Imágenes de páginas

without due process of law, it becomes our duty tain this provision of the Constitution against all to violate it for the purpose of establishing S any territory of the United States, by positive le prohibiting its existence or extension therein. deny the authority of Congress, of a territoria ture, of any individual or association of indiv give legal existence to Slavery in any territor

United States, while the present Constitution maintained.

Resolved, That the Constitution confers upon sovereign power over the territories of the Unit

for their government, and that in the exercise power it is both the right and the duty of Co prohibit in the territories those twin relics of ba -Polygamy and Slavery.

Resolved, That while the Constitution of the States was ordained and established by the p order to form a more perfect Union, establish insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the com fense, and secure the blessings of liberty, and ample provisions for the protection of the life and property of every citizen, the dearest consti rights of the people of Kansas have been frau and violently taken from them their territory h invaded by an armed force-spurious and pr legislative, judicial and executive officers have over them, by whose usurped authority, sustained military power of the Government, tyrannical constitutional laws have been enacted and enf 21 the rights of the people to keep and bear arn 19 been infringed-test oaths of an extraordinary tangling nature have been imposed, as a condi exercising the right of suffrage and holding offi right of an accused person to a speedy and publ 3 by an impartial jury has been denied-the right people to be secure in their persons, houses, pap 3 effects against unreasonable searches and seizu been violated-they have been deprived of life, and property without due process of law-that th dom of speech and of the press has been abridge right to choose their representatives has been m no effect-murders, robberies and arsons have bee gated and encouraged, and the offenders have allowed to go unpunished-that all these thing been done with the knowledge, sanction and pr ment of the present Administration, and that f high crime against the Constitution, the Union an manity, we arraign the Administration, the Preside advisers, agents, supporters, apologists and acces either before or after the facts, before the countr before the world, and that it is our fixed purp bring the actual perpetrators of these atrocious out and their accomplices, to a sure and condign punis hereafter. Resolved, That Kansas should be immediately ted as a State of the Union, with her present free C tution, as at once the most effectual way of secur her citizens the enjoyment of the rights and privile which they are entitled; and of ending the civil

now raging in her territory.

Resolved, That the highwayman's plea, that " makes right," embodied in the Ostend Circular, every respect unworthy of American diplomacy would bring shame and dishonor upon any govern or people that gave it their sanction.

Resolved, That a railroad to the Pacific Ocean, b most central and practicable route, is imperative manded by the interests of the whole country, and the Federal Government ought to render immediat efficient aid in its construction; and, as an aux thereto, the immediate construction of an emigrant on the line of the railroad.

Resolved, That appropriations by Congress for improvement of rivers and harbors, of a national ch ter, required for the accommodation and security o existing commerce, are authorized by the Constitu and justified by the obligation of government to pr the lives and property of its citizens.

This contest resulted in the election of Democratic nominees, Buchanan and Brec ridge, who received the electoral votes of

New-Jersey, 7; Pennsylvania, 27; Delaware, 3; ginia, 15; North Carolina, 10; South Carolina Georgia, 10; Alabama, 9; Mississippi, 7; Louisiana Tennessee, 12; Kentucky, 12; Indiana, 18; Illinois Missouri, 9; Arkansas, 4; Florida, 3; Texas, 4; Ca nia, 4.-174.

For Fremont and Dayton: Maine, 8; New-Hamps 5; Vermont, 5; Massachusetts, 13; Rhode Island

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Connecticut, 6; New-York, 35; Ohio, 28; Michigan, 6; viency to the stronger, and an insolent and cowardly

Iowa, 4; Wisconsin, 5-114.

Fillmore and Donelson, Maryland, 8.


The American National Council met in Philadelphia February 19, 1856. All the States except four or five were represented. E. B. Bartlett, of Ky., President of the National Council presided, and, after a rather stormy session of three days, devoted mainly to the discussion of a Party Platform, the following, on the 21st, was adopted:


1. An humble acknowledgment to the Supreme Being, for his protecting care vouchsafed to our fathers in their successful Revolutionary struggle, and hitherto manifested to us, their descendants, in the preservation of the liberties, the independence, and the union of these States.

