After talking for four days, the Seceders' Con- business, as they now come up for considera vention adjourned to meet in Richmond, Vir- you. Prior to the adjournment of the Convention, ginia, on the second Monday in June. Dele- pal subjects of action were before it. One, th gates were present from the following States: Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware. of the doctrinal resolutions constituting the p the Convention; the other, voting upon the o the nomination of a candidate for the Presider In the course of the discussion on the ado platform, the Convention adopted a vote, th which was to amend the report of the majo Committee on Platform by substituting the re minority of that Committee; and after the a that motion, and the substitution of the minor majority report, a division was called for several resolutions constituting that platform, in number. The 1st, 3d, 4th and 5th of those were adopted by the Convention, and the 2d wa After the vote on the adoption of the 1st, 3d, 4 of those resolutions, a motion was made in ea reconsider the vote, and to lay that motion of eration upon the table. But neither of those r reconsider on the table the those motions having been prevented by the in of questions of privilege, and the ultimate vote in such case, to wit, on the adoption of the rep majority as amended by the report of the min not been acted upon by the Convention. So th time when the Convention adjourned there pending before it these motions, to wit; To rec the resolutions constituting the platform, and the question of adopting the majority as amend substitution of the minority report. Those quest those only, as the Chair understood the motio the Convention, were not acted upon prior to the After the disposition of the intervening que privilege, a motion was made by Mr. McCook, o proceed to vote for candidates for President a President. Upon that motion, the Convention in the Chair (not, as has been erroneously suppose recess of the Convention, the Chair determining Convention, but the Convention instructing the make no declaration of a nomination except upc equivalent to two-thirds in the Electoral Colleg United States, and upon that balloting, no such ing given, that order was, upon the motion of the man from Virginia (Mr. Russell), laid on the table purpose of enabling him to propose a motion, v subsequently did, that the Convention adjourn f city of Charleston to the city of Baltimore, and provision concerning the filling of vacancies embr the same resolution, which resolution the Secret please read. The Secretary read the resolution as follows: "Resolved, That when this Convention adjourns te adjourn to reassemble at Baltimore, Md., on Monday, day of June, and that it be respectfully recommende Democratic party of the several States, to make prov supplying all vacancies in their respective delegate Convention when it shall reassemble." The President.-The Convention will thus percei the order adopted by it provided, among other that it is respectfully recommended to the Dem party of the several States to make provisions f plying all vacancies in their respectives delegation Convention when it shall reassemble. What is th struction of that resolution?-what is the scope of plication?-is a question not for the Chair to det or to suggest to the Convention, but for the Conv itself to determine. However that may be, in the preparatory arrange for the present assembling of this Convention, ther addressed to the Chair the credentials of members el or purporting to be elected, affirmed and confirm the original Conventions and accredited to this Co tion. In three of those cases, or perhaps four, the dentials were authentic and complete, presentin question of controverting delegates. In four othe wit-the States of Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and ware-there were contesting applications. Upon applications the Chair was called to determine wh it possessed any power to determine prima facie bership of this Convention. That question was pres in its most absolute and complete form in the cas Mississippi, where there was no contest either thr irregularity of form or of competing delegations, ar also in the cases of Florida, Texas and Arkansas those four States, there being an apparent authent of commission, the Chair was called upon to deter the naked, abstract question whether he had power, emptorily and preliminarily, to determine the primaj membership of alleged members of this Convention. Chair would gladly have satisfied himself that he had power, but upon examining