1
year's imprisonment.
Prisoner was sentenced to 4 years'
imprisonment for passing coun
terfeit silver dollars. It does not
appear that he had ever been en-
gaged in that business before, nor
that he belonged to any gang of
counterfeiters. I think his sen-
tence can justly be commuted to
2 years.

Petitioner was sentenced to 18
months' imprisonment for selling
liquor in Indian Territory. The
district attorney and trial judge
recommend that sentence be com-
muted to6 months, and Iso advise.
Petitioner was sentenced to 15
months' imprisonment for illicit
distilling. He is said to be only
a boy 16 years old. Others impli-
cated in the same transactions
received less sentences, without
any apparent reason. I advise
that sentence be commuted to 6
months' imprisonment with al-
lowances for good conduct.
It appears that the prisoner is ill
with consumption, and his con-
finement is hastening his death.
I advise a pardon for that rea-


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H. Dcc. 9—19


List of pardons granted by the President during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900-Continued.

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