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ALHAMBRA, the, by Geoffrey Crayon, 1. America, United States of, advantages of their separation from the mother country, 218.
America, slavery in, character of, 389; has
ceased to be profitable in the middle states, 391; dangers arising from, 393; expla- nation of the increase of the slave popu- lation, 397.
Annuals, the, 444, et seq.; 540, et seq. Article, the twentieth, controversy relating to, 293; 558, 9.
Balsams, account of, 210-213.
Barton's (Lucy) bible letters for children, 183.
Birds, British, anecdotes of, 82-5.
Blacks, free, condition of in America, 393. Bloomfield's Greek Testament, 465-492; see Greek Testament.
Burton's, Dr. Greek Testament, 465; see Greek Testament.
remarks on church reform, 525.
537. Bruen, Rev. M., memoir of, 33, et seq.; character of Mr. Bruen, 33; sketch of his life, 34. 44; his feelings at visiting St. Peter's at Rome, 38; charge to four missionaries, 42.
Calvin, conduct of, towards Servetus exa-
mined, 520, et seq. Chalmers, Dr., on political economy, 44, et seq.; author's design and main propo- sition, 45; education not a panacea for all the evils arising from the unequal dis- tribution of wealth, 45; synopsis of au- thor's work, 47; on the standard of en- joyment, ib.; causes that regulate wages,
49; fallacious theory of population, 50; theories of Spence, &c., and early work of the author, 55; English and Irish pauperism compared, 57; alleged utility of a church establishment, 59; see Eccle- siastical controversy.
Charlemagne, character of, 317-319; see James.
Chinese, number of the, in Siam, 197. Cholera, Indian, not contagious, 133; cu- rious mode of banishing, 134. Christian warfare; see Vaughan. Chumbul, falls of the, 138; valley of the
Church history; see Scott.
Church reform, pamphlets on, 297, 525. Clocks, fancies on, 553.
Colonies, utility and disadvantages of, 216 -222.
Colonization society, American, 386, et seq.; origin of the plan, 390; its ineffi-
ciency as a substitute for emancipation, 396; exceptionable doctrines held by its advocates, 400.
Commerce, dictionary of; see M'Culloch. Corn laws, lord Milton on the, 437; reign of high prices not advantageous to the la- bourer, 437; prohibitory system not pro- tective to the farmer, 489; effect of the corn laws on manufactures, 440; the prosperity of the agriculturist dependent on the home demand, 443. Cruden, Alex., remarkable death of, 91.
Dissenters, differences of opinion among, on establishments, 527; marriages of, grievances relating to, 362. Dove's life of Andrew Marvell, 416, et seq.; sketch of his life, 417-420; his works, 420.422; dialogue between the soul and pleasure, 423; ironical lament on the evils of the press, 425.
Earle's residence in New Zealand, 239, et seq.; author's adventures, 240; his quarrel with the missionaries in New Zealand, 211; character of the European settlers in the islands, 242; character of the natives, 243; history of Glass, the governor of Tristan d'Acunha, 246. Ecclesiastical controversy, actual state of the, 281, et seq.; church authority merely a name, 293; prelacy in disgrace in Hooker's time, 294; views of modern church reformers, 297; reasons for new model, 298; Fiat-Justitia's views of a non-secular episcopacy, 301; temper of the times, 303; plea for universal com- munion, 304; state of the controversy as to matters spiritual, 305; controversy relating to the establishment and church property, 308; remarks on tithe, 309; see church reform.
Economy, political; see Chalmers, Marti-
against examined, 530, et seq. Episcopacy, controversy relating to, 294; model of non-secular, 301. Established church, apology for seceding from, 93; authority claimed by exa- mined, 293; controversy relating to, 308, 527, 533.
Establishment, church; alleged utility of, 59; present state of, 93; objections against, 533.