the source of his power and asked that the vote be taken by States, which was wit-the rules of the House of Representatives-he was Mr. Richardson, of Ill., doubted the announcement, Gentlemen, the Convention is now in order for the transaction of business. The Address of the President was delivered in a clear, loud voice, with much emphasis, and was listened to with close attention. The statement of the position in which the business was left at the time of the adjournment at Charleston, created an evident sensation, inasmuch as it indicated that, according to the opinion of the Chair, the platform question, as well as the resolution declaring that a vote equal to two-thirds of the full electoral college to be necessary to the nomination of a candidate for the Presidency, were each in a position to be again brought up for the action of the Convention. ADMISSION OF DELEGATES. Mr. Howard, of Tennessee, offered the following resolution: Resolved, that the President of this Convention direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to issue tickets of admission to the delegates of the Convention as originally constituted and organized at Charleston. Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, moved a recess to 4 P.M. Lost: 78 to 1784. Mr. Howard, of Tennessee. I hold in my hand a respectful communication from one of the States of this Union, Mississippi, not now represented upon this floor, addressed to the President of this Convention. I desire that it be read for the information of the Convention. The President. It can only be done by common consent, as the seconding the demand for the previous question is now pending. Cries of "object," "object," from various quarters. The President Objection being made to reading this communication, the Secretary will proceed to call the roll of States upon the seconding the demand for the previous question. The question being then taken by States upon seconding the demand for the previous question, it was not agreed to. YEAS.-Maine, 6; New-Hampshire, 5; Vermont, 41; Massachusetts, 4; Connecticut, 34; New-Jersey, 21; Pennsylvania, 94; Maryland, 2; Missouri, 24; Tennessee, 8; Kentucky, 14; Ohio, 23; Indiana, 18; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 24-108. NAYS.--Maine, 2; Vermont, Massachusetts, 84; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 2-one absent; New-York, 35; New-Jersey, 44; Pennsylvania, 16; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 6; Virginia, 15; North Carolina, 10; Arkansas, 13 Missouri, 64; Tennessee, 8; Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 14; California, 4; Oregon, 3-140. On calling the roll, the New-York delegation asked permission to retire for consultation, and during the interim there was an entire cessation of business. The vote of the State as a unit was finally rendered against the call for the previous question. Mr. Cavanaugh, of Minnesota, moved to lay the reso- Resolved, That the credentials of all persons claiming After a running debate on questions of order, in which Messrs. Cochrane, of N. Y., Saulsbury, of Del., Clark, of Mo., Montgomery, of Pa., Cavanaugh, of Min., and the Chair participated. Mr. Church moved his resolution as an amendment to that offered by Mr. Howard, and upon that he called for the previous question. Messrs. Gilmor and Randall rose to debate the question, but the Chair ruled debate not in order. Mr. Avery, of North Carolina. -I call for a division of the question, so that the first question shall be upon referring those credentials to the Committee, and the second question upon the proposition to initiate testoaths in the Democratic Convention. [Applause.] The question was then stated to be upon the amendment Mr. Gilmor, of Pennsylvania, offered the following amendment to Mr. Church's resolution: Resolved, That the President of the Convention be directed to issue tickets of admission to seats in the Convention, to the delegates from the States of Texas, Florida, Mississippi, and Arkansas, in which States there are no contesting delegations. Without taking a vote on Mr. Gilmor's resolution, the Convention, on motion of Mr. Randall, of Pa., took a recess till 5 P.M. When the Convention reassembled, the President said: Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, has the floor upon an amendment moved by Mr. Gilmor, of Pennsylvania. Before proceeding in the debate, the Chair begs leave to state to the Convention that he has had placed in his hands the credentials of gentlemen claiming seats in the Convention, from the States of