ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS GENERAL (Charged with the defense of the Government) PERRY WILLIAM MORTON CHARLES K. RICE GEORGE COCHRAN DOUB VI Pay and allowances; Naval Reserve Act; petition dis- AMBLER, CLARENCE N., ET AL. 76 Contract; apprentice training. ANDERSON, THOMAS E., ET AL.. 192, 880 Overtime pay; Post Office scheme examinations. Cer- Just compensation; closing of mine where Federal dam BARNES, TURNER T., ET AL. 76 Contract; apprentice training. BATTEN, LORING W., JR., ET AL.. 875 Pay and allowances; retired pay, armed services; judg- BERESLAVSKY, EUPHIME V. (No. 48722). Patents; infringement. 434, 881 Certiorari denied. BIEDERMAN, CHARLES H.... Income tax; refund; amended petition dismissed. Indian claim; jurisdiction; appeal dismissed. Ap- Page 874 877 BONAVIRE, J. J., INC. 871 Contract; petition dismissed. BRISBANE (EUGENE C.), BANKRUPT, AND BRISBANE & Excess profits tax; claim for refund; timely filing. CEBU STEVEDORING CO., INC... 876 Contract; petition dismissed. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILROAD Transportation of freight; surplus scrap steel. 849 CHRYSLER CORPORATION (Nos. 49768 AND 93-53)__. 260 Patents; right of licensee to sue for infringements. Contract; maritime action; jurisdiction. Plaintiff's pe- COOPER TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY (CONG. No. 10- Report to Congress; losses on Government contracts as 879 539 Page DONOVAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND JAMES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, A JOINT VENTURE, DOING BUSINESS AS DONOVAN-JAMES COMPANY___. --- 97, 880 Contract; liability for flood damage. Certiorari denied. DONOVAN-JAMES COMPANY_ 97, 880 EAST COAST WAREHOUSE CORPORATION_ 874 Contract; storage of rubber; judgment entered. ERIE BASIN METAL PRODUCTS, INC. (No. 50271)____ LANDS__ Contract; purchase of ships under the Merchant Ship 67 451 FEHLHABER CORPORATION. 571 Contract; changed conditions. FURLONG, JOHN А.......... 843 Pay and allowances; retired Army pay; statute of GEORGE (JOHN LEE, SR.), GUARDIAN OF JOHN LEE Pay and allowances; jurisdiction; petition dismissed. GERSHWIN (IRA), ARTHUR GERSHWIN, EMANUAL Income tax; proceeds from contract for motion picture 879 205 GOGGIN (GEORGE T.), TRUSTEE in BankruPTCY IN Contract; forfeiture; statute of limitations. HARBAY, STEPHEN J... Page 279 284 Pay and allowances; retired Navy pay. HEATER (MARIA DOLORES Mooers), and CLAUDE L. HEATER... 813 Estate tax; compromise settlement. HOLT, PHILLIP C. (No. 353-52). 870 Pay and allowances; retired Navy pay; judgment HOPPE, EDGAR E. (No. 323-55) 877 Suit for salary; Bureau of Internal Revenue. Plain- HOUDAILLE INDUSTRIES, INC. (FORMERLY KNOwn as 301 Patent; validity and infringement. JOHNSON, RHEA SMITHSON--- Pay and allowances; retired disability pay; Air Force officer. Certiorari denied. JORDAN, JOSEPH A............... 81, 879 647 Suit for salary; Air Force. 196, 880 JORGENSEN, BORGE__ Gift tax; New York bank account of Danish citizen. Certiorari denied. |