Eyre's illustrations of St. Paul's epistles, 97, et seq.; objectionable and mistaken character of the author's performance as a translation, 97; specimen, 99; remarks on Rom. i. 3., 100; author's paraphrase of Rom. ix. 5., ib.; of Rom. v., ib.; of 2 Cor. xi. 1-6., and xiii. 14., 103; of Heb. i. 3., xii. 1., 104; remarks on the proper object and principles of an exege- tical translation of the epistles, 105; in- judicious divisions of the A.Version, 106; character of Coverdale's and Tyndale's version, 108; the literal sense, what? 110; specimen of free translation by I. Taylor, 111; prejudices against private translations, 112; Purver's, Geddes's,
and other versions, 115; Selden's pane- gyric on the A.Version, 116; true prin- ciple of interpretation, ib.; Harwood's New Testament, 117; Terrot's para- phrase of epistle to the Romans, 118; Cox's Horæ Romanæ, ib.; M'Lean and Stuart's translation of the epistle to the Hebrews, ib.; version of Heb. i. 1. &c.,
Factory children, sufferings of, 348. Fry's brief inquiry respecting tithes, 525. 531.
Fuller, Rev. A., complete works of, 522.
Gahagan's rhyme version of the liturgy
psalms, 407, et seq.; specimens, 412. Geologists, researches and deductions of, estimated, 26, 7.
Girdlestone's letter on church reform, 525. Granada, conquest of; see Irving. Greek Testament, new editions of the, by Bloomfield, Burton, and Valpy, 465, et seq.; English notes first given in Valpy's 2d ed., 466; Dr. Burton's apology for English notes, ib.; thraldom exerted by the Latin language, 467; its unhappy influence on biblical studies, 469; new era introduced by Middleton's work on the Greek article, ib.; on the style of the New Testament writers, 470; on Mill's text, 471; plan of Dr. Bloomfield's text, 472; important advance indicated by these publications, 474; results of colla- tion satisfactory, 475; annotations on Acts xx. 28., 476; remarks on the vari- ous readings, 478; Dr. Bloomfield's di- vinity at fault, 480; his flippant note on Rom. xi. 22., 481; Dr. Burton's note on 1 John v. 7., 482; critical exposition of the passage, 483; critical remarks on 1 Tim. iii. 16., 485; on Eph. ii. 2., 487; on Heb. iii. 3., ix. 16., and Gal. iii. 20, 488; on Jam. iv. 5., 6., 489; on Rev. i. 4., ib.; on Heb. i. 12., 490; on the use of the article, 491; compara- tive merits of the editions, 492. Gregory VII., pontificate of; see Griesley. Griesley's pontificate of Gregory VII.,
369, et seq.; characters of Hildebrand, by Gibbon and Sismondi, 369; the contest between the emperors and popes, a natî- onal quarrel, 370; the papal monarchy a phantom, 372, 383; biographical sketch of the life of Hildebrand, 373; battle be- tween rival popes, 376; letter of William I. to Gregory VII., 384; dictates of Hildebrand, ib.; papal power incorrectly estimated, ib.
Gutzlaff, Mr. and Mrs., 199, 200.
Hanbury's Hooker's works; see Hooker. Harry's twelve lectures on the person of Christ, 181, 182.
Henley's (Lord), plan of church reform, 525; sensation produced by, ib.; Sto- vel's remarks on, 528; Dr. Burton's re- marks on, 537.
Hildebrand (Pope); see Greisley. Hindoo society, romantic view of, 120. Hooker's works by Hanbury, 281, et seq.;
Hooker's address to the reformers of his day, 282; Hooker a Guelph in politics, 283; radical fallacy of his reasonings, ib.; definition of legal and natural rights, 285; what rights attach to a church, 286; right of private judgement explain- ed, 289; merits of editor's labours, 290; origin of the publication, ib.; note on the apocryphal clause of Art. xx., 293. Horticulture; see Lindley.
Idolatry, moral effects of, 120, 140. India, early history of; see Tod's Rajas- than.
Indo-British, rising importance of, 169. Inspiration of the scriptures, the question
relating to, stated and discussed, 156, et seq.; see Woods.