Delaware, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas, including in that enumeration the letter presented to the Convention, in his place, by Mr. Howard, of Tennessee, in behalf of the gentlemen claiming seats from the State of Mississippi, and in addition to that, there has been addressed to the Chair, a communication from Mr. Chaffee, claiming a seat from the State of Massachusetts. The Chair deems it his duty to communicate the fact to the Convention that those several documents have been placed in his hands, to be presented at the proper time to the considera The Chair could not entertain such a proposition attion of the Convention. that time, as the previous question had been demanded. Mr. Russell, of Va. I ask that this Convention will The President.-The Chair has no authority over that question. Mr. Russell. I ask the Chair to appeal to the gentleman to allow fair play in this Convention. Mr. Stuart, of Mich. -I insist that the Chair preserve order. The President. The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Mr. Russell. If we are to be constrained to silence, I The question was stated to be upon seconding the demand for the previous question. Being taken viva voce, Mr. Gilmor, of Pennsylvania. -I have made a small addition to the amendment I offered this morning to the amendment of the gentleman from New-York (Mr. Church), for the purpose of covering the cases mentioned by the Chair just now. The amendment, as modified, was read as follows: Resolved, That the President of the Convention be authorized to issue tickets of admission to seats in this Convention, to the delegates from the States of Arkansas, Texas, Florida, and Mississippi, in which States there are no contesting delegations, and that in those States, to wit: Delaware, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, where there are contesting delegations, a Committee on Credentials shall be appointed, by the several delegations, to report upon said States. After discussing points of order, Mr. Clark, of Missouri, offered a substitute for Mr. Gilmor's amendment, which was read for the information of the Convention, as follows: Strike out the proviso in the amendment of Mr. Church, of New-York, and add the following: Resolved, That the citizens of the several States of the The President stated that the noes appeared to have it. | Union have an equal right to settle and remain in the Ter. Md.; E. W. Hubbard, Va.; R. R. Bridges, N A paper was presented from Mr. O'Fallon, o who had acted at Charleston in the place of regularly appointed delegates from that Stat been refused a ticket in Baltimore, asking ad His case was referred to the Committee on Cre The memorial of the contesting delegates fro sas was also presented, and was handed to the tee on Credentials. And the Committee took till 5 P.M., at which time it reassembled, but, t mittee on Credentials not being ready to re Convention, without transacting any business, a to 10 o'clock the following day, 20th. The Convention met at the usual ho Wednesday, the 20th, but, in consequenc delay delay of the Committee on Credentials in ing, no business was transacted. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CREDENTI On Thursday, the 21st, the Committ Credentials presented their report, or rat ports, for there were three; the majority being presented by Mr. Krum, of Misso follows: 1st. Resolved, That George H. Gordon, E. Barl W. F. Barry, H. C. Chambers, Jos. R. Davis, Beverl thew, Charles Clarke, W. L. Featherston, P. F. C. G. Armistead, W. F. Avaunt, and T. J. Hucsto entitled to seats in this Convention as delegates fro State of Mississippi. 2d. Resolved, That Pierre Soulé, F. Cotterman, Wickliffe, Michael Ryan, Maunsell White, Charles venala, Gustav Lenroy, J. C. Morse, A. S. Heron, Colburn, J. N. T. Richardson and J. L. Walker are en to seats in this Convention as delegates from the St Louisiana. 3d. Resolved, That R. W. Johnson, T. C. Hindma P. Johnson, Henry Carroll, J. Gould, and John A. dan, be entitled to seats as Delegates from the Sta Arkansas, with power to cast two votes, and that Th H. Bradley, M. Hooper, and D. C. Cross be also adm to seats as delegates from the same State, with pow cast one vote; and, in case either portion of said gates shall refuse or neglect to take their said seats to cast their said votes, the other portion of said c gates taking seats in this Convention shall be entitle cast the entire three votes of said State. 4th. Resolved, That J. M. Bryan, F. R. Lubbock, I Stockdale, E. Green, H. R. Runnels, Wm. B. Ochilt M. W. Carey, Wm. H. Parrows, R. Ward, J. F. Crosby Burrows, and V. H. Manning are entitled to seats f Texas. 