THE ECLECTIC REVIEW. MDCCCXXXII. JULY- -DECEMBER. THIRD SERIES. VOL. VIII. Φιλοσοφίαν δὲ οὐ τὴν Στωικὴν λέγω, οὐδὲ τὴν Πλατωνικὴν, ἢ τὴν Επι CLEM. ALEX. Strom. L. 1. LONDON: HOLDSWORTH AND BALL, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1832. ADDRESS to the Dissenters of England on the Subject of Tithes 465 ib. Bloomfield's Greek Testament, with English Notes, Critical, Philological, and Burton's Greek Testament, with English Notes Sequel to Remarks upon Church Reform; with Observations upon the Chalmers, Dr., on Political Economy, in Connexion with the Moral State and Fletcher's Discourse on the Miraculous Gifts of the Primitive Churches and Mo- Fourteen Reasons why Dissenters should not submit to have their Marriages cele Fry's Brief Inquiry into the Question, Whether the Clergy of the Church of England can reasonably and conscientiously consent to the Receiving of Tithes 525 Fuller's, Rev. A., Works; with Memoir of his Life, by A. G. Fuller Gahagan's Rhyme Version of the Liturgy Psalms Girdlestone's Letter on Church Reform, addressed to the Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford; with one Remark on the Plan of Lord Henley PAGE Milton's, Viscount, Address to the Land-Owners of England, on the Corn Laws. Minstrelsy of the Woods, The, by the Author of "The Wild Garland” North American Review. No. LXXVI. Art. American Colonization Society. 385 Present State of the Established Church, an Apology for Secession. By a Se- Report of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society 885 Proceedings of the African Education Society ib. Rogers's Parliamentary Reform Act; with Notes, Tables, &c. 267 Rutherfoord's Maternal Sketches 262 Sadler's Sufferings of Factory Children 328 Safe and easy Steps towards an efficient Church Reform: more efficient than that Sherwood's, Mrs., Scripture Prints, with Explanations Shuttleworth's Consistency of the whole Scheme of Revelation with Itself and with Woods's, Dr., Lectures on the Inspiration of the Scriptures Tod's, Col. J., Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Vol. II. Tomlin's Journal of a Nine Months' Residence in Siam Truth of Revelation demonstrated by an Appeal to existing Monuments, Sculp- Valpy's New Testament; with English Notes, Critical, Philological, and Expla- Vaughan's Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty Wood's Angel Visits and other Poems . 14 465 189 322 156 THE ECLECTIC REVIEW, FOR JULY, 1832. Art. I.-1. The Alhambra. By Geoffrey Crayon. In 2 Vols. 8vo. pp. 640. London, 1832. 2. A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. From the MS. of Fray Antonio Agapida. By Washington Irving. In 2 Vols. 8vo. pp. 851. London, 1829. 3. Histoire de la Domination, &c. History of the Domination of the Arabians and the Moors in Spain and Portugal, from their Invasion to their final Expulsion. Edited from the History translated from the Arabic into Spanish by M. Joseph Conde. By M. de Marlès. 3 Vols. 8vo. pp. 1430. Paris, 1825. THERE are no sections of Modern History more interesting than those which relate to the gallant and extensively successful attempts of the Moslem to effect the conquest of Europe. On all the salient points of the European continent, they laid a stern and strenuous grasp; and they hold to this day the ancient empire of Byzantium. They long maintained flourishing colonies in Calabria; and their Spanish dominion threatened at one time to give them power and occasion for the subjugation of France and Italy. Proud was the wreath which encircled the brow of Charles Martel, when he had gained the battle of the civilized world'; and the victory of Tours might well have disarmed the mean malice of the monks whose very existence he saved, and who acquitted themselves of their debt, by anathematizing the memory of the man who rescued them from destruction, but who refused to be their vassal. But there was a remarkable difference between the tribes, or rather the two races, which, under the common law of Islam, thus VOL. VIII.-N.S. B |