our indivisible country. Peace to the departed friend of his country and his race. Happy was his life, for he was a restorer of the Republic, and he was happy in his death, for the manner of his end will plead forever for the Union of the States 'and the freedom of man." The last inaugural address of President Lincoln was then read by Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, D.D., followed by the reading of the ninety-fourth Psalm, by Rev. W. H. Boole, which was exceedingly appropriate to the occasion. It was addressed by King David to the enemies of his country, and can not be read too often. Prayer was then offered by Rev. Dr. Rogers. It was both concise and comprehensive, enumerating in its petitions all the wants of the people and nation. Rabbi Isaacs, of the Jewish Synagogue, on Broadway, then read a portion of Scripture and offered a fervent and touching prayer, from which I give a single quotation : "Thy servant, Abraham Lincoln, has, without warning, been summoned before Thy august presence. He has served the people of his afflicted land faithfully, zealously, honestly, and, we would fain hope, in accordance with Thy supreme will. O, that his 'righteousness may precede him and form steps for his way,' to the heavenly abode of bliss; that Thy angels of mercy may be commissioned to convey his soul to the spot reserved for martyred saints; that the suddenness with which one of the worst of beings deprived him of his life, may atone for any errors which he may have committed. Almighty God! every heart is pierced by anguish-every countenance furrowed with grief, at our separation from one we revered and loved. We beseech Thee, in this period of our sorrow and despondency, to soothe our pains and calm our griefs. Our Father who art in heaven, show us this kindness, so that our tears may cease to depict our sorrow, and give place to the joyful hope that, through Thy goodness, peace and concord may supersede war and dissension, and our beloved Union, restored to its former tranquility, may be enabled to carry out Thy wish for the benefit and the happiness of humanity. * * * * We pray Thee, do this; if not for our sakes, for the sake of our little ones, unsullied by sin, who lisp Thy holy name, with hands uplifted, with the importunity of spotless hearts, they re-echo our supplication. Let the past be the end of our sorrow, the future the harbinger of peace and salvation to all who seek Thee in truth. Amen." Rev. Dr. Osgood then read a hymn entitled, "Thou hast put all things under Thy feet," which was written by William Cullen Bryant. An "Ode for the Burial of Abraham Lincoln," by the same author, was read by Dr. Osgood, also. It reads as follows: "Oh slow to smite and swift to spare, "In sorrow by thy bier we stand, "Thy task is done; the bond are free; "Pure was thy life; its bloody close Hath placed thee with the sons of light, Archbishop McClosky, who was to have pronounced the benediction, having become exhausted by his long walk in the procession, was not present, and that service was performed by Rev. Dr. Hitchcock. The following is an extract from a sermon by Henry Ward Beecher, at Plymouth Church, Sunday April 30, 1865, with reference to the funeral cortege of Abraham Lincoln: "And now the martyr is moving in triumphal march, mightier than when alive. The nation rises up at every stage of his coming; cities and states are as pall bearers, and the cannon beat the hours in solemn procession; dead, dead, dead, he yet speaketh! Is Washington dead? Is Hampden dead? Is David dead? Is any man, that was ever fit to live, dead? Disenthralled from the flesh, and risen to the unobstructed sphere where passion never comes, he begins his illimitable work. His life is now upon the infinite, and will be faithful as no earthly life can be. Pass on. Four years ago, Oh! Illinois, we took from your midst an untried man, from among the people. Behold! we return to you a mighty conqueror, not thine any more, but the nation's-not ours, but the world's. Give him place, Oh, ye prairies. In the midst of this great continent his dust shall rest, a sacred treasure to the myriads who shall pilgrimage to that shrine, to kindle anew their zeal and patriotism. Ye winds that move over the mighty prairies of the west, chant his requiem! Ye people, behold the martyr, whose blood, as so many articulated words, pleads for fidelity, for law, for liberty." The funeral cortege remained thirty hours in New York, and about twenty-two of that time, the corpse was exposed to public view. During those hours, it was thought to be a moderate estimate, that one hundred and twenty thousand persons looked upon the rigid features of Abraham Lincoln. It was also estimated that, on the twenty-fifth of April, from seventyfive to one hundred thousand persons took part in the procession, and that there was at least half a million spectators along the line of the procession. Some newspaper reporters placed the number that viewed the remains at one hundred and fifty thousand, and the spectators of the procession at three quarters of a million. The more I think of the subject, the more I am impressed with the inadequacy of language to convey a correct idea of the intensity of feeling and the magnitude of the demonstration; but take it in all its bearings, New York paid a tribute of respect to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, the like of which was never approached in this country before, and has probably not been excelled in the obsequies of any ruler in the history of the world. One incident I can not forbear to mention. Lieutenant General Scott accompanied the escort through the city, in his carriage. At the Thirtieth street depot, he paid his last respects to the remains of President Lincoln, and then withdrew from the crowd and stood alone, waiting for the departure of the train. One of the Illinois delegation, who was also a member of Congress, approached the General and introduced himself, offering as an apology for doing so, the fact that it was his first, and might be his last opportunity. General Scott assured him that no apology was neccessary, and straightening himself to his full height, said, "You do me honor, Sir.' Notwithstanding he was in his seventy-ninth year, the gentleman who related the circumstance to me, says he was the most majestic specimen of a man he ever saw. After introducing the other members of the delegation, they all left him and entered the cars. CHAPTER XV. The hearse car and Generals' car, or that occupied by the Guard of Honor, were transferred from Jersey City to New York on a tug boat. Those two, with seven others furnished by the Hudson River railroad, made up the train to convey the funeral party from New York to Albany. All things being in readiness, the train left the Thirtieth street depot at 4:15 p. m., April 25, leaving an immense multitude of spectators, the men with uncovered heads. They then dispersed, to treasure up the memories of that day to the end of their lives. At all the stations were demonstrations of sorrow and respect. Fort Washington, Mount St. Vincent, Yonkers, Hastings, Dobb's Ferry, Irvington, Tarrytown, Sing Sing, Montrose, Peekskill, and many other stations, were all passed in quick succession. At many of them the train was greeted with minute guns and bands performing dirges. Funeral arches and inscriptions expressive of the sorrow of the people, were everywhere visible. At some of the stations groups of young ladies were standing on the platforms, representing the States, dressed in white with mourning badges. Many of the mottoes seen before were repeated. Among the new ones, were such as, "He died for truth." "Bear him gently to his rest." Garrison's Landing, 6:20 p. m. This is opposite West Point, with which it is connected by a ferry. A company of Regular soldiers and all the West Point Cadets were drawn up in line. The officers of the Academy stood apart, all with uncovered heads. The |