5th. Resolved, That James A. Bayard and William Whiteley are entitled to seats from the county of Ne Castle, Del. 6th. Resolved, That K. S. Chaffee, who was duly adn ted at Charleston as a delegate from the fifth congre ional district of Massachusetts, is still entitled to said se in this Convention, and that B. F. Hallett, who has sumed said seat, is not entitled thereto. 7th. Resolved, That John O'Fallon, who was duly a mitted at Charleston as a delegate from the eighth elect ral district of Missouri, is still entitled to said seat in th Convention, and that Johnson B. Gardy, who has a sumed said seat, is not entitled thereto. 8th. Resolved, That R. A. Baker, D. C. Humphre John Forsyth, Wm. Jewett, I. I. Seibles, S. C. Pose L. E. Parsons, Joseph C. Bradley, Thomas B. Coope James Williams, C. H. Brynan, Daniel W. Weakle L. M. B. Martyr, John W. Howard, W. R. R. Wyatt, E Hanson, Thos. M. Matthews, and Norbert M. Lord are er titled to seats in the Convention as delegates from th State of Alabama. 9th, Resolved, That the delegation from the State o Georgia, of which H. L. Benning is chairman, be admitted to seats in the Convention, with power to cast onehalf of the vote of said State, and that the delegation from said State, of which Col. Gardner is chairman, be also admitted to the Convention, with power to cast onehalf of the vote of said State; and if either of said delegations refuse or neglect to cast the vote as above indicated, that in said case the delegates present in the Convention be authorized to cast the full vote of said Stato. Mr. Stevens, of Oregon. I rise, Mr. President, to pre-sylvania, 17; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 54; Virginia, 14; sent the report of a minority of the Committee on cre- North Carolina, 9; Arkansas, Missouri, 5; Tennessee, dentials, and I will proceed to read it; Sir: We, the undersigned, members of the Committee on Credentials, feel constrained to dissent from many of the views and a large portion of the action of the majority of the Committee in respect to the rights of delegates to seats referred to them by the Convention, and to respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: 1. Resolved, That B. F. Hallett is entitled to a seat in this Convention, as a delegate from the 5th Congressional district of the State of Massachusetts. 2. Resolved, That Johnson B. Gardy is entitled to a seat in this Convention as a delegate from the Sth Congressional district of the State of Missouri. 3. Resolved, That James A. Bayard and William G. Whiteley are entited to seats in this Convention as delegates from the State of Delaware. 4. Resolved, That the delegation headed by R. W. Johnson are entitled to seats in this Convention as delegates from the State of Arkansas. 5. Resolved, That the delegation of which George W. Bryan is chairman are entitled to seats in this Convention from the State of Texas. 6. Resolved, That the delegation of which John Tarleton is chairman are entitled to seats in this convention as delegates from the State of Louisiana. 7. Resolved, That the delegation of which L. P. Walker is chairman are entitled to seats in this Convention as delegates from the State of Alabama. 8. That the delegation of which Henry L. Benning is chairman are entitled to seats in this Convention as dele gates from the State of Georgia. 9. Resolved, That the delegation from the State of Florida accredited to the Charleston Convention are invited to take seats in this Convention and cast the vote of the State of Florida. The Committee presented an elaborately argued report to sustain their resolutions, which was signed by I. I. STEVENS, Oregon, E. W. HUBBARD, Va., H. M. NORTH, Penn., W. H. CARROLL, Tenn., In the points of difference between the majority and minority reports of the Committee on Credentials, I concur in the conclusions of the minority report in the cases of Georgia, Alabama, Missouri and Massachusetts. AARON V. HUGHES, New-Hampshire. Mr. Gittings, of Maryland, presented still another report, concluding with the following resolutions: Resolved, That so much of the majority report of the Committee on Credentials as relates to Massachusetts, Missouri, Delaware, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas, be adopted. Resolved, That the delegation of which L. P. Walker is chairman, be, and they are hereby, declared the only regularly authorized representatives of the State of Alabama, and as such are entitled to seats in the National