2. The perpetuation of the Federal Union and Constitution, as the palladium of our civil and religious liberties, and the only sure bulwarks of American Indepen8. Americans must rule America; and to this end


bravado toward the weaker powers; as shown in reopening sectional agitation, by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; as shown in granting to unnaturalized foreigners the right of suffrage in Kansas and Nebraska; as shown in its vacillating course on the Kansas and Nebraska question; as shown in the corruptions which pervade some of the Departments of the Government; as shown in disgracing meritorious naval officers through prejudice or caprice and as shown in the blundering mismanagement of our foreign relations.

14. Therefore, to remedy existing evils, and prevent the disastrous consequences otherwise resulting therefrom, we would build up the "American Party" upon the principles herein before stated.

15. That each State Council shall have authority to amend their several constitutions, so as to abolish the several degrees and substitute a pledge of honor, instead of other obligations, for fellowship and admission into the party.

16. A free and open discussion of all political principles embraced in our Platform.

On the following day (Feb. 22,) the American National Nominating Convention, composed mostly of the same gentlemen who had deliberated as the National Council, organized at Philadelphia, with 227 delegates in attendance, Maine, Vermont, Georgia, and South Carolina, being the only States not represented. Ephraim Marsh, of New Jersey, was chosen to preside,

native-born citizens should be selected for all State, and the Convention remained in session till the

Federal and municipal offices of government employ4. Persons born of American parents residing temporarily abroad, should be entitled to all the rights of 5. No person should be selected for political station

ment, in preference all others. Nevertheless,

native-born citizens.

(whether of native or foreign birth), who recognizes any

25th, and, after disposing of several cases of contested seats, discussed at considerable length, and with great warmth, the question of the power of the National Council to establish a Platform for the Convention, which should be

allegiance or obligation of any description to any foreign of binding force upon that body. Finally, Mr. prince, potentate or power, or who refuses to recognize Killinger, of Pennsylvania, proposed the fol

the Federal and State Constitutions (each within its

sphere) as paramount to all other laws, as rules of polit-lowing:

ical action.

6. The unqualified recognition and maintenance of the reserved rights of the several States, and the cultivation of harmony and fraternal good will between the citizens of the several States, and to this end, non-interference by Congress with questions appertaining solely to the individual States, and non-intervention by each State with the affairs of any other State.

7. The recognition of the right of native-born and naturalized citizens of the United States, permanently residing in any territory thereof, to frame their constitu

Resolved, That the National Council has no authority to prescribe a Platform of principles for this Nominating Convention, and that we will nominate for President and Vice-President no man who is not in favor of interdicting the introduction of Slavery into Territory north 36° 30 by congressional action.

A motion to lay this resolution on the table was adopted, 141 to 59. A motion was then made to proceed to the nomination of a candi

tion and laws, and to regulate their domestic and social date for President, which was carried, 151 to affairs in their own mode, subject only to the provisions 51, the Anti-Slavery delegates, or North Ameriof the Federal Constitution, with the privilege of admis- cans, as they were called, voting in the negapopulation for one Representative in Congress: Pro-tive, and desiring to postpone the nomination. vided, always, that none but those who are citizens of But being beaten at all points, they (to the num

sion into the Union whenever they have the requisite

the United States, under the Constitution and laws thereof, and who have a fixed residence in any such Territory, ought to participate in the formation of the Constitution, or in the enactment of laws for said Terri

tory or State.

[blocks in formation]

9. A change in the laws of naturalization, making a continued residence of twenty-one years, of all not heretofore provided for, an indispensable requisite for citizenship hereafter, and excluding all paupers, and persons convicted of crime, from landing upon our shores; but no interference with the vested rights of foreigners.

10. Opposition to any union between Church and State; no interference with religious faith or worship, and no test oaths for office.

11. Free and thorough investigation into any and all alleged abuses of public functionaries, and a strict economy in public expenditures.

12. The maintenance and enforcement of all-laws constitutionally enacted until said laws shall be repealed, for shall be declared null and void by competent judicial authority.