Irving's, Washington, chronicle of the con- quest of Granada, 1, et seq.; interesting character of the struggle between the Moors and Spaniards, 1; the Turk and the Saracen discriminated, 2; literary character of the author's performance, ib.; anecdote of a Castilian envoy to the king of Granada, 4; description of the Alhambra, 5; genius of the moors of Spain, 8; merits of the early chronicles of Spain, 10; of the works of Condé and Marles, 10; anecdote of Ferdinand Nar- vaez, 12; policy of the expulsion of the Moors, 13.
James's history of Charlemagne, 310, et seq.; historic character of his reign, 311; empires founded on conquest transitory, ib.; state of Europe prior to Charle- magne, 312; state of France at the death of Clovis, 313; biographers of Charle- magne, 315; author's panegyric upon the emperor, 317; characters of Charle- magne by Gibbon and Thierry, 319; author's defence of the atrocious attempt to force Christianity on the Saxons, 321. Jay's evening exercises, 86; specimen, 87. Jephthah, daughter of, a poem, 235, 6. Jeremie's essays on colonial slavery, 405. Jesse's gleanings in natural history, 73, 77; observations on the road, 78; the cardinal spider, 79; anecdotes of the cuckoo, 80. Jonah, a poem, 234, 235.
Labour, causes that regulate the wages of 49.66. 443; free and slave compared, 63. 391, 2. Latrobe's pedestrian, 493, et seq.; descrip- tion of the valley of Engadine, 494; Rhetian language, 495; remarkable es- cape of the emperor Maximilian, 497; costume of the Tyrolese, 498, 9; In- spruck, 499; history of the Tyrolese war of 1809, 499. 505; character of Hofer, 503; character of the Tyrolese, 506; description of the Pusterthal, 507. Law, Bp. on tithes, 525; admits the ne- cessity of commutation, 535. Lee's defence of Tithes, 525. Liberia, Africo-American Colony of, 385. Liddiard's Tour in Switzerland and France, 510, et seq.
Light, effects of on plants, 361. Lindley's first principles of Horticulture, 360, et seq.
Low's Grammar of the T,hai or Siamese Language, 197, et seq.
M'Culloch's Dictionary of Commerce, 209, et seq.; extracts from, 210-225; colonies, utility of controverted by the author, 216, et seq.
Maltby's, Bp. Sermons, 173, et seq.; of- fice and object of the preacher, 173; author's adoption of Belsham's theory of interpretation, 177; the bishop at va- riance with St. Paul; his view of re- ligion, 181.
Marle's history of the Arabians and Moors in Spain, 1. 10.
Marriages, fourteen reasons against Dis-
senters' being celebrated by episcopal clergymen, 362.
Marsh's book of Psalms, 405, et seq.; specimens, 409. 412.
Martineau's, H., illustrations of political economy, 44, 61, 328; design of the se- ries, 61; definition of the science, 62; summary of principles relating to free and slave labour, 63; economy of la- bour, when beneficial, 64; effect of ex- cessive agricultural capital in depressing profits and wages, 66; increase of til- lage in Ireland, disadvantageous to the peasantry, ib.; nature of rent, 67; re- lation of landlord and tenant, 68; life in the wilds, 69; slave cultivation costly, 71; writer's summary of principles re- lating to increase of population, 329; fallacy of the notion that the increase is limited by the means of subsistence, 330; on the diminished productiveness of ca- pital, 333; not the cause of distress in England, 334; ultimate checks upon po- pulation examined, 335; illustration of
the necessity of discouraging marriage, 837; opposite view of Quarterly Re- viewer, 341; writer's objections against charities, 342; rationale and origin of the poor laws, 343; altered opinions of Mr. M'Culloch on the poor laws, 344; writer's extravagant deprecation of pri- vate beneficence, 345; theory respecting the tendency of dense population to les- sen the mean duration of life, 347; ef- fects of the factory system, 348; scene in a factory, ib.