Democratic Convention. Mr. Stevens demanded the previous question, which was sustained by the Convention, and the main question was ordered, but, without taking the vote, the Convention adjourned. When the Convention assembled on the 22d, Mr. Gittings withdrew his report, which brought the minority report proper-that of Mr. Stevens, of Oregon-first in order, and the question being put on the substitution of the whole minority report for the report of the majority, the motion was lost, 100 to 150, as follows: YEAS-Maine, 24; New-Hampshire, 1; Vermont, 14; Massachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 24; New-Jersey, 4; Penn 10; Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 14; California, 4; Oregon, 3-100. NAYS-Maine, 51; New-Hampshire, 41; Vermont, 31; Massachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 34; New-York, 35; New-Jersey, 3; Pennsylvania, 10; Maryland, 2; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 1; Arkansas, ; Missouri, 4; Tennessee, 1; Kentucky, 2; Ohio, 23; Indiana, 18; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 24-150. Maryland, vote not voted; Tennessee, 1 vote not cast. The question then recurred on adopting the majority report. A division being called for, the vote was taken on the first resolution, admitting the original delegates from Mississippi, which was adopted almost unanimously, 250 to 21. The vote was then taken on the second resolution, admitting the Soulé (Douglas) Delegates from Louisiana, which resulted-Ays, 153; Nays, 98- as follows: YEAS-Maine, 54; New-Hampshire, 44; Vermont, 4); Massachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 34; New-York, 35; New Jersey, 24; Pennsylvania, 10; Maryland, 24; Virginia, 1; North Carolina, 2; Arkansas, ; Missouri, 4; Tennessee, 2; Kentucky, 2; Ohio, 23; Indiana, 18; Illinois, 11; Michigan, 6; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 4; Minnesota, 21-153. NAYS-Maine, 21; New-Hampshire, ; Vermont, ; Massachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 24; New-Jersey, 44; Pennsylvania, 17; Delaware, 2; Maryland, 54; Virginia, 13; North Carolina, 8; Arkansas, Missouri, 5; Tennessee, 10; Kentucky, 10; Minnesota, 14; California, 4; Oregon, 3-98. So the second resolution was adopted. The question was then taken on the third resolution, admitting Col. Hindman and his colleagues (the original delegates) with power to cast two votes, and Mr. Hooper and his colleagues (the contestants) with power to cast one vote; and providing that, if either set of delegates refuse to take seats, the other shall be entitled to cast the whole vote of the State, (Arkansas). A division of the question being called for, the President decided that the resolution was divisible. The question was taken on the three several propositions, viz.:-1st. The admission of the Hindman delegates, which was adopted, 182 to 69. 2d. The admission of the Hooper delegates, which was adopted, 150 to 1001. 3d. On the giving power to one set to cast the whole vote if the other set withdrew, which was adopted without a division. majority report, admitting the original delegation from A vote was then on the fourth resolution of the the State of Texas, which was adopted almost unanimously. A vote was next taken on the fifth resolution, admitting Bayard and Whiteley from Delaware. Adopted without division. The sixth resolution, giving R. L. Chaffee the seat in the Massachusetts delegation contested by Mr. Hallett, was then adopted-yeas, 138, nays, litt. Mr. Stuart, of Michigan, at this point, made motions to reconsider each vote taken, and to lay the same on the table, it being understood that the motions were not to be put till votes on all the propositions had been taken. The seventh resolution, declaring J. O'Fallon entitled to the seat in the Missouri delegation claimed by John B. Gardy, was then adopted-yeas, 1884, nays, 112. The eighth resolution, admitting the contesting delegates from Alabama, was next adopted. Yeas, 1481; Nays, 1011. The question then being on the ninth and last resolution of the majority report, admitting both delegations from Georgia, and dividing the vote of the State between them, with the provision that, if either refused to take seats, the remaining delegates cast the vote of the State. Before the vote was taken, Mr. Seward, of Georgia, pre sented a communication from Col. Gardner, Chairman of the contesting delegates from Georgia, withdrawing from the contest, and the resolution was lost-106 to 145. The original (seceding) delegation from Georgia, headed by H. L. Benning, was