18. Opposition to the reckless and unwise policy of the present Administration in the general management of our national affairs, and more especially as shown in re

moving "Americans" (by designation) and Conserva

tives in principle, from office, and placing foreigners and Ultraists in their places; as shown in a truckling subser

ber of about 50) either withdrew or refused to take any further part in the proceedings of the Convention, and many of them subsequently supported Col. Fremont for President.

An informal ballot was then taken for President, which resulted as follows:

M. Fillmore, of N. Y..... 71 | John Bell, Tennessee... 5 George Law, N. Y....... 27 Kenneth Raynor, N. C.. 2 Garrett Davis, Ky...... 18 Erastus Brooks, N. Y.... 2 John McLean, Ohio.... 7 Lewis D. Campbell, Ohio. 1 R. F. Stockton, N. J..... 8 John M. Clayton, Del.... 1 Sam. Houston, Texas... 6

A formal ballot was then taken, when Mr. Fillmore was nominated as follows:

Fillmore, 179; Law, 24; Raynor, 14; McLean, 18; Davis, 10; Houston, 8.

Necessary to a choice, 122.

Millard Fillmore was then declared to be the nominee.

A ballot was then taken for Vice-President, and Andrew Jackson Donelson, of Tennessee,

was nominated as follows:

A. J. Donelson, Ten., 181; Percy Walker, Ala., 8 Henry J. Gardner, Mass., 8; Kenneth Raynor, N. C., 8 Mr. Donelson was then declared to be unani.


and ample protection of persons and prop domestic violence and foreign aggression. 5. That it is the duty of every branch of the ment to enforce and practice the most rigid e conducting our public affairs, and that no mor

sary expenses of the government, and gradualb extinction of the public debt.

6. That the proceeds of the public lands ou

sacredly applied to the national objects specif Constitution, and that we are opposed to any la distribution of such proceeds among the State inexpedient in policy, and repugnant to the Cor 7. That Congress has no power to charter a Douglas. Cass. Bank; that we believe such an institution one hostility to the best interests of this country, d to our republican institutions and the liberties o 54 ple, and calculated to place the business of the within the control of a concentrated money p above the laws and will of the people; and the the Democratic legislation in this and all other measures upon which issues have been made bet two political parties of the country, have demo to candid and practical men of all parties thei ness, safety and utility in all business pursuits.

8. That the separation of the moneys of the ment from banking institutions is indispensab safety of the funds of the Government and the the people.

9. That we are decidedly opposed to taking President the qualified Veto power, by which he bled, under restrictions and responsibilities am cient to guard the public interests, to suspend the of a bill whose merits cannot secure the approva thirds of the Senate and House of Representativ the judgment of the people can be obtained there which has saved the American people from the and tyrannical dominion of the Bank of the States, and from a corrupting system of general improvements.

10. That the liberal principles embodied by Jeff the Declaration of Independence, and sanctioned Constitution, which makes ours the land of libe the asylum of the oppressed of every nation, ha been cardinal principles in the Democratic fait

every attempt to abridge the privilege of becomi zens and the owners of soil among us ought to sisted with the same spirit which swept the alien dition laws from our statute books.

And whereas, Since the foregoing declaration v formly adopted by our predecessors in National C tion, an adverse political and religious test has b cretly organized by a party claiming to be excl American, and it is proper that the American Dem should clearly define its relations thereto; and its determined opposition to all secret political so by whatever name they may be called.

Resolved, That the foundation of this Union of having been laid in, and its prosperity, expansio preeminent example of free government, built up tire freedom in matters of religious concernment, respect of persons in regard to rank, or place of no party can justly be deemed national, constitu or in accordance with American principles, which its exclusive organization upon religious opinior accidental birth-place. And hence a political crus the nineteenth century, and in the United States of rica, against Catholics and foreign-born, is neither ju by the past history nor future prospects of the co nor in unison with the spirit of toleration, and el ened freedom which peculiarly distinguishes the can system of popular government.

Resolved, That we reiterate with renewed ener purpose the well considered declarations of former ventions upon the sectional issue of domestic sla and concerning the reserved rights of the States1. That Congress has no power under the Constit to interfere with or control the domestic institutic the several States, and that all such States are th and proper judges of everything appertaining to own affairs not prohibited by the Constitution; th efforts of the Abolitionists or others made to induce

gress to interfere with questions of Slavery, or to incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to to the most alarming and dangerous consequences that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency 1 minish the happiness of the people and endange stability and permanency of the Union, and ough to be countenanced by any friend of our political tutions.

