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We gave in our last a notice of this case under the heading of "The Spirits in Prison." The further proceedings are not less interesting than those to which we then alluded. The deliberations of the Presbytery ended in the adoption of a very lenient resolution. A minority were satisfied with the explanations given; a majority considered that their duty to the Confession, which declares that "" men not professing the Christian religion cannot be saved, be they ever so diligent to frame their lives according to the light of nature," required them to put on record that Mr Ferguson was without warrant in preaching the sentiments reported, and that he should be cautioned not to speculate on such subjects. Instead of humility and promise of amendment, Mr Ferguson read a carefully-prepared MS., which Mr Gilfillan has described as "marking an era in the ecclesiastical history of Scotland." This paper was a direct assault upon the strongholds of orthodoxy. "Calvinism," he said, "at its best, is but a part of the truth. There are countless facts both in the Bible and the world which will not be pressed within the rigid Calvinistic rule. Christianity is a reasonable word. It means light, thought, intelligence. It is the irreconcilable foe of all darkness and stupidity; and it points out the devil, in the end of his career, to be the supreme ass. A little fermentation of thought, then, seems a very hopeful sign, and something the Presbytery ought to encourage." And in regard to the particular charge on which he was arraigned he is equally bold and uncompromising. "The statement," he says, is nothing in Scripture to support the idea that an exhibition of Divine mercy will be made in another state to those who never heard the voice of mercy here is one to which I could not subscribe. It implies that we have so thoroughly explored the Bible, and so thoroughly fathomed and comprehended the whole counsel of infinite love and wisdom therein disclosed, as to feel quite sure that the only restoration possible in a future state is a restoration of dead bodies.

66 that there

It is my impression that


countless multitudes of the heathen world will crowd into the Kingdom of Heaven, while the Scribes and Pharisees of Christendom will be cast out. churches, so called, have professed to believe that the majority of mankind are going down every moment into hell; while they have been sedulously studying their own comfort, clothed in purple and fine linen and faring sumptuously every day, flattering themselves with the hope of heaven, and soothing their consciences by casting a few crumbs to the dismal wretches at their gates. Alas! alas! there will be a day of terrible confusion for all this-a day when our human theologies that have strangled souls, and our ecclesiastical dignities that have despised the poor, will go surging swiftly down into an abyss of retribution." He must either, he continued, "draw up a libel against all the writers of the Bible in order to protect the compilers of the Confession, to seal up especially the New Testament idea of Christianity, to declare the original idea of the pulpit a solecism in relation to modern society, and to enjoin all preachers to maunder on, with due obsequiousness, from one inanity to another; or, on the other hand, recognise the fact that we are assuredly adrift upon a period of boundless transition, that the sooner we get clear of dogmatic icebergs the better, and that nothing can save us but the possession of living ideas, a more generous appreciation of the providence of God, and a fuller embrace of the Gospel of Christ in its glorious freeness, amplitude, and impartiality."

"In the very next column to the report of the Dalkeith Heresy Case," writes the editor of The English Independent, "is the report of the 'Dunse Heresy Case,' in which a minister of the Kirk was charged with offending in an exactly opposite direction. He was supposed to have been preaching con

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fession and absolution at the hands of an ordained minister' rank High Churchism, in fact. Thus the new wine is bursting the old bottles. The stir of men's minds on the highest of all subjects-a blessed sign of the times, though accompanied with some incon

veniences-causes them to refuse absolutely to conform to old formulas. These may have expressed the truth in the best manner possible to the age in which they were written, but they cannot be suitable for all times. We have

a sure word of prophecy,' to which we shall do well to give heed, and from which really good men will not far stray; but for Articles, whether they be seven or thirty-nine, let there be no servile