subsequently admitted. The President stated the next question to be upon lay ing upon the table the motion to reconsider the vote by which the Convention refused to substitute the resolutions reported by the minority of the Committee on Credentials for those reported by the majority of said Committee. The question being then taken by States, the motion to lay on the table was not agreed to-yeas, 1181; Nays, 128 -as follows: YEAS-Maine, 51; New-Hampshire, 3; Vermont, 41; Massachusetts, 5; Rhode Island, 4; Connecticut, 81; New maintained and supported the Northern Democ reason that they are willing to attribute to us i equality in the Union. The vote to-day has s majority of the North Carolina delegates that, refused by our brethren of the Northern Democ Carolina-Rip Van Winkle, as you may call h longer remain in this Convention. The rights o States and of gentlemen of the South have beer a majority of this body. We cannot act, as we in view of this wrong. I use the word " wrong intention to reflect upon those gentlemen of Carolina delegation who differ with me or with th of the delegation. For these reasons, without any more, as I have no idea of inflicting a sp this Convention, who are in no state of prepara ceive it, I announce that eight out of ten of th North Carolina ask to retire. WITHDRAWAL OF TENNESSEE. Mr. Ewing, of Tennessee. Mr. President, in the delegation from Tennessee, I beg leave to ac Convention upon this occasion, so important, a so solemn in its consequences. The delegation nessee have exhibited, so far as they knew how, position to harmonize this Convention, and to labors to a happy result. They were the first, majority platform was not adopted, to seek for s position for compromise-something that would to harmonize. They have a candidate who was them. They cast away his prospect for the sak mony. They have yielded all that they can. T endeavored, with all their power, to accomplish t they came here for; but they fear that the result be accomplished in a manner that can render a proper account to their constituents. We have c together, and, after anxious and long deliberation knowing exactly what phase this matter might fin sent, we have not adopted any decisive rule for our but a large majority of our delegates some twent -have decided that, upon the result now obta shall ask leave of this Convention to retire, that consult and announce our final action. We shall further part in the deliberations of this Convention our minds should change; and of that I can offer reasonable hope. A PORTION OF MARYLAND WITHDRAWS Mr. Johnson, of Maryland.-Mr. President, I am ized by my colleagues to report the state of facts in to a portion of the Maryland delegation. Repres in part, a district in Maryland upon which the firs of the irrepressible conflict was shed, a district whi fifteen men in midwinter to the rescue of Philad and New-Jersey, we are obliged now to take a step dissolves our connection with you, and to bid you adieu. We have made all sacrifices for the gra Democratic party, whose mission it has been to pr the Constitution and to care for the Republic for than sixty years, until it now seems as if you were order.) I desire to be respectful. I desire to say th action of the majority of the late Convention-a ma created by the operation of a technical unit rule im upon the Convention contrary to Democratic prec and usage-States have been disfranchised, and dis deprived of their rights, until, in our opinion, it is no 1 consistent with our honor or our rights, or the righ our constituents, to remain here. Cherishing deeplwarmly the remembrance of the many gallant deeds have done for us in times past, hoping that hereaft occasion may ever occur to weaken this feeling, I no behalf of the representatives of Maryland, tell you in all future time, and in all future contests, our lot is with the people of the South. Their God shall be our and their country our country. (Applause.) Mr. Glass, of Virginia, declined any fur participation in the proceedings of the Conv tion, but did not indorse the action of his leagues in withdrawing. Mr. Watterson, of Tennessee, declined withdraw. CALIFORNIA WITHDRAWS--AN EXCITEMENT. Mr. Smith, of California, said: While I cannot with the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Jones) that Democracy dates back to that time of which I have no collection, yet I can say that it is unspotted as the va of heaven. California is here with melancholy fac California is here with a lacerated heart, bleeding a weeping over the downfall and the destruction of the |