2. That the foregoing proposition covers and wa tended to embrace the whole subject of Slavery agita in Congress, and therefore the Democratic party o and adhere to a faithful execution of the acts known as the Compromise Measures, settled by the Congress of 1850: "the act for reclaiming fugitives from service or labor" included; which act, being designed to carry out an express provision of the Constitution, cannot, with fidelity thereto, be repealed, or so changed as to destroy or impair its efficiency.

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Union, standing on this national platform, will abide byopment of our growing power, requires that we should

3. That the Democratic Party will resist all attempts at renewing, in Congress or out of it, the agitation of the Slavery question, under whatever shape or color the attempt may be made.

4. That the Democratic Party will faithfully abide by and uphold the principles laid down in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1797 and 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia Legislature in 1799 -that-it adopts these principles as constituting one of the main foundations of its political creed, and is resolved to carry them out in their obvious meaning and import.

And that we may more distinctly meet the issue on which a sectional party, subsisting exclusively on Slavery agitation, now relies to test the fidelity of the people, North and South, to the Constitution and the Union

1. Resolved, That claiming fellowship with and desiring the coöperation of all who regard the preservation of the Union under the Constitution as the paramount issue, and repudiating all sectional parties and platforms concerning domestic Slavery, which seek to embroil the States and incite to treason and armed resistance to law in the Territories, and whose avowed purpose, if consummated, must end in civil war and disunion, the American Democracy recognize and adopt the principles contained in the organic laws establishing the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, as embodying the only sound and safe solution of the Slavery question, upon which the great national idea of the people of this whole country can repose in its determined conservation of the Union, and non-interference of Congress with Slavery in the Territories or in the District of Columbia.

2. That this was the basis of the compromises of 1850, confirmed by both the Democratic and Whig parties in National Conventions, ratified by the people in the election of 1852, and rightly applied to the organization of the Territories in 1854.

3. That by the uniform application of the Democratic principle to the organization of Territories, and the admission of new States with or without domestic Slavery, as they may elect, the equal rights of all the States will be preserved intact, the original compacts of the Constitution maintained inviolate, and the perpetuity and expansion of the Union insured to its utmost capacity of embracing, in peace and harmony, every future American State that may be constituted or annexed with a republican form of government.

Resolved, That we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, including Kansas and Nebraska, acting through the legally and fairly expressed will of the majority of the actual residents, and whenever the number of their inhabitants justifies it, to form a Constitution, with or without domestic Slavery, and be admitted into the Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other States.

Resolved, finally, That in view of the condition of popular institutions in the Old World (and the dangerous tendencies of sectional agitation, combined with the attempt to enforce civil and religious disabilities against the rights of acquiring and enjoying citizenship in our own land), a high and sacred duty is involved with increased responsibility upon the Democratic Party of this country, as the party of the Union, to uphold and maintain the rights of every State and thereby the Union of the States-and to sustain and advance among us constitutional liberty, by continuing to resist all monopolies and exclusive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant adherence to those principles and compromises of the Constitution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Union as it was, the Union as it is, and the Union as it shall be in the full expression of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people.

1. Resolved, That there are questions connected with the foreign policy of this country which are inferior to no domestic question whatever. The time has come for the people of the United States to declare themselves in favor of free seas, and progressive free trade throughout the world, and, by solemn manifestations, to place their moral influence at the side of their successful example.

2. Resolved, That our geographical and political position with reference to the other states of this continent, no less than the interest of our commerce and the devel

hold sacred the principles involved in the MONROE doctrine. Their bearing and import admit of no misconstruction, and should be applied with unbending rigidity.

3. Resolved, That the great highway, which nature as well as the assent of States most immediately interested in its maintenance has marked out for free communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, constitutes one of the most important achievements realized by the spirit of modern times, in the unconquerable energy of our people; and that result would be secured by a timely and efficient exertion of the control which we have the right to claim over it; and no power on earth should be suffered to impede or clog its progress by any interference with relations that it may suit our policy to establish between our Government and the government of the States within whose dominions it lies; we can under no circumstance surrender our preponderance in the adjustment of all questions arising out of it.

