Total...... 94375 118670 22386 80901 95340 6929 69907 74745 8100 67867 70131 2106 65302 51604 Buchanan over Fremont, 24,295; Pierce over Scott, 14,439; Cass over Taylor, 4,888; Polk over Clay, 2,264; Harrison over Van Buren, 18,698. ONNECTICUT. COUNTIES. Rep. Dem. Am. Whig. Dem. F. Soil. Whig. Dem. Free D. Whig. Dem. Abo. Whig. Dem. Frem't Buc'an Fill're. Scott. Pierce. Hale. Taylor. Cass. Van B. Clay. Polk. Birney. Ha'son Van B. Total. 42715 34995 2615 30859 33249 3160 30314 27046 5005 32832 29841 1943 31601 25296 Fremont over Buchanan, 7,720; Pierce over Scott, 2,890; Taylor over Cass, 8,268; Clay over Polk, 2,991; Harrison over Van Buren, 6,305. Mr. Birney received 174 votes in 1840. COUNTIES. Rep. Dem. Am. Adams Allegheny Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Bucks Butler 965 10112 6591 361 5 5 281 58 166 Whig. Dem. F. Soil. Whig. Dem. Free D. Whig. Dem. Abo. Whig. Dem. Scott. Pierce. Hale. Taylor. Cass. Van B. Chay. Polk. Biruey. Ha'son Van B 1120 2637 1249 2725 2018 31 2576 1762 25 2609 1891 13671 9062 1488 9615 7226 8083 5743 2963 2680 188 2093 2430 2658 1905 236 1805 1943 306 2458 1936 2273 2319 1037 11272 3586 4913 9503 445 2069 2450 2590 1931 6933 2314 101 8526 3930 4682 6517 735 4928 5766 3401 2648 67 2833 2533 6 2453 1628 2080 2126 779 435 7619 4578 2655 2303 530 2792 2172 270 3143 1710 McKean... 263 276 Buchanan over Fremont, 83,200; do. over Fremont and Fillmore, 1,025; Pierce over Scott, 19,394; Taylor over Cass, 14,337; Polk over Clay, 6,332; Harrison over Van Buren, 349. Mr. Birney received 843 votes in 1840. MARYLAND. Am. Dem. Rep. Whig. Dem. F. Soil. Whig. Dem. Free D. Whig. Dem. Abo. Whig. Dem. 1264 1344 1039 1159 2193 23 895 1721 8129 1656 25 2788 1765 18 2423 1518 1061 1533 164 966 1877 65 855 1276 243 948 1088 136 Baltimore City. 16900 9882 9558 14035 10474 10995 8413 8866 7296 7326 Baltimore Co... 3504 3155 1946 3001 1941 2620 451 344 494 325 580 1763 1672 680 552 1784 1694 1527 687 535 1554 1610 1504 1448 1314 Fillmore over Buchanan, 8,845; Pierce over Scott, 4,954; Taylor over Cass, 8,174; Clay over Polk, 3,308; Harrison over Van Buren, 4,776. Buchanan over Fillmore, 1,829; Pierce over Scott, 25; Taylor over Cass, 523; Clay over Polk, 287; Harrison over Van Buren, 1,088. GEORGIA-(Continued.) 474 42228 56578 16660 34705 47544 44802 42100 44177 40261 31921 Buchanan over Fillmore, 14,350; Pierce over Scott, 18,045; Taylor over Cass, 2,742; Polk over Clay, 2,077; Harrison over Van Buren, 8,340. In 1852 a Webster Ticket received 5324, and an Independent Pierce Ticket, 5,811. VIRGINIA. |