| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...Rejoicing in HOPE ; patient in TRI• -\ . I -:; 2 Cot. xii. 7. Left I fliould be EXALTED above meafurc through the Abundance of the REVELATIONS, there was given, to me a THORN in the FLESH ? tt?e Meflenger of SvrAN to BUFFET me. 9. And he faid unto me; My GRACE is SVFFICIBNT for thee : for... | |
| William Darrell - 1736 - 398 páginas
...fuffered him to fall into temptations, even of the flefh. dnd left IJhould be exalted above meafure, through the abundance of the revelations? there was given to me a thorn in the fiejht the meffenger of Satan, to buffet me i 2 Cor. xii. 7. And this did expofe to St. Paul his own... | |
| James Blair - 1740 - 428 páginas
...anfwered ? And this was St. Paul's Cafe, 2 Cor. xii. 7. Left IJhould be exalted above Meafure, fays he, through the Abundance of the Revelations, there was given to me a 'Thorn in the Flejk, the MeJJenger of Satan to buffet me, left I Jhould be exalted above meafure. For this 'thing... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 páginas
...is willing, but the tieih is weak. f ï Cor. xii . 7 . A nd left I ihould be exalted above meafure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flelh, the meilenger of Satan to buffet me, lelt I ihould be exalted above meafure. v. 8. For'thisthingI... | |
| Church of Scotland - 1768 - 576 páginas
...indeed is willing, but the fit Ib is weak. q 2 Cor. xii. 7. And left I (liould be exalted above meafure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flefh, the méfié iiger of Satan to buffet me, led ! lh> uld be exalted above nriafure. v. 8. For... | |
| Hugh Farmer - 1775 - 440 páginas
...f* ferings and death.''. '.St. Paulj/in 2 Cor. xii. 7. fays, Left I Jhould be exalted above meafurc through th<e abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the f-ejh, the mejfenger of fatan to buffet me. In the original it is not £j'j/£Aof ra inxl«f, if the... | |
| William Burgh - 1779 - 302 páginas
...the reafou why they are an objedl of glory to him, faying, " left J fhould be exalted above meafure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flefh, the meflenger of Satan to buffet me, left I fhould be exalted above meafure. For this thing... | |
| Ralph Erskine - 1793 - 384 páginas
...afflicted., that I might learn thy llatutes. b 2 Cor. xii. 7. And left I foould be exalted above mea. 'fure, through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flefh, the meflenger of Satan to buffet .me, left I mould be exalted above meafure. :Prov. xxix. 23.... | |
| 1797 - 610 páginas
...diipenfation, of which he gives us the following account ; " Left I mould be exalted above meafure, through the abundance of the revelations, there was given, to me a thorn in the flelh, the meffcnger of Satan, to buffet me, left I fhould be exalted above meafure." 2 Cor. xii. T.... | |
| Ralph Erskine - 1796 - 738 páginas
...afflitfed : that I might learn thy ftatutes. 6 i Cor. xii. 7. And left 1 fhould be exalted above meafure, through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flefh, the meffenger of Satan to b-jffcl me, left I fliould be exalted above meafure. Frov. xxix. 23.... | |
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