4. Resolved, That, in view of so commanding an interest, the people of the United States cannot but sympathize with the efforts which are being made by the people of Central America to regenerate that portion of the continent which covers the passage across the interoceanic isthmus.

5. Resolved, That the Democratic Party will expect of the next Administration that every proper effort be made to insure our ascendency in the Gulf of Mexico, and to maintain permanent protection to the great outlets through which are emptied into its waters the products raised out of the soil and the commodities created by the industry of the people of our western valleys and of the Union at large.

Resolved, That the Administration of FRANKLIN PIERCE has been true to Democratic principles, and therefore true to the great interests of the country; in the face of violent opposition, he has maintained the laws at home, and vindicated the rights of American citizens abroad; and therefore we proclaim our unqualified admiration of his measures and policy.


A Whig National Convention met at Baltimore on the 17th of Sept., 1856-Edward Bates, of Missouri, presiding. The nominations of Millard Fillmore for President, and Andrew J. Donelson for Vice-President, were unanimously concurred in. The Convention adopted the following


Resolved, That the Whigs of the United States, now here assembled, hereby declare their reverence for the Constitution of the United States, their unalterable attachment to the National Union, and a fixed determination to do all in their power to preserve them for themselves and their posterity. They have no new principles to announce; no new platform to establish; but are content to broadly rest-where their fathers restedupon the Constitution of the United States, wishing no safer guide, no higher law.

Resolved, That we regard with the deepest interest and anxiety the present disordered condition of our national affairs-a portion of the country ravaged by civil war, large sections of our population embittered by mutual recriminations; and we distinctly trace these calamities to the culpable neglect of duty by the present national administration.

Resolved, That the Government of the United States was formed by the conjunction in political unity of wide spread geographical sections materially differing, not only in climate and products, but in social and domestic institutions; and that any cause that shall permanently array the different sections of the Union in political hostility and organized parties founded only on geographical distinctions must inevitably prove fatal to a continuance of the National Union.

Resolved, That the Whigs of the United States declare, as a fundamental article of political faith, an absolute necessity for avoiding geographical parties. The danger, so clearly discerned by the Father of his Country, has now become fearfully apparent in the agitation now convulsing the nation, and must be arrested at once if we would preserve our Constitution and our Union from dismemberment, and the name of America from being blotted out from the family of civilized nations.


Resolved, That all who revere the Constitution and those present and voting should be re
the Union, must look with alarm at the parties in the nominate candidates. The following
field in the present Presidential campaign-one claiming
only to represent sixteen Northern States, and the other was adopted, and, without taking a
appealing mainly to the passions and prejudices of the President, the Convention again adjou
Southern States; that the success of either faction must

add fuel to the flame which now threatens to wrap our
dearest interests in a common ruin.

Resolved, That the only remedy for an evil so appal

ling is to support a candidate pledged to neither of the

geographical sections now arrayed in political antagon

ism, but holding both in a just and equal regard. We
congratulate the friends of the Union that such a candi-
date exists in Millard Fillmore.


Resolved, That we, the delegated representa Republican electors of the United States, in

assembled, in discharge of the duty we owe

stituents and our country, unite in the follo


1. That the history of the nation, during t

Resolved, That, without adopting or referring to the years, has fully established the propriety and

peculiar doctrines of the party which has already se-
lected Mr. Fillmore as a candidate, we look to him as a
well-tried and faithful friend of the Constitution and the
Union, eminent alike for his wisdom and firmness-for
his justice and moderation in our foreign relations-for
his calm and pacific temperament, so well becoming the
head of a great nation for his devotion to the Constitu-
tion in its true spirit-his inflexibility in executing the
laws; but, beyond all these attributes, in possessing the
one transcendent merit of being a representative of

of the organization and perpetuation of the party, and that the causes which called it int are permanent in their nature, and now, more before, demand its peaceful and constitutional

2. That the maintenance of the principles pr in the Declaration of Independence and embod Federal Constitution, "That all men are crea that they are endowed by their Creator with alienable rights; that among these are life, li the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure th

neither of the two sectional parties now struggling for governments are instituted among men, deri

political supremacy.