Marvell, Andrew, character of, 416;. see Dove.
Millhouse's destinies of Man, 349, et seq.; specimens, 350. 356.
Milton (Viscount) on the corn laws, 436, et seq.; see Corn Laws.
Minstrelsy of the Woods, 73; song of the falcon, 82; of the goldfinch, 83; the raven, 85.
Miraculous gifts, sermons on, 91. Missionaries, success of in India, 169; la- bours of in Siam, 198; charges against those in New Zealand examined, 241. Montgomery's (R.) Messiah, a poem, 226, et seq.; specimens of, 229. 232. Moors in Spain, their character, 1.8; po- licy of their expulsion, 13. Mundell, remarks of, on the necessary ope- ration of the corn laws, 443. Murray's researches in natural history, 73, et seq.; insect barometer, ib.; aeronaut spider, 74; mode of its ascent, 75; fall of cobwebs, 76; see spider.
Negro emancipation, objections against examined, 400, et seq.
Newman's Protestant dissenter's catechism,
281; history of the publication, 305. New Zealand; see Earle. New Zealanders, character of, 243.
Ecolampadius, letter from, 517.
Papal monarchy, an historical phantom, 372.383.
Peguans, or Moans, language of the, 204. Poetry, sacred, remarks on, 236-239. Political economy; see Chalmers, Marti-
Poor laws, origin and effects of, 57. 343. Population, theories respecting the increase
of examined, 50. 329. et seq. Psalms, book of, Marsh's translation of, 405; remarks on metrical translation of, 406; Sandys's xciid, and cxlviiith, 408; Marsh's version of the cxxx., exxii., and xlvi., 409-412; original version of Psal. xxix., 413; of Psal. lxv., 415.
Quakers, opinions of respecting tythe, 531.
Rail roads, account of, 218. 216; Lon- don and Birmingham, 187. Rajasthan, annals of; see Tod. Rajpoot, origin of, 121. Reformer, the, a tale, 146, et seq. Reform, parliamentary, object and effects of, 269, et seq.
Revelation consistent with reason; see Shuttleworth.
Revelation, truth of demonstrated by an appeal to monuments, gems, &c., 14, et seq.; internal evidence of the New Tes- tament, 15; revelation consistent with the subsequent discoveries of science, 21; modern geologists divided into three classes, 26; researches and deductions of geological philosophers, 27; merits of author's performance, 32.
Rhine, the, scenery of, 446; poverty of the peasantry, 445.
Rights, natural and legal, defined, 285. Rogers's parliamentary reform act, 267, ét seq.
Roscoe's tourist in Italy, 445.
Rutherfoord's maternal sketches, and other poems, 262, et seq.; specimens, 262.
Scripture, illustrations of, 171. 185; in- spiration of, 156,
Scott's continuation of Milner's church history, 512, et seq.; council of Rome, 512; death of Zwingle, 513; reflec- tions on religious wars, ib.; letter from, 515; opinions of, 518; letter from Ecolampadius, 517; rise of the re- formation in Geneva, 519; Calvin's la- bours there, 520; persecution of Ser- vetus, 520, 521.
Scott (Sir Walter) landscape illustrations of the works of, 364. Shuttleworth's consistency of Revelation with reason, 247, et seq.; sketch of the deistical controversy, 249, 250; inter- nal evidences of the truth of Revelation, 251, 2; character of the work, 253-6; mysteries to be expected in Revelation, 256-8; tendency of prophecy, 259– 262.
Siam, interesting position of, 197; va- rious population of, ib.; its importance as a missionary station, 198; labours of Mr. Gutzlaff and Mr. Tomlin at Bang- kok, ib.; Siamese literature, 199; cha- racter of the T,hai or Siamese language, 200; classification of the Indo-Chi- nese dialects, 204; Peguans, or Moans, ib.; Laos nation, 205; cruelty of the Siamese to their prisoners, ib.; in- trigues against the missionaries at Bangkok, 207; general expectation of
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