Since our last publication several of the chief cities and large towns of the country have been occupied in the election of boards, to carry into effect the Educational Bill of last session of Parliament. All parties have accepted the bill, and sought to carry out its requirements. The Church has urged in many places an extension of the voluntary efforts hitherto made; and put forth her utmost efforts to retain in her own hands the education supplied in the small parishes. Wherever school boards, however, have been adopted they have been cheerfully accepted by members of the Church, who have thrown themselves heartily into the movement. In most, if not in all places, they have secured a majority of members on the boards which have been elected. At the elections there has been little excitement, and many of the persons entitled to vote have declined or neglected to do so. The cumulative vote, which enables each voter to give the entire number of his votes to one candidate, has led to some curious results. In Manchester the Roman Catholic candidates headed the poll by a majority of many thousands; the members of the Church of England were next; and the friends of unsectarian education lowest. In most, if not in all places, the elections are in favour of religious education, the majority of the persons elected being members of the Church of England. It is interesting also to note that men of position and ability have been put forward and elected to this responsible duty. In the metropolitan districts there are five members of parliament, four principals of colleges, one professor, and one peer, elected. The other members also seem to be men of good position in the district. The country is now, therefore, fairly committed to a vigorous

effort to promote the education of the entire population. In the success of this movement all are interested. It is by education the mind is to develop its powers and to become fitted for the higher culture of spiritual truth and heavenly wisdom. The New Church has always acknowledged the importance of the work on which the country has now entered, and to the extent of her ability has diligently laboured in its promotion; and whatever may be the effect of the new arrangements that may follow the appointment of school boards upon our day-schools, she will be among the first to rejoice in the extension of the blessings of education to the hitherto neglected portions of the community.


We have received a number of communications on this subject from our correspondents, all strongly objecting to the Government measure. So long as men commence their moral and spiritual progress in the lowest elements of their nature the carnal and sensual-so long will there be danger that in the best regulated State, and among the most virtuously educated people, some will fall into sexual irregularities. The way to deal with these evils is at present, and will long remain, one of the most perplexing problems of the statesman. The evil cannot be let alone. Society can no more tolerate unchecked' licen tiousness than unchecked theft or covetousness, or any other crime. The great objection to the way in which it is now being dealt with, is that the measures adopted tend not to the restraint or the correction of the evil, but to its encouragement.

In dealing with infectious diseases the aim of legislation should be to remove the causes of their prevalence, and thereby to restrain their virulence and check their extension. In the case of cholera or fever sanitary legislation never proposes to itself to palliate the evil and render it safe for persons to live in the scenes of disorder, negligence and dirt which produce and foster these diseases. And in like manner, in dealing with the fearful diseases springing from the indulgence of unrestrained lust, the aim of legislation should be to render this indulgence difficult, to restrain its prevalence, and to offer

every possible inducement to a wiser and more orderly life. Much of the disorder which both the moralist and the religious teacher deplores, has its beginning in the difficulties which men find in securing a worldly position in which they can prudently marry. And many of these difficulties arise from the intense selfishness which is at the root of our social arrangements and institutions. No effort will correct these evils which does not sap the foundations of this selfishness, and elevate the more well-to-do portion of society into a more generous sympathy and kindly effort to assist the down-trodden and the indigent. The great desideratum is to offer facilities for marriage and present impediments in the way of fornicationto render the one easy and safe, the other difficult and dangerous.

The natural man can only be governed by fear, but the recent measures by making sinful indulgence safe, remove the principal ground of fear, and open the prospect of safety in the practice of vice. By whatever means accomplished all legislation on the subject should involve two principles: the restraint of the evil; and, as far as possible, consistently with the freedom of the subject, its correction. The first of these principles is involved in all criminal legislation. We cannot extinguish theft, but we can keep it within reasonable bounds. Neither can we extinguish fornication, but we may and ought to adopt measures to make manifest its iniquity, and to restrain its practice. We cannot make men virtuous by Act of Parliament, but we ought to adopt such measures as may bring the fallen, in their seasons of sorrow and compunction, under the moral and spiritual influences most likely to promote their improvement and correction. We cannot deny to the diseased the benefits of the hospital. To do so would be to utterly reject the great lesson involved in the parable of the good Samaritan. But our hospital should be so conducted as to promote the moral and spiritual as well as the physical health of the fallen. The continental practice of requiring these women to return, as 66 a sow to her vomit," to their former life, is an outrage on all Christian principle and on every precept of "the glorious gospel of the blessed God." Rather should their returning health be accompanied

by moral and religious instruction and industrial training that they may be prepared to relinquish a life of crime and to provide by industry and usefulness for their worldly necessities.

LONDON. When the account under this head, which appeared in our January number was written, the National Missionary was at Horncastle, and some further particulars of his labours can now be furnished. He lectured there twice, preached twice on the Sunday, and administered the Sacrament, at a special service for the purpose, in the afternoon. The lectures were satisfactorily attended. The Sunday evening service-the subject being prayer in general and the Lord's Prayer in particular-was attended by about 150 persons. The utmost attention was given. A commercial traveller, a young Scotchman, attended the first lecture, purchased a copy of the Brighton Lectures at the close, and expressed himself well satisfied with what he had heard. 24 copies of the Little Hymn Book were sold. An announcement that tracts would be given to those who would come up to the table for them, brought quite a stream of applicants, so that the stock was not equal to the demand. On the Monday evening, before the lecture, the friends, to the number of about 30, met for tea, and social converse. 73 attended the lecture, several being Wesleyans, subject "the Atonement. A number of extracts were given, from some discourses by the Rev. T. W. Matthews, of Boston, in which that gentleman most emphatically ignores the doctrine of substitution. The Heywood Society has kindly consented for Mr. Storry to take the next visit to Horncastle. The missionary visit to Salisbury was next undertaken, and the most complete success attended it. Mr. Whitehorn, the owner of the rooms, had caused announcements of the lectures and services to be so thoroughly circulated, that the attendance surpassed expectation. Atthe lectures, four in number, there were present from 130 to 150 persons. the Sunday morning service about 100, and at the Sunday evening service about 300, the place being quite filled. The lecturer had with him a small supply of "The Future Life" and the "Brighton Lectures," and on giving a somewhat


extended account of the nature of these books at the close of the first lecture, all he had were sold. The next morning others were telegraphed for, and were there in time for the lecture in the evening. These were all sold, and more were written for and sent, and all were sold, about 30 copies of the Brighton Lectures, and 40 of the Future Life. One gentleman, who preaches occasionally amongst the Baptists, purchased a copy of the Brighton Lectures; and on a subsequent evening, said privately to the lecturer, that if the lecture he had been reading was right, he had been thus far all wrong. He was invited to Mr. Whitehorn's, where a long conversation ensued, and he accepted a copy of the Appeal, expressing a determination to know, if possible, the truth. On the last evening after the lecture, in a little knot of attendants, the conversation turned upon the angels, and the observation was made to one young man, "I suppose you conclude that angels have mouths;" he replied he did not know, when one of his own friends, calling him by name, said, "O yes, they must have mouths, or they could not sing." These lectures and services were altogether of a most satisfactory nature, and the effort is to be continued in April next. The lecturer enjoyed the company of the Rev. D. T. Dyke for the first time, at the house of Mr. Whitehorn, who, for his liberality, hospitality, and earnestness, is entitled to the best thanks of all who take an interest in the promulgation of the Doctrines of the New Church. It deserves mention that this gentleman gave the use of the rooms, paid all the expenses of advertising, entertained the lecturer, and was present on every occasion to give a cheerful welcome to all who came to listen.


The National Missionary next visited Northampton, and preached there twice on Sunday the 1st of January in the morning there were present 30, and in the evening, when the death of Abraham was discoursed upon, in consequence of the departure of one of our friends into the spiritual world, there were present above 100. On the Monday a kind of soiree was held, 58 took tea, and the numbers afterwards reached nearly 100. After the tea, Mr. Berry, the zealous and worthy leader of the society, took the chair, and addressed the meeting,

being followed by several other friends. One convert of recent date delivered a most enthusiastic speech of about thirty minutes duration, expressing his own delight and his determination to make known these new truths, which gave him so much joy. The society is progressing in a very satisfactory manner, and is worthy the constant care of the Missionary Society. Many other pleasing incidents connected with this visit could be named, did space permit. On January 8, Mr. Gunton attended a business meeting of the Deptford Society, when the plans for their proposed new place of worship underwent some modification. The friends wisely determined not to embarrass themselves with a heavy debt. They therefore on this occasion resolved to reduce the height of their building, and to dispense for the present with the vestry and schoolroom. Some few friends have promised aid liberally, but the number is not what was hoped for. Should this form of appeal bring additional contributions, the vestry and the school can be replaced in the plans, if not, they must be without them. Names will be gratefully received by Mr. Rhodes, who gives his services, as leader of the society, gratuitously, and whose address is 13 Seymour Street, St. John's Road, Deptford.

On the evening of the same day, Mr. Gunton gave a lecture "On the New Heaven, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem," to an unusually large audience. This lecture is to be followed by one from Mr. Austin and one by Mr. Rhodes.

At the last meeting of the Committee of the Swedenborg Society, the gifts of the Conference, consisting of photolithograph manuscripts and written documents, as described in Minute 116 of last Conference, were laid on the table, and letters were read from the Rev. C. Vosey, and the Rev. Fergus Ferguson acknowledging the acceptance of the books, sent them by the Society.

The Missionary and Tract Society's Committee have had much important business under consideration, some particulars of which may be given next month.

From another correspondent we have received the following statement of approaching services at Newcastle-onTyne and the North :- "The following programme concluded with Mr. Gunton,

the National Missionary,' exhibits that gentleman's disposition to work. Hull, February 12th, 14th, 16th ; Middlesborough, 19th, 21st, 22d; Newcastle, 24th and 26th; South Shields, 28th, March 2d, 5th, 7th; Sunderland, March 9th, 12th, 14th; Gateshead, March 16th; Newcastle, March 17th; York, Sunday, March 19th. Mr. Gunton will (D.V.) lecture at all these dates, preaching twice on Sundays. Letters to be addressed to 20 East Parade, Newcastle-on-Tyne, where also tracts, books, &c., for distribution may be forwarded."

NORTH LONDON.-Buttesland Street. The first general meeting of this Society took place on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1870: at which, notwithstanding the inclement weather, nearly seventy friends were present. After tea in the Schoolroom the meeting adjonrned to the Church, and the proceedings were opened by a hymn, followed by prayer by Mr. P. Ramage, the minister of the Church. The secretary, Mr. W. Culling, then gave a short sketch of the history of the Society, in the course of which he stated that in fifteen months the number of members had increased from seven to fifty-one, a result which he considered as extremely gratifying and encouraging to the friends of the Society. Mr. Noel the treasurer gave a favourable account of the state of the finances; after which the audience were addressed by Dr. Bayley, Messrs. Rhodes, Madeley, Smith, and several other gentlemen, all of whom


gratulated the members on the success which had attended their efforts, and incited them to fresh labour in the cause.

In the course of the evening the superintendent of the Sunday School stated that the School, which had been in work about three months, had already sixty-two names on its books: most of the children being residents in the immediate neighbourhood of the Church, and thus being a fruitful field for the sowing of the truths of the Church. Between the addresses several pieces were sung by the members of the choir, assisted by several friends who had kindly volunteered to help them. A most kindly feeling seemed to prevail in the meeting, which separated at a late hour. It is hoped that this is but the first of a long series of

pleasant gatherings of the Church in Hoxton. On Sunday, Jan. 8th, 1871, Dr. Bayley preached at the same place, and in the course of the service baptized six children, and administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to thirty-five members and friends of the Society. The Church is full every Sabbath evening, and Mr. Ramage's services are much appreciated by the congregation,

BATH.-The New Church Society meeting in Henry Street, Bath, has been much edified and encouraged by the visit of Dr. Bayley to this city, He delivered eight public discourses which were very numerously attended by audiences who evinced by their conduct a sincere desire for information concerning the doctrines of the New Church.


These discourses had been advertised by means of the newspapers, posters, and hand-bills. The following brief notice is from a communication of a correspondent to the Bath Journal:"On Sunday morning the subject selected was, 'Jesus giving to Peter the keys of the kingdom of Heaven;' and in the evening, 'On the blood of the Lamb, with which the robes of the blessed are made white.' On Tuesday evening Dr. Bayley lectured on the following subject:-Glimpses of Heaven. Where is Heaven? What is Heaven? And how are we to prepare for it?' and on Thursday evening, 'On death. What is the spiritual body of which the Apostle Paul speaks? Shall we need the earthly body any more after it is buried?' The whole of the above services were very numerously attended, many strangers being present, and the attention of the congregation was completely absorbed each evening from the beginning to the end of the discourse, The Rev. Dr. displayed extraordinary ability and eloquence in handling the all-important subjects mentioned above, while his earnestness and honesty of purpose are unimpeachable."

In addition to which I just add, that Dr. Bayley attended the Anniversary Meeting of our Church on Wednesday, Dec. 14th, and addressed the Society upon several subjects of interest; and as this Society has had the privilege of receiving the ministration of the Rev. James Keene for upwards of forty years

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