Resolved, That, in the present exigency of political affairs, we are not called upon to discuss the subordinate

questions of administration in the exercising of the Constitutional powers of the Government. It is enough to know that civil war is raging, and that the Union is in peril; and we proclaim the conviction that the restora

tion of Mr. Fillmore to the Presidency will furnish the best if not the only means of restoring peace.

In the election which ensued, Mr. Fillmore received the vote of Maryland only, while Mr. Buchanan obtained those of the 14 other Slave States, and of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois and California, making 172 in all. Col. Fremont received the votes of the eleven other Free States, making 114 in all. Pennsylvania and Illinois, had they voted for Col. Fremont, would have given him the election.


A Republican National Convention assembled at Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, May 16th, 1860, delegates being in attendance from all the Free States, as also from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Texas, the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and the Dis. trict of Columbia.

Gov. Morgan, of New-York, as Chairman of the National Executive Committee, nominated David Wilmot as temporary Chairman, and he was chosen. The usual Committees on permanent organization, credentials, etc., were appointed, and the Convention was permanently organized by the selection of George Ashmun, of Massachusetts, as President, with a VicePresident and a Secretary from each State and Territory represented. A Committee, of one from each State and Territory, was appointed to draft suitable resolutions, or in other words a Platform, and the Convention adjourned.

On the following day, an interesting debate arose on a proposition to require a vote equal to a majority of full delegations from all the States to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President; which, with the delegates actually in attendance, would have been about equivalent to a two-third rule. This proposition was voted down, and the Convention decided, by a vote of 331 to 130, that only a majority of

* The delegation from Texas has since been proved fraudulent, having been got up in Michigan to effect a personal end.

just powers from the consent of the governed, tial to the preservation of our Republican ins and that the Federal Constitution, the Righ

States, and the Union of the States, must and


3. That to the Union of the States this nation

unprecedented increase in population, its surp velopment of material resources, its rapid augi of wealth, its happiness at home and its hono and we hold in abhorrence all schemes for Disun

from whatever source they may: And we con the country that no Republican member of Cong uttered or countenanced the threats of Disunion made by Democratic members, without rebuke applause from their political associates; and we those threats of disunion, in case of a popular o of their ascendency, as denying the vital princi free government, and as an avowal of contempla son, which it is the imperative duty of an indign ple sternly to rebuke and forever silence.

4. the maintenance inviolate the righ States, and especially the right of each State to o control its own domestic institutions according to judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance ers on which the perfection and endurance of ou cal fabric depends; and we denounce the lawless by armed force of the soil of any State or Terri matter under what pretext, as among the gra crimes.

5. That the present Democratic Administration exceeded our worst apprehensions, in its measurel serviency to the exactions of a sectional interest pecially evinced in its desperate exertions to fo infamous Lecompton Constitution upon the pro people of Kansas; in construing the personal r between master and servant to involve an unq property in persons; in its attempted entorcement, where, on land and sea, through the intervention gress and of the Federal Courts of the extreme sions of a purely local interest; and in its gener unvarying abuse of the power intrusted to it by a c ing people.

6. That the people justly view with alarm the re extravagance which pervades every department Federal Government; that a return to rigid ecc and accountability is indispensable to arrest the matic plunder of the public treasury by favored sans; while the recent startling developments of f and corruptions at the Federal metropolis, show th entire change of administration is imperativel manded.

7. That the new dogma that the Constitution, own force, carries Slavery into any or all of the Te ries of the United States, is a dangerous political he at variance with the explicit provisions of that in ment itself, with cotemporaneous exposition, and legislative and judicial precedent; is revolutionary tendency, and subversive of the peace and harmon the country. 8. That the normal condition of all the territory of United States is that of freedom: That as our Republ fathers, when they had abolished Slavery in all our tional territory, ordained that "no person should be prived of life, liberty, or property, without due pro

of law," it becomes our duty, by legislation, whene such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provis of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it; we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial le

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