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to me, will account for the effect which seems to be produced by my speeches. I hope you have not been too flattering in your estimate. Certainly, I have had a most wonderful success for a man of my limited education"

'Mr. Gulliver in the New York Independent.


MR. LINCOLN's candidacy for the Presidency was quietly but efficiently promoted by judicious friends, as well as by his own efforts, during the months which intervened before the National Convention. Meantime affairs were so shaping themselves as to contribute more and more to the certainty of Repub

lican success.

in a canvass to insure his own nomination by the Judge Douglas was actively engaged Democratic Convention, which Charleston, April 23, 1860. the hostile element of the South and, at the same time, not to alienate the friendly element of the North. Instead of standing firm upon his own convictions he tried to trim his course midway between the extreme elements of the Democracy and retain the support of both. In this he failed. While the majority of the delegates to the Charleston Convention favored him, he failed to secure the necessary two-thirds. The South had lost their confidence in him since his political integrity had caused him to refuse to support the Lecompton Constitution and by

was to meet in 1860. He sought to propitiate

no effort could he regain it.

The Southern wing

withdrew from the Convention to meet later, in Richmond, while the Douglas party adjourned to Baltimore, where the great Illinois statesman was put in The Richmond Convention nominated John C.

Breckenridge of Kentucky. Thus Democratic discord resulted in a party division, which rendered the success of the Republican party almost certain.

The Republican National Convention was called to meet in Chicago, May 16, 1860. Six days previous to this, the State Convention met in Decatur, where the movement to secure the nomination for Mr. Lincoln was publicly inaugurated in such a manner as to attract the attention of the nation and furnish a raliying cry for the campaign. The Convention was made up of representative men of the party, who felt that this meeting, held just before the greater Convention, should be one of special note. Lincoln was present, apparently out of mere curiosity and with no idea that he would receive more than passing notice from the delegates. "A few minutes after the Convention organized, Governor Oglesby arose and said amid increasing silence: 'I am informed that a distinguished citizen of Illinois, and one whom Illinois will ever delight to honor, is present; and I wish to move that this body invite him to a seat upon the stand.' Here the Governor paused, as if to tease and dally, and work curiosity up to the highest pitch; but at length he shouted the magic name, ' Abraham Lincoln.' Not a shout but a roar of applause, long and deep, shook every board and joist of the building." Some of those standing nearest seized him and hoisting him on their shoulders passed him struggleing and kicking over the heads of the audience to the platform, where with clothing disarranged and face flushed, he tried to regain his composure.

1 Lamon's "Life of Lincoln."

Later on Governor Oglesby again arose and said that there was an old Democrat outside, who wished to present something to the Convention. A motion was made and carried that he be admitted. The doors swung open and a sturdy, open-featured old man entered bearing upon his shoulders two weatherbeaten fence rails, with a banner floating above them bearing the inscription, "Two rails from a lot made by Abraham Lincoln and John Hanks in the Sangamon bottom in the year 1830." He was met with the wildest enthusiasm and a babel of shouts and applause. As soon as the tumult subsided, Lincoln was called upon for a speech and afterwards a resolution was passed to the effect that "Abraham Lincoln is the first choice of the Republican party of Illinois for President,' and instructing the delegates to Chicago to use all honorable means to secure his nomination and to cast the vote of the State as a unit for him.

The Chicago Convention was one of the most notable of all the great political meetings which have become historic during the present century. The majority of the delegates were young men with enough gray-haired men to temper their actions and measures with moderation. Many of the delegates were afterwards prominent in public life. Not less. than sixty were destined to be sent to Congress, many became Governors of States or occupied other prominent positions of public trust.

The Convention was sectional, being made up of delegates from the free States, and the five border States with a few representatives from Texas. David Wilmot, the author of the famous Proviso, was made

temporary chairman, and George Ashmun, of Massachusetts, representing the Conservative element, was made permanent chairman.

Mr. Seward had been for a long time the leading candidate and by many was regarded as certain of the nomination. The other candidates, besides Lincoln, were Edward Bates of Missouri, Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania, and Jacob Collamer of Vermont. There were none, however, with the exception of the two leading candidates, who received any material support outside of their respective States.

The platform, which was adopted early in the session, affirmed the right of all men to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and declared the Convention to be in favor of the immediate admission of Kansas, of a general system of river and harbor improvements and a railroad to the Pacific Coast. It was largely made up of negatives denouncing disunion, extension of slavery, the re-opening of the slave-trade and popular or "squatter" sovereignty.

The utmost enthusiasm pervaded the Convention at each meeting, and the great wigwam, a wooden structure erected for the occasion on the lake-front, constantly rung with cheers and acclamations. The delegates felt that the candidate for the Convention would be the next President, yet they knew that he must be a sectional President. That the country was approaching a great crisis and that upon the Republican party and its President must devolve the task of defending and preserving the Union and set tling the vexed question